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What Do You Do for Fun? (That's Not Dancing, Sex, or Para-RP)

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as intimated before (not that anyone notices)... i have become disenchanted with SL as a place to have fun.


what's something ACTUALLY fun, that you do?  some activities.  especially where you get to hang out and chat with people.


i have a couple...


RacerX Gullwing runs weekly races--

Fridays 3:30pm  the "anything goes race" (wear any avatar.)

Saturdays 11:30am the Giant Snail Races (wear a giant snail avatar to compete)  spectators always welcome, at both!

... i like racing, but most often the person who wins is the one with the fastest computer/connection.  :/


Trail Rides:

Belissaria Riding Club and Rosehaven Riding Club are two that have weekly events.  a big group of people (usually on teeglepet horses, but any mounts are allowed) follow someone along a riding trail. 

...i like horseback riding, but the highlight of these is counting how many times you lag and crash at the sim crossings.



my friend belongs to a sailing club.  every sunday at 1pm they travel a specific route.  technically not a 'race.' :X

...this could be fun, but it's also a sim-crossing lag- and crash-fest.


Geek Speak:

Saturdays at Noon.  There's an actual intellectual discussion on a new topic every week.

...no complaints, i actually like this one ;)



i'm not interested in sex.  and i'm not interested in my avatar animating while someone plays music and everyone else stands/dances around and doesn't have any conversation.  same thing with fishing contests, too.  people stand around autofishing.  and that's it  :/

i like roleplay, but i don't like the prevalence of 'para' (for paragraph) role play that's all over SL.  i really think that form is better suited to forum-based roleplay.  and the kind of 'real-time' rp that i like really ISN'T compatible with para-rp.


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2 hours ago, Bloodsong Termagant said:

...i like horseback riding, but the highlight of these is counting how many times you lag and crash at the sim crossings.


my friend belongs to a sailing club.  every sunday at 1pm they travel a specific route.  technically not a 'race.' :X

...this could be fun, but it's also a sim-crossing lag- and crash-fest.


I do both of these things (and also recently started aviation after buying a helicopter) and I don't find lag or sim crossings to be a problem at all. Yesterday I flew from the middle of Sansar, through Ballisseria and up to the Blake Sea in about 45 minutes crossing god-knows how many regions. No lag. No region crossing issues. No zero-second security orbs. I did smack into the side of a skybox once when I got momentarily distracted though.  😁

Region crssing issues have been MUCH improved since the move to Amazon; any sticking point now is going to be your own hardware or your internet connection, or issues on the route somewhere between your home server and Amazon's.

I share your dislike of para RP though. If I can go make a cup of tea whilst I'm waiting for someone to finish their response, they're writing too much. Para RP belongs in emails.

Edited by Maitimo
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Shopping, changing my avatars and making outfits, decorating, exploring, taking photographs, just chilling in a club or at home and talking with my partner and friends, making stuff for my store. Some things I like but don't do so often - sailing, horse riding, and catching the various public forms of transportation across the mainland. Helping new people with their avatars is really fun when I get the chance to do that.

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At the moment I'm working with friends on some fun rp.  You'll be lucky to get whole sentences out of us or much sense at all as we'll be mostly going "Yarrr!", and firing things at each other.  When we're not eating.


I think you know where we live. :) 

Edited by Garnet Psaltery
Added text.
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I like train rides, occasional hunts and exploring.  I especially enjoyed the recently concluded TNC hunt which offered beautiful regions, a few train rides and a couple of nice prizes.  I love playing game of homes in Bellisseria and decorating the homes and admiring the homes that others have decorated.

Unlike the OP, I do enjoy socializing and dancing in SL and the places I go to for music and dancing also generally include local chat.  I'm not really interested in SL sex or relationships right now, but there were times in the past when I enjoyed that. 

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Most of my activities in SL are solo, typically I am just exploring different regions while riding my horse, bicycle, on rails via train, or using a yavascript POD etc.  When I am in the mood for some music and being around people I will usually play lindo, alternatively I will just fish although not very competitively lately.  I enjoy earning linden via these games, although realistically it is much easier and takes less time for me to just pay for it outright.  I find earning linden via gaming to be entertaining in of itself.  One of the things I like to do is go in one of the Linden sandboxes and create my own little worlds with all of the items I have accumulated from the marketplace.  I sometimes like to play games here, zombie shooters can be fun, but I am not very active in the gaming scene of SL.  

I also like to watch TV on a prim, while relaxing on my sofa.. while actually in real life being on my sofa.  I mostly just use SL when I want to unwind, sometimes I will mix myself a drink and relax the night away while doing any of the things I listed above.  Tonight I will probably mix myself a nice cold and refreshing frozen mudslide while wandering around aimlessly in SL and listening to music.  

Edited by Istelathis
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4 hours ago, Bloodsong Termagant said:

as intimated before (not that anyone notices)... i have become disenchanted with SL as a place to have fun.


what's something ACTUALLY fun, that you do?  some activities.  especially where you get to hang out and chat with people.


i have a couple...


RacerX Gullwing runs weekly races--

Fridays 3:30pm  the "anything goes race" (wear any avatar.)

Saturdays 11:30am the Giant Snail Races (wear a giant snail avatar to compete)  spectators always welcome, at both!

... i like racing, but most often the person who wins is the one with the fastest computer/connection.  :/


Trail Rides:

Belissaria Riding Club and Rosehaven Riding Club are two that have weekly events.  a big group of people (usually on teeglepet horses, but any mounts are allowed) follow someone along a riding trail. 

...i like horseback riding, but the highlight of these is counting how many times you lag and crash at the sim crossings.



my friend belongs to a sailing club.  every sunday at 1pm they travel a specific route.  technically not a 'race.' :X

...this could be fun, but it's also a sim-crossing lag- and crash-fest.


Geek Speak:

Saturdays at Noon.  There's an actual intellectual discussion on a new topic every week.

...no complaints, i actually like this one ;)



i'm not interested in sex.  and i'm not interested in my avatar animating while someone plays music and everyone else stands/dances around and doesn't have any conversation.  same thing with fishing contests, too.  people stand around autofishing.  and that's it  :/

i like roleplay, but i don't like the prevalence of 'para' (for paragraph) role play that's all over SL.  i really think that form is better suited to forum-based roleplay.  and the kind of 'real-time' rp that i like really ISN'T compatible with para-rp.


Disenchanted here too :/ 

I used to be a Giant Snail racing participant for a while, and it was the most hilarious fun I ever had in Second Life, but you're right, you need a really good connection/fast processor/great graphics card to be successful, and I only won one race through sheer fluke.  The annual Relay for Life across the mainland is a fantastic event. 

I'm not active much in Second Life these days, and don't do SLex at all. I've always liked exploring random places, going on a mission to find pretty places on the mainland (yes there are lots and lots), and often meet people while exploring, hitching rides in cars, on trains, in boats, and even one time a helicopter pilot hovered close to me and invited me aboard. 

Bot hunting and ghost hunting were my favourite activities of all, but these are historically archived events now, the last ghost probably being some time around 2011? (Kama Mhia peaked it with her triple ghosted avatar.)

Hating that SL has become something of a rat race and for various reasons I cannot seem to get to grips with it again, yet haven't quite gone altogether. 


stuck 2 March 2009.jpg

Edited by Marigold Devin
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3 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Lately I'm obsessed with tracking the development of the new Bellisseria regions. I think it's less fun, and more an addiction.

I logged in yesterday and found myself in the middle of some brand new and as yet unoccupied stilt homes. Visit SSPE1784 (99, 138, 24)  I acquired a reconditioned computer and actually got a half-decent frame rate, but didn't want to push my luck. Have you seen that thing on the other thread where the Moles keep losing things and people are finding them in exchange for trading cards? That actually looks like fun, although I would no doubt be cheating by using some kind of sim scanning device to locate the items so would spoil it for myself. Darn it.



Edited by Marigold Devin
location location location
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SL is a place for me to relax and shift my mind away from grandsons squabbling in the other room, or other various family stuff or health issues going on.  I have a couple of friends I talk with from time to time, but usually I'm out doing things by myself. 

One thing I find relaxing is farming and crafting.  I've done G&S before, where my farm was large enough that I had booths selling crops at several G&S markets.  Right now, though, I'm doing very small scale DFS farming on my mainland home parcel - a couple veggie and grain fields, a few fruit trees, a few chickens, a couple cows. I find it very relaxing to be tending fields, collecting ingredients and cooking.  It's a lot easier to live in the countryside and be pretty much self-sustainable in terms of basic foods and eggs/meat in SL than it would be to do that in RL.  I still think though, that if I didn't have immediate family in RL, I might live more like the lifestyle I've created for myself in SL.  

I also spend a good amount of time each day in the Antiquity regions - 16 or 17 regions I think, with ground level and 2 layers of landscaped sky levels.  Roughly early 1800's give or take 50 years or so each way.  English/European style royalty, plus some desert islands in the south home to pirates, and a few underground coves with mermaids. Daily sailing ship battles between navies and pirates, or a free-for-all on some days (though I'm not near good enough at sailing or manning cannons to participate in those battles).  The have a custom trade and combat system which includes farming, crafting, mining, cooking, internal RP currency, markets and trade routes.  There are opportunities to socialize for those who like to, and the RP is light (which is good because I can never remember how to address the various levels of royalty, especially as a commoner which is the status I play as).  I raise some vegetables for myself and herbs/flowers which I extract oils from to sale or to use in making soap to sell.  I also was hired by a Princess to do some farm work on her estate.

I also like to explore mainland, Bellisseria and some of the regions I read about in the Destinations guide as new or editor's picks.  I take casual pictures of places I like (mostly 'point and click' rather than elaborate setups and fancy lighting or EEP settings). 

I like to participate in the Historical Hunts/Mieville sponsored hunts and the associated themed markets.  I also really enjoy the Fantasy Faire Quest and was quite upset that I was in the hospital this year during Fantasy Faire and missed the entire quest.  

Periodically I'll get a bug to completely re-do my mainland parcel or redecorate my Linden home, though I'm pretty happy with what I currently have and have resisted any stray thoughts to re-do stuff.

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reading / listening local chat/voice.

I am a quiet person myself, but I really enjoying listen people conversation. actually I love read sarcasm and rant LOoL.. 

The other thing I like todo Is avatar customization, putting here and there try to figure out which attachment can fit well with other attachment, its fun.

exploring,  find some good spot take pic.

helping people,  I found it fun , .


Edited by Kalegthepsionicist
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I spend at least a third of my time in shopping, unpacking, sorting, and creating new Outfits.

Another third in updating old Outfits...or deleting them, if they are hopelessly antique.

And a third in checking and updating my Landmarks.

A third in teaching, revising lecture materials and handouts, creating new classes.

A third socializing (and yes, I include SL sex here. Flirting and teasing sometimes has consequences!)

And a final third hanging out at Welcome Island, trying to help newcomers.

...And that's why I constantly find myself spending twice as much time in SL as I had planned.

For those who, unlike me, find themselves with time on their hands, may I suggest:

  • Get the Freight Out (GTFO), a package delivery game. https://sl-gtfo.com/
  • Hotlaps, a sailing time trial game in which you sail a new course each week. You don't race against anyone, but the times of all players are recorded. Fastest one wins. https://hotlapsslsailing.wixsite.com/hotlaps
  • Flying aircraft around SL. Or if you prefer moving vertically, skydiving.
  • Surfing. There are lots of surf spots, and most of them provide free equipment.
Edited by Lindal Kidd
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I just realized how busy in SL I am. I don't know why but I like things gamified. 

There's this new crystal game that pushed to explore new places while collecting.  I don't care about the $L but exploring new places and builds is fun.  I think its 2x the dopamine hit when you find a well hidden and valuable crystal or coin.  Too bad my computer sucks and I can't view a lot of those places as intended.

I also have been trying out the various farming systems. I really like collecting things and crafting, too.  Other than the usual DFS and G&S, I've been growing weed with "Weeds 420" and Ganja Farms. 

Also fishing (kinda)! I found that Alienum is still around and he has a little brother called Alienum Evolvution (they changed the name and I can't remember it. But its on the same Sim as Alienum). It's still a traffic generation game so there's taxes when you sell and you have to fund the items with $L to fish up the good stuff. But other than those things it looks like it's shaping up to be something fun: gathering seeds and planting and crossbreeding them, crafting boosters, discovering maps and DNA samples for pets and interesting avatars, etc.

Whew, that's alot. Lol. 

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11 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

I spend at least a third of my time in shopping, unpacking, sorting, and creating new Outfits.

Another third in updating old Outfits...or deleting them, if they are hopelessly antique.

And a third in checking and updating my Landmarks.

A third in teaching, revising lecture materials and handouts, creating new classes.

A third socializing (and yes, I include SL sex here. Flirting and teasing sometimes has consequences!)

And a final third hanging out a Welcome Island, trying to help newcomers.

You must do your banking at "5/3 Bank"! (It's a real bank in the US.)

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Like the OP and others have stated, my interests wax and wane. My RL situation is keeping more out of SL than in, but that said...

There is a music club I like to go to that also has what they call LIT, which is people reading out loud for up to 10 minutes from just about anything... cereal boxes to high awt. International crowd, so some of the readings are in languages I don't speak, which is oddly interesting. I rarely voice in SL (hate my voice) and it took me six years or so to participate in this and now (surprise) they can't get me to shut up. The club also has a quiz night sporadically, which is something like Trivial Pursuit. I've not done that yet because I prefer to have people wonder how stupid I am instead of knowing it for sure. (Posting on the GD Forum notwithstanding.)

A few of the adult groups I belong to have general discussions a few times a week. None are about sex. Some are just random chats and some are "lifestyle" related. Text or voice welcome.

My desktop computer died, and I have a very mediocre laptop now that I'm thrilled can even run SL, so my options have dwindled. With the old (but awesome) desktop I could take really high rez screenshots, and I enjoyed seeing what kinds of photos I could get out of just the viewers (no post production/PhotoShop). That was like a brain teaser, being creative and exploring all in one go.  

The old desk top also allowed me to explore via a little vintage speed boat. I haven't dared to do that on the laptop, but exploring Bellisarria (can't spell it) by boat was great fun.

I agree about "ugh para-RP" and maybe we should all get together and RP "the other way" because that's great fun when done right.

I started going two writer's groups on two different sims but had to stop due to RL conflicts. 

When I had money and the computer I loved loved loved designing landscapes. I don't create, I terraform and assemble and slap textures on a prim every so often. If I'm really into it, I'll stick a script into something.

I like hanging out at my SL houseboat, and yes, watching the youtube "tv" and listening to my music stream. When I had money and the computer I rented a gorgeous place that was like living on the Oregon coast and that was heaven. :)

Wow, this turned out longer than I thought! I must be having more fun in SL than I realized.

Edited by Seicher Rae
I can no longer type a sentence that has all its words.
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Here's a nice GTFO train for $L 1. It's modifiable, so I removed 3 of the cars to make a lower LI version. One can ride the rails in Bellisseria easier than flying.

Just relax and enjoy the view. 


Edited by Persephone Emerald
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2 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Here's a nice GTFO train for $L 1. It's modifiable, so I removed 3 of the cars to make a lower LI version. One can ride the rails in Bellisseria easier than flying.

Just relax and enjoy the view. 


Thank you! That's been on my "gee that sounds like fun but I can't be bothered to figure out how to do it and what I need" list for ages. I just got it. :) Now I'll look for some tracks near my houseboat and Bob's yer uncle!

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