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Are you attracted to avi’s who look a certain way.

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I was wondering because I can how do you feel about the way people present themselves in SL. I have an all mesh avi, head, body and a ton of clothes. My b/f is not interested in all that. I think the person behind the avi is the most important thing. To me he is funny, intelligent and holds my interest. His take on life is what matters and who he is. Appearance is not everything sure it’s nice but look beyond it’s so much better.

wish all on forums a great happy day.



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Joking aside, I want someone who looks like they care about how they look.  That said I am fortunate enough that when I look around to find the hawest girl in the club, she is invariably the on dancing with me.

She can be cute.  She can be stunning.  She can be emo.  She can be avant garde. She can be chilling.  She is always beautiful. 


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Honestly, it never much mattered to me, and still doesn't. But, that is most likely because I already have the person behind the av I find most attractive....so, I can't say I've ever even really looked at another, well, not from the "I'm attracted to" perspective anyway.

I find avs fascinating, though. The way people choose to express what they perceive to be good looking, attractive, interesting, whatever, to THEM, is, often, expressed in how they put themselves together(lacking better terminology here, my bad). So, from that sense, I do like to look at other avs, but, I can honestly say it's more from a point of being intrigued than attracted. Make sense? (probably not, lol). I know some folks may say 'I'm not attracted to anyone but my partner/bf/gf/wife/husband/current love interest/etc.." and may not actually mean it. I'm not really one of those folks though, I actually mean it, lol. Those thoughts don't even really cross my mind, whether that's a conscious choice or not, I have no idea, but they don't. 

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2 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I prefer an avi that appears to care how they look.  Specifically for guys, I hate most of the standard looks.  I prefer something unique, someone that doesn't look like half the other guys in SL - usually an older more distinguished look.

all this, but not always older and distinguished, anything unique is fine, I also prefer a guy who has a skin tone that is darker than mine.

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All you ladies look awesome but also you are all very articulate....for me that’s the most attractive thing. Love seeing males who look like they take care of themselves and without naming anyone some who post on here are just stunning. 

I have been partnered 3 times here, once to an idiot (to my eternal shame) my excuse is I was very new, then for almost 6 years, he was married RL which I only found out after he did a disappearing act, then briefly to a lovely guy which didn’t work because of our different time zones still good friends always will be.

The thing is they were all very different. My current b/f as I said is not into all the hype but I find him hugely attractive because of the person he is.

I really enjoy seeing the diversity of the avies, the different looks and how funny and helpful the people on these forums are, so thanks to you all for making SL so interesting. 


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I think you've nailed it, Laika. Although I did put significant effort into the construction of Maddy's avatar long ago, I've put a hell of a lot more effort into my interactions with people. When I'm in-world, I'm usually standing in the wheat at "The Far Away", chatting with friends all across the grid. I rarely actually see them. Any attraction I have to people must come from their minds. And if you've seen Maddy and Snugs, you know that anyone's attraction to them must come from something else I do. It's not from lookin' at 'em.


Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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5 hours ago, Laika Ravikumar said:

I have been partnered 3 times here, once to an idiot (to my eternal shame) my excuse is I was very new, then for almost 6 years, he was married RL which I only found out after he did a disappearing act, then briefly to a lovely guy which didn’t work because of our different time zones still good friends always will be.

Never to your shame Laika, to his maybe, but not yours.

5 hours ago, Laika Ravikumar said:

My current b/f as I said is not into all the hype but I find him hugely attractive because of the person he is.

Sounds like your current bf is a very fortunate person.

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I am attracted to make new looks for my avatar. Lately i go from cute pale to blasian in matter of days. I like to experiment but theres a line i will never cross - *****ty outfits. It has to be sexy but classy. I like to observe how creative other people are with their avis, but the person within matters too. If the person behind avatar is rude and obnoxious, no matter how cute they look in sl, it can never make up for the emptyness inside.

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I guess I'm a narcissist, I'm attracted to girls that kind of look like me.

Guys, well i'm pretty open minded, but a mesh body for sure. 

My bf used to be a skinny white guy, but me and my (female) partner made him into a well built African American.

Every girl should have their own personal black bull.

*waiting for the cries of omfg thats.....*


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I’m not judging anyone. This is my personal take on it. I find the idea of myself judging another human being based on their avatar silly. I’m talking to a human. Most likely one that looks absolutely nothing like their avatar. I can’t even imagine dating in SL and making any sort of connections of attractiveness between pixels and flesh. 

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Well until she looks more or less like an adult humanoid female (I'm fine with extra parts), and she took interest in her look I'm fine with that  . 

But the more important that she makes my skin tingly or not, when I log in is the first thing to check that she is online? And the last thing before I log out that I wish her sweet dreams or a great day, if she in a different time zone. This should be first then the look. 

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23 minutes ago, Nalytha said:

I’m not judging anyone. This is my personal take on it. I find the idea of myself judging another human being based on their avatar silly. I’m talking to a human. Most likely one that looks absolutely nothing like their avatar. I can’t even imagine dating in SL and making any sort of connections of attractiveness between pixels and flesh. 

Its human nature to be drawn to what's attractive and be repulsed by what is ugly.

What they are in rl has no bearing whatsoever. Thats the beauty of secondlife, you aren't judged by the appearance of your rl body. 

But if an avatar (second life body.. which is the only one we have here)  catches my eye in a positive way, I'm more likely to talk to them.

If they are nice people, I'll keep talking to them. If their pretty avi hides an ugly soul, well we aren't going very far.

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I don't really have a particular type I like best, but do prefer if the person puts care into how they present themselfes. I've met people that managed to make a mesh avi look bad, and looked stunning in freebie-system clothes.
That being said: I also value what's inside more. Especialy a tender liver.

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18 hours ago, Laika Ravikumar said:

I was wondering because I can how do you feel about the way people present themselves in SL. I have an all mesh avi, head, body and a ton of clothes. My b/f is not interested in all that.

Everybody are attracted to specific physical traits of course. That's the first impression you get of somebody and it always counts. The difference is mainly how well people are willing and able to see beyond that.

As for being attractive to males and other aliens, in my personal experience:

  • You want a mesh body but be careful which one you choose.
  • You do not want a mesh head. A well shaped system head is far better.
  • When it comes to clothes, less is more.
  • And of course: keep your avatar's render weigth and actual load as low as possible. People who are attracted to jelly doll or bunches of disjointed body parts or wildly flickering avis are probably not the kind of people you want the attention from.
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How an avatar is presented is of no real interest to me, but maybe that's because I'm not looking for anything of a romantic nature. However, a good-looking female face does cause the idea of romance with the person to drift across my mind and, when that happens, how they presnt themselves, clotheswise, is of no interest to me. Beyond that, a nice person behind the avatar would be an essential. For anything non-romatic, a nice person would be an essential, but presentation wouldn't matter at all.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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52 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

I don't really have a particular type I like best, but do prefer if the person puts care into how they present themselfes. I've met people that managed to make a mesh avi look bad, and looked stunning in freebie-system clothes.
That being said: I also value what's inside more. Especialy a tender liver.

With some Fava beans and a nice Chianti?

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20 hours ago, Laika Ravikumar said:

I was wondering because I can how do you feel about the way people present themselves in SL. I have an all mesh avi, head, body and a ton of clothes. My b/f is not interested in all that. I think the person behind the avi is the most important thing. To me he is funny, intelligent and holds my interest. His take on life is what matters and who he is. Appearance is not everything sure it’s nice but look beyond it’s so much better.

wish all on forums a great happy day.



I think it depends on how someone views avatar apperance in Second Life. Your boyfriend sounds like someone, who doesn't even has a use for the 3D graphic in SL and could happily switch to text-based communities.

I see avatar apperance as a way to silently communicate to everyone else a part of who you are or how you want to represent yourself here. Avatar apperance is a personal choice and tells "something" about the person behind it. Someone who spends their whole time as a tiny fox is probably going to be a different person than someone dressed like they jumped straight out of the cover of a Hip Hop album cover. So its not even necessary just about mesh, its more about style. So for a first impression avatar apperance does matter to me. I just don't have that one particular style that I would call attractive, not only but also because I would distinguish between different kinds of attractive.

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