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Premium Plus - What are your 'Must Have' features and what are you willing to pay for it?

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12 minutes ago, Krystina Ferraris said:

- Maybe this one is already available (I’m not premium so I don’t know) but option to have a non-premium partner sharing your LH.

You can have anyone you want share your home.  SET the land to a group that you control - make your friend part of the group and give them permission to Set Home there and rez stuff.

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Just now, LittleMe Jewell said:

You can have anyone you want share your home.  SET the land to a group that you control - make your friend part of the group and give them permission to Set Home there and rez stuff.

Thanks LittleMe, I didn’t know so if I ever decide to go premium it’s good to know there’s that option! 😀

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2 hours ago, Angelina Sinclair said:
  • Increased attachment limits
  • Increase animesh attachments.

If you need more of these, you're the reason SL is so laggy. You're basically asking to buy a GPU crasher.

The ideas for Tier, Stipend, and limited use homesteads are much better.

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oh and just a general feature on my wish-list (don't care if it's free, premium, or super-premium): the ability to remove/delete scripts (and only scripts) from no-mod items. 

maybe for Prem or Sup-Prem, when you elect to remove scripts, it auto makes a backup for you. 

oh, and the function won't work on no-copy things. 

Edited by Anna Salyx
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12 hours ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

Only a couple of you have posted what you're willing to pay for the features you've listed.

$299.99 pa for quads tier (4096m) and quads stipend (L$1200L a week) and 25% discount on upload fees

if the entry price is less than this then

$174.99 pa for double tier and stipend and 12.5% discount on upload fees

what I think tho is that only people who currently use multiple premium alt accounts to get double/quads tier would go with these. Am not sure tho that it will tempt people who only have one premium account to pay another $75 pa just to get more tier and/or stipend

the above is just more of the same just cheaper

so i think Linden have to come up with a whole other offering not just cheaper tier and more stipend. If was me (and it isn't) then I would go with an offering that targets different types of commercial activity

like Premium Merchant for example. What offerings/benefits would induce merchants to pay @299.99 pa for a premium merchant account ?

there is already a full range of things that merchants do want that have been widely expressed and are known already from which to craft a package



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Since I have the membership I would like if second life would put it into the land for full sims a monthly discount even when you set it up and pay the monthly tier for mainland or full sim or homestead. Basically the discount can be up to 20% it would help for those who don't want to rent or pay a lot for a full sim. Rentals are cheaper depending how big you go but also would like a discounted membership like for a year instead of 99 USD make it 75 USD with an offer for a discounted land set up included for someone to purchase land like a full sim or homestead. Also don't make it where you need a full sim to own a homestead make it either one you want. I could live on a homestead if it was on a discounted price for set up and keep each month. 

Monthly lindens instead of a weekly 300L how about a 4000 monthly Linden each month?

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On 1/13/2022 at 10:48 AM, Sid Nagy said:

4. Better exchange rates.

I don't disagree with this it's just something I don't think LL has any control over.

https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/forex/how-forex-exchange-rates-set.asp#:~:text=A fixed or pegged rate,to which it is pegged.


Factors That Influence Exchange Rates
Floating rates are determined by the market forces of supply and demand. How much demand there is in relation to supply of a currency will determine that currency's value in relation to another currency. For example, if the demand for U.S. dollars by Europeans increases, the supply-demand relationship will cause an increase in the price of the U.S. dollar in relation to the euro. There are countless geopolitical and economic announcements that affect the exchange rates between two countries, but a few of the most common include interest rate changes, unemployment rates, inflation reports, gross domestic product numbers, manufacturing data, and commodities.

A fixed or pegged rate is determined by the government through its central bank. The rate is set against another major world currency (such as the U.S. dollar, euro, or yen). To maintain its exchange rate, the government will buy and sell its own currency against the currency to which it is pegged.


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I think that they could easily give premium plus members the first ........ L$ they buy every month for a slightly better rate than the normal instant buy through the viewer. That is all a matter of programming I guess and wanting it to happen of course. Don't forget the LL has a license to print them. And as long as the marketplace gives a big enough L$ sink, they should be good.

All they need is someone who is good in math, so they make more out of the premium plus, than that they lose with the extra rates.

Other (simpler) solutions could be an extra monthly stipend for premium plus of course or lower exchange fees.
But my idea would stimulate the economy more IMHO.

Only thing they need to avoid is that it will become profitable for money traders.
That's why a better price for all L$ one purchases is not such a good idea, I think.

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32 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

I think that they could easily give premium plus members the first ........ L$ they buy every month for a slightly better rate than the normal instant buy through the viewer. That is all a matter of programming I guess and wanting it to happen of course. Don't forget the LL has a license to print them. And as long as the marketplace gives a big enough L$ sink, they should be good.

All they need is someone who is good in math, so they make more out of the premium plus, than that they lose with the extra rates.

Other (simpler) solutions could be an extra monthly stipend for premium plus of course or lower exchange fees.
But my idea would stimulate the economy more IMHO.

Only thing they need to avoid is that it will become profitable for money traders.
That's why a better price for all L$ one purchases is not such a good idea, I think.


You mean 'inworld' exchange rates and not international exchange rates for currencies then? 

If your answer is yes, then I apologize for misunderstanding. I'm used to people meaning international exchange rates for currencies when they say "exchange rates". Like going to a bank in the Netherlands to exchange US dollars for Euros or, before Euros existed, guilders. Or going to a bank in the US and exchanging Euros for USD.

Or are we both now completely confused? 😆

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9 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Or are we both now completely confused? 😆

These questions - and many others - will be answered in the next episode of ......

Remember that comedy series somewhere at the end of the 70s?

Edited by Sid Nagy
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A homestead. By that I mean ...


Other good suggestions  ... 4096 as the free tier, 100 group slots, free monthly name change (you can't seriously tell me a handful of lines of code pushing into a DB is worth $40 every time), etc.

But the homestead one? Drives me mad.

Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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9 minutes ago, Teagan Tobias said:

What I am afraid of is they will take part of the Premium perks and move them to Premium Plus, that will put me back to basic.

Yes, I am afraid of that too, that the current premium product will become like a basic land ownership product with nothing else. I suppose that would cause an uproar though.

I have no idea what they will offer in Premium Plus. I just want the ability to own a homestead without owning a full region, but that would put the land barons out of business.

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4096sqm Mainland tier allowance, $L500 weekly stipend, multiple partners allowed (at least 3), more space for profile and picks text. Add some basic rules to mainland like no littering, no huge prim walls and no skyboxes below 1000 meters. No offense but I'm not interested in Bellisseria, I'm sick of being a second class citizen because I'm not in the clique.

- I'd happily pay $299 a year

And just for fun, make a Linux viewer that works out of the box without the obsolete quicktime player and without having to add the i386 structure to my PC -- I'm very unhappy when customer service tells me it's my problem because I'm using a 3rd party viewer. 

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On 1/14/2022 at 11:10 AM, Lucia Nightfire said:

Only a couple of you have posted what you're willing to pay for the features you've listed.


An extra $75 per year or less. More than that, and I may as well just pay the current monthly tier.

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The pricing of the Premium+ plan will need to bring something for both sides (LL and us, the users) other whise it will not work. Therefor it is very hard to talk about pricing at this stage, not knowing what the +package will be.

One thing is for sure, if the price will be more than 75-100 USD extra upon a normal premium membership a year, the offering has to really be superb, otherwise the number of people who are willing to go plus will not be that high IMHO.

SL is a costly hobby as it is already if you hold a bit more land than what comes with a premium membership.

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One advantage to offering more animesh attachments with Premium Plus—a feature I'll never use myself—is that it gives scripts a way to tell which avatars are Premium Plus, just as it currently lets us know who's Premium. Otherwise zero value to me.

13 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:


Yeah, in perspective, this is the only thing they could plausibly offer that I'd care about. I'd jump at the ability to author a Grid Scope Experience, but they're not going to offer it, so a standalone homestead would be the only offer of possible interest… although I don't see it listed among the "maybes" in Inara Pey's post reviewing the January Web User Group where the product offer was discussed.

8 hours ago, Teagan Tobias said:

What I am afraid of is they will take part of the Premium perks and move them to Premium Plus, that will put me back to basic.

On that concern, some reassurance in Inara's blog post:

  • The introduction of Premium Plus will not see any “downgrading” of current Premium subscription benefits or any changes to the current Premium subscription fees.

Also mentioned in Inara's post, a potential concern for me that I hadn't thought of: If Premium Plus comes with higher stipends, how will accounts be handled that already get the higher grandfathered stipends, especially if they upgrade to Plus and then downgrade again? Handled wrong, that could be a huge disincentive to upgrading those accounts to Plus (assuming there's anything in the offer that otherwise would be of interest).


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On 1/14/2022 at 6:10 AM, Lucia Nightfire said:

Only a couple of you have posted what you're willing to pay for the features you've listed.


Oh, if you insist: I'd pay US$1300 for a Premium Plus homestead annual subscription. Maybe a little more if it also appreciably reduced my existing Mainland tier fees, perhaps by offering much larger "bonus" tier levels.

As I suggested elsewhere, however, they should really offer larger bonus tier in the current Premium subscriptions, no extra charge, but only if spent outside Bellisseria, to give some renewed incentive to Mainland ownership beyond Belli. (But that's unlikely because Lab folks have always been easily discouraged by difficulty, and easily distracted by success, even when they're two sides of a zero-sum coin.)

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I personally think LL needs to offer Premium Plus with an "a la carte" priced feature set.

This allow LL to assign individual monthly/quarterly/annual dollar values per feature and allow users to pay for only what they need, whether that be # more groups, # more attachment slots, # more seconds per sound upload, # sqm more land, # more prims, grid-scope experience purchase/upgrade, # more KB per script compile, etc.

This would also allow LL to, over time, add any new features, each with their own monthly/quarterly/annual concurrent rates without worry of bundle/package worth/pricing changes when a cost analysis shows a change would be warranted.

Many people don't like the prospect of having to pay another $50 - $100 bucks a year, just to get the one thing they need versus a bunch of stuff they don't.

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As a creator I feel truly stifled with the small parcel of mainland and land impact offered.  The only thing that would tempt me is a larger mainland parcel and prims.  I would be willing to pay probably around $130/year because I already think $99/year is a bit ridiculous.  It's a hobby for me because basically I don't make enough money for it to be anything else. There is a constant learning curve and it requires a great amount of time and energy to get anything back from the money put into SL.  At least, give us some more land and prims to work with. I don't spend my time out at clubs and exploring.  I spend it in a studio creating.  There is only so long I'll do that and pay out the nose with little in return. 

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On 1/17/2022 at 1:33 PM, Katherine Heartsong said:

Also, two levels of homestead to purchase without owning a full sim ...

$99/month for 5K prims, call this the starter homestead. $149/month for 10K prims, call that one full homestead.

LL? I'll buy either one right now. As in, here's my credit card and money for you. Right now.

But today it is 109/month tier for a homestead. Will you really pay that much? I think that is a bit much. Go from 99/annually for Premium to 99/monthly for Premium Plus? The difference between Premium and next level would be so large.


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