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Compliments - What has made you feel good?

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   We have a thread about lines from other residents that had annoying, disturbing, or even ridiculous qualities. It's been fun to read and participate. It's also a bit on the negative side.

   I have an appreciation for positivity. You may have noticed.

   I thought maybe it would be nice to have a discussion about lines that you've liked. Have you had a nice conversation with a stranger that made you feel good? Perhaps someone just dropped a random compliment on you that made you smile. Let's talk about something nice someone said about you to you.

   About three years ago, I think, I was in a group conversation. The group was for enthusiasts and patrons of a particular group of sans vêtements regions that still exist today. The conversation was a pleasant banter about nothing in particular, just people having fun, tossing puns around and enjoying each other's company.

   One of the participants IM'd me after a while and we began our own nice side chat. He was charming and intelligent. He had a wonderful sense of humor and used complete sentences and real words. We talked about how we both liked having a place to call home in SL. On a whim, I decided to invite him to see my house. When he showed up, outside my door, he typed 'knock knock'. I opened my door and we waited, saying hi to each other, for things to rez. 

   I was hoping he'd tell me he liked my house, since I had built it. Instead, he said "You are stunning!" I smiled. It felt good.

   We stood there having more pleasant conversation, talking more about houses in SL, and the peculiarity of wanting a home in a place where it was actually completely unnecessary. Then he asked me to accompany him to a place he wanted to show me. So off we went on a sort of impromptu date.

   I followed him then to visit a region he knew of that had a tour of mythologies. It belonged to a friend of his who had started it just to be a home, but had become much more over time. We arrived and sat together in a boat that took us around the place, through different areas that had representations of gods and goddesses, mythological beasts and monsters. There were placards with story telling text. A part of the tour was under water. I can't remember now, but Charybdis and Scylla may have made an appearance. We spent probably an hour and a half there, at least, looking around, watching some of the animated parts of the dioramas, and strolling through a house with different rooms and some nice Victorian-type furniture. And we chatted all the while. I had a very nice time. The place is probably gone now. He told me his friend was closing it down within a month.

   Since that evening, I have not seen or heard from him once. But it's ok. I had a lovely time. I still think about how that compliment felt. And I took it not as merely, or only, on the presentation of my avatar, but of also who I was, of who he saw, in the conversation that preceded the visit.


   No one else is required to post something this long and detailed. Just have fun and see where this positive thread goes.

Edited by Ivanova Shostakovich
because one little mistake.
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1 hour ago, Ivanova Shostakovich said:

   We have a thread about lines from other residents that had annoying, disturbing, or even ridiculous qualities. It's been fun to read and participate. It's also a bit on the negative side.

   I have an appreciation for positivity. You may have noticed.

   I thought maybe it would be nice to have a discussion about lines that you've liked. Have you had a nice conversation with a stranger that made you feel good? Perhaps someone just dropped a random compliment on you that made you smile. Let's talk about something nice someone said about you to you.

   About three years ago, I think, I was in a group conversation. The group was for enthusiasts and patrons of a particular group of sans vêtements regions that still exist today. The conversation was a pleasant banter about nothing in particular, just people having fun, tossing puns around and enjoying each other's company.

   One of the participants IM'd me after a while and we began our own nice side chat. He was charming and intelligent. He had a wonderful sense of humor and used complete sentences and real words. We talked about how we both liked having a place to call home in SL. On a whim, I decided to invite him to see my house. When he showed up, outside my door, he typed 'knock knock'. I opened my door and we waited, saying hi to each other, for things to rez. 

   I was hoping he'd tell me he liked my house, since I had built it. Instead, he said "You are stunning!" I smiled. It felt good.

   We stood there having more pleasant conversation, talking more about houses in SL, and the peculiarity of wanting a home in a place where it was actually completely unnecessary. Then he asked me to accompany him to a place he wanted to show me. So off we went on a sort of impromptu date.

   I followed him then to visit a region he knew of that had a tour of mythologies. It belonged to a friend of his who had started it just to be a home, but had become much more over time. We arrived and sat together in a boat that took us around the place, through different areas that had representations gods and goddesses, mythological beasts and monsters. There were placards with story telling text. A part of the tour was under water. I can't remember now, but Charybdis and Scylla may have made an appearance. We spent probably an hour and a half there, at least, looking around, watching some of the animated parts of the dioramas, and strolling through a house with different rooms and some nice Victorian-type furniture. And we chatted all the while. I had a very nice time. The place is probably gone now. He told me his friend was closing it down within a month.

   Since that evening, I have not seen or heard from him once. But it's ok. I had a lovely time. I still think about how that compliment felt. And I took it not as merely, or only, on the presentation of my avatar, but of also who I was, of who he saw, in the conversation that preceded the visit.


   No one else is required to post something this long and detailed. Just have fun and see where this positive thread goes.

nothing lately. nope.


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I often get complemented about my avatar and/or costume, which is always nice. 

But about three weeks ago I got a random "Hi!" in IM from a complete stranger. Expecting the usual, I said "Hi" back, nothing more. But this guy went on to say that he really liked my profile. I asked him where he'd found me and he mentioned one of the groups I'm in. Then he went on to say "I've seen some good profiles, but you really nailed yours!"  I thanked him and we chatted for a bit, mainly about the place our mutual group is about. I wish I'd offered a friend request now, or at least made a note of his name...

Speaking of profiles, yesterday I dropped in on a new rock club that I've never been to before. Being new, it was fairly quiet (in customers, not music) but the staff were chatty and friendly. I was dressed in a fully female avatar and outfit, and I had my "drag queen" name on as a group tag, but the hostess must have read my whole profile too, because she used male pronouns for me throughout. That in itself is also a great compliment (and also demonstrates a hostess doing her job properly).

Edited by Matty Luminos
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I left Sl for awhile this past winter, and didn't think I'd return- so I deleted some groups I'd made myself after seeing another person's profile doing the same thing-

They were something like

"Hi, my name is Pixie"

"I'm just here to play pixel Barbie"

"I love glitter"

Etc- I really can't remember any longer what they were exactly- or why I deleted them.  Wish I hadn't I did get several IMs saying folks thought my profile was interesting.  

It feels nice to get a compliment, even on something as silly as that.


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Whenever exploring if I come across another lone avatar I will type a simple smile in main text on passing... 8^) 8-) etc

I am always amazed at the number of people who type back "why did you type that"?

and I think o.0 wow, replying "just to say hello"

So I'm trying to be nice all the time. 🙄

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1 minute ago, Maryanne Solo said:

Whenever exploring if I come across another lone avatar I will type a simple smile in main text on passing... 8^) 8-) etc

I am always amazed at the number of people who type back "why did you type that"?

and I think o.0 wow, replying "just to say hello"

So I'm trying to be nice all the time. 🙄

Reminds me of driving through around in the real world and waving at someone sitting on their porch & feeling embarrassed when they don't wave back to me.

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Ahhhh....so trying not to "negativise" the thread.....obviously I love compliments, who doesn't. I put a lot of time and effort into my look, so it's always nice to get IM compliments. Even though sometimes they cloak less than honorable motives. Having said that, some of my most interesting one to one exchanges have started with a compliment, and within a few sentences its obvious that this is just a friendly exchange, which ultimately ends and we move on without any friends requests. These exchanges in world are 95% guys.

It's also a nice feeling to get my pictures complimented. I put a lot of effort into my art and all artist desire approval. I wish I had more time and skills, but hey!

Same feelings about my recent house furnish...not something I've done before. I dabbled with my previous apartments, adding artwork and small pieces of furniture, but not from scratch, so I was beyond pleased with how it turned out! And so it was nice to get some compliments on how it looks. Maybe I'm needy, I dunno.

Just going back to the personal compliments, I get the usual stuff, cute Avi, stunning, even goddess once,  which is a bit over the top. Guys tend to do this in as few words as possible, only the longer intro hits indicate a potentially better chat. 

Very occasionally someone will read my profile and relate a similar childhood story, which demonstrates empathy which seems quite rare out there.

But there are good people in SL, around every corner. It's why I stay here.😊👩‍💻

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Back when my av looked good, although it was nice to get compliments on her, I didn't really care very much because, well, all they were complimenting was my choice of skin, hair etc. They weren't really saying that I personally was beautiful. Though it was also nice to be told I dressed well.

What I loved was when people complimented my roleplay and my writing. That gave me a very deep feeling of satisfaction and pride. 

I got my role in a superhero sim when a friend and I broke the rules and actually RPed in local there. Anyone was welcome to visit as any character at any time, but you weren't supposed to RP in local if you weren't an established cast member. We were alone in the sim, though, so we decided to do it. Someone arrived while we were mid scene but she didn't interrupt. After a while, she messaged us and said she was a mod for the sim and loved our RP. Then she invited us to audition for a couple of roles they were struggling to fill. That made me very happy, especially since what we really deserved was a rebuke and possibly an ejection.

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3 hours ago, Pixie Kobichenko said:

Reminds me of driving through around in the real world and waving at someone sitting on their porch & feeling embarrassed when they don't wave back to me.

Reminds me of driving the car, passing under bridges, where a small child looks down at the endless traffic, held at their hands by the parents.
That happy smile in the face of the child, when honking or flashing the headlights, really warms my heart. I whish there would be more bridges with waving children.

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For me it whenever something positive that someone experiences and they tell me "...because of you..." or "... because of your help..." and things. I like to be helpful whenever I can and it's always nice when that is recognized - not so much the immediate "thank you", but rather weeks, months, even years later when someone tells me  their success at (whatever it is) was "thanks" to something I said, did, or otherwise influenced.

Though that's in First Life. In Second Life just a simple, authentically-felt or excited "thank you" is a rarity, so it feels special some how. LOL

Edited by Alyona Su
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2 hours ago, Pamela Galli said:

Makes my day when someone says my houses and furniture are the best, their favorite, all they use, etc., even though I know they are probably just being nice.

Your houses are absolutely stunning. 

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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But, to the OP and others...building an avatar is creating somewhat the same as "building" in SL.  Some of the avatars are amazing and it takes a lot of effort and creativity to make an avatar.  

I love being a Dinkie.  They are adorkable but they are low complexity too so I rez a lot more avi's now and have no more jelly dolls so I get to see avi's now as a Dinkie.  I got very lucky finding something I love that allows me to rez you all too, and am very happy all around.  

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When I was in junior high school, I got a compliment that was intended as a rebuke. One of the boys in my math class -- the class clown, sort of -- saw me after class and said, "You're smart  ....... You ought to do your homework."  It surprised me, partly because we had almost never spoken and partly because I knew that he wasn't very smart himself.  Because I have always known that I'm smart, I used to use that as an excuse for not working hard. Why do homework if you already see how it's going to turn out? That boy's comment, though, made me stop and think. Maybe because I'm smart, I have some sort of obligation to use my head and do the work. Especially because there are less smart people doing it.  All my life, the compliments that have made the most difference to me are the ones that boil down to "You're smart."  That one in eighth grade was the most important one. I replay it in my head every time I get lazy and decide not to do my homework.

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