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Whirly Fizzle

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Everything posted by Whirly Fizzle

  1. Linden Lab added this feature to their viewer and the new release of Firestorm which you are using now also has this feature. To be honest, this feature hasn't been very popular among Firestorm users, which we guessed it wouldn't be before we released, so we added a way for you to disable it If you wish to stop group notice attachments cluttering up your trash folder on Firestorm, please do the following: Activate the Advanced menu in the top menu bar of the viewer using CTRL+ALT+D. Advanced -> Show Debug Settings. In the debug settings search box, paste or type in FSDismissGroupNoticeAttachmentsToTrash Set FSDismissGroupNoticeAttachmentsToTrash to FALSE Hope that helps
  2. Do you have the same problem on the Linden Lab viewer?
  3. If you have not logged into the beta grid for a long time, you will need to contact Linden Lab support to have your account cloned over again, otherwise your password won't be recognized. https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000131009-contact-support
  4. I guess OP is a Firestorm user because we store saved logins with the grid info. eg) "Whirly Fizzle @ Second Life Beta" for Aditi & "Whirly Fizzle @ Second Life" for Agni. This is because our grid manager has to support OpenSim.
  5. Looks like it might be this bug: BUG-4399 - Large Snapshots + shadows fail
  6. Deactivate these gestures. Does that fix it?
  7. There is if you use Firestorm https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_radar
  8. That wasn't the old bug. Parcel privacy has always worked when the "spying" avatar is on a different parcel. The bug affects 2 avatars on the same parcel - when one avatar is >50m above the ground on the parcel, they cannot see avatars who are <50m above the ground in the same parcel, but only if the parcel ban list is not empty.
  9. Wouldn't work. Just get the UUID of the texture & apply it via UUID. No upload necessary. Skin creators have watermarked their textures for years, yet people still rip skin textures.
  10. Does your friend crash when logging in her alts too?
  11. I just want to confirm that this is the case. The organizers have been in contact with the Firestorm team re the modified viewer. Linden Lab are well aware of Camp Virtual & it was even mentioned by LL at a recent public usergroup. There is honestly no drama to see here Edit to add: Also remember that it is possible to lock down accounts to a certain estate. This is done regularly for educational institutions that use SL for students, many under 18 years of age. These accounts cannot leave the regions on the estate, cannot communicate with any avatar not locked to their estate etc. They are totally locked down in every way to regions within their estate and from communication into or out of their estate or avatar group.
  12. Also, can you go to Help -> About Firestorm. "Copy to clipboard" & paste all your system information here.
  13. I can't find any viewer crashes from Chic in Bugsplat. Please make sure that you have crash reporting enabled & "Include Second Life name" enabled under Preferences -> Crash Reports, otherwise I can't find any crashes registered to you. However when the viewer crashes because the graphics driver crashed, there won't always be a viewer crash logged. It's a timing issue whether the crash registers as a viewer crash in the graphics driver or the viewer just freezes when the graphics driver crashes & no crash report will be sent. Look in Windows event viewer to see if you can find any details about the crashes. Instructions: https://www.ideateinc.com/blog/2014/05/use-windows-event-viewer-to-help https://www.partitionwizard.com/partitionmagic/windows-10-crash-log.html (Ignore the advert at the top) From your symptoms it does sound like the graphics driver is crashing. It could also be a hardware issue with a failing graphics card or power supply etc or the system is overheating or a software issue with the graphics driver or Firestorm or another program running at the same time as the viewer (eg Chrome). Troubleshooting the cause of sudden graphics driver crashes is always a bit of a nightmare as there can be so many causes. Hopefully the Windows event viewer will give some clue as to the type of graphics driver crash.
  14. That's weird, I can't find Kristin's post you quoted above. Anyway I have a pretty good idea what's happening here. When the forum was changed over to Invision, I'm sure you'll remember that it was immediately spammed to death by spam bots - mostly fake Microsoft tech help links. Because of that, a small number of Residents were given the right to block accounts from posting (no other rights or powers), with strict instructions that it was only to be used to block the spam bots, never to be used on an actual Resident, even if they were "spamming" or posting adverts or otherwise breaking forum rules etc. I was one of the Residents who had the block posting ability. However, someone quickly discovered they couldn't block me on the forum & complained about it rather loudly (can't find the thread now but it was explained to them on the thread why it happened so that's why I decided it was ok to post this here). So I reported it & the cause turned out to be because I had "mod rights". LL had just implemented a fix to stop the spam bots anyway so my mod rights were removed as they were no longer needed. It's possible this Resident you can't block retained their mod rights or they were given mod rights again to help curb the recent spammer that's been plaguing the forums of late.
  15. That message appears when you attempt to block a user that has moderator rights on the forum.
  16. This has been requested on the LL JIRA multiple times. See BUG-225795 - Partner Slots
  17. The usual suspect for this behaviour is your antivirus software aggressively scanning the viewer folders, especially the cache. Can you work through the steps on this wiki page to whitelist Firestorm in your antivirus software & see if this fixes the problem: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/antivirus_whitelisting If this doesn't help, which antivirus are you using?
  18. JIRA: BUG-228888 - Odd behavior of Landmarks in Notecards
  19. I've rented a Homestead region from Victoria Chung for years. Never had a problem or any tier increase in all that time. I totally recommend them if you're looking for land.
  20. Which of the two viewers has better performance probably depends on if the users system is GPU or CPU bound. This change in Alchemy isn't something we could do in Firestorm. The consequences of the optimizations Alchemy did would stop users on older systems being able to run the viewer at all - it wouldn't even launch. I don't think it would run on any Windows 7/8 system either, no matter how new the hardware was. Unfortunately there are a large proportion of SL users running on outdated OS with older hardware.
  21. What about this? https://www.campvirtual.com/ It's in SL & aimed at kids aged 7-17.
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