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Trailer Life

Vana Gears
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I am sorry but the error reports people are providing here just don't give me enough to go on.   If anyone still has this problem after rezzing a new trailer, please contact either @Dyna Mole or me direct (via person message or IM in world) and one of us will arrange to meet you in world at a mutually convenient time to try to discover exactly what the issue is.

ETA:  Even knowing region(s) we're talking about would be a big help.


Edited by Quartz Mole
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3 minutes ago, Quartz Mole said:

I am sorry but the error reports people are providing here just don't give me enough to go on.   If anyone still has this problem after rezzing a new trailer, please contact either @Dyna Mole or me direct (via person message or IM in world) and one of us will arrange to meet you in world at a mutually convenient time to try to discover exactly what the issue is.

I just rezzed the Chesapeake to try it out and the doors are indeed locked. C'mon over and debug to your heart's content!

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4 minutes ago, Quartz Mole said:

I am sorry but the error reports people are providing here just don't give me enough to go on.   If anyone still has this problem after rezzing a new trailer, please contact either @Dyna Mole or me direct (via person message or IM in world) and one of us will arrange to meet you in world at a mutually convenient time to try to discover exactly what the issue is.

ETA:  Even knowing region(s) we're talking about would be a big help.


Note that @Luna Bliss just reported that several of the trailers she just rezzed were locked on rezzing. Likely your posts crossed.


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I love seeing those pics of dem cute little trailers 😍 I really thankful for what the moles do! And that LL finally chose to updated the long outdated Linden Homes! We live in a traditional home and I love the sim surroundings there too! I really enjoy seeing that the moles and LL finally seem to have fun again with building and creating :3 it felt a little abandoned and stale the past years so its cute to see they are kinda reviving things ...and I feel that especially the bond between us residents and the mighty LL employees and moles is getting stronger again finally ^^

They listen to us, and residents start to trust in them doing/fixing things finally again! I really missed that about the very early days in SL ❤️ So yeah I just love seeing all those pics and Lindens and Moles answering in here too :D

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On 9/21/2019 at 11:49 AM, heartzwhim said:

looks awesome!


On 9/21/2019 at 11:39 AM, RaeLeeH said:

Spent the last 2 straight days and nights working on walls and cupboard inserts for the Shenandoah camper. Not fussed about the tiles but *ugh* at this point I just want it done. I've managed to fill the criteria though; bedroom, bathroom, kitchen/dining and storage space. Now comes the fun part... packaging. Almost done...



Great job!  Was this just for a friend, or will you be doing a general release?  I neeeeds it!  lol

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  • Moles

Thanks, everyone, for the reports about issues with access to the control panel, and particular thanks for @Beth Macbain and her alt for letting us use her parcel for testing and for sitting there patiently, trying the doors and control panel when asked, and putting up with long periods of inactivity while Dyna and I were cursing in Discord.

We think we have it fixed now (the bug was well-concealed and manifested itself only in very specific circumstances) and should have a update out in the next day or so, once it's been approved by QA.

Edited by Quartz Mole
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Weeee! Finally had some time to work on my home.

Decided to keep it relatively simple. Could not see myself living in an airbus or anything similar so I chose the one that looked most like a house of course.

Still, challenging. I'm down to about 15 prims LOL. But, that's also because I rezzed a huge deck that I LOVE LOVE LOVE and am loathe to not use. Until I find another one that will serve the same purpose I'm keeping it up. It's like 25 prims sized down 🙄 so I have an incentive to find one that isn't so excessive - but for now it stays as otherwise I'm pretty happy with everything as is other than I'd like to add a few more things like a kitchen table/chairs (duh!) and some more kitchen clutter.

I had bought a front porch add-on from the marketplace. It was *ok* enough but the creator needs to tweak it because he tried to hide the wheels on the trailer (good enough) but...didn't think hard enough how doing that would impact the banister at the front door entry. Even when you edit linked and muck around with stretching individually it just doesn't come together well. So buyer - beware. If you don't mind having the banister partially sitting below the deck than perhaps this add-on will be sufficient. I'm sure I could have found something to hide it - maybe by some landscaping like a potted plant, whatever, but since it was 12 prims and I was running low at that point I figured it didn't cost that much ($199L) and I'd just hold onto it and hope that the creator realizes the mistake and sends an update eventually.

The only changes I personally made were adding in my own flooring and extending the flooring on the upper area to just make one step down so that space had more floor area for  better furniture placement. I toyed with trying to do a small bathroom and then was like, nah. If I can get back some prims down the road maybe I'll do an outdoor shower/privy sort of thing. The interior is really just too small to bother squeezing in even a powder room let alone a full bathroom. I do look forward to seeing who comes up with an add on for this model; perhaps adding another room to the side of as an enclosed deck...builders? Yes? Anyone? 👍

Anyway here's some pix

The Beaten Path


The Beaten Path


The Beaten Path


The Beaten Path


The Beaten Path


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5 minutes ago, Elora Lunasea said:

Weeee! Finally had some time to work on my home.

Decided to keep it relatively simple. Could not see myself living in an airbus or anything similar so I chose the one that looked most like a house of course.

Still, challenging. I'm down to about 15 prims LOL. But, that's also because I rezzed a huge deck that I LOVE LOVE LOVE and am loathe to not use. Until I find another one that will serve the same purpose I'm keeping it up. It's like 25 prims sized down 🙄 so I have an incentive to find one that isn't so excessive - but for now it stays as otherwise I'm pretty happy with everything as is other than I'd like to add a few more things like a kitchen table/chairs (duh!) and some more kitchen clutter.

I had bought a front porch add-on from the marketplace. It was *ok* enough but the creator needs to tweak it because he tried to hide the wheels on the trailer (good enough) but...didn't think hard enough how doing that would impact the banister at the front door entry. Even when you edit linked and muck around with stretching individually it just doesn't come together well. So buyer - beware. If you don't mind having the banister partially sitting below the deck than perhaps this add-on will be sufficient. I'm sure I could have found something to hide it - maybe by some landscaping like a potted plant, whatever, but since it was 12 prims and I was running low at that point I figured it didn't cost that much ($199L) and I'd just hold onto it and hope that the creator realizes the mistake and sends an update eventually.

The only changes I personally made were adding in my own flooring and extending the flooring on the upper area to just make one step down so that space had more floor area for  better furniture placement. I toyed with trying to do a small bathroom and then was like, nah. If I can get back some prims down the road maybe I'll do an outdoor shower/privy sort of thing. The interior is really just too small to bother squeezing in even a powder room let alone a full bathroom. I do look forward to seeing who comes up with an add on for this model; perhaps adding another room to the side of as an enclosed deck...builders? Yes? Anyone? 👍

Anyway here's some pix

The Beaten Path


The Beaten Path


The Beaten Path


The Beaten Path


The Beaten Path


You have done some lovely work there.  I chose the tiny house also as I did the "trailer life" in first for years 3 seasons of the year.  Almost done decorating, I am considering taking almost all of it up and starting over lol.  I have a few ideas I am mulling over.  Love what you have done.

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32 minutes ago, Cougar Sangria said:

You have done some lovely work there.  I chose the tiny house also as I did the "trailer life" in first for years 3 seasons of the year.  Almost done decorating, I am considering taking almost all of it up and starting over lol.  I have a few ideas I am mulling over.  Love what you have done.


I actually started a few times since I had it. I tried really hard to get in the spirit of "trashy" trailer park at first but honestly couldn't live with it. Attempted several other of the models and although a couple of others I felt were doable, none felt "home" enough to me other than this one. And even so, still had a rough time with it. Usually I complain there isn't enough windows but here, honestly, in this case one less somewhere would have made it much easier. Or if my building skills were even 1/2 good - building a wall up to the ceiling with those angles (or curves as the case may be) are way beyond my capabilities.  Surprised that the 175 prims wasn't as much as an issue as I thought it might be though. If I ditch that deck (I'm positive I can find another one that I'll be happy with) I'll be able to recoup at least 20 prims which will easily allow me to finish it off the way I'd like to. 

Can't wait to see yours - I'm always wowed by the work you do too!

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deleted post because it came out wrong >.>


Mostly I just want to say, as someone who has spent a lot of time at national park campgrounds, I've never seen one that didn't have lawn chairs, coolers, and who knows what else strewn around many of the spaces. It's a different life. It's laid back. It's really whatever you want it to be. But it's mean to put a label like trailer trash on it.


Edited by Morena Tully
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On 9/21/2019 at 5:39 PM, RaeLeeH said:

Spent the last 2 straight days and nights working on walls and cupboard inserts for the Shenandoah camper. Not fussed about the tiles but *ugh* at this point I just want it done. I've managed to fill the criteria though; bedroom, bathroom, kitchen/dining and storage space. Now comes the fun part... packaging. Almost done...


Ooooh, that looks fantastic!

And all that storage space, too... always so good to have 😉

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1 hour ago, MystiSin said:

I think it is sad that people are trying to make the trailer areas look 'trashy'.  They are beautiful natural areas, more like a national park than a mobile home park.

Glad to see that so many people are helping to keep the regions beautiful!

I think it's sad that someone wants everyone to do things the exact same way. Yay for those of us who are having fun with the homes, no matter how "fun" is defined!

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1 hour ago, MystiSin said:

I think it is sad that people are trying to make the trailer areas look 'trashy'.  They are beautiful natural areas, more like a national park than a mobile home park.

Glad to see that so many people are helping to keep the regions beautiful!

Hmmmm... Throws out 5 more rusted Pink Flamingo's and a lawn chair with a broken seat just for MystiSin

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55 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

Maybe all the chickens should have a playdate! I know mine would quite enjoy a train ride through the new regions. 

The only reason I have no chickens is I don't have enough prims left.

FYI - "trashy" - to respond since I have a feeling this was directed at me using the word...is a decor term in this instance. Was not an implication that all people/trailers are trashy. And for that matter what's trash to one is a found treasure to another. I could have used retro, vintage, tacky too. Pretty much all the same as far as I'm concerned and I think most of us here would understand exactly the look I meant instantly. 

PS: SL is still a virtual world last time I checked. So ummm all make believe trash anyway. 

/huffs off to roll a fat one, shake out her hair rollers, tease up her bleached hair and shake a tail feather next door to play mahjongg with the gals and gossip the night away about the men folk

Anyone got a lighter?


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