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Dyna Mole

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  1. Hi gang! As a gentle reminder, please remember that the focus of the thread is on SL, not on clinical discussions of addiction in RL. I know it's a fuzzy line, but try to stay on the SL side of it.
  2. Hey, gang: Please recall that the topic of this thread is the recent Lab Gab, not a deep discussion about potential kinds of assault. Please also remember that forum guidelines require that posted material must be rated “General” per our Maturity Ratings. Using thinly disguised typing variations to evade the bot's attention when you know you are near a limit is not a good idea. It falls into the category of Abuse of Moderation or Moderators, which I do not recommend.
  3. Well, this has been fun. This is starting to feel like a pile-on , though, so maybe it's time to let this one end quietly.
  4. Hey gang! This thread has wandered far away from a discussion of SL, so it's time to close it.
  5. Hi, team! Just a very gentle reminder that the topic is the OP's decision to disable IMs from non-friends, in SL. Discussion seems to be drifting. Please bring it back.
  6. This would be a good time to take a very deep breath. Please remember that although spirited discussion and constructive disagreement are welcome, name-calling and airing of grievances are not appropriate in our discussion areas. Participants in the forums are expected to maintain an atmosphere of courtesy and respect for others at all times.
  7. This thread was started in 2011. At this point, most answers in it are either out of date or wrong (or both). Technology has changed significantly in the past 13 years.
  8. Hi, Synndalicious! The Destination Guide is updated daily, but sections that you are particularly interested in may not have anything added to them or removed very often. It all depends on how often people submit change information in a particular category.
  9. Hi gang! Just a brief reminder that the forum Community Guidelines say No Flaming: “Flames” are hostile or disruptive posts, or messages intended to provoke an angry or negative response. Spirited discussion and constructive disagreement are welcome, but name-calling and airing of grievances are not appropriate in our discussion areas. You are welcome to disagree, discuss and ask questions as much as you like. Take anything else off line.
  10. Heh. A mole showed up, and I'm too tired to go back and delete a pile of off-topic posts about how tall people might be in Netherlands, or anywhere else. Please do try to stay on topic, though, OK? Yup.
  11. A brief reminder ... please stay on the thread's topic, which is the official statement from Brad Oberwager. I have removed a small handful of recent posts that have moved instead into a discussion of RL abuse statistics.
  12. Yes indeed. There are regions with a Mediterranean climate along the coasts of California and western Australia and there are patches elsewhere around the world. They have similar vegetation and share some architectural and other cultural features. Many SL residents live in those places, so they are recognized in region names the same way that we recognize places called home by those around the Mediterranean Sea who speak Spanish, Italian, Greek, Arabic, French, Croatian, and other languages.
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