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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:


So, wait.. You tip the club owner for? nothing and ignore the people who entertained you. That is twisted logic. I think i wil try that the next time i go to a club in RL.. Not tip the waitstaff, nor the DJ, request several songs and dedications and just buy drinks. Screw the staff, they just do all the hard work, right?

umm! no

i pay the venue for the service it provides

the staff get screwed when the owner of the venue doesnt pay their staff from out of the money I pay them the owner

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I have to say I admire your use of font sizes and colors. very creative, you're obviously very passionate about this topic,

but it kinda makes this post look even MORE ridiculous than it already IS.

First of all, no one is a full time Second Life DJ for a living. Just imagine how awkward it would be introducing that as your profession.

"So, what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a DJ."

"Oh, cool! What kind of clubs do you play? That one?" *points to club across the street*

"Oh, no, I'm only a DJ in this game/3D platform called Second Life."

"Oh... That's uh... Nice."

I hate to break it to you, but the work of an sl DJ is not equivalent to the work of a rl DJ. Rhonda Huntress already aknowledged that real life DJs have far more listeners to entertain, and even more people have brought up the wardrobe and transportation responsibilities that come with being a DJ. 

Imagine if we applied this standard of pay to those in Second Life's real estate industry. You may think, "Great! Even the real estate agents of sl will be payed fairly!", While in all reality, land would be for sale for ridiculous prices, and everyone would either be squatters or homeless. The same would goes here, DJs would be demanding 21,654 for 2 hours of work, and clubs would simply use radio stations for their music. 

This is the case because Second Life really is just a game. 




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  • 1 month later...

When you compare cost, you get the equivalent, usually, actually, depending on where, you get more. In RL let's say minimum is about 8 usd/hour...which is about right for now. You work 8 hours, that's 64 USD...minus about 20% for taxes makes it about $51 USD. That's about the cost of a pair of jeans and a shirt at WalMart. Now in SL, if you are good at DJing, you can make 500L or more in about 2 hours. That's enough to buy a nice pair of mesh jeans and shirt with color change huds so potentilally more outfits. So you get the equivalent of jeans and a shirt for 8 hours in RL and the equivalent of jeans and a shirt in SL for about 2 hours...hmmmmm...looks like you're making more in SL when you compare purchasing power of the currency.

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This is why I stopped DJing, actually.

Software: 90 USD per year, assuming we keep our software up to date (7.5 per month)

DJ Specific Hardware: 200 USD - but since it was a one time cost, I won't include it

Stream: 5 USD a month

Music: 15 USD a month

We'll round down to 25 USD a month for the minimums to DJ "legally and professionally" in SL. For some, the cost is much higher. I don't include my high grade Internet connection and high powered PC (separate from audio hardware, including sound card and headset), since I use it for other things. But some people may not, and it may be part of their cost.

Then you see how many venues and clubs don't pay at all, and rely only on tips. Of those tips, you see how many people don't think much of DJs, and how many don't have much to give, and how many think it should be free, etc.

Most of the DJ's I knew never asked for an RL wage, but instead asked to at least cover costs. And that just doesn't happen. And that's why SL is filled with terrible Winamp playlist DJ's playing stolen music.

So next time you complain about the DJ, just remember that you get what you pay for.

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  • 5 years later...
On 6/27/2015 at 3:50 AM, Occidite said:

I hate to break it to you, but the work of an sl DJ is not equivalent to the work of a rl DJ. Rhonda Huntress already aknowledged that real life DJs have far more listeners to entertain

The profession of DJ has no other definition online than in "RL", nonsense.

PS: Don't compare RL with SL. This is SL and RL stays out. 

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On 6/22/2015 at 4:34 AM, irihapeti said:

ps. I dont tip staff myself personally. Never have. If I got any money I put it in the venue donation box

Cheapskate.  The venue's not paying their staff.  They use those donations to help pay their tier.

A venue's experience consists of the build itself, and the performance of the hostess and DJ.  If you enjoy your time there, you should tip the venue, the hostess, and the DJ. 

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1 hour ago, Heathcliff Harbrough said:

The profession of DJ has no other definition online than in "RL", nonsense.

PS: Don't compare RL with SL. This is SL and RL stays out. 

A DJ could have told you that you could play all 17:05 minutes of "In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida" by Iron Butterfly around 32,200 times between when the last post to this thread was made and your re-opening it.

Edited by Theresa Tennyson
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On 6/21/2015 at 5:14 PM, clivesteel said:

The backlash starts TODAY!

Using my investigative alt, created today, I have enquired about several SL jobs.

Quite frankly, what I've discovered disgusts me.

A DJ undertaking a two-hour set, for instance, is expected to make do on 'tips'. I asked how much one earns on average and was told "can be around 500$L". This is US$2.02 for two hours' work.

Would you expect a RL DJ to work for this??? Of course not. Yet, the work and time involved are exactly the same.

The UK minimum wage is £6.50 per hour, which translates to US$10.32. Therefore, the criminals who run these clubs should be paying AT LEAST 2,559$L per hour, or just over 5,000$L for a full two-hour set. Otherwise - this is slave labour - pure and simple.

According to payscale.com, the average UK DJ earns £27.50 per hour as a median wage. In other words, SL employers should pay, AT LEAST, $L21,654 for a two-hour set.

"This is just a game" you reply.

Wrong, TIME IS TIME. The average SL DJ probably does as much work as a RL one. It makes no difference whether you put in two hours of work online or in McDonalds.

So you see, SL employers are guilty of the most heinous abuse of human labour!! And nobody has the brains or guts to pull them up on it!

TIME to campaign for a fair wage on SL - pay your employees what you owe them. I call on ALL DJs, hosts, dancers and SL workers to withdraw their labour and refuse to work on SL unless you are paid at least $L2,559 per hour.




That's an interesting idea but I think you will find most jobs pay so low like a Third World country and not the UK because the owners of the club or venue do not have the income to pay more. After tier and content expenses, they are lucky if they have anything left over as "profit".

Also trying to organize residents into unions or labor actions is like herding cats, although sometimes in the past, it has worked for such things as the "prim tax" and compensation for telehub land bought at auction. But that was regarding policies by Linden Lab itself and protests by residents against the Lab, which could be sensitive to press coverage and their reputation as liberal Silicon valley platform providers. As to resident-to-resident disputes like bouncer or DJ salaries, you have no leverage as you are dealing with anonymous avatars. 

Sometimes it works better on a cause to turn it inside out, that is, not try to punish those who don't pay a living wage with strikes which won't work, but praise and steer business to those who do pay a living wage. Are there any? I would then go fill their tip jar now and then.

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To the OP:

It's thinking like this that saddles us with an increase of the minimum wage to, say, $15 per hour in order to give everyone a "living wage".

The result is that half the people hiring, stop doing so.  Now there are only half the people working that there were before.  Yes, they are making a "living wage"...but the other half are now making NOTHING.

Tinkering with an economy has consequences.

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Time is time, no matter where it’s spent it’s all the same (unless it’s lunch break or nap time in which case the perception of time is disproportionally quick to the actual passage).  Thing is- an SL club isn’t selling watered down frou-frou drinks & overpriced finger food to help cover overhead.  SL Clubs as a rule don’t generate revenue that clears a profit. 
It can’t be realistic to expect virtual spots to pay a living wage out of pocket when so many owners are just regular folks to begin with- footing their tier & possibly paying a host or manager, changing out decor etc.

Time spent in SL should (in my opinion) be equated to any other free time thing- a night at the movies, a new record (yes I’m old) - trip to the carnival, a shopping trip to the junk shop, a meal out with friends.  The money put into it should bring a fair exchange of happiness for the time spent.  If a “dj’s” time is worth more than the joy playing of the set & interacting with the crowd- then.....

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13 hours ago, Heathcliff Harbrough said:

The profession of DJ has no other definition online than in "RL", nonsense.

PS: Don't compare RL with SL. This is SL and RL stays out. 

Absolutly needed reply to a FIVE year old comment in a dead thread.

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11 hours ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

Time spent in SL should (in my opinion) be equated to any other free time thing- a night at the movies, a new record (yes I’m old) - trip to the carnival, a shopping trip to the junk shop, a meal out with friends.  The money put into it should bring a fair exchange of happiness for the time spent.  If a “dj’s” time is worth more than the joy playing of the set & interacting with the crowd- then.....

Point, set and match.


Volleyball anyone?

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1 minute ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Sorry. Is that from a movie or tv show or is the point the high five? I'm a little confused because I've never seen this scene before.

Yeah sorry, Top Gun. I was watching it last night so you mentioning volleyball brought it to mind

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3 minutes ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Yeah sorry, Top Gun. I was watching it last night so you mentioning volleyball brought it to mind

lol Yeah. Expecting me to remember something from a movie I saw over 30 years ago. LOL!

That made me think of how many movies I have seen over the last 30 years. Holy cow. It's a wonder I remember any of them there have been so many. lol

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