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3 hours ago, LilacHaze said:

After loitering in the background for quite some time, in awe of most of the photos here, I finally decided to take the plunge and add my first forum photo, please be gentle with me... 


You look great it would be easy to be intimidated by the techi talk dont be its supposed to be about how your avi looks not how great your skills are so keep posting 

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4 hours ago, LilacHaze said:

After loitering in the background for quite some time, in awe of most of the photos here, I finally decided to take the plunge and add my first forum photo, please be gentle with me... 


What Eva and Laika said. Beautiful shot! And welcome!!! Yay for first-time posters!!!

(Where is that???)

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10 minutes ago, Katt Lavender said:

An evening at the beach and a Dark & Stormy at the little marina bar. I can barely keep my eyes open!


Coffee?? You'll soon be fine!

I love (and can totally empathize with) the sleepy look!

(You don't have enough for two cups, by any chance?)

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So I was taking a pic at Whimberly, and this guy there introduced himself, said he liked my pictures, said he was also a photographer (I could tell he was because he was wearing a camera on a strap around his neck), and could he please take my photo?

So of course I said yes. And this is one of the photos he produced.

Not how I would have done it myself, but it's pretty! And we're now friends!

(ETA: I actually find it fascinating when other people take our pics and they got posted here, because it shows how differently we view ourselves, and how others see us. Alyona posted a pic someone else took of her a while back, and, while it was recognizably her, it was really very different in some ways from her own pics. Really interesting how much control we have over our own appearance here!)

Whimberly-and-Me Blank.png

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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4 minutes ago, Crias Rowlands said:

After cooking the next batch of... well, cotton candy. Yes, just cotton candy in all the boxes.





You smoke too much.

(Just thinking about your health is all. Also, too much cotton candy can be bad for your teeth.)

(Oh, and great pic, btw!)

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

You smoke too much.

(Just thinking about your health is all. Also, too much cotton candy can be bad for your teeth.)

(Oh, and great pic, btw!)

No one can criticize my candy consumption habits! 
....yea, I smoke more than I should, you're right on that.

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3 hours ago, Laika Ravikumar said:

You look great it would be easy to be intimidated by the techi talk dont be its supposed to be about how your avi looks not how great your skills are so keep posting 

I agree completely with Laika. Please don't be put off by the tech stuff. I was point and click until January this year. Then I found out about shadows and windlight. But apart from an occasional crop, and an even rarer adjusment of brightness and contrast, that's all I do. I don't have special software, nor the skills to use it. So welcome and please keep posting!

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3 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So I was taking a pic at Whimberly, and this guy there introduced himself, said he liked my pictures, said he was also a photographer (I could tell he was because he was wearing a camera on a strap around his neck), and could he please take my photo?

So of course I said yes. And this is one of the photos he produced.

Not how I would have done it myself, but it's pretty! And we're now friends!

(ETA: I actually find it fascinating when other people take our pics and they got posted here, because it shows how differently we view ourselves, and how others see us. Alyona posted a pic someone else took of her a while back, and, while it was recognizably her, it was really very different in some ways from her own pics. Really interesting how much control we have over our own appearance here!)

Whimberly-and-Me Blank.png

This IS incredibly different than how you photograph yourself. It's a more gentle, softer side of you. More soulful. Like he saw into who you are not your facade. Really lovely portrait. 

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3 minutes ago, Elora Lunasea said:

This IS incredibly different than how you photograph yourself. It's a more gentle, softer side of you. More soulful. Like he saw into who you are not your facade. Really lovely portrait.

That's sooo interesting, Elora! I think, upon reflection, that you're right.

One of the reasons, maybe, is that I (perhaps too often) treat my avi as a sort of "prop" in a picture, rather than as a form of self-expression? And I probably do tend to emphasize hard lines more than soft dissolves.

Anyway, I agree: I really quite love this pic.

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On 5/7/2019 at 3:40 PM, VanillaHoneyCake said:

The only pic I have at the moment is my profile photo. :) It is edited a bit, a little blur, a 3D effect, and some noise added. Also played with curves a little because the original was really washed out. One of these days, when I finish decorating my Linden home (lol) I'll get around to clothes shopping and taking more pictures.


Well, Vanilla,  I hope so... lovely portrait of you. Please keep posting for us to admire. Now, it looks as if there is an eagle 🦅 or bird inflight reflected in your eyes/pupils...? Anyone’s else see that? I love the color palette.

Edited by Saravendi
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7 hours ago, Elora Lunasea said:

This IS incredibly different than how you photograph yourself. It's a more gentle, softer side of you. More soulful. Like he saw into who you are not your facade. Really lovely portrait. 

@Scylla Rhiadra for me this picture shows a  vulnerability within you. Your photos tend to be reflective, introspective, moody, emotions like that. Vulnerability is a very tough emotion to capture in SL. A fascinating photo of you. Bravo!

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This was taken at the Genus Store... not sure what everyone was thinking, with me hovering and posing like this, but I got the picture (whatever it takes) ;)

Screen Shot 2019-05-09 at 1.27.06 AM copy.jpg

Edited by Saravendi
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13 hours ago, Elora Lunasea said:

This IS incredibly different than how you photograph yourself. It's a more gentle, softer side of you. More soulful. Like he saw into who you are not your facade. Really lovely portrait. 

I think this image makes you look much younger and more innocent...………….(nothing wrong with young and innocent!!) 9_9

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1 hour ago, BelindaN said:

I think this image makes you look much younger and more innocent

Well, if I can fool you . . .

I think I've become a bit of a control freak when I do photographs. And I'm probably not going to stop being that -- 'tis who I am. But, as Roxy said to me here some months ago, it's probably a good thing to occasionally just let go a bit, and just take pics without feeling the need to stage everything so meticulously.

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