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Identifying an alt


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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And, although this is somewhat less of a rule, one of us will very often log on within a few minutes of the other, in large measure I suppose because we've been watching to see if the other is online.

Yes, same.  Friends for years and years eventually learn the rhythms and right times.

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if someone is stalking me with numerous alts i think its fine to work out who there alts are.

i had a nice tidy list of alts to give linden labs with my report.

honestly i wont let you guys bully me and make me leave the forum for answering a question.

this is a question and answer forum if you want to jump on people because you think only your answer is correct that is your karma helping people is mine.

who knows what situation the original poster is going through, shame on all of you really.

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On 10/1/2019 at 9:36 PM, Burper Tilling said:

The surest sign that two or more people are alts of the same RL is if they both or all disappear at exactly the same moment, indicating their computer has crashed.  

Even then they could be two RL people from the same RL household and they've had a power cut.


No, a hard crash like this has to be uncommon? When I run more than one viewer, usually one of the avatars crash, not the other. I have had three or more inworld the same time, for photos.

And I also log in one avatar for a short time, to send money to another (Why is it so? We should be able to do it without logging into Second Life), the avatar has something the other need. Like no copy, but transfer items. So one avatar logs in, the other log in after 30 min, one hour, whenever I find out I need it, and log out again while the first is not.

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37 minutes ago, JUSTUS Palianta said:

honestly i wont let you guys bully me and make me leave the forum for answering a question.

this is a question and answer forum if you want to jump on people because you think only your answer is correct that is your karma helping people is mine.

I honestly don't think I've seen anyone "bullying" you. I've seen a few disagree with you, which is not quite same thing? I myself merely asked you a couple of questions. (Although, I'm sorry to see that I made you "sad" no less than seven times, according to my notifications. Apparently, you also don't like my suggestion that it's nice to tip people at clubs? I don't think I've made anyone so sad in SL since I last had a boyfriend here. He can probably commiserate with you.)

And, seriously, no one wants to "make you leave the forum." Honestly. In fact, I'd like to very genuinely welcome you here. We're actually mostly pretty nice here, really, and we like seeing new people -- including you!

37 minutes ago, JUSTUS Palianta said:

if someone is stalking me with numerous alts i think its fine to work out who there alts are.

i had a nice tidy list of alts to give linden labs with my report.

And this is the answer to the questions I asked, for which, thank you!

I'm very sorry to hear that you've been stalked. I think that being in that situation is probably pretty much the only reasonable reason I can think of to try to determine if someone is using an alt. I do, I have to admit, remain unconvinced of the efficacy of your means of determining whether an avatar is an alt or not. In the final analysis, LL itself is going to be vastly better at identifying an alt than you are.

And I'm also a bit leery about the whole "tracking" thing, which seems a bit stalkerish in its own right? Does it worry you that you may be tracking someone who is "innocent"?

My own attitude, generally -- and I'm going to admit that I've never been stalked in SL -- is that one should judge each avatar by their actions, individually, rather than make preemptive and possibly inaccurate judgements about what you think they are "likely" to do (as opposed to what they've already actually done).

But I do get that you might come to suspect that someone who seems nice is actually someone whose been stalking you through another account.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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55 minutes ago, JUSTUS Palianta said:

honestly i wont let you guys bully me and make me leave the forum for answering a question.

Nobody has bullied you or tried to make you leave the forum. If you think a poster has been abusive, report the post. Same goes for anyone you suspect of being an alt created to stalk you: report them. (What would you call using an online tracker?)

Your methods of detection are unreliable and wouldn't have caught any of my own alts. LL is far better placed than any resident to identify a nefarious alt and can take action. 

Edited by Amina Sopwith
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On 10/3/2019 at 10:19 PM, MiakisTheUsagi said:

The reaction you sometimes get, when you tell someone you're and alt


I love this.  You say your an alt and you become the corruptor .  They become the poor innocent virgin in sl

Edited by ballparkdogg
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I logged my alt in last night...that lil ***** had $100L on her...holding out on me. She's had that $100L since at least 2009, her last login date. 

I took it back, then sent her on a mission, I doubt we'll see her ever again, but she was pretty cute in all her non-mesh glory

I completely forgot I had made her when I was having some major ghosting issues so I could try and push myself back out of world-ie force a crash, and get the ghosting to stop (it was an effective method way back when-don't judge me, lol). Still not sure why she had $100L on her though. 



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10 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Probably because, back in the day, one of the ways to stop ghosting was to pay the offending avatar L$1.

That is entirely possible, I can't imagine a whole lo of use for me giving her any money otherwise. I only ever used her longer than a few mins at a time when I couldn't stop the ghosting and really needed to be online (for whatever reason).

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7 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

That is entirely possible, I can't imagine a whole lo of use for me giving her any money otherwise. I only ever used her longer than a few mins at a time when I couldn't stop the ghosting and really needed to be online (for whatever reason).

She put up with all of that, and her only consolation was a bit of pocket money,

And now, you've taken even that from her.

I can't even imagine her resentment.

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2 minutes ago, ballparkdogg said:

Whats ghosting?

In this particular context it was when your av would either crash or log out, but not actually go anywhere. Like, essentially, stuck, despite everything saying you did in fact log out (or crash). 

You left behind what we referred to as a ghost, your av was there, people could see your av, could even have limited interaction with the av, but you darn well knew you weren't really there, lol. A lot of the time you'd be floating, but not always, sometimes you'd just stand there. I could, sometimes, push myself repeatedly with another av to intentionally force another crash. Sometimes the ghosting would last minutes, sometimes hours, in some cases...days. It was super annoying and occasionally we had to get LL to fix it (and lots of times, even a sim restart didn't fix it, the ghost would come back with the sim..that was a whole 'nother can of worms).

I'm glad we rarely see this issue these days, it was a problem for a while. That, weird shadows on the ground that made it look like holes were everywhere, and sims deciding to throw up-literally, by throwing everything up in the air,  were  problems that slammed the grid with enthusiasm at the same time . The shadow thing wasn't a graphics issue, it was an sl issue, the sim trowing up thing was also an sl issue but i don't know the exact cause. LL repaired whatever was causing those problem pretty swiftly, haven't seen either in many years-ghosting is possible still, but pretty rare I believe. 



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5 minutes ago, ballparkdogg said:

Whats ghosting?

Ghosting took several different forms but basically it meant that your avatar could remain stuck in world even though you had logged out.  That meant, of course, that you couldn't log back in again because the servers thought that you were still here.  One of the best ways to get a ghosted avatar to die was to give it something.  Linden Lab figured out how to beat the ghosting bug in 2011(??), and it became one of those silly things that old-time residents could look back at nostalgically.

By an odd quirk of fate, it is now possible for some mesh items to remain as ghosts well after they have been deleted.  I run into this frustrating issue sometimes when I have scripted an object to die when the rezzer that spawned it creates a replacement.  Then I'm stuck with two copies of the object, one of which is a zombie.

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20 minutes ago, Tari Landar said:

sims deciding to throw up-literally, by throwing everything up in the air

Simquakes were interesting; you never knew where you'd land next. I remember teleporting in to one of my home locations only to find myself falling about eight feet and hitting the point where the floor and wall joined. Every object in that region had dropped by roughly that amount and also jolted sideways.

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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

These days, we get these type of ghosts over on the new Bellisseria continent.  They get spotted randomly here & there and one of the Lindens or Moles has to come clear them out.


That is amazing

I love seeing old bugs come back and be all...


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