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New Gacha Policy Discussion

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It sucks that a few special snowflakes that can't act as responsible adults want to ruin Gachas for everyone.

What's next? no more escorting because some winey ***** gets offended. We re all adults & we have a right o gamble as we see fit & suffer the consequences as adults.

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15 minutes ago, Crim Mip said:

It would probably be ok, but the issue is, it get's rid of the main reason people paid gachas. Sure you'd likely get a junk item, but you had that chance of getting the rare. If you know up front you're getting the junk, fewer will want to pay.

Why make junk at all. There is no such thing as a 'rare' pixel. 

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2 minutes ago, Furstorm said:

It sucks that a few special snowflakes that can't act as responsible adults want to ruin Gachas for everyone.

What's next? no more escorting because some winey ***** gets offended. We re all adults & we have a right o gamble as we see fit & suffer the consequences as adults.

it's called the LAW. smh..what about that don't you get?

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Everyone is too caught up with this and can't think clearly. Confusing themselves with all sort of wrong definitions regarding gacha.

Going full out on defense or offense will not solve things. People need to slow down and breathe. Wait for more from LL before jumping into conclusion and fear mongering.

There is actually a pretty simple solution around this but this is not the place for that discussion. *winkwink nudgenudge*

So sit back, relax and wait for more from LL *sips tea

Edited by Hanjo Harvey
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6 minutes ago, LilithServil said:

I kinda really don't like how item permissions are being lumped into it. Saying certain things are fine "as long as it's no transfer" is really weird-- what about it being transfer is bad exactly? Why are no transfer items okay but no copy transfer items are not?

Part of the appeal of gachas is being able to resell what you don't want.  If it's no transfer, I doubt it would be as popular since you'd be stuck with a bunch of stuff you don't want .

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Just now, LilithServil said:

I kinda really don't like how item permissions are being lumped into it. Saying certain things are fine "as long as it's no transfer" is really weird-- what about it being transfer is bad exactly? Why are no transfer items okay but no copy transfer items are not?

It may never matter in practice—no transfer stuff is probably doomed, too—but the ability to transfer items makes resale possible (inevitable, really) and that makes the gambling aspect more explicit: you pay money for a chance to get more or less money in return. Basically a slot machine with doodads attached.

For a while (historically not from the beginning) gacha resale was seen as a positive thing, but now it's a big glowing beacon for what regulators would find objectionable about gacha.

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9 minutes ago, LilithServil said:

I kinda really don't like how item permissions are being lumped into it. Saying certain things are fine "as long as it's no transfer" is really weird-- what about it being transfer is bad exactly? Why are no transfer items okay but no copy transfer items are not?

txfer allows to sell, which is how you make more money then what you put in when you get a rare

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Just now, Rowan Amore said:

Part of the appeal of gachas is being able to resell what you don't want.  If it's no transfer, I doubt it would be as popular since you'd be stuck with a bunch of stuff you don't want .

Right, and that's why I don't understand why it's acceptable to have what's essentially a gacha system renamed (7seas) be an acceptable thing with no transfer permissions.

Part of the appeal IS being able to resell what you don't want so you're not stuck with junk items or duplicates. Leaving the gambling and taking away the way to possibly make your profit back is even worse than gacha.

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It is clear that gachas like they have been are done in SL. Is cause for it law or will of LL - isnt important from perspective of outcome. LL is private company and even without any RL laws they can do what they want.

Speaking about impact to SL of laws from outside USA - where I live/ inside EU/ we have casinos and lottery  BUT by law is forbidden prostitution and escorting.

And about laws in USA, California -   it is illegal for men with mustaches to kiss a woman.
So ...world is weird.

Back to gacha.

1. If fishing still will be legal / beside 7S fishing is there other ones where you pay for worm to get random amount of lindens./

Is easy to make gacha be legal too - you just sell "worms" or how you want name them.

2. IF problem is that item what you get is random and unknown - then just change prize to be random.

There is vendor and just one item in it. You go and pull and get xxx prize, you dont like it, you pull again and get YY prize and you dont like that too, you pull again and if you dont like that prize too you are out if you like that one you pay and get item from vendor. Everyone gets 3 pulls per day/ 24h. You use them on one item or on 2 -3 dif items - its up to you.

It is random but.....you clearly know what item you get. In general you choose what prize you pay. ITs up to creator what kind prizes they put in vendor and how much they want ask.

Im sure by time and with more clear wording from LL there will be many new creative ways.




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2 minutes ago, Scum Pond said:

txfer allows to sell, which is how you make more money then what you put in when you get a rare

So then we technically have LL saying "it's okay to gamble, you're just not allowed to potentially make any of your money back/a profit off of it", no?

"Q:  Will popular games like 7seas be impacted by this policy change?

A:  No, because the purchase of bait to go “fishing” is a purchase being made of a known item, and also the fish you catch while playing the game are non-transferable."

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So here is my issue about this whole thing. for one thing laws differ for different countries thus I've come to find out that gachas will still be available for those people to create but the bigger issue is that people will create a black market for this so what's the point to treating people like children when they'll find a way to create & or distribute what they want anyway?.If someone can't act responsibly that's on them.. why punish the rest of us?

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If people keep trying to find ways around the new ToS, we'll end up losing far more than just gachas and 7Seas and breedables. LL will just shut it all down and wash their hands of us to concentrate on Tilia.

If that is what you want, now would be a good time to take your leave of SL. If you want SL to be around for a long time yet, stop trying to circumvent what you know will be against the ToS. PLEASE!

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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There's certainly precedent for something totally unintuitive to escape the gacha ban, just as "skill gaming" devices  escaped the casino gambling ban despite being obviously games of chance in all but the most trivial and superficial of ways. Thing is, that was so utterly unfounded in rationality that I can't imagine how to repeat the trick, and find the whole idea kinda icky.

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I'm beginning to wonder if some of the folks commenting about breedables are actually familiar with them, at all.

Starter packs are relatively random, so I could see this policy forcing breedable creators to adjust how those are sold, as in, removing the randomness, or possibly changing the permissions if that is what is necessary (I can make a guess as to what needs to be done, but it would just be a guess). I am certain that starter packs are one of those issues that still needs to be sorted, because, like I said, they're relatively random. It's still an easy thing for creators to fix. 

People can no longer put their offspring (in whatever form it comes, of course, nest, egg, crystal, whatever) into random vendors, because...random, and the offspring are also transferable, which essentially makes these random vendors the same as gacha. So, that's an easy thing to fix...stop using random vendors, problem solved. Sell your offspring the normal way(s) if you want to, MP, in world, in a regular vendor that actually tells people exactly what they're buying, etc..)

Secondary sales of offspring (again in whatever form they come, egg, next, whatever), you always know what you're buying. If I go to buy a horse bundle, I can see what traits it has before I buy it (usually done by clicking the unbirthed nest, egg, bundle, etc.). When I bought bunnies, I could see by clicking the nests, reading the MP listing, or looking at the vendor if that's how it was sold, exactly which traits are in that nest (ie, exactly what bunny). There is no randomness to it, at all, you know what you're buying. If I sell a dog, cat, whatever, offspring, the person buying from me knows what they are buying, there is nothing random at all to it, there is no chance, there is simply me selling a product to someone else, full stop. 

The randomness, with breedables, only comes into play with starter packs (or whatever the creator calls their version) which are random until birth, and any vendor that has a randomness to purchasing. Otherwise, I can see why LL would say this doesn't apply to them, because it doesn't. 

I'm not really sure why some are arguing that there is a randomness to all breedables, when there isn't.  If people are talking about the breeding processes, that has absolutely nothing at all to do with buyers purchasing, or this topic, or gachas, or, anything, lol. 

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Just now, Arwyn Quandry said:

People have been finding ways to circumvent the ToS since SL was created. It hasn't shut down yet. You're being too dramatic.

No, I am not. I've been in SL far longer than what this account shows. I can see the writing on the wall even if you can't. LL will shut it all down if people don't cooperate. They'll start with gachas, then 7Seas and breedables, only they know what will be next until there is nothing left in SL worth logging in for. If there aren't enough regularly logging in residents spending enough money, LL won't have any choice. 

I'm looking at the big whole scene, not just those trees in front of the forest.

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10 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

There's certainly precedent for something totally unintuitive to escape the gacha ban, just as "skill gaming" devices  escaped the casino gambling ban despite being obviously games of chance in all but the most trivial and superficial of ways. Thing is, that was so utterly unfounded in rationality that I can't imagine how to repeat the trick, and find the whole idea kinda icky.

Instead of giving store credit, stores could give "free" random gifts that you receive for every [x] amount of lindens you spend on the other products in their store. The free gifts just happen to look really nice and be transferable and no copy

The players are getting what they paid for, plus a "gift" at no extra charge.

Edited by chesse Vyceratops
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2 hours ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

If adult content/behavior is banned, that will be the last nail in SL's coffin, heh.

I feel the same. That and roleplay (Actual good roleplay though). Gacha is not so important to me other than a few things I see here and there on MP, sometimes I'll buy, more than likely just pass though.

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