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-Bellisserians Show Off Your Home and Garden-

Blush Bravin

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2 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

I see so many posts here with large (appearing) images... plural. I could only get two photos in one post if I shrunk them down to too tiny. What's the trick?

I resize mine using GIMP to 1024 at the highest dimension or less. I check image properties to make sure file size is 1MB or less each, and make sure my file is saved/exported as a .png. That's all I do.

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9 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

I see so many posts here with large (appearing) images... plural. I could only get two photos in one post if I shrunk them down to too tiny. What's the trick?

The total maximum file size for images per post is 4.88 MB.

What I do is that I resize the images - mostly to width 1400 pixels. Then I save the images as JPG-files and adjust the compression so that each image is less than 0.5 MB. That way it's possible to post around nine images per post (9 x 0.5 MB = 4.50 MB). And they are still good quality images and big enough for nice viewing.

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9 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

I see so many posts here with large (appearing) images... plural. I could only get two photos in one post if I shrunk them down to too tiny. What's the trick?

I don't resize my pics. i use Photoshop express, I tend to crop my pics if needed or give them a slight enhancement with one of the filters. It automatically saves any edited pic as a JPEG so it's a smaller file size and adds "edited" to the file name to find easily

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13 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

I see so many posts here with large (appearing) images... plural. I could only get two photos in one post if I shrunk them down to too tiny. What's the trick?

I''ll sometimes save a JPEG version, which is much smaller.  However, you can also paste URLs into the post and the pictures will get embedded, but the sizes don't matter.  So I use either FLICKR or Gyazo for the picture store. 

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10 hours ago, Chic Aeon said:

Yard sales would be very nice...or even community bbq's and such. Although I'm not sure how that would pan out for me. On an average I ever only have 1 other person on the nearby map. Seems it's still a very quiet and dead community and the excitement is fading for those who've had their homes awhile. So they're back out all over SL and rarely ever @ their LL homes. I ride my horse around constantly with my little zooby baby xDxDxD so I don't feel so alone....Maybe community events will bring people home well back to the community at least.



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Since I can't find an add-on for Winchester that suits me, I try to build one. I call this The Twin, and it has a "widow walk". It goes on the side of Winchester without windows. On picture 1, I stand where the add-on will connect to the double doors. The green prim is a 32 X 32 plate. I go to the edge, but not over it. I build this for myself, and my house is elevated over the water with the view on the side. I have to go through the add-on to get to the backyard, or on the other side.

Picture 2 show the glass roof on the side where the original terrace is. The Twin house has the terrace on the opposite side. The terrace is my best part so far. I am very happy with the posts.

It is allowed to build this high up - the prim is 15 m and I can even shorten it a little bit and put a roof on the "Widow walk". I think LL will be lenient with the 15 m height limit unless it is not going totally over it.

I am not selling this. Roof (s) and other parts , like the doors, are no transfer. I have worked on this the whole weekend, and it is full of flaws. I must either make some window trim or hide the faults behind curtains.

I am pleased with the LI number. As shown, it is only 39 LI - with stairs inside too. I am sometimes puzzled why add-ons have so high LI. Even with more trim in the corners, around windows, and physics, that should not make it over 60.



winch add-on_008.jpg

winch add-on_002.jpg

winch add-on_010.jpg

winch add-on_004.jpg

Edited by Marianne Little
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I measured that no part of the roof is poking out. The bottom floor with the stairwell, the original LH door on the dark green wall, the new door to the garden on the light green wall. The second floor can be a very large bedroom. The default room in the original house can be a "guest room".

I want to use the side with the single door as a kitchen. I will edit the window shorter and raise it, must fix the wall over the door, must fix around every window. I think about this build even at night.

Edit: This is an alts land. I will abandon it when I finished building.


add-on w_003.jpg

add-on w_007.jpg

add-on w_006.jpg

add-on w_011.jpg

Edited by Marianne Little
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4 minutes ago, Leora Jacobus said:

Is that only the addition what you are building on a skyplattform? It seems like you have a copy of the house up there.

I made a rough model up there. Then I send the add-on down to double check, then up again. I wonder what people think when the build goes up and down like that.

Edited by Marianne Little
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Morning view on the east side at my house.
:ph34r: Parcel owner (on the balcony) is staring towards south.

I like the location a lot, but my fingers are already itching to try something else. The actual decorating activity is the most fun part in owning a house.
I guess I'll keep this one until some other house themes appear.


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On 8/25/2019 at 5:29 PM, Elora Lunasea said:

I had the same problem when I first started using it. I found it very small, and closed off.  Adding the porch dramatically improved the overall appearance. 

I built a small extra room off the back area, I'm using that as my kitchen. I'm a crappy builder but for now it's working and eventually when I have time I'll learn to put it together properly.

I've recolored the ceiling of the porch, the porch floor and added my own interior wood flooring. I've also  the Pro Paint interior system which has really been a huge help for decorating and tying color schemes in with each other room to room.

I'm putting some finishing touches on the house now, have about 90 prims left to finish off the bedroom & upper hallway and add some clutter around so I *think* I'll be ok. 

I agree this this house is going to make a fantastic Halloween home. I've begun doing an autumn theme and look forward to switching over to full blown spookiness in October!

Here's some current pix in the interim. Probably will be posting final photos later today or in the next couple of days.

Linden Continental House in Edgar


Linden Continental House in EdgarLinden Continental House in Edgar


I love that!! What porch-addon are you using? And the backroom for a kitchen you made,  do you sell it?

And which colour is your outside? seems like an offwhite eggshell very elegant.


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The general problem that comes with SPACE (as in big add-ons) for the Traditionals is that when you GET all that space -- even at a very reasonable land impact cost -- you rarely have enough land impact left to make things appear lived in. Again, even with low land impact items, linking et al.   


Prudence left the whole upstairs empty at the Belli Cafe in order to have a good feel (this with my Party add-on).  "I" made my "bonus room" into a dance studio simply because that was a realistic way to have a big room with plenty of emptiness.   So it is easy enough to run out of land impact even with a generous 351 and no house cost (so almost 600 total - especially if you count in the fences and plants and mailbox etc. ).   It is always about making choices. 


So with the trailers being small, that helps some as you  can have a lived in look with fewer items. And it looks like there will be a fair amount of flora around the area so perhaps not as many LI points used outside?  Will be interesting how that turns out. 


I only have about a hundred land impact left on my new sim. Of course that is a ground level "installation" as well as city demos in the sky and my store  and house up in the air.   But even so -- 5,000 seems like so much when you start out -- but with the greatest of care, it can disappear quickly :D.  


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2 hours ago, Leora Jacobus said:

I love that!! What porch-addon are you using? And the backroom for a kitchen you made,  do you sell it?

And which colour is your outside? seems like an offwhite eggshell very elegant.


The main add-on is Blush's Continental wrap-around, and she made a kitchen out of the back part of it by enclosing it.

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2 hours ago, Leora Jacobus said:

I love that!! What porch-addon are you using? And the backroom for a kitchen you made,  do you sell it?

And which colour is your outside? seems like an offwhite eggshell very elegant.


It's @Blush Bravin wrap around porch add-on. It's rather perfect as is - and lended itself well to building it out even with my limited skill.

I used the one without the screen porch. Caveat being that I left the railings on underneath the back wall - I mentioned this above somewhere else and Blush answered me about it. I'm too lazy right now to search it out, sorry. The problem is, because I am not familiar with mesh, when I'd pull it off it affected how I walked inside the house - I couldn't move up the stairs. Blush explained about the physics to me and at some point when I have the wherewithall I'll tackle doing it properly and see if I can figure it out myself - if not, I'll put in a housecall to Blush (she kindly offered) to help me out. 

I actually tweaked it today. I had closed up the back wall entirely because all my kitchens just didn't feel right in the space. Plus the view to the back was no big deal. I decided to do a galley type kitchen instead, and put in another sliding door to mirror the other one to bring in more light and then, opened up the other side of the room leading to the porch to create a mud room type entrance off the right side of the house. If I have enough prims left I'll add in a laundry area. Still mulling that over

PS: I used the Linden white siding but, made it full bright which I think helped. The floor is a different texture wood that I had from elsewhere and I also used the blue Linden siding for the ceiling. Using blue for porch ceilings is very typical in the USA so I wanted to stick with that. 

I appreciate the kind words on my "building" skills. Ghosty keeps pushing me to learn but I'm really not very motivated.  My real life job keeps me busy enough and I prefer having my SL life as low key as possible. I have no aspiration or need to make money in world - I'm more than happy to support others that do 😋 Plus, I work in the design industry so I'm afraid if I started I'd become obsessed and nit picky and that would take all the fun out of it for me.

Anyhoo I'm pretty much finished with the kitchen now - other than some more clutter or should I say picking and choosing more or less clutter (I'm always in a state of changing stuff) so here's some pix

New single French door leading to kitchen from right side porch:

Linden Continental House in Edgar, Bellisseria.


View into kitchen from garden area:

Linden Continental House in Edgar, Bellisseria

Inside kitchen:

Linden Continental House in Edgar, Bellisseria


Alternate view:

Linden Continental House in Edgar, Bellisseria

View into dining area of house:

Linden Continental House in Edgar, Bellisseria


Newest photo of house exterior. Again, always changing this but I'm going to stick with this version for a while. At least until Halloween!

I made a back patio area  off the kitchen, but haven't yet put anything down.

Autumn in Bellisseria



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7 hours ago, Elora Lunasea said:

It's @Blush Bravin wrap around porch add-on. It's rather perfect as is - and lended itself well to building it out even with my limited skill.

I used the one without the screen porch. Caveat being that I left the railings on underneath the back wall - I mentioned this above somewhere else and Blush answered me about it. I'm too lazy right now to search it out, sorry. The problem is, because I am not familiar with mesh, when I'd pull it off it affected how I walked inside the house - I couldn't move up the stairs. Blush explained about the physics to me and at some point when I have the wherewithall I'll tackle doing it properly and see if I can figure it out myself - if not, I'll put in a housecall to Blush (she kindly offered) to help me out. 

I actually tweaked it today. I had closed up the back wall entirely because all my kitchens just didn't feel right in the space. Plus the view to the back was no big deal. I decided to do a galley type kitchen instead, and put in another sliding door to mirror the other one to bring in more light and then, opened up the other side of the room leading to the porch to create a mud room type entrance off the right side of the house. If I have enough prims left I'll add in a laundry area. Still mulling that over

PS: I used the Linden white siding but, made it full bright which I think helped. The floor is a different texture wood that I had from elsewhere and I also used the blue Linden siding for the ceiling. Using blue for porch ceilings is very typical in the USA so I wanted to stick with that. 

I appreciate the kind words on my "building" skills. Ghosty keeps pushing me to learn but I'm really not very motivated.  My real life job keeps me busy enough and I prefer having my SL life as low key as possible. I have no aspiration or need to make money in world - I'm more than happy to support others that do 😋 Plus, I work in the design industry so I'm afraid if I started I'd become obsessed and nit picky and that would take all the fun out of it for me.

Anyhoo I'm pretty much finished with the kitchen now - other than some more clutter or should I say picking and choosing more or less clutter (I'm always in a state of changing stuff) so here's some pix

New single French door leading to kitchen from right side porch:



View into kitchen from garden area:


Inside kitchen:

Linden Continental House in Edgar, Bellisseria


Alternate view:


View into dining area of house:

Linden Continental House in Edgar, Bellisseria


Newest photo of house exterior. Again, always changing this but I'm going to stick with this version for a while. At least until Halloween!

I made a back patio area  off the kitchen, but haven't yet put anything down.

Autumn in Bellisseria



One of the best, if not the best transformations of a sand ground to lush garden - are you using the moss prim under the house, so you get the nice ground?

The kitchen is really lovely too. I can't guess where it and the butcher block comes from. And I have many kitchens.

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