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I do not like to be treated as a lower class shopper when I shop things for sale

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I buy offers as a kind of demo, and if I like them, I may go back and buy more to a full price. When they treat me like I am some lower class customer because I buy items on sale, I do not get a good feeling for the store.

Another store that sell garden flowers and trees, I have bought over 10 full priced items from them, and maybe 3 weekend offers.

I bought a nice looking item that I thought was useful in backyards, Log homes in particular. It is a large item, and I saw that I did not like the haybales and would delete them, also move things around. All was linked in the display, but that is how the diplays are.

It is no modify, and the seller will not send a modify copy. Other vendors from him sell modify, the two ones next to the sale vendor, and he set sale items to modify because they are cheaper.


[00:50] --: in teh sales i dont selll mod big items with many items as peopel tend to take em apart to use the parts all overtheir land , as i dont really want my designs destroyed so people can decrate thweir land with 15 items they bought for 99 lindens and thats not ment to be rude or ofensive, it happened a lot and wht is the poit of selling a design i worked hours on to know thats happening, when i add these thigns to my store say that item fr 500 ?L then i lkeave them mod, and i have to explai also that many designers of full perm items that i use , gt very angry people seeling things mod for 50 and 99 lindens that they can use several pieces frm , that takes away from sale for them also

[00:50] --: this is the main reson i specifically put the perms on the vendors
[00:52] Marianne (marianne.little): Thank you for your reply. I am sorry to inform you that this is not usable for me, but I will take the information with me. It is a bit puzzling that you change between mo and no mod.
[00:52] Marianne (marianne.little): *mod
[00:52] Marianne (marianne.little): but it is your right to set the permissions you wish, and I have to accept it

So we had a bit more polite exchange of words, and he is dead set of not offering any modify.

He also compared it to clothes?

[00:55] Marianne (marianne.little): thank you for the information. Have a nice day
[00:55] --: i as many clothing designers have had to change how we do things due to complints
[00:56] Marianne (marianne.little): what, I did not buy clothes. But I accept that you can set your permission as you wish, I can also not by anything that is no modify. I will be more careful in the future.
[00:57] --: im saying people like em as well as people that create clothes and anything else in these sale have to abide by cerrtin full peples stuff we use price wise perms wise or we can get into trouble , and at the end of the day im doing the ebst i can to accomidate shoppers
[00:58] --: but people tearing my designs up was never my intent it makes what im known for and work ghard to do pointless other than minor changes to fit


I am so used to items I can move parts for in the garden, but I am lucky I did not spend more. Only in the last part of April did I buy garden items for 4000 L. So a future customer lost. I am not saying I always go back and buy more, but I am 100% sure I will not buy more here.

Edited by Marianne Little
typos and trying to write better
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1 hour ago, Marianne Little said:

When they treat me like I am some lower class customer because I buy items on sale, I do not get a good feeling for the store.

That would be a pretty bad business model. Offer things "on sale" ("discounted") - when you set the price! And then, disrespect customers.

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It must only be ok to piss off the full perm people, when it's the higher price..

honestly, he shouldn't give a damn what you decided to do with a product after you bought it..


I design this for mountains scenes and you went and put it on a beach scene.!!! WTF!!! That's not what I want you do dew wiff mah producks



Edited by Ceka Cianci
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5 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

as i dont really want my designs destroyed so people can decrate thweir land with 15 items they bought for 99 lindens and thats not ment to be rude or ofensive

I would have given you a free mod no transfer copy just for interacting. You're more likely to basically provide free advertising by using one of the 15 items vs non of them. Some people just dont want their art messed with I guess. 99L is almost 1 usd$ those add up. No shame in buying discount, nor should you ever feel shame for finding a deal or asking questions.

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Yep I don't see where she was treated badly in any way. She made a 'request' and it was not given, and a fair explanation as to why, and how pricing is affected was provided - but it wasn't good enough.

I would perhaps give the one item by itself with mod so she would be happy but I also wouldn't open up a multi-piece 'creation' so that someone can play Legos with it. That end use is not intended.

MultiLinked Object -> end use = use as intended = $L Price

Collection of Objects -> end use = as a building or lego set = $L Higher Price

Read descriptions, read advertisements and see if it has mod or copy on it. Not hard.


That being said, I believe creators selling anything that could possibly be unlinked and used as building pieces should price higher now for the 'feature' of being able to do so, and let the market decide.



Edited by Codex Alpha
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5 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

When they treat me like I am some lower class customer because I buy items on sale

I don't see any indication that he considers you a "lower class customer" because you're purchasing sale items. I think he just wants to make a pretty arrangement to show what can be done with his single items, is willing to offer that at a cheaper price, but does not want it to be a way to get each component piece at a discounted price. It's a business decision -- not one I agree with as I'm not sure it really helps him, but I do see what he's trying to do, and your painting him as trying to lower your status because it involves an item bought at a sale price isn't a fair accusation.

All my stuff is mod, btw...even arrangements created by multiple component parts.
Again, while I don't agree with how he's chosen to market his stuff I do honor his right to make decisions in what he perceives to be in the best interest of his business, and I would never shove a pejorative label on him for doing so (considering him as a merchant who creates "lower class" customers by not selling a sale item in the way I think I'm entitled to receive it). 

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im like this with vendors with internal redelivery systems who ignore redelivery requests. 2 large ones did that to me, I can sure spend literally thousands of usd$s in these two shops and they will gladly accept it, however, the moment you loose you inventory and send notcards with 100s of specific items requesting to be redelivered and after several attempts no response. After 3 notecards I gave up, would not advertise artists who don't care about their customers anyways. 



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Some full perm creators have a stipulation on price for selling something in regards to perms.  If the creator selling his 'collection' of full perm items wanted to sell it as mod, he may not have been allowed to sell at the reduced price.  Even if just one item in the linked set had such stipulations, then he may have been bound to a contract.

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If this creator is so worried about how customers might use his product and destroy his artistic vision, I have a script he can put in his items to fix that problem. Even after someone else owns the product and has rezzed it on their own property, all he has to do is go over there and say "Be Gone!", and the rezzed item will disappear completely. The customer could still rez a new copy, but if he's that worried he could make his products No Copy as well as No Mod.

( I'm just kidding of course about giving him this script, but I'm not kidding about having it. )

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A merchant has reasons to sell their product with the permissions as they are.
As a consumer you have the choice to buy the product if you are okay with the price, the quality and the given permissions.
Don't expect that merchants will change their policy to please individual customers.

Giving customer service does not include that one has to jump trough every hoop that a customer holds before you.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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What he said ^^^^^

Sometimes I get excited and buy sale items before fully grasping that the thing is no mod or that the martini shaker does not come with the bar, even though it's in the picture. But because the item cost pocket change (remember when that existed?), I just write it off and move on.

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1 hour ago, Persephone Emerald said:

If this creator is so worried about how customers might use his product and destroy his artistic vision, I have a script he can put in his items to fix that problem. Even after someone else owns the product and has rezzed it on their own property, all he has to do is go over there and say "Be Gone!", and the rezzed item will disappear completely. The customer could still rez a new copy, but if he's that worried he could make his products No Copy as well as No Mod.

( I'm just kidding of course about giving him this script, but I'm not kidding about having it. )

Love this.Persephone you have the power girl.Force be with you and all that good stuff.Oh my,you look so calm and peaceful,never imagined you had a Dr. Evil side too.jk lol have a great day

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1 hour ago, diamond Marchant said:

What he said ^^^^^

Sometimes I get excited and buy sale items before fully grasping that the thing is no mod or that the martini shaker does not come with the bar, even though it's in the picture. But because the item cost pocket change (remember when that existed?), I just write it off and move on.

Me too exactly.And customer is not always right.I am sorry that Marianne feels she had a bad experience.Maybe sometimes things get lost or misconstrued in translation.There are a lot of choices here,shop elsewhere,read the fine print.This really reminds me of Soup nazi.No soup for you,come back 1 year.Lol

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I am trying to grasp what is the issue here.

Marianne bought an item on SALE implying it had been on offer at full price before - and from the information provided, other items at nearby vendors from this shop were modifiable.

If that is the case, then yes, she should ascertained before buying that this item too was modifiable.

I would find it annoying if so-called SALE items were sold only as non-modifiable. That no longer makes it a SALE item but a different item - because of different permissions - sold at a lower price.

I find this a bit underhand unless it was specifically highlighted - as it would appear that this was done intentionally by the merchant.

But maybe I am misunderstanding the situation....


Edited by Emma Krokus
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In my mind it is the creator's responsibility to let their customers know what permissions come with a product.  

It is the buyer's responsibility to check on what is important to them -- be it permissions or LODs or triangle count.  Hence DEMOS that can be inspected are high on my personal list of "needs".  


I realized thinking about this thread that the inability to know things about what EXACTLY you are buying (vendors and displays showing items that are not really sold with the purchase for example) is the reason that I have ALWAYS hated vendor systems.   I know they are handy for putting whole stores on sale and for redelivery and store credit, but when you buy a copy of an item on display you can see exactly what you will be getting.  That is pretty much true with buying the CONTENTS from an old fashion prim vendor box. You can see the permissions and which parts are included -- and hopefully the item is on display somewhere.   


That is how I have always had items out in my shop --  in the simplest form of vendor or "buy copy" that is possible.  This after fourteen years. I don't pan to change.  


Now and then I  purchase items that I can't see, but it is rare and they are most often very inexpensive (like $25 lindens).  And in part  those purchases are sometimes made so that I can report on the item to others.    


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There is one popular creator that links ALL the items in a collection at events and even in store.  I refuse to buy from them as I can't inspect one item.  I can inspect parts of the item but not the item as I'd receive it.  Whether these items are mod really makes no difference at that point.  It will always be a NO sale for me until they start displaying items separately.

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46 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

There is one popular creator that links ALL the items in a collection at events and even in store.  I refuse to buy from them as I can't inspect one item.  I can inspect parts of the item but not the item as I'd receive it.  Whether these items are mod really makes no difference at that point.  It will always be a NO sale for me until they start displaying items separately.

Plus you can't decrease land impact of something when that happens..

Heck, they could lay out displays of their designs and say, here are the pieces for this design.. I would think they would sell more doing it that way.

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