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Evangeline Ling

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Everything posted by Evangeline Ling

  1. Made me so happy today to spot the Bellisseria Cat not too far away from my new Houseboat... You can just barely see my houseboat with the rainbow flag on it in the background 😃
  2. Pretty sure Bellisseria Squirrel can teach you the art of Pickle-fu
  3. Ok someone has to post it... I might as well be the one... *Me when my Bellisseria house catches on fire...
  4. YaY I'm 5'4 in SL with maitreya I haz perfect foot size... I feel like I just won the internet!!! 🤣🤣🤣
  5. My project for later today when i get home from work is to make a name texture for my boat... I already worked it out in another thread... but I'm calling mine "The Same Boat" That way when I have people over we can all be in The Same Boat together... 🤣🤣🤣
  6. Its the House furthest south in Maple Cross... waves back =)
  7. Loving Having my NEW Houseboat on the circle lake in the middle of Bellisseria... I just love panning over all the houseboats along the edge of the lake... including mine now!!! Mine is the little red Evening Star right in the center of the photo...
  8. I don't know about favorite area names... But I'm tempted to rename my Houseboat "The Same Boat" Then, whenever i have a group of people over I can say... "Hey we are all in the Same Boat here" Ba-dum-ching 🤣🤣🤣
  9. But my Squirrel avie needs her own house... She has a nice pool in the backyard and a popcorn machine... feel free to hang out there anytime while you are waiting for your house.
  10. Hanging out with my critter friends and rocking my Pride Bikini...
  11. The new Bellisseria Squirrel location is in Emerson Lake 🐿️
  12. The Squirrel and I had a little visitor today at the BRAND NEW Bellisseria Squirrel location... This is Bella the Bellisserian Greyhound!!! Also please come check out the new Bellissera Squirrel location... She moved into a traditional home with more trees and more acorns! There is a pool, a dance area, plenty of cuddles, and the inside of the house features a small collection of photos of none-other than Bellisseria Squirrel http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Emerson Lake/188/227/49
  13. Sounds like you bought Gilligan's Island 🤣 ... sorry... i do hope you find it though
  14. To me this is such a nothing burger... there are far bigger exterior changes happening to houses than 1 window being covered... porches... boat extensions... garages... additional rooms which often cover up an exterior door... I'm not complaining about any of these things, I think they are lovely and add character and variety to neighborhoods that essentially only have the same 4 homes over and over again... I really doubt if all those things are ok that someone walling off a window (or adding a faux window) are somehow going to put someone in deep Linden doodoo... Reading posts on these forums is starting to feel like an RL HOA... it's getting depressing
  15. Wow what a day... First Patch Linden over in Bellisseria and now I am partying with Rider Linden and Wulf Linden over at SECOND PRIDE... Rider is wearing the dark outfit and sporting a mask and a cane... Wulf is obviously the wolf! Both of them gave me Linden Bears and have had a lovely conversation with Wulf about Second Life... He gives me so much hope for our lovely world and I thank him SOOOO MUCH for his time!!! Thank You LINDENS!!!
  16. Wow what a day... First Patch Linden over in Bellisseria and now I am partying with Rider Linden and Wulf Linden over at SECOND PRIDE... Rider is wearing the dark outfit and sporting a mask and a cane... Wulf is obviously the wolf! Both of them gave me Linden Bears and have had a lovely conversation with Wulf about Second Life... He gives me so much hope for our lovely world and I thank him SOOOO MUCH for his time!!! Thank You LINDENS!!!
  17. Holy freaking carp!!!! How did I NEVER notice undo before ❤️
  18. This is also the main reason I'm not a fan of the houseboat square lots ... if they did turn them it would also make more room for those that want linger boats without having to turn them sideways... just seems less awkward overall.
  19. I have a sinking feeling there will be squirrel photos there later
  20. I think this point needs to be clarified for those reading since it is an incorrect reading of the actual rule.... Here is a direct quote from our covenant... " *Privacy walls or fences should match the theme and extend no more than 4m above ground level. All other structures should not extend higher than 15m above ground level or sea level, whichever is higher. " So the 4 meter rule only applies to fences or other similar sorts of barriers typically places around the boundary of a parcel.... The next line in that rule applies to things like garages or your random tree or flagpole or pergola.... Those items can be taller then 4 meters they just cannot extend higher then 15 meters above ground level or sea level whichever is higher.... So if your house is sitting on 30 meter ground... then your garage/tree/flagpole could effectively go 15 meters over that.
  21. "Exuse me... exuse me... nothing to see here just gonna squeeze my yacht through this pool... carry on and maybe duck your head a bit under that floatie...." 🤣🤣🤣
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