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Jules Catlyn

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  1. I use timed demos as a vehicle creator. People get the car as it would be when they buy the full product, just for a limited time. I used to have a demo area but people prefer to test vehicles in their preferred setting. So i switched to timed demos.
  2. I am with Caspertech suppot. These options are not standard. They depend on the the way the landlord set up their system. We are currently not experiencing any issues with Casperlet.
  3. My advice would be to join active groups in Second Life that have a common interest. They are usually a good source for help and a great way to meet people. There are active avatar help groups and also groups that share info on activities. As an example i can use myself. My interest is vehicles and travel in SL. I make vehicles and i enjoy driving and flying in Second Life. So i joined the Drivers of SL group. They help each other, have a lot of social banter and events. You can see if there is an active group for a subject that has your interest.
  4. What is off-putting to me is that some avatars think SL age equals knowing all there is to know. I am often faced with people who think that just because they have been in SL a long time (and usually mention this fact) that they know everything about the world and what is going on in it.
  5. No, it is not. The link expires. Your can however get the free Caspervend pack and use the redelivery terminal from that for your personal use.
  6. I have a suspicion that when you put the Moles (contractors) into the mix, the team will be pretty international
  7. Today it is the Joao Gilberto and Stan Getz album. On vinyl
  8. For the moment the Marketplace and Caspervend still need their own inventories. The link that is suggested is merely a way for Caspervend to register Marketplace sales so they are counted in the total sales on Caspervend and redelivery is provided inworld for them. Caspervend and the Marketplace are still two independent systems.
  9. I did not add the "sometimes" or "not always" option because (as i indicated before) to me that qualifies as a "NO" (post edited, comment was taken out of context)
  10. This survey has been placed in a few places. Some inworld groups, Facebook etc. You will be surprised to know that after posting this on here, the percentage of people not having Advanced Lighting enabled, increased.
  11. Sometimes would essentially be a no in my book. But thats my personal opinion.
  12. Hello all! I am doing a little poll to see who uses the Advanced Lighting Model in SL. The poll only has one question and if it gives a clear picture, i will gladly share the results with the group and other creators. Link to the poll https://bit.ly/45fgGsJ Thanks in advance!
  13. I work for Caspertech. It really is not difficult to learn the basics of the Casperlet system. Learning the basic setup should not take you more than half an hour. We have the quick start page https://wiki.casperdns.com/index.php/CasperLet/Quick_Start. and also our inworld support group (for the system owner only) and a ticket system. Casperlet units have the ability that if you set one up and you need several units with the same settings, you can just pick that one up and rez copies. Then rename them and reset them for clearer administration on the webpage. It will not take you 4-8 hours to learn the basic working of the system. Feel free to message me so we can sort access to the group.
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