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10 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I do this at Christmas. I enjoy getting such "annual update letters" from friends I haven't seen in many years, and I have received plenty of feedback that people enjoy mine. Of course, I do try to keep it upbeat!

Well, Lindal, I am pleased that you do at least keep your annual updates upbeat. 

Let me be very clear about my specific pet peeve.  I am not against receiving letters and updates, even inside birthday cards, BUT one or two of my friends do have a nasty habit of being unable to appreciate the positive in their life and I do wish I could scan in and show you the 4-page (A4) single-spaced typed letter I received this week from one of my long-time friends. To me it is a very bad habit of hers.  She truly has a charmed life, goes on cruises, has a decent pension from a civil service job, a husband with a decent pension from a job in the Navy, two wonderful grown up children to be proud of, grandchildren, yet all I got from her in this letter was negative, negative and more negative.  And it took the joy out of the birthday card she sent me and made me feel really really miserable.  

And that is my pet peeve.  People who feel the need to destroy the joy and cheer of a birthday.  If she had sent the letter separately a week later then that would have been slightly slightly  more acceptable.

It reminds me of the time my dear old Aunty Louie died and I had to go and clear out her bungalow and organise a funeral, and it was round about Christmas time, so she got loads of Christmas cards, and I opened them to find several were just Christmas cards, but some were from people like my old friend there, containing a letter full of misery and woe. And I thought how inappropriate, my lovely auntie has just died of a stroke and you're moaning about ... bugger all really.  People need to think more before they do that to other people. 

But like I say, I am very glad you are more upbeat in your annual letters. And I would think it is much more normal to be wanting to say positive things, because surely telling someone of your year's achievements and happy events is much more likely to bring in return positive.  I would not dream of writing back to my friend and telling her what a sh1t show of a couple of years I've just had.  I would not ever want to bring her further down.  We've all been through a sh1t show for the past couple of years, on top of the usual things we would normally have to deal with, so a bit more thought really and consideration is needed.


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When this guy was upset that I refused to give him information about myself, he kept digging and digging. I continued to reply and explain several times that I had explained my sentence to him. It wasn't enough for him, he wanted to know the details. Then tried to dominate me and called me out for doing power play, for the way that I talked. He pasted something I said to me and I asked, are you chastising me for the way I talk? I had seen that he is into having women be submissives while he is the master. I just didn't expect him to bring that into a normal conversation.

He started out the conversation about remarking how "nice" my account age is.

Such a weird way to break the ice.

His futile but annoying aggressive attempts to try to manipulate me to talking about rl me got him ignored as I walked away.

Also, don't force a call on me when i never offered to voice you.

Being aggressive and trying to dominate a woman you just met isn't going to help you get the woman, especially when you talk to a strong minded woman, such as myself.

Be respectful, that will go a long way.

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2 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Folks with nothing better to do in their lives other than spam forums with disgusting posts.

Apparently they are making rounds in inworld group chats using freshly created throwaway accounts. Several group chat windows blew up with people going, "wtf", "o.O", "dafuq", "blocked", and "that's messed up" at some invisible person before I figured I had the troll blocked the day before.

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3 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And the maturity level of a 6 year old, yelling out a newly-learned obscenity, and then giggling and running away.

I learned my first obscenity around that age, in reverse fashion. I was singing along, playing hopscotch, and made up a nonsense word to rhyme with Dad's nickname. He was not impressed. Knowing how curious I was, he gave me the complete definition before I could get to the dictionary in our library.

Now I happily use it, sometimes directed at his memory.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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I got my booster earlier today. Nurse asked which arm and I said the right one as my left is almost out of action after a yearling  bit my forearm on Sunday.

Now I have two arms out of action and 4 hours of colic surgery tomorrow 🥃

I know, not the biggest of deals but I am terrified of getting the dreaded muscle weakness while cutting through that poor horse’s guts  😳


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Peeve --- Someone telling the DJ in a bar to turn the music way low so they can listen to a Tiktok video. When my man, who was working the wheels of steel, said no, the entitled bloke got mad.  So we kicked him out.

Edit: This was in a RL bar --- not a SL one.

Edited by Kimmi Zehetbauer
Forgot something.
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14 minutes ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

Peeve --- Someone telling the DJ in a bar to turn the music way low so they can listen to a Tiktok video. When my man, who was working the wheels of steel, said no, the entitled bloke got mad.  So we kicked him out.

Um....does the guy not know how to turn down the music volume in his viewer? He must have been trolling as a normal person wouldn't ask such a thing.

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On 2/14/2022 at 8:17 PM, Krystina Ferraris said:

I got my booster earlier today. Nurse asked which arm and I said the right one as my left is almost out of action after a yearling  bit my forearm on Sunday.

Now I have two arms out of action and 4 hours of colic surgery tomorrow 🥃

I know, not the biggest of deals but I am terrified of getting the dreaded muscle weakness while cutting through that poor horse’s guts  😳


Here's hoping both you and the horsey are doing good today. 

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