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Evangeline Ling

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Everything posted by Evangeline Ling

  1. I could make a far greater argument for a bedroom than a kitchen but I would need to open a thread in another area of the forums... I essentially do this... if I wont use a particular space for something practical i don't include it.... In my mainland area its different in that I have far more prims to burn. My houseboat is much more of a "what do you absolutely have to have" sort of a scenario. Even with that I burned through most of my prims. Mine ended up being, Bedroom, living room WITH a TV, bathroom (but extremely minimal), and my outdoor pool/entertaining area
  2. Not having a kitchen saves me a TON of LI 😉
  3. I want a Bellisseria THEME Park... like the one Bay City has Call it... Mole World 😃 *somehow gets the tune to Small World stuck in her head with a slight alteration... "It's a Mole World afterall... It's a Mole World afterall... It's a Mole World afterall... its a Mole Mole WORLD!!!"*
  4. Could be worse someone is gonna end up living in his nose
  5. Hi Kaos, happy to help you out with a @SquirrelyTE interview. Only thing is she doesn't talk and is more comical than anything else but usually in more of a slapstick way as I'm sure you know by now. But if you send me the questions i'm happy to figure out a way to keep it true to the RP and still make an attempt at answering the questions.
  6. Someone has been dipping into the Mole gas 🤣🤣🤣
  7. Very true although be careful of Hollow prims that you may need to walk or move through... Convex hulls are great except when say you are using a hollowed out box prim as s door frame for example... a convex hull wont read that hollow as a physical hole so you wont be able to walk through it.
  8. Bella and I entered our Photo into the 2019 Time Capsule today... You can enter yours too at SL16B at the SLURL below http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SL16B Spectacular/17/127/22 I was rezzed in 2007 the year of Sculpties, Windlight and Voice... My wife Bella was rezzed in 2011 and it was the year of Mesh... Go check out all the neat historical info and trivia from all 16 years of Second Life... and a Very HAPPY 16th Second Life Birthday to you all ❤️ Eva & Bella
  9. Still shows up... make sure you have your search set to adult content too or it likely gets filtered out
  10. F5 is the shortcut key to hitting refresh on your browser... the key many of us wore out prior to discovering Auto Refresh
  11. Im gonna F5 your Haagan daz 🤣🤣🤣
  12. Well at least I know what I'll be spending my day on in SL today Thanks
  13. Am I totally missing the stores??? like I honestly have no idea where they are and I've walked all over SL16B
  14. Don't forget to thank the Moles for all their Gas too 😉
  15. I officially sign the petition AGAINST this petition... The changes RAWK MOAR LL Changes... MOAR!!!
  16. My wife called me "thicc" the other day... so I guess my butt has been increasing in size too
  17. The look on the Mole's face when they get out the blacklight and wave it over the prims of the abandoned house...
  18. What a gorgeous photo, great work with lighting and subtle shadows too.
  19. When I abandon I teleport away IMMEDIATELY just out of courtesy to the next owner who may not want the previous owner greeting them. One of the houses I obtained I saw the former owner on map waiting on the old property he just abandoned for 20 minutes... I literally did not TP to my new home untill he vacated. I'm relatively introverted to begin with and to me that's just a little awkward and sorta creepy.
  20. I'll be the unpopular one here... I really dont mind the boxes so much... yes folders are best... the only thing I wish is that content creators would NOT add animations to their boxes... Most of the time when I'm unboxing clothing I'm sitting on a pose stand... that animation BREAKS my pose stand everytime... then I gotta stand and resit. Folder is best... box is fine... auto-unpack even better... Animated Box ----> STOP IT
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