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Most discriminated against group of avatars

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13 hours ago, Fionalein said:

Takes a few to ruin the lives of many....

Some furries believe it is their (INSERT HIGHER ENTITY OF CHOICE)-given right and obligation to spread adult stuff around all SL and annoy everyone with it. And while the same idiots exist among other groups too it is the furries that get all the hate =^.^=

Thus far, every furry griefer I have encountered was not an actual furry - but a general griefer that put on a furry avatar when 'going to town' but didn't otherwise exist within the furry community. One easy tell on this angle is they're nearly always on free furry avatars, Since they're not actual furries, they have no interest in getting an avatar that can be highly customized or even costs more than 0L...

In essence, they tend to view the very act of being a furry as a part of the griefing itself...

Sort of like seeing a Colonizer in blackface, or the SL version: the 'gangsta avatar' - they think looking 'black' by itself is enough to terrify people or otherwise show absurdity...

So called furry griefers are not furries... they are griefers that have so much disrespect for furries that they think the mere sight of a furry is by itself a part of the 'act' of "messing things up".


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I don't hate furries, I just have no idea what it is exactly that they represent.

Therefore when I see a furry venue, I just think, no I'm not going there. Isn't it a thing of Japanese origin? 

 I still have the original system white tiger skin, (useless for mesh), but I've never worn a tail.

Idk whats going on with furries. O.o



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Ren Toxx comes the closest to a cookie (availability subject to Marketplace seller greed...) for articulating the bare truth..!

Yes, you could have asked me: since 2010, I've been telling you straight - newcomers are THE most discriminated against group. Like the other n-word, NOOB speaks volumes in the sheer hatred of the tone in which it's delivered on SL...

(Perhaps you recall how my proposal for 'welfare for noobs' was attacked in a forum pile-on so cantankerous that even Rod Linden had to get involved and delete the thread..? Mustn't upset the 'creator' applecart...)

After all, what can go wrong? Isolate newcomers in sandboxes / underpay them (thus breaking US and European labour laws) for two-hour shifts as DJs, hostesses, bum-cleaners (oh, I thought SL wasn't 'only a game?' - YE HYPOCRITES) / mock and belittle them / attack them with your sick 'ban lines'...and then wonder how griefers are born?

Yes, the griefers at your door are of YOUR making. They are your children. And the endless discrimination goes on...just check out the sickening "disincentives for free accounts" thread...








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1 hour ago, clivesteel said:


Ren Toxx comes the closest to a cookie (availability subject to Marketplace seller greed...) for articulating the bare truth..!

Yes, you could have asked me: since 2010, I've been telling you straight - newcomers are THE most discriminated against group. Like the other n-word, NOOB speaks volumes in the sheer hatred of the tone in which it's delivered on SL...

(Perhaps you recall how my proposal for 'welfare for noobs' was attacked in a forum pile-on so cantankerous that even Rod Linden had to get involved and delete the thread..? Mustn't upset the 'creator' applecart...)

After all, what can go wrong? Isolate newcomers in sandboxes / underpay them (thus breaking US and European labour laws) for two-hour shifts as DJs, hostesses, bum-cleaners (oh, I thought SL wasn't 'only a game?' - YE HYPOCRITES) / mock and belittle them / attack them with your sick 'ban lines'...and then wonder how griefers are born?

Yes, the griefers at your door are of YOUR making. They are your children. And the endless discrimination goes on...just check out the sickening "disincentives for free accounts" thread...



That is because there is a difference between noob and newbie.

Newbie = Person new to something.

Noob = Rude/Idiotic/Ignorant person who is not new but acts like it in an obnoxious way.

Can't believe that there's still people out there who don't know this distinct difference. Reminds me of the merchants selling 'free' items yet charge at least 1L$ for them for whatever misguided reason. People need to actually understand the words they type or simply not use them. If only the world was perfect ¬¬


Newbies in general are not discriminated against as long as they're polite. The vast majority is even willing to help teach them the ropes. Noobs on the other hand deserve jack.

Edited by Syn Anatine
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Furry hate in SL seems to be proportionate to the furry hate on the rest of the internet. Nowadays, about the only places where the furry hate seems to be prevalent are places where people feel a need to have some group to look down thier noses at in order to make themselves feel good (such as sites whose name begins in a number and ends with 'chan'.)

Nowadays I start to feel that female system avatars are the pariah these days, since in order to even wear clothes at all, it feels like you need a mesh body.

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11 hours ago, Maryanne Solo said:

I don't hate furries, I just have no idea what it is exactly that they represent.

Don't know that we really represent much of anything. We do enjoy Bugs Bunny type characters though.

11 hours ago, Maryanne Solo said:

Isn't it a thing of Japanese origin? 


11 hours ago, Maryanne Solo said:

 I still have the original system white tiger skin, (useless for mesh), but I've never worn a tail.

Idk whats going on with furries. O.o

We're having a great time!!! :-) I don't  want to turn this into a thread about furries, but give this a listen to have furries explained in a friendly groovy way: 



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The latest folks to be discriminated against in SL are Flyers.  I am now getting booted from many sims because I'm in fly mode when I TP in and I don't land fast enough.  Hell, last night I got booted 20 seconds after the TP and the message said that I was banned for 600 minutes - i.e. 10 hours, for not landing fast enough. 


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38 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

The latest folks to be discriminated against in SL are Flyers.  I am now getting booted from many sims because I'm in fly mode when I TP in and I don't land fast enough.  Hell, last night I got booted 20 seconds after the TP and the message said that I was banned for 600 minutes - i.e. 10 hours, for not landing fast enough. 


Why the heck don’t they disable Flying?

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18 hours ago, cykarushb said:

I think you guys just hang around toxic people, again, i very rarely see anyone discriminate against others based on what kind of avatar they have or if theyre new or what social circles theyre in or anything.

Shoot. Are you saying that I have been using SL wrong all this time? Over the years I have been bonding with people that hate the same things that I do! And finding our common enemies. Like the Lindens. Well now don't I feel awkward. I thought I had legitimate friendships formed! Might have to start all over now.  My bad. :D

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Why the heck don’t they disable Flying?

They can flag it as a no-fly zone, which will keep most people from flying.  However, if you come in already in fly mode, then it doesn't drop you to the ground - it simply keeps you from enabling fly mode when you are not in fly mode.  So, for the most part, once I landed then I wouldn't be able to fly again (except that doesn't really work either because Firestorm has a fly-override setting that I always have turned on).  In any case, if it is not a RP setting, IMO a no-fly setting is stupid -- I see no purpose for it.  In most cases, I comply, but they should at least give me a good 30-60 seconds to fly away from the central landing point and come down to the land.

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My experiences with SL furries have been mostly positive.

The only negatives have been within the Roleplay community when someone rather militantly insists on inserting a Furry character into a historical-based, non-scifi setting.

Hey, even Furry-wrestling is cool......


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On 4/2/2018 at 1:00 PM, Female Winslet said:

Furry hate is pretty legendary in SL and I've always assumed that furries were probably the most hated and discriminated against group in SL. But recently I have wondered if that is true. Thoughts on who it might be and why?

One thing I will never understand is the hate based on avatar type in SL. Every avatar is a personal expression of the person behind the screen. But at the same time, it's only an avatar and we are all people behind the screen.

What do you consider discrimination? Is it for example, a sign at a club that says "no furries". Does that offend you?

What experiences have you had that have made you feel discriminated? Will some people judge you? I am certain of that, but it doesn't matter what people think of you, it just matters what the right people think of you. Lead the life you want to live and let the haters do what they do. Immaturity, insecurity, and stupidity have no boundaries. Karma is a b@#! and someday it just might come back to haunt them. I am a firm believer of that.

Its easy to be the one cracking the whip, but surely not easy to be on the receiving end of it. That is what is often forgotten. Hope your experiences are better this time around. :x

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1 hour ago, Chase01 said:

What do you consider discrimination? Is it for example, a sign at a club that says "no furries". Does that offend you?

If it is this one... then it the same point and solution as the very heated "Why are Kid avatars [allowed|not allowed]" threads.

Which makes me think the most discrimination - more than Kids, more than Furrys - likely gets piled on the babyfurs.

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1 hour ago, Callum Meriman said:

If it is this one... then it the same point and solution as the very heated "Why are Kid avatars [allowed|not allowed]" threads.

Which makes me think the most discrimination - more than Kids, more than Furrys - likely gets piled on the babyfurs.

Maybe its just me, but I don't consider a sign that says "human avatars only" as discrimination. I guess technically it could be, but at the same time I can understand the position of a club/venue owner. We could debate whether that policy is, or isn't appropriate, but I'd like to think that the decision is in most cases based upon creating an atmosphere around a specific theme, and not necessarily out of hatred towards one group.

Our needs of inclusion as a society, at least here in the US, has reached reached a level of ridiculousness I never thought possible.


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3 hours ago, Chase01 said:

Maybe its just me, but I don't consider a sign that says "human avatars only" as discrimination

It's a matter of what one considers to be discrimination. Discrimination is absolutely fine - nothing wrong with it at all. It's discriminating on race, gender, and such where it gets bad, but, even then, it's not absolute. For instance, a toilet with a "Ladies" sign on the door, discriminates on gender, and it's absolutely right to do so. Another example is children in sex venues. They are not allowed. It's discrimination, and there's nothing wrong with it.

I agree with you, that a sign saying 'human avatars only' is not discriminatory in a bad way. It is discriminatory but not in a bad way. If it said 'whites only' then it would be bad discrimination, but non-human avatars are not a human gender or color, and cannot be discriminated against on gender, colour, race, religion, or any other such thing. Dogs aren't allowed in many RL places, and it's fine. Pets aren't allowed in many RL places, and that's also fine. If someone wants to be an animal in SL, they can't object if places discriminate against them on account of their furriness. It's not bad discrimination, and it's fine.

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1 hour ago, Phil Deakins said:

non-human avatars are not a human gender or color, and cannot be discriminated against on gender, colour, race, religion, or any other such thing.

Human avatars are also not human and can't be discriminated against. But the Forums have had this discussion before.

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3 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

Alright then :)

Human and non-human avatars are representations of humans and non-humans. And, as you pointed out, representations are not something that it is considered bad to discriminate against in a legal sense.

I had a couple of reactions when I read this. The first was to wonder which non-humans are participating in Second Life. I was under the impression that everyone in second life was a human behind the screen rather than a non-human. This everyone's avatar is a representation in Second Life created by the person behind the screen. Few of those representations are remotely realistic.

I never have seen much difference between representing oneself with a supermodel avatar vs a bunny rabbit avatar. All avatars are very personal things. Quite a few people feel comfortable with one avatar or not another. For example, I recently had a person who is a woman in real life tell me how she tried a male avatar and ended up crying rl tears while looking at her own avatar. It ended up that she just couldn't do it and had to switch back. She never did it again. Much the same happens with human and non-human avatars (I know that one from experience). And I would guess it happens with child/adult avatars too. So that means simply changing avatars is not as simple as changing clothes. It also means discrimination based on avatar type hits the person behind the screen. Which probably is why the topic of avatar type discrimination keeps coming up. It really does sting the person behind the screen. And most people don't like being stung and wish that other people would quit it.

The second reaction I had was to wonder what being legal has to do with the subject at hand. There are lots of perfectly legal things that are wrong and people shouldn't do them. Sure it's legal to post a "human avatars only" sign. That doesn't mean it's right. Nor does it address the topic at hand, which is which avatar type faces the most discrimination. 

There aren't a lot of places that keep out adult human avatars. They exist. But they are not at all common. I would imagine it's safe to say that adult human avatars are probably the avatar group facing the least discrimination in SL. Probably by a large margin.

14 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

The latest folks to be discriminated against in SL are Flyers. 

As far as I know, flyers are not an avatar type. :-)

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