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Casual Clothing

Bree Giffen

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I realized the other day that I tend to create a casual clothing outfit that I use for shopping in world and for going to places in general. When I recently got an Isis body for an alt, since you have to get all new clothes, the first thing I put together was a casual clothing outfit of shorts, a tank top and sandals. Only then could I think about going around in-world. I've noticed that other people tend to be dressed casually but some choose to be either overdressed or severely underdressed. 

I'm just wondering what you all do when you go out shopping or go to some unknown sim. Do you have a casual outfit or do you just wear whatever you have on without considering your destination? Do you just want to be drop dead gorgeous all the time? Are you roleplaying and want to stay in character while going around SL? 

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Generally I don't worry too much about what I where when I go out shopping.  I tend to dress casually more often than not.  Probably the biggest exceptions are when I decide to go to a big shopping event (which I don't do too often) where I try to wear an outfit that is low in complexity, or when I'm going to a lot of shops on the same day that focus on fantasy/medieval RP style, and then I will wear a medieval type dress.   

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If I'm going to a large event, then I have a few super low CI outfits that I will pick from.  For day to day exploring sims and shopping, I wear my normal outfits.  If I know that I'm going to a special RP type sim, then I often will put on a special outfit just for that. 

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I am in heels 90% of the time, and if I am not about half the time i am barefoot, and usually at a beach. When i go shopping typically will wear a dress, my casual in SL is usually a tank top, T-shirt or sweatshirt with pants or a skirt. 

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It really depends on if I am actually just running out to grab something quick or if I am going out to go shopping..

If I'm just running out real quick ,it can be whatever I have on at the time ,which could be anything really..

If I'm going out to go shopping I like to tone it down to casual..

Something  like this..


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23 hours ago, Bree Giffen said:

Do you just want to be drop dead gorgeous all the time?

Vanity is my #1 virtue. 

I try to dress appropriate to where I am going but I am always fully dressed when I leave the house.  Also, if it is one of my favorite stores I won't wear a competitor's item.

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21 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

  Also, if it is one of my favorite stores I won't wear a competitor's item.

Nice - I never thought of that.  Though it could be a bit difficult since I tend to pop to lots of stores when I do go shopping - I wouldn't want to change between teleports.  I do ensure that I don't wear a competitor group tag - I either wear my own or that store's.

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   As some of you may know, I try to be aware of the rating of the sim I'm going to and/or the local rules. I'll be fully dressed in whatever outfit I happened to choose for the day, but will respect the theme, or suspected theme of my destination. But I'm known to make attempts to influence... the mood of a social gathering.

   For shopping, which will almost always be crowded forays, I too choose some low-poly, low CI outfit. Most of the time I don't worry about wearing anything in competition with where I am going. I often will wear separates by disparate creators. I think maybe hope letting everyone, everywhere see some of the competition can foster creativity and diversity in design. I will respect the group tags thing though, wearing that of the place I am going to. If I don't belong to the group of my destination, I'll wear my own group tag.

   I try to look good all the time, but I'll dress to attract less attention depending also on my destination and the goal of my visit.

   Sometimes it's a bother trying to work out what to wear and I'll just flop onto my bed with some wine, or just dance by myself.

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If, for the sake of argument, somebody handed me a new mesh body, a brand different than the one I normally wear, and I had to put together a 'shopping' outfit for it, my primary concerns would be...

1. Does it cover all the bits I have to cover to visit those awful G and M rated places where people are strange.

2. Does it have acceptably low render complexity and script scores so I wont get heaved out by some badly written laggy 'anti-lag' auto-griefer tool.

3. Will I be able to wear it without looking completely crap

4. Let's not waste a lot of money on this that could be better spent on nice hair or kinky fetish gear.

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On 7/13/2017 at 11:28 AM, Bree Giffen said:

Do you just want to be drop dead gorgeous all the time?



Yes, even when just laying around the house in panties and a sweatshirt.

Edited by Talligurl
I left a word out :(
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I usually try to wear outfits that match the sim and/or occasion I'm visiting. If noone's around, and I get a good Idea for a picture, I might redress and take a shot at it, otherwise, I just hurry home if I feel the need to change outfits (that happens a lot.)
The only exception are event sims, where I just try to have a low complexity and get the f out as soon as possible. Dat lag.

Otherwise, I just dress awesome all the time. I have way too many outfits and avatars. I'm sure I need help, heh.

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  • 1 month later...

I've my "shopping outfits". There are outfits with a seperate top and bottom (usually shorts) and heels. It allows me to take off/on my top to demo this or that top, same with the bottom, and shoes. There's just the pelvis part under the shorts that I alpha but I still can see how a demo fits around my waist or my thighs, same with the arms and chest.

Whenever I can, I like to adapt my outfit to the destination. Sometimes it's because there's a dresscode (ballroom for example) and sometimes it's just because I'm having fun to dress in theme.

I don't aim to look drop dead gorgeous on SL, I aim to feel comfortable with my avie. She can look sexy or just jeans+top or even with a glamour dress, etc... Everytime for me the most important it's that I like it and I can connect to it.

When I'm outside of a rp sim, I don't stay in character, I even wear a tag above my head saying "Obverser, OOC". However I do keep some rp features (ears and headfins) to indicate that I'm a roleplayer.


Edited by Morgan Rosenstar
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I use an outfit that's completely system layers except for a mesh hair.  Even the shoes are system (they're terrible looking and I dug them out of a large, glitched out box of free 'goth clothes').  My internet connection isn't great so if I'm trying to shop or explore I wanna be as low lag as possible.  I might start doing that full body alpha idea though.

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5 hours ago, MegaRose said:

I use an outfit that's completely system layers except for a mesh hair.  Even the shoes are system (they're terrible looking and I dug them out of a large, glitched out box of free 'goth clothes').  My internet connection isn't great so if I'm trying to shop or explore I wanna be as low lag as possible.  I might start doing that full body alpha idea though.

The full body alpha is great and of course it has a CI of zero - though sometimes it is a bit creepy that I can't see myself.  I've also got an outfit that just makes me a cloud and the Ci on that is only 1000.  I use one of those two anytime I go to any sort of shopping 'event'.

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17 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

The full body alpha is great and of course it has a CI of zero - though sometimes it is a bit creepy that I can't see myself.  I've also got an outfit that just makes me a cloud and the Ci on that is only 1000.  I use one of those two anytime I go to any sort of shopping 'event'.

I was wondering why I sometimes bump into some invisible obstacles while shopping. Oh yeah, now I know, they are the invisible avatar shoppers. As I often have the nametags disabled I have no idea that somebody is standing on my path. :/ Bump, bump, bump... :ph34r:

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17 minutes ago, Coby Foden said:

I was wondering why I sometimes bump into some invisible obstacles while shopping. Oh yeah, now I know, they are the invisible avatar shoppers. As I often have the nametags disabled I have no idea that somebody is standing on my path. :/ Bump, bump, bump... :ph34r:

I do try to stay up above everyone so collisions don't happen.  I keep my 'fly override' turned on, flight enabled, and my mini-map up.

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Even though it beats the idea of being completely invisible: put on the alpha shopping outfit, then attach a tiny box prim. That way, you have a rogue idea of where you are if you need to know. Dropped you a copy, by the way.

My "indicator" box adds up to a total complexity of 269 ... well, I think that's still acceptable. 

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