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Beth Macbain

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@Beth Macbain I have a boat house in Cape Lively, which I got on July 12th, after seeing the houses in SLB16 and thinking it was time for some change, I was lucky and after some updates I became a happy resident of Belli, I don't intend to abandon this house boat, just think of changing the model from time to time and create different details for each one, honestly I think there is no better place, there is "manufacture" a great place using the features available in the viewers, and the various options , mesh, primitive, etc ... to make whatever you want to improve, and see the landscape the way you like to see it. It is true that after more than 12 years of working for SL (I became premium in 2007) the energy of the world is being renewed and it has been great to be part of it.



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I kept the traditional I acquired in April for several months, but as I wasn’t spending as much time in it having some other mainland properties, I let it go so it could be enjoyed by another.

I do now have a camper from the second wave of releases and am very happy with the location. It is very much my stop-over home when travelling between my Sansara and Jeogeot properties.

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I changed so often, I have to keep a diary to remember which homes I caught and abandoned.

"Der Weg ist das Ziel"  (the way is the goal) - is there such a proverb in English too? 

I enjoy catching and releasing with seven premium accounts (till April) , trying different regions and different housetypes. 

Luckily I managed to get for my main my absolute dreamhome on the beach in Axim. This will stay my home ultimately when the alts are degraded to basic.


Edited by Leora Jacobus
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During or close to initial release one of my alts got a house boat, found he could hardly move because of the lag, and abandoned it and managed to get a traditional.  Back then ban lines were appearing because someone hadn't disabled that yet.  Shortly after he abandoned the traditional too because renewal for his premium was coming up, I was impressed with the new linden homes but not impressed enough to continue paying for two premium accounts and I didn't feel like giving up Knutz's mainland parcel.

But I wouldn't be able to forget about Bellisseria.  I think it was a post on VirtualVerse (once SLU) that renewed my curiosity and I found myself frequently visiting the new continent and reading here.  On mainland I had always gotten bored with my parcel fairly quickly and moved but this time decided to give the new Linden Homes another try.  It was about a week of auto refreshing, mad clicking, cursing, then repeat till I finally snaged one.  That was back on Aug 5 and I'm still on that same parcel.  I was disappointed that landscaping prevented me from having a driveway to the front of the house and much more spectacularly scenic areas are not very far away, but the effort I put into getting the place stopped me from abandoning and retrying and I like the ways I have adapted and settled in.  Like I said in another post I doubt the new Victorians will make me abandon my current place, I'm probably going to borrow details from them to vicky up my own place.

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44 minutes ago, Leora Jacobus said:

"Der Weg ist das Ziel"  (the way is the goal) - is there such a proverb in English too?

There are many variations in English of "the voyage is the destination".  But my favorite work on this theme was in Greek, C.P. Cavafy's "Ithaka".  I do always feel a touch of this adventurer's excitement when I get a property in Belli in an area new to me :)

As you set out for Ithaka
hope the voyage is a long one,
full of adventure, full of discovery.

Laistrygonians and Cyclops,
angry Poseidon- don't be afraid of them:
you'll never find things like that on your way
as long as you keep your thoughts raised high,
as long as a rare excitement
stirs your spirit and your body.

Laistrygonians and Cyclops,
wild Poseidon- you won't encounter them
unless you bring them along inside your soul,
unless your soul sets them up in front of you.

May there be many a summer morning when,
with what pleasure, what joy,
you come into harbors seen for the first time;
may you stop at Phoenician trading stations
to buy fine things,
mother of pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
the sensual perfume of every kind-
as many sensual perfumes as you can;
and may you visit many Egyptian cities
to gather stores of knowledge from their scholars.

Keep Ithaka always in your mind.
Arriving there is what you are destined for.
But do not hurry the journey at all.
Better if it lasts for years,
so you are old by the time you reach the island,
wealthy with all you have gained on the way,
not expecting Ithaka to make you rich.

Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey.
Without her, you would not have set out.
She has nothing left to give you now.
And if you find her poor, Ithaka won't have fooled you.
Wise as you will have become, so full of experience,
you will have understood by then what these Ithakas mean.

Translated by Edmund Keeley/ Phillip Sherrard

Edited by Nika Talaj
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I've always been a nomad in SL, so it's no surprise I have changed homes a few times in Bellisseria. I got a traditional the first night they were released, and promptly abandoned it, so no, I am not still in the very *first* spot. I think I went through maybe a half dozen traditional parcels before I landed on the lovely one I have now. 

My alt got a houseboat a couple of weeks after they were first released, and I do still have that. I like it because it's on the end of a row, so I have plenty of open water, and there is a lighthouse nearby. I changed camper locations one time, and landed in the mountains, so am staying put there, too. I'm not even watching releases anymore as I am satisfied with what I have.  :) 

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15 hours ago, karynmaria said:

Well your houseboat is in a prime spot I think you would be nuts to get rid of it so I am glad you kept it!

Thank you! When I was going to abandon it and packed everything up, I didn't have the energy to put all the stuff back and it sat empty for a while. I got a rather... well, passive-aggressive... note from my neighbor about how sad she was to see it empty, and she would really appreciate it if I did my part to keep our row of boats looking nice. 

I don't think she liked my response. 

I did go back and throw down some furniture and plants this week so hopefully she's happy now.

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I have a good seaside spot I got the day Bellisseria opened. I have a premium membership and had 1024 m^2 of unused tier, so it didn't cost me anything. I had no idea Bellisseria was going to be a big deal. I made it a rez zone, put in a motorcycle rezzer and an NPC to make it look busy, and mostly forgot about it. It still looks like I'm moving in; I have a few pieces of furniture and some crates inside. I use it mostly as a place to keep a boat. I have a boat outside with a track setup that extends into the water during boat launching.

Really need to furnish the place. My main place is my workshop in Kama City; the house in Bellisseria is a getaway.

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14 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

Thank you! When I was going to abandon it and packed everything up, I didn't have the energy to put all the stuff back and it sat empty for a while. I got a rather... well, passive-aggressive... note from my neighbor about how sad she was to see it empty, and she would really appreciate it if I did my part to keep our row of boats looking nice. 

I don't think she liked my response. 

I did go back and throw down some furniture and plants this week so hopefully she's happy now.

Your neighbor would hate me - and I would not give a rat's pattootie (to say it nicely) - and yeah, she likely wouldn't like the response that I'd give to such a note either. 

To this day, each of my Linden homes are all only partially decorated and furnished.  Every time I put out a new item, I decide that it needs to look a bit different and I end up picking lots of stuff up and only replacing bits of it.

I HATE HATE HATE decorating.  Like so many of my other homes in SL, it will eventually get finished, on my timeline and nobody else's.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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27 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Your neighbor would hate me - and I would not give a rat's pattootie (to say it nicely) - and yeah, she likely wouldn't like the response that I'd give to such a note either. 

I did get a wee bit passive aggressive back when I redecorated by putting this on the side of the boat to establish my dominance over our row of boats...


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1 hour ago, animats said:

... I had no idea Bellisseria was going to be a big deal. I made it a rez zone, put in a motorcycle rezzer and an NPC to make it look busy, and mostly forgot about it. It still looks like I'm moving in; I have a few pieces of furniture and some crates inside....

So YOU have been the neighnour that made me abandon MY first plot at the seashore! *lol*


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I'm... actually not sure...

I brought myself and an alt into this around the same time...

My first plot was a camper, then a houseboat, then my current houseboat. Maybe more than one camper...

But what I don't know is if the first few were me or my alt... O.o

So I will say I probably am NOT on my original plot...


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I was absent from SL for a couple of years so I missed the beginnings of Bellisseria. Its mainly because of Bellisseria I have stayed. I have had numerous houses, trailers and houseboats. I tend to decorate and explore the area around the home and then move on. I stayed in Toad Hollow the longest but had to give it up to try for a Victorian and to also keep the traditional in Castlewellan Overlook which I love. It is in the name of my alt who rarely sees daylight. I just take over her house, grab her stipend and log her out. 

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I'm still in the first traditional I snagged in Ashton Village. It took me so long to get it that I never wanted to risk giving it up. It's an okay spot but I'm really just too lazy to pick everything up/put everything back down again if I wanted to get back in the game. It also borders Millbank and I'm still waiting to see what they end up doing with it. 

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4 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

I'm... actually not sure...

I brought myself and an alt into this around the same time...

My first plot was a camper, then a houseboat, then my current houseboat. Maybe more than one camper...

But what I don't know is if the first few were me or my alt... O.o

So I will say I probably am NOT on my original plot...


Oh that got me thinking, and I'm not sure who did what now, either. I'm pretty sure my main account started first and had the first traditional, and an alt had (and still has) a houseboat, and another alt had a camper. But I think the main account and camper alt switched it up a few times along the way, and now that alt owns a traditional, and my main account owns a camper. The one alt and I have swapped tier back and forth so many times, we are both dizzy! 

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my partner first got a  houseboat in the boat house expansion in may, i got our traditional about a month later.My partner then got us a camp site with her alt about three weeks after campers were first released. We are still in those three spots and have no plans to try for other spots. Our spots were not perfect , but home is what you make of it, and we were thankful to get what we got .I was considering making my alt premium for the new theme, and as lovely as the victorians are, they just do not wOw me enough. I will wait a see what and if a fifth theme might be?

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I did the opposite of what Bellisseria was intended for and eschewed it for many months in favour of Mainland living.

Eventually in the autumn, when houses became more plentiful and people were abandoning them in search of newer releases more readily, I claimed a Traditional; and another; and another til I found my forever home in Donovan along the canal.  I enjoy life in Bellisseria; it’s not a starter home but a retirement home, as people have suggested along the way over the months. I am a converted Mainlander.

Giving up the canalside jewel for a Victorian, do I dare, do I dare...  The decks are perfect; the landscaping is magnificent; but the canalside feeling is hard to leave.

And it is all about the feeling of the place, after all. Virtual living is all about the feels.  Nostalgia, hope, excitement, the feels getcha every time. 

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I've had many traditional's since the initial release in Bellisseria.  The one I have fond memories of was located in Domingos.  I loved the location, but the lag became unbearable.  Last week I abandoned my traditional in Parlouf,  and the camper in Striker I got on the first day of release for them.  I still have my houseboat on Double that was an abandon.  Snagged it on April 26, 2019.  No way am I going to give it up.  The Victorian, specifically the Verne floorplan is near perfection for me. That porch!!!  If I get lucky enough to snag one in a decent location, well, I'll be as snug as a bug in a rug :) 

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