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This place gives me the...

Seicher Rae

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Since popping back in here for the first time in a while, I was pondering to myself, "What do you get from reading and/or posting in the SL Forum? And by that I generally mean the GDF, since that is where I do 96.27% of my posting when I am here."  I started ticking things off on my fingers and soon realized I needed more fingers, if one were to broaden the musing just a tad and consider historical topics, and to include "what have you gotten?" along with "what do you get?"

What do you get by posting/reading here? (Humorous/humourous replies always welcome. Sarcasm gets two extra points.) What have you gotten? Did you have any Internet Firsts here? (For example, I had my first encounter with Virtue Signaling here, before I even knew the term or thing existed, and I fell smack dab into a whole vat of someone else's VS posturing.)

I'm torn between "priming the pump" and giving my own list here to start things off, or to simply let anyone who responds take it in whatever direction. Well, I gave one example, and I've hinted that my own list is in the double-digits, so I will leave it there for now.

:heavy sigh: My original posts tend to have a lousy track record, and inevitably someone will point out that "In 1947, SLposter.Resident made the exact same post, only better, backwards and wearing high heels. You should research things better before wasting our times!" 

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The GDF is like sticking your head into a familiar bar like Cheers. Full of people you sorta "know", along with attitudes you sorta "know".

I'm here occasionally, when I'm bored....no that's not right. When I'm away from home without my laptop, it's a place of entertainment & amusement.

I don't have time to read 29 pages of what boils down to a 24 hour news channel, with wash, rinse, repeat going on.

But I still enjoy a snapshot of attitude exposure from "The Predictables". A bit like finding a favourite snack at a works buffet lunch.

Some people don't realise how amusing they are. So cutting through the nettles occasionally to be entertained is worth it.9_9

Edited by BelindaN
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21 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

The GDF is like sticking your head into a familiar bar like Cheers. Full of people you sorta "know", along with attitudes you sorta "know".

I'm here occasionally, when I'm bored....no that's not right. When I'm away from home without my laptop, it's a place of entertainment & amusement.

I don't have time to read 29 pages of what boils down to a 24 hour news channel, with wash, rinse, repeat going on.

But I still enjoy a snapshot of attitude exposure from "The Predictables". A bit like finding a favourite snack at a works buffet lunch.

Some people don't realise how amusing they are. So cutting through the nettles occasionally to be entertained is worth it.9_9

With an opening line of, "The GDF is like sticking your head into..." I have to admit I paused and took a deep breath before I continued reading. :D

Yes, I totally get the "Cheers" reference, and the relief from boredom one as well.

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29 minutes ago, BelindaN said:

The GDF is like sticking your head into a familiar bar like Cheers. Full of people you sorta "know", along with attitudes you sorta "know".

   Hums 'where everybody knows your naaaame!'

   .. Although I bet almost none of you could pronounce it properly!

56 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

What do you get by posting/reading here?

   News about avi stuff (like the upcoming Lara update or the Genus stuffs), the occasional chuckle, and a whole lot of misanthropy-fuel. 

   Oh and getting to tell people they're wrong. It's one of my favourite hobbies! 

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12 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Hums 'where everybody knows your naaaame!'

   .. Although I bet almost none of you could pronounce it properly!

   News about avi stuff (like the upcoming Lara update or the Genus stuffs), the occasional chuckle, and a whole lot of misanthropy-fuel. 

   Oh and getting to tell people they're wrong. It's one of my favourite hobbies! 

Yes, "banter" is on my list, as is laughing at people and laughing with people. You are generally in the latter group for me. "Misanthropy-fuel" wasn't on my list. It is now.

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1 hour ago, Orwar said:

   Hums 'where everybody knows your naaaame!'

   .. Although I bet almost none of you could pronounce it properly!

Maybe like Orwell but with a whole lot more waarrrghhhh at the end? Das war mein Gedanke. See I'm offering you a chance to indulge in your favourite hobby.

As for me, why do I show up here. Don't know. Mostly I'm in the forums to learn and to get inspired by what others do with their images. Well and post my own images.

I try to help where I can but always also get the feeling I mostly drop images and just dropping images would be a net negative. Just Spam, aye? So I try and make an effort of engaging with people. Reaching out. That's how I usually end up in the general forums.

Even if nothing ever comes of it, if it gives someone the feeling hey, someone interacted with you and thus the world is maybe a small amount less lonely? That's worth it.

I don't think I've ever gotten into a fight here with someone. I usually bow out when I notice someone really biting into a topic. Took me a few years to learn that skill though.



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28 minutes ago, ValKalAstra said:

Maybe like Orwell but with a whole lot more waarrrghhhh at the end? Das war mein Gedanke. See I'm offering you a chance to indulge in your favourite hobby.

   That's how most people pronounce it (when they get the letters right at all!), but you and they are wrong (yay!). 

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I tend to look in the GDF quite a few times a day, partly to see what's happening SLwise, but mostly for a little break from whatever I'm doing. It usually keeps me up to date with what's new in SL. I enjoy a discussion and I like to join in, but only if it's something that I find interesting.

I also find it excellent for sharing some useful information that I've found. It's the only place I know where I can do that. It doesn't happen very often though.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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3 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

What do you get by posting/reading here?

- Fighting general boredom mostly.
- And I like to read the posts from some people here, because they are witty, intelligent and informative. Sometimes even all three at once.

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My forum reading and posting comes in waves.  I am currently on a low for forum interaction for more than a month.  When I get bored of reading the same arguments over and over, I take a break.  The arguments, negativity, name-calling, and general vitriol ceases being entertaining after a day. *yawn*  So predictable.  Seems to be at a high point right now, so, if you like that, you came back at the perfect time, @Seicher Rae!

When I check in, it is for info on new avatar things like bodies and heads in that section.  I like to keep up with info in the Land section to keep up to date on mainland ans Bellisseria happenings.

I might peek into the Creation forum to see pics from all the creative people here if I have time.

So, sometimes I come here for entertaining drama and connection when I can't be on my computer, but lately more to get information. 

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Oh, so very much. Seriously.

  • Information about what's happening in SL
  • Amusement and, occasionally, outrage (I am working hard to control my expression of the latter, because who cares if I'm "outraged"?)
  • Insights into other perspectives. I've said this before, but I learned a very great deal about D/s and BDSM here in my early days of posting. It was a very real, and very valuable, education.
  • People, people, people. I have made so many friends here. Like, scores, including a former BF and the majority of my best friends in SL. And not just people as individuals, but the sense of community here, which IS very real. (And yes, like any community, it includes people I don't get along with. That's actually not an entirely bad thing either.)

I could wax more eloquent about the last couple of points, I'm sure, but I am also trying not to be boring.

I'm very active in-world, and (excepting only my two major hiatus(es) from the platform) always have been, but the forums here have been a HUGE part of my experience of SL since late 2008. And that's almost all of my 15 years here.

I dunno. I like you guys? (Go figure!)

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It gives me a place to talk about Second Life. I don't think I have ever uttered "Second Life" to anyone in the real world and I also don't talk about SL in any other place on the internet.

The discussions I have here are also a lot different from what is normally discussed in Second Life. 

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4 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

What do you get from reading and/or posting in the SL Forum?

I often ask myself this and rarely can come up with an answer that makes any sense, but still I end up back here. 

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I rarely get bored, but I do find myself wandering through the forums in my "spare" time when I need a break from whatever it is that I was supposed to be doing.

As Belinda said, the GD is sort of like Cheers. It's also sort of like watching a train wreck -- fascinating to watch from a safe distance.  I've avoided doing much more than lurking in it for the last 16 years, although I've posted a few times a month since the CoVid era. I'm not a chatty person, I guess. I stick mostly to Answers and the Creation forums where I can learn a lot from other people or help out people who are trying to navigate the SL maze. 

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I was in SL for probably 10 years before I participated in the forums. In general, I am interested in the future of virtual worlds and have always thought that Second Life is the first great experiment. The discussions here seem incredibly valuable as a resource. Apart from that, I like to share photography, provide helpful information to others on things I know about, and lobby for things that  I like (e.g. connected protected water).

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