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So, people can break into your house, while you're home, and engage in a sexual act right in front of you? Is this a thing on SL?


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1 hour ago, Sandy Schnook said:

Actually I had this happen to me my first year.  Some guy settled his flying carpet over my house and made off with a lot of my things.  I and the 3 friends who were with me at the time ARed immediately and a couple of Lindens even came to my place to try to get my stuff back.  Fortunately his carpet got stuck not far away.  He was using some kind of hacked script we think.  I was told they had simultaneously tracked him on more then one sim even while he was stuck. They were able to retrieve most of my stuff, but none of my no-copy items.  12 years later I still even remember the persons name.  I know they were banned immediately, and I can't find them now in search.  Thankfully that's gotten harder for idiots to do since then.

I've had some secondhand reports of stuff like this.  Also reports of where someone was able to enter a region where they were banned, and take objects, and do other nasty things.  These reports were a lot newer than 12 years ago, so it is possible that whatever loophole(s) allowed it are still open.  Fortunately, whatever methods they were using must be pretty special...such events seem to be VERY rare.

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7 minutes ago, Skell Dagger said:

Scenario 2: a teleport that's landed you, flailing, halfway inside a store wall. No way out, except teleporting somewhere else and finagling the teleport point on the map view to land you outside instead before you go back... until you spot a chair by the wall. Right-click-sit and you're out of the wall, can get up, and carry on shopping.


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8 minutes ago, animats said:


OPTION A: You don't understand why, because you don't use it or want it, anyone else would use it or want it.

OPTION B: I don't understand why, because I do use it and want it, anyone else would not use or want it.


In other words: quit with the Who Moved My Cheese? crap. I'm out. I have better things to do than be pointed and laughed at as some kind of SL Luddite.

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When sailing sometimes bad things happen at region crossing. You are unsit from the boat and you find yourself at the bottom of the sea. In worst case you cannot even move. The boat continues on its way alone. But the camera works. If the boat doesn't move too fast you can still catch it with your camera. Click and sit back on the boat. Happy sailing continues. This has happened to me multiple times.

Other alternative would be that SL rescue team would come and find you, take you to the hospital for checkup. After few hours you are allowed to go home. Then you can go and search for your boat. The boat might be already far, far away from the place where the thing happened. It might be bumping against somebody's private parcel. You might not even remember where exactly the incident happened and just cannot find the boat. The parcel owner returns it at some stage. This scenario would be far too realistic and a PITA for me in SL. I prefer the convenient 'cam to boat and sit back on it' method.

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3 hours ago, animats said:

The walk will do you good. It makes the space of the world real.

I have double click to teleport turned off, and think it was a terrible feature.

I don't have single click to walk to a point turned on, I think THAT is lazy.

But really, If I walked across the sim a dozen times, I don't think I'll miss anything exciting if I just cam in and sit.


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2 hours ago, animats said:

As a parcel/region option, it would be useful. Many regions don't allow skyboxes.

In my long history of renting, I never saw a region that didn't allow skyboxes. Many don't allow skyboxes UNDER a certain height, but above that usually anything goes.

And if i chanced upon one that didn't I'd go rent someplace else :)

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3 hours ago, animats said:

The walk will do you good. It makes the space of the world real.

I have double click to teleport turned off, and think it was a terrible feature.

I've found, almost universally, that when fly is disabled, the sim/parcel is so poorly designed that I have to immediately override it. 

A well designed location keeps me on the ground and engaged regardless of the settings. That's the correct way to do it.

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46 minutes ago, Gadget Portal said:

I've found, almost universally, that when fly is disabled, the sim/parcel is so poorly designed that I have to immediately override it. 

A well designed location keeps me on the ground and engaged regardless of the settings. That's the correct way to do it.

Unless a sim is for role playing, I don't see any real reason for No Fly to be turned on - other than the sim owner just plain wanting it on.

I did have one creator tell me that they set the No Fly so that people couldn't fly to their work area, peak at their stuff, and steal their ideas.  I laughed, though only to myself, and then simply went on my way.

For really huge stores, No Fly combined with TP routing, just frustrates me and makes me find other places to shop.

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5 hours ago, animats said:

To use a skybox, you'll have to set up a landmark so you can teleport in. That's part of setup, not ordinary use. Not something that's done often.

pfft.  First of all, without cam-in-and-sit, how do you get in to create the landmark in the first place?  Second, double-click-to-local teleport is a HUGE timesaver.  And third, if we went by your rules, we'd be back to the days of Telehubs, and we wouldn't be able to fly either.  Everyone would walk everywhere.  Everyone's ^ and W keys would be worn out from constant use.  Orthopedic surgeons would be writing up so many cases of "arrow key index finger" stress injury that the Surgeon General would declare an epidemic.

You do what you want.  I'll keep right on double click teleporting all over the place...and I'll be in Scotland afore ye!

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6 hours ago, animats said:

Is there any good reason that sitting is allowed while the camera is not at the avatar location? What's the use case to justify that?

Because in SL all sorts of things are possible that might seem impractical, but that is part of the joy of SL



6 hours ago, animats said:

The walk will do you good. It makes the space of the world real.

I have double click to teleport turned off, and think it was a terrible feature.

To each their own.  One of the wonderful things about SL is that there are so many opinions on what is good and bad and thus we can usually always find something here to our liking.


If I wanted RL rules, I'd stay in RL


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12 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

This is why, like Qie, I leave my house and land open to visitors.  I don't care if they bounce on my mattress when I'm not there.  If I AM there, then two things can happen.  1) They might apologize politely for trespassing, and we could have a pleasant chat.  I might even get a new friend out of it.  Or, 2) they might yell at me to "get out, this is my house!"  In which case, I can have lots of fun ejecting them and taunting them.

Thats what defines SL for me. An open world, where not everything is locked...
And if things really go wrong, theres always the option to blacklist someone.

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Don't like the ability to cam-sit? Don't use it, just as some do with the double-click teleport.

No one has come up with a valid enough reason for Linden Lab to remove said capability - a capability that predates my own first day using Second Life.

Can't wrap your mind around why such a function still exists? Too bad.

As far as potentially unwanted visitors go?

I have two different places I use as "Home" in Second Life:

  1. A Linden Home I use as a more personal "retreat" that is - more often than not - access restricted using the land tools.
  2. A 4096 parcel on a Private Island, rented from one of the larger "Barons" and somewhat stratified.

The second "Home" has a public access area on the ground as well as another floating elsewhere in the sky- reached via a Teleporter. All other areas utilize a Security Scripted object, set to allow members of a specific Group as well as utilizing a White List (meaning that if you're not in the Group but you are in the White List, you have access) - the only drawback to the way the script functions is that it expects Group members to show up already wearing their Group Tags. Oh and to be "nice" the timer on the script is set to fifteen seconds. Removal option? Teleport Home. These areas always have their Sec Scripts running.

This setup would not be any different even if it were on Mainland.

Many may not have any issue whatsoever with having a fully public home in Second Life but there are also those of us who are a bit more pragmatic ... I am the one paying for the Premium account (for the Retreat) and I am the one paying for the 4096 parcel. I decide who has access and what they have access to.

I also have very little patience for dealing with people who think simply having a Second Life account gives them the "right" to go wherever they please and do whatever they please - for any reason. Want a place to go have a bit of "fun" in Second Life? Understandable. Accept that some places are off limits. Think you can simply wander/explore wherever you please? Think again.

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15 hours ago, animats said:

Is there any good reason that sitting is allowed while the camera is not at the avatar location? What's the use case to justify that?

- being locked out of your house.

- when you’re stuck due to lag.

- when you’re in a hurry to reach a camping chair.

- when it’s not actually a “sit”, but a “sit here to teleport” on a busy region.

- when you’re racing a friend to sit down first. 

- when you need to sit to escape a griefer, but the closest place to sit is not close enough.

- when you need to jump into your vehicle for a quick getaway.

- when your racing your friend for “driver” vs. “shotgun” seat in a vehicle.

- when you want to join a game of “musical chairs” in progress.

- when you see your friend alone on a dancing poseball and want to surprise them.

- when you are “cam shopping” on a busy sim and want to get close without slow-walking through the lag.

Have you no imagination?

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You guys forgot the really obvious one.

17 hours ago, animats said:

Is there any good reason that sitting is allowed while the camera is not at the avatar location? What's the use case to justify that?

Because doing anything else would create a boatload of extra work for a studio with limited resources. All for a couple of people with a stick up their rear end about "muh realism" while refusing to just voluntarily not sit-TP if it bothers them that much. "Grug click on chair, Grug sit on chair" is simple, reliable and effective. Anything else would take time and cause problems for a whole raft of people, for no real gain. 

In the immortal words of Dr Evil,


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On 11/20/2018 at 3:28 AM, animats said:

Perhaps setting a parcel to "no flying" should mean "real world mode". Can't fly, can't double-click TP, can't cam and sit. Just like RL. And most games. Game regions would probably select that mode.

I thought Experiences filled the need for sims that wanted more control over the interaction?

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On 11/19/2018 at 12:35 PM, MishaC25 said:

So, people can break into your house, while you're home, and engage in a sexual act right in front of you? Is this a thing on SL?

It's even worse than that. The laws of physics in general are a total mess in SL. And all objects are hollow!!!

Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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1 hour ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

It's even worse than that. The laws of physics in general are a total mess in SL. And all objects are hollow!!!

and tunneling works fare more often than quantum mechanics tell us, at the given speed and size an SL avatar should never ever tunnel through a wall but they do quite often.

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On 11/19/2018 at 8:04 PM, Donna Underall said:

People coming in and using my bed was a thing a while ago, and always feels creepy to me.  I'm not sure how they found it but they did.  Some would not even leave if I walked in on them.  But as so many have already said, get a security orb.  

I remember someone mentioned in another thread that he/she made the most out of this thing happening by holding up signs with number ratings, like its common in certain sports and give commentary to the guys performance. 🤣

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On November 19, 2018 at 11:04 AM, Love Zhaoying said:

How about those plastic couch covers that grandparents never, ever removed? And plastic rug runners.

Those things are such a buzzkill.

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On a slightly related note, from time to time when I am taking pictures, some guy will ask me if he can come watch. I tell he can if he stays out of the picture, he promises he will, but instead he stands right in the way. Rather than bother asking him to move, I just derender him, he goes on doing what he wants, I can't see him, that seems like it would work in this situation as well.

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