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Eowyn Southmoor

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  1. I own just under 50 boats, so I might be qualified to reply It would help if you were more specific with what you're after: Sailing boat or motor boat? Size? Price Range? How many people do you want to take on the boat (if any?) Any other requirements (ie: speed, modifiable, GTFO compatible, adult poses etc)
  2. Pretty sure thats Bay City Aquarium in Oak Bay http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oak Bay/112/197/32
  3. I feel the same way when it comes to other avatars that appear as a cloud. As soon as I type "you're a cloud" they suddenly rez in, almost as if my typing triggers some hidden rendering update
  4. I know the OP has fixed their issue but I just want to mention that on FS (not sure about other viewers), there is a setting in the Build menu in Preferences that limits how far you can drag objects, which includes dragging them via the edit arrows. It's "Limit Drag Distance" - and if it is enabled (can't remember if it is on by default or not) then you wont be able to move any object further than that limit unless you actually type in the co-ordinates directly.
  5. My personal preference would be for more HUDS to employ multiple "screens" that you scroll through. This would mean each screen could be large enough to be easily readable, without needing the HUD to take up half your screen. There's a brand of hair I often wear, and their colour hud takes up the entire right hand side of my screen - for me it would be much better if they just grouped each colour set (blondes, browns, reds etc) on their own, then you scroll through the HUD until you get the section you want.
  6. I've noticed a trend there (and other places in SL too frankly) where more rentals becomes available as the weather in the northern hemisphere become more agreeable. So i'm guessing that maybe some people spend more time in SL during their RL winter where maybe they don't get as much chance to be doing things outdoors.
  7. 2048 textures sound great for creators who do optimize their content and will combine several individual textures onto the one UV map. Unfortunately SL is full of creators who wont do that, so expect to see 2048 belt buckle textures coming soon. Most creators also wont go back and "update" their older products to optimize them for the new 2048 textures either, which means they'll end up just sticking 2048's all over their stuff (or for mod stuff, their customers will do that), or they will leave everything as it is, consigning tons of useful content to the scrap heap because it's suddenly not a fashionable product unless it uses the latest thing
  8. Not sure at what scale you're thinking when you say improving mainland, but the Moles constantly make minor improvements to mainland continents. Over the past 3 years they added quite a few new roads, as well as fixing issues with some others. They've also changed various signs and textures on some mainland areas, including drawing more attention to region corners if a road bisects them. Just pointing this out so people are aware that improvements on mainland are always occurring at some level, it hasn't been abandoned
  9. You'll also find the same cabin in the Sheldon and Backhill regions in the camper theme
  10. At a current shopping event I finally found the first LaraX outfit I want to buy. At this rate, should only be 2 or 3 years before I actually have a useable LaraX wardrobe Maybe some of my 5.3 clothes have been updated, which would be really handy, but so far I haven't come across any simple method of determining that. Are any stores listing or displaying what they are updating?
  11. I own a Teegle. At the time i purchased it (some years ago now), I felt like overall it was better than the Waterhorse. However, since then, the Waterhorse horses have been updated (that or they've released new ones) and after testing them I believe they are now better overall. I should add for clarity, that I like to ride in mouselook view, as this feels more realistic. Originally, both Teegle and Waterhose horses had the same issue where, in mouselook view, they would only move in the direction you were looking. This always annoys me no end. The new Waterhorse horses however, have fixed this issue, which means you can ride the horses in mouselook view, and move in one direction, whilst looking around independently, just like you would in RL if you were sightseeing along a trail etc. This is the main reason why i think Waterhorse is now better, but obviously if you ride in 3rd-person view then this doesn't matter.
  12. Some countries have restrictions on use for credit cards in foreign countries etc, so that sometimes its not possible for a resident in SL to supply PIOF to LL. They aren't trying to hide anything from LL. I know several people in SL who this effects, so the only way they can buy anything in SL is to earn L$ in-world first. Unfortunately because people mistakingly think PIOF is the same thing as Age Verification, these people sometimes find themselves banned from some "public" places, whether it be a club, community place etc EDIT: So to answer your question, your points are probably correct in determining that those are the most likely reasons people use PIOF as a restriction, but it's a shame that in doing so it punishes innocent residents.
  13. Firestorm has the option to use double click for direct teleports via the world map or mini map (not sure what other viewers have that feature) Firestorm also has the option to walk your avi to a location within a region based on double clicking the area of ground you want to walk to. Single long-clicks are also used on some vehicles for various switches, especially ones used for lights, where standard click = left turn signal, long click = right turn signal etc
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