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19 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

an antimalarial drug coupled with an antibiotic

An even smaller study (but perhaps  less methodologically flawed?) showed no effect of hydroxychloroquine compared to "conventional" treatment in China (which included some antivirals). Certainly doesn't prove it's worthless, but less than encouraging to those touting it as a miracle cure.

Second, apropos my earlier "tradeoff" rants, an interesting thread about testing, and treatment capacity:


Finally, I've been encountering claims that the lack of testing data permits an interpretation that the COVID-19 crisis is overblown, that it's already nearing its end in the US because maybe most Americans are already exposed, were asymptomatic, and are now immune. I'm not seeing how to square that with conditions in NYC; I guess maybe if one posits a growth curve that's miraculously peaking now, but I don't understand how to square that with the longer records in for example cn, sg, tw, and sk, and the record of spread through east Asia and major travel cities in January. To me it seems crazy wishful thinking, but it's getting attention as some way of hoping / pretending Trump's Easter won't be a massacre.

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*sigh* Yeah, @Qie Niangao - folks can't get it through their heads that "don't know" really does mean "don't know", that lack of data doesn't imply a negative conclusion, it implies no conclusion is possible at all.

Folks who have never worked with statistics have never been exposed to the idea of "the null hypothesis", that you find something effective by finding actual evidence disproving the null hypothesis that "X has no benefit as a treatment for Y", which - certainly in medical situations where primum non nocere applies - is the default assumption.

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I've moved from any semblance of fear to out and out anger. Our amazing governor announced yesterday that one of our new cases is someone who WENT TO A CORONAVIRUS PARTY. Freaking stupid moronic inconsiderate selfish jerks. I'm home, I've been home for two weeks now with only a trip to the grocery, doing what we're all supposed to be doing, yet there are still idiots who don't get that the sooner everyone (except the essential workers, and bless them) stays the frick home, the sooner this mess will freaking be over. 

We've also had two jackasses who tested positive who refused to self-quarantine. One knowingly went shopping after receiving the results. My governor isn't playing, though. The first one had state troopers posted in front of his house until he gave in and agreed to self-quarantine and the idiot who went shopping is now under house-arrest and wearing an ankle monitor. 

And because I need an outlet for my anger, @FairreLilette, I understand your fear of your landlady... if you message me her name and the address, I'll call the police on behalf of every tenant in the building. I'm happy to take out a bully and have no problem reporting her. That way you won't be the responsible one and can act like you don't know nothin' about nothin' when the police drop by to explain to her why she cannot hold 110 people hostage. I don't need to know anything about you so there is nothing I can say that would identify you in any way. I know that you said you can't even accept packages... are you able to get your mail? Because interfering with the USPS is a federal offense. A call could be made to the postmaster as well. No one is going to be happy to hear some crazy Russian lady has essentially kidnapped over 100 people. Hell, call the media. Let a bunch of reporters show up to ask her what the hell she thinks she's doing. It would make a great story. 

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1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

showed no effect of hydroxychloroquine

There was a report on the BBC yesterday about an American couple who took this (apparently it's a fish tank cleaner and they had some left over!) "...as a prevention against the virus". 30 min's later, the ambulance arrived at the hospital and the male couldn't be revived! Hospitals in the US are reporting other cases from people who have taken it and Nigerian hospitals are dealing with a wave of cases (don't know what they use it for but seems to be readily available!).


1 hour ago, Beth Macbain said:

if you message me her name and the address, I'll call the police on behalf of every tenant in the building. I'm happy to take out a bully and have no problem reporting her.

With everything I've read on here, I'm falling heavily on the side of it's a building full of "illegals"!  It's the only explanation I can come up with for Fairre's reluctance to enforce her lawful rights against this Russian harridan! I might be wrong, seems to be a thing with me lately, but it shows all the signs I'd expect to see from such a building.

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4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

If someone were to believe in God, why not believe that Science was revealed to Man by God? Fools!

I agree with Da5id that men of science can also be men of faith.  But I don't believe that scientific advances are revealed wisdom (if that is what you meant, Love).  They take too much hard work and skull sweat!

If you meant, though, that scientific progress is made because God gave us the ability to think and observe...well then, spot on!

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28 minutes ago, Dano Seale said:

With everything I've read on here, I'm falling heavily on the side of it's a building full of "illegals"!  It's the only explanation I can come up with for Fairre's reluctance to enforce her lawful rights against this Russian harridan! I might be wrong, seems to be a thing with me lately, but it shows all the signs I'd expect to see from such a building.

She lives in California, so that particular issue wouldn't matter one way or another.  

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7 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

She lives in California, so that particular issue wouldn't matter one way or another.  

Fair enough. I don't know the situation over there on such things (too much film and tv watched I think lol), just how her reluctance came across to me.

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15 minutes ago, Dano Seale said:

Fair enough. I don't know the situation over there on such things (too much film and tv watched I think lol), just how her reluctance came across to me.

When I lived in LA, I (briefly) worked for some absolutely insane Russians. Not saying that insane and Russian are the same thing at all but the combination of the two, especially when they are yelling in Russian, can be quite scary - especially when they are in a position of power (perceived or real) over you. 

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2 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

I've moved from any semblance of fear to out and out anger. Our amazing governor announced yesterday that one of our new cases is someone who WENT TO A CORONAVIRUS PARTY. Freaking stupid moronic inconsiderate selfish jerks. I'm home, I've been home for two weeks now with only a trip to the grocery, doing what we're all supposed to be doing, yet there are still idiots who don't get that the sooner everyone (except the essential workers, and bless them) stays the frick home, the sooner this mess will freaking be over. 

We've also had two jackasses who tested positive who refused to self-quarantine. One knowingly went shopping after receiving the results. My governor isn't playing, though. The first one had state troopers posted in front of his house until he gave in and agreed to self-quarantine and the idiot who went shopping is now under house-arrest and wearing an ankle monitor. 

It is this sort of thing that has me bouncing between being scared for the country in general and being down right pissed.

I ready this morning that the Denver airport typically has about 1700 flights per day, but is currently down about 500.  FOR REAL????  We STILL have roughly 1200 flights per day?  WTH!?!?!!?

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12 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

When I lived in LA, I (briefly) worked for some absolutely insane Russians. Not saying that insane and Russian are the same thing at all but the combination of the two, especially when they are yelling in Russian, can be quite scary - especially when they are in a position of power (perceived or real) over you. 

Russian is a wonderful language for swearing.  Even the ordinary words sound as if you're swearing.

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4 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:

 showed no effect of hydroxychloroquine


2 hours ago, Dano Seale said:

There was a report on the BBC yesterday about an American couple who took this (apparently it's a fish tank cleaner and they had some left over!) "...as a prevention against the virus". 30 min's later, the ambulance arrived at the hospital and the male couldn't be revived! Hospitals in the US are reporting other cases from people who have taken it and Nigerian hospitals are dealing with a wave of cases (don't know what they use it for but seems to be readily available!).

If you have been prescribed it, it's fine to take though can cause permanent sight damage. it's a drug used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis it was one of the treatments i was put on for my RA but had no effect on me

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After my last comment, I should point out that there is incredible beauty to be found in Russian too.

As a great example, the best recording ever of one of Sergei Rachmaninov's greatest works, the all night vigil, often titled the vespers in western editions...

If you have or can make an hour to spare for one of the most beautiful unaccompanied choral pieces ever written, the time when you are stressing over all the crap going on outside your door (or even inside it) is probably the best occasion on which to find that hour.

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I'm not particularly in the habit of sticking up for landladies, Russian or otherwise, but in case it's useful in restoring common sense here: She's almost certainly terrified and merely responding with that terror. She has every reason to be afraid of this virus - and I'm guessing she lives in the building, too. And if she once lived in Soviet Russia, she may well assume that when authorities impose a "lockdown", they mean it literally. (Well... literally locking the doors was crazy by any standards, but maybe the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire didn't get a lot of play in Moscow; they probably had other headlines in 1911.)

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On 3/24/2020 at 3:25 PM, FairreLilette said:
I think we need to try ordering from our local stores and then having delivery in a clean ordered way as possible.  

Frankly, some of us may need government checks first before ordering food online because I looked at food prices online and they are higher than what I usually spend as I am single and don't need large amounts, let alone no where to store it in an apartment.  I buy smaller portions of a lot of things.  The online groceries seem to be average 4 per family size and larger and that's a lot of money buying in larger sizes.  Being a single, I'd be better with meals on wheels if that were made possible.

It's very haphazard right now.  


Ordering online in the UK is just about impossible now. The earliest delivery slots available to me now, from any supermarket, are the end of May.

The only real solution here is have the supermarkets parcel off all their stock into food parcels, and have the Army deliver them.

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4 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

But I don't believe that scientific advances are revealed wisdom (if that is what you meant, Love).  They take too much hard work and skull sweat!

Not saying I believe it either. But, many historic discoveries were made by people of faith. Regardless of what we believe.

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4 minutes ago, Matty Luminos said:

Ordering online in the UK is just about impossible now. The earliest delivery slots available to me now, from any supermarket, are the end of May.

The only real solution here is have the supermarkets parcel off all their stock into food parcels, and have the Army deliver them.

Groceries still open to visit / buy from in person, in Florida.

Edited by Love Zhaoying
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I'm prone to worry and panic in general, always have been - partly due to my mental illness, and my brains ability to blow things out of proportion in a heartbeat. Also overthinking. 
I'm not scared of the virus per se, but I'm scared of the uncertainty of it all. 

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Herebelow is an article that appeared in local press in a tiny paragraph on the last page.
"The people of Wuhan are gradually returning to their jobs.
Gradual reopening of Disneyland or IKEA stores, campaign hospital closures: China is heading for a very gradual return to regularity after a month-and-a-half of draconian restrictive measures over the Covid-19 epidemic.
The country where the new coronavirus was born at the end of 2019 has seen an outbreak of the epidemic for a few weeks on its territory as it spreads around the world.
Although restrictive measures remain draconian, and many locals prefer to stay in their homes, every day as more and more pedestrians and cars pass by on the streets of Beijing.
Traffic in the Chinese capital remains much slower than usual. Public transport remains virtually empty, with very few people on the streets without a protective mask.
But in Wuhan, the 11 million-strong city where the virus appeared, many are hoping for a gradual lifting of the quarantine measures imposed on January 23.
The city's airport announced that some of its executives had returned to work, with no information on the timing of the flight.
Employees at all airports in Hubei province, capital of which is Wuhan, have been ordered to return to work on Thursday.
Proof of the recession in Wuhan, 14 of the 16 campaign hospitals opened for residents have been closed, the Xinhua news agency said. These hospitals were located in factories, sports facilities and an exhibition park.
Across China, 19,000 patients remain in hospital, compared with 58,000 at the end of February.
A top official in the country hinted on Friday that the blockade of Hubei would come to an end soon.
'The day the whole world is waiting for should not be that far off,' Ding Xianjiang, deputy secretary general of the government, told reporters.
Hubei residents are eager to take measures to allow them to get out of their homes, especially in areas of the province where no cases have been recorded for weeks.
I believe that all this will be over in summer, as per the northern hemisphere, that is.
Not sure if it will restart next winter.
Where I live yesterday started total curfew, nobody in the streets on 25th march, national holiday and all shops closed.
The other days the supermarkets and pharmacies remain open as well as a few other shops.
One has to fill in printed applications about who he is, where he is headed to and why, so that if a cop questions him for instance downtown he cannot say he was going in the country or wherever he'd like anyway.
I cannot understand though why they closed down all parks and recreation aereas in the country precisely, forests, mountains around the capital and so on.
It's understood for the crowded places like department stores but forests?
In the beginning I was very much afraid as I belong in a vulnerable group but when I got out and took a walk, all of a sudden I knew I am not going to get sick at all.  
I'm living alone and dont have normally any acquaintances so this is a plus now.
One does not know what exactly he will face in advance.
Some days ago my sink plumbing broke down.  I would not call a plumber as traditionnally I'm fixing this sort of things but I needed an hydraulic cable, did not know anybody having one at his home, me neither, and the hydraulic shops were closed.
The hugiene is crucial now and for a while this οccasion seemed dangerous.  Finally I resolved the problem with boiling water.
OK lots of things are new and must be dealt with such as.
I'm optimistic though.
Do not believe economy will crash and the end of the world will come.


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2 hours ago, Matty Luminos said:

Ordering online in the UK is just about impossible now. The earliest delivery slots available to me now, from any supermarket, are the end of May.

The only real solution here is have the supermarkets parcel off all their stock into food parcels, and have the Army deliver them.

Morrison's are doing delivery boxes. They don't guarantee exactly what's in each one, as it depends on what's in stock, but it's supposed to be enough for two people for a week, including household essentials. Affordable too. 

I know you're vulnerable. If you get stuck, please PM me. 

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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Groceries still open to visit / buy from in person, in Florida.

Yeah they are open to buy from in person here, and pretty well stocked with most things (apart from the obvious). We definitely are not going to starve :)

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2 minutes ago, Amina Sopwith said:

Morrison's are doing delivery boxes. They don't guarantee exactly what's in each one, as it depends on what's in stock, but it's supposed to be enough for two people for a week, including household essentials. Affordable too. 

I know you're vulnerable. If you get stuck, please PM me. 

Noo, we are fine, our local stores are well stocked and there's a good sized supermarket within walking distance. I was just speculating about the option of forcing people to stay home completely, rather than allowing them out to shop for groceries.

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