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Unfair ban from a region

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1 hour ago, Phorumities said:

I never get pissed off when u send me one. 


Well I do get the occasional empassioned response, "Do not ever send me things" Since I only send things to people on my friends list it is pretty easy to make sure it doesn't happen again.

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1 hour ago, Phorumities said:

Reading that, it seems that before I can im you, I need to get your permission to im you, but, I'd have to im you in the first place to get permission.

So instead of just iming you and saying "hey come check out this great new offer", I'd have to im you and say, "hey is it ok if I im you about coming to come check out a great new offer?".

Either way they are getting an unsolicited im, and either way, the result is the same.

I believe there is an option in preferences.... only accept ims from friends.

All the people that totally break down over an unsolicited im should perhaps consider checking that box.



You just don't IM them at all about it..

They give their consent when they join your group or subscribe or join whatever needs joining.. You don't go and get permission from them to advertise to them..They give it and then you can spam the hell out of them in your domain..

You get their attention through advertising in a market that appeals to them..

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AngelStar42 you are smart. You pay 3 weeks of rent in a place you can get away with SPAM, You know that it is SPAM as you actually target people, but you do not spam the SIM owners (as the incident was triggered by a alt, as you say. How are you sure it is an alt, makes me believe that you know what are doing and are not a poor newbie, then you come to a forum to get support. I am sure that you did more then IM a few people, in order to get the owner anger. Regardless of the idea that owners will ban you just because is actually not valid anymore, basically because you need to pay the tiers, and currently banning someone that paid 3 weeks of rent, means that now there is an empty lot and it can take sometime to get any revenue out of it. So I do not believe your story your innocence and your newbiness. I also do not believe that you were banned just like that without warning or just because you IM once someone. I am pretty sure some of your neighbors have also complained about your acts to the owner and I regret to inform that ALL Estates have now a no refund policy which you have agreed either by accepting the covenant or the NC which is sent when renting. Take care and find a new way to promote your events.

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If I am an estate owner, a landlord, and you, a tenant, are IM-ing my tenants-my livelihood, with your craptastic contest...I'm quite likely going to get complaints about it. Then I have to not only deal with the complaints and assuring them I will do my best to make sure you don't do it again, but then also deal with you-someone pretending to be ignorant about the dos and don'ts of spam. THEN I also have to deal with your friends coming to me on your behalf because I'm likely rather fed up with getting complaints about you and your spamming and don't really want to speak with you at the moment.....You're going to ruffle my feathers, and whether or not I CHOOSE to refund that money is going to be affected. (*I* probably still would, maybe, but to be honest, I can't blame an estate owner that doesn't want to..whether or not *you* think it's fair...what *you* did was unfair to the estate owner too!)

Sending friends in to plead on your behalf after already being told what you did was wrong with a ban, was a stupid move. Well, really, all of your steps were stupid moves, but that one, coupled with the likely complaints other tenants sent in, is probably what lead you to not getting a refund. 

Playing ignorant solves nothing. Own up to your ***** when you do something, apologize, and never do it again. Let the chips fall where they may, don't make things worse. Then just hope folks are willing to offer some level of forgiveness-but know they are not obligated to do so. I can assure you that even using other groups' memberlists to get your solicitation lists is going to get you not only banned from groups, but also sims, clubs, stores, contests, etc... Some estate owners talk too, so it may well get you banned from renting certain places as well. Playing the "I didn't know" card,  is just going to piss people off more.  This isn't your first rodeo ;) 

This isn't a matter of possible cultural differences here, lol. It's a mater of you choosing to annoy the hell out of a lot of people and getting backlash for it.  Maybe don't do that in the future :) 

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20 hours ago, AngelStar42 said:

My idea of communication is word of mouth, we all have our dj and host friends who tp us or have conferences about their gigs. 
Do we ban them? I don't think so, or else how are people going to know about that club or about that dj or in my case .. about that contest.

I do not have any friends that pull me into conferences to spam their club or gig, nor do I have any friends that would send me random TP request to their club or gig.  I have a few friend performers that I have specifically told that I do want to be notified of their gigs and thus I will get random Landmarks dropped on me at times. Otherwise, all notice of friends' events comes via the group notices that I've already agreed to get.  

If any of my friends started sending random TP requests or pulling me into conferences to spam their ads, they would be dropped from my Friends list as fast as I could do so.


15 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

The part I bolded... what words are you looking for in groups that have "mentioned" you "can't message them"?

Did somebody tell you that it's okay to send messages to members of groups that don't have those words? How did you get that impression?

^^ This.  What the heck ever led you to believe that it was okay as long as a group charter did not specifically say it wasn't okay?


2 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

Sending friends in to plead on your behalf after already being told what you did was wrong with a ban, was a stupid move. Well, really, all of your steps were stupid moves, but that one, coupled with the likely complaints other tenants sent in, is probably what lead you to not getting a refund.

Playing ignorant solves nothing. Own up to your ***** when you do something, apologize, and never do it again. Let the chips fall where they may, don't make things worse. .....................Playing the "I didn't know" card,  is just going to piss people off more.  This isn't your first rodeo ;) 

This isn't a matter of possible cultural differences here, lol. It's a mater of you choosing to annoy the hell out of a lot of people and getting backlash for it.  Maybe don't do that in the future :) 

^^ This too !!

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This thread is epic.

This sounds like a classic case of doing something you shouldn't, suffering consequences for it, and learning not to do it again. 

There was a time that this sort of thing was considered a positive learning experience.

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it depends on the tenancy agreement, if the landlord provides you with one

in my home sim tenancy agreement is 2 things that when taken together could result in the situation you ended up in

1) No commerce allowed on residential parcels
2) No refunds

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On 7/12/2018 at 9:09 PM, AngelStar42 said:

Hey everyone, please read this and let me know... This is about private region owned in SL and I want your opinions :)
And possibly help if you feel I haven't done anything wrong or I haven't done that big of a violation to be treated like that.

I work as a manager in the power couple contest and as a way to get more people and spread the word, I am promoting this contest. Many of you might have got a message from me about it. I am fairly new to SL so I don't have much friends or contacts...
Similarly inworld , I look for groups that have their member list and have not mentioned I can't message them and send then ONE SINGLE message - a brief about the contest and if they are interested. 
Nothing after that if they don't reply. No follow up, no asking , no nagging. 
Like many of you must have seen. 
Yesterday I messaged some people from my rental and one happened to be the owner's alt. 
And without any warning, any intimation she banned me from the sim. I apologised to her since I thought maybe she was not okay with the idea, I explained to her that I was unaware of such a policy and even told her I have paid for 3 weeks rent with my hard earned money and please give me one last chance and consider.

She never replied , nor did the support there. And MY friends who got the same rental yesterday requested to her too and they were banned as well.
So I want to ask if what I did was such a huge thing that warrants a ban ? 
My idea of communication is word of mouth, we all have our dj and host friends who tp us or have conferences about their gigs. 
Do we ban them? I don't think so, or else how are people going to know about that club or about that dj or in my case .. about that contest.
Please leave your opinions as comments :) have a nice day

if u were spam messgin people and u got baned ya were were doing evil i myself report all spammers an ppl that invite me to groups an all that dumb suff its annoying and evil so evil it should be reported

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Please ask yourself a question before replying to a post:

Does my reply have anything to do with the OP in this thread?  If the answer is no, then do not reply.  :)

I have tried to use that same question when looking at the posts in this thread.  If I found that the answer was no, then the post was removed. 


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You shouldn't have spammed people in the first place. Promote your contest at the right places and definitely do not get your friends involved when something bad happens. You shouldn't be allowed a refund because it was your fault you got banned.

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9 hours ago, Dakota Linden said:


Please ask yourself a question before replying to a post:

Does my reply have anything to do with the OP in this thread?  If the answer is no, then do not reply.  :)

I have tried to use that same question when looking at the posts in this thread.  If I found that the answer was no, then the post was removed. 



Apart from anything else, the post does not "have anything to do with the OP in this thread" so, by the same criteria, it should be removed, as should this one, of course, since it also has nothing to do with the OP in this thread.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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1 hour ago, Phil Deakins said:

...post does not "have anything to do with the OP in this thread"...

OP was removed for arguing with those in power, AKA the officers of the region... although in my picks I call those officious sim officers another name.

In a similar light our esteemed overlord asks similar of us.

Normally if an officer of the land/sim... whatever (goes for Gods of the world also) asks for your assistance in upholding the rules you doff your hat and with a gracious bow from the neck say "Yes ma'am, I will detach my L$1 huggsie boy-bits and follow the sim rules." (until they look the other way) but we don't poke them. Poking hornet's nests gits ye stung.


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@Callum Meriman

lol. Not yet, but some people are still asleep, so give it time. If I go missing, you'll know why O.o

What I found ridiculous about it is:- It's normal in this forum for threads to go off-topic after the topic has been dealt with, and it has been since the very first forum. It's precisely how the most interesting conversations come about. And, of course, many threads do go off-topic but remain unmodded, so it's ridiculous (that's the nicest word I have for it) when it happens to one thread out of the blue, and out of the many. This is the 'General Discussion' forum after all, and not a forum for a specific topic, and the thread isn't a question in Questions & Answers (if that still exists).

Trying to change the age-old nature of the forum, so that everything must remain on-topic, should either be done religously (in which case I'd be one of those who stopped using it, due to it being ruled with a rod of iron), or not done at all - prerferably the latter. But doing it once in a while is ridiculous. Dealing with flames/insults, rows, bad language, that sort of thing, is all that's needed in a General Discussion forum.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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9 minutes ago, Phil Deakins said:

@Callum Meriman

lol. Not yet, but some people are still asleep, so give it time. If I go missing for a while, you'll know why :D

What I found ridiculous about it is:- It's normal in this forum for threads to go off-topic after the topic has been dealt with, and it has been since the very first forum. It's precisely how the most interesting conversations come about. And, of course, many threads do go off-topic but remain unmodded, so it's ridiculous (that's the nicest word I have for it) when it happens to one thread out of the blue, and out of the many. This is the 'General Discussion' forum after all, and not a forum for a specific topic, and the thread isn't a question in Questions & Answers (if that still exists).

Trying to change the age-old nature of the forum, so that everything must remain on-topic, should either be done religously (in which case I'd be one of those who stopped using it, due to it being ruled with a rod of iron), or not done at all - prerferably the latter. But doing it once in a while is ridiculous. Dealing with flames/insults, rows, bad language, that sort of thing, is all that's needed in a General Discussion forum.

Let's be honest though. There's a difference between off topic, and off topic.

Especially if it's politics.

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Oh, now I remember this thread. I'm thinking somebody must have complained about something they found more offensive than just that the topic had drifted. On the other hand, I notice some pretty innocuous (and, frankly, boring) posts of my own were removed; they were at least abstractly germane to the OP's general topic, though, so... dunno.

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1 hour ago, Pamela Galli said:

Yes, the Off Topic prohibition seems to be new, or at least newly enforced.

yes but also very random, but think that's a bit the soul of the forums, lot depends on who enforces it.

not to question moderation, but as closeby exmample, past week i got a day ban for using a bit strong word for "messed up".. while somebody in another topic could simply yell  s***w the Lindens.. without any action..

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5 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

yes but also very random, but think that's a bit the soul of the forums, lot depends on who enforces it.

not to question moderation, but as closeby exmample, past week i got a day ban for using a bit strong word for "messed up".. while somebody in another topic could simply yell  s***w the Lindens.. without any action..

Profanity has always been an easier to rule to get enforced .. 

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30 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

lot depends on who enforces it.

I agree with that, except I'd say that a lot depends on who looks at it. A pattern is discernable.


1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

I'm thinking somebody must have complained about something they found more offensive than just that the topic had drifted

My guess is very similar. I'm guessing that generally stuff of this nature comes about because someone complains ("look what they've done to the thread, ma") and, when nobody complains, it doesn't happen, even though it's the same thing.

1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

On the other hand, I notice some pretty innocuous (and, frankly, boring) posts of my own were removed; they were at least abstractly germane to the OP's general topic, though, so... dunno.

That's in keeping with what's been happening in recent times. E.g. someone complains that there's a difference of opinion going on and on and on - no flaming, insulting, profanity, or anything like that, but boring for everyone else. So a complaint goes in and action! Instead of suggesting the sensible thing - not to read it if it's boring - action! In your case, babies and bathwater spring to mind - good stuff down the plughole. I know for certain that nothing you ever write could possibly be construed as breaking any rules, although it's possible that you'd quoted from posts that had been removed, and your posts were flushed along with them, or they didn't make sense.

Things just don't make any sense sometimes.

All of this is off-topic, of course, so these posts will disappear with the rest. At least a few of us have had a brief opportunity to post about it :)

Edited by Phil Deakins
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I've just had a scan through the thread and it looks like the posts that have gone are those that discussed theft and fraud, and those that were part of that bit. There may be others, but I do remember those. So some of my posts have gone too lol. It's a pity because it's exactly what threads in General Discussion (and previously RA) do and always have done to often make discussions in the forum so generally interesting. Just out of interest, that part of the thread was entirely about the OP's topic as written in the original post.

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Yes, it's very irritating when rules are arbitrarily applied...I've seen many threads go wildly off-topic and no action was taken, so the fact that it was in this case is confusing.
Perhaps I'm expecting more moderation than the moderators have time for? Or was it the fact that the a couple people started making fun of our Libertarian that caused the moderator to nix it? They were making fun of his references, saying they came from a joke site.
Basically, the thread had derailed into differences between the left and right, and those can turn nasty on a dime, so that has to be considered as well.
Whatever, I was interested in learning more about the NHS. I've read a bit, but I like to hear the experiences of the people who actually live there. And I was really really trying to be patient with our Libertarian and understand his viewpoint, which is not easy for me as I consider those policies to be abusive toward the poor.
Maybe I'll start a specific topic to continue discussion.

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On 13/07/2018 at 3:09 AM, AngelStar42 said:

I work as a manager in the power couple contest and as a way to get more people and spread the word, I am promoting this contest. Many of you might have got a message from me about it. I am fairly new to SL so I don't have much friends or contacts...
Similarly inworld , I look for groups that have their member list and have not mentioned I can't message them and send then ONE SINGLE message - a brief about the contest and if they are interested. 
Nothing after that if they don't reply. No follow up, no asking , no nagging. 
Like many of you must have seen

If you think "many of us" have seen your message, you must be sending a heck of a lot of them. That's spam.

Any unsolicited commercial message is spam. If they didn't say "Hey, please send me info about your contest", and you sent it anyway, that's spam.

Your messages have commercial motivation, that's spam.

You are sending your messages to people you don't know, that's spam.

It doesn't matter that you are sending only one message per recipient. It's still spam.

You are trawling group members lists to find people to send your messages to.

You are a spammer. 

Yes, I think you thoroughly deserved to be banned and blocked and to lose your three weeks of rental. Had I been your landlord I would have done exactly the same, and I would have AR'd you as well. Consider the lost rent as a fine.


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