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Security/Privacy and New Linden Homes

Constantine Linden
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Please open up another region or more parcels soon. I went to get one as soon as I found out about one and it is not an available option. Support informed me that all parcels have been taken. If there could be an opt-in mailing list for as soon as the next region is available that would be greatly appreciated.

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Good call by the Lab on this one. Not all that 'community keen' personally but cool for those who want that sort of thing to have a general place. Now back to making that line of ultra silent slow-moving air leisure craft =^^=

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6 minutes ago, IthilwenRose said:

Please open up another region or more parcels soon. I went to get one as soon as I found out about one and it is not an available option. Support informed me that all parcels have been taken. If there could be an opt-in mailing list for as soon as the next region is available that would be greatly appreciated.

I'd say this new continent, only about 1/2 finished, is a success.  Look at the green dots at 1230 SLT today:


When the entire continent is finished there should be at least twice the available homes and houseboats.


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10 minutes ago, IthilwenRose said:

Please open up another region or more parcels soon. I went to get one as soon as I found out about one and it is not an available option. Support informed me that all parcels have been taken. If there could be an opt-in mailing list for as soon as the next region is available that would be greatly appreciated.

A list would be a great help both for us and for them. But they do not want to do anything, they do not say anything in particular. They only say in the future and it is not known whether they speak for months or years.

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5 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

I'd say this new continent, only about 1/2 finished, is a success.  Look at the green dots at 1230 SLT today:


When the entire continent is finished there should be at least twice the available homes and houseboats.


No doubt that this is a great success, for certain. I just wish I would have known that the 1024 plots were unavailable before giving up my old linden home in order to run over here to get one. If I had realized I would have needed to check to see if a parcel was available I would have done so first before getting rid of the place I'd spent hours decorating and furnishing. Including custom building a few pieces to make my old home a little different. I loved the idea of a community area! All of this was just a win for me. The only sad part is to realize oh this isn't available... it's like fiddlesticks I missed out!

4 minutes ago, SLliny said:

A list would be a great help both for us and for them. But they do not want to do anything, they do not say anything in particular. They only say in the future and it is not known whether they speak for months or years.

Aye, I understand it takes time to set an area like this up but it's just extremely disappointing and disheartening to get told look at this new great update for premium members (without any disclaimer that it was limited numbers and first come first serve basis). Or if that was somewhere I definitely missed it in the literature that I read. :( I sort of just assumed they had mirror regions for the set up like they offer for other regions already set up. 

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I've finally had time today to some tinkering with my houseboat and I've discovered one oddity that in a way impacts on security. The wooden dock that projects out into the water beside my houseboat is not part of my plot. Instead this is Protected land and thus open to everyone. Now this does not make sense as it is not possible to rez anything on the dock or on the water at the far end of the dock. I have my plot set so that avatars on my plot aren't seen from outside so, with boat in the water, anyone in the boat is invisible to anyone on the dock! Having the dock as public land just encourages strangers to walk on and enter houseboats as there is no indication, apart from furniture, that a plot is occupied. Personally, I'd rather have my plot a little shorter and a little bit wider so it included the dock against which my houseboat rests and was still 1024. One other thing I would have liked in the Content Pack would have been the textures for the dock or even a section of dock so that I could add a dock on my own plot.

Edited by BobbieEarhart
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Clearly there will be more space soon. The original version of SSP, way up north and inaccessible to non-Lindens, already has more land. This one is copied from that master.

It looks like LL finally got someone who understands "game balance". Tweaks to the convenants were made to rebalance travel vs ownership, and it seems to be working. Changes like that have to be made slowly. Now that the change has been made, we wait and see how people react to it.


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48 minutes ago, Cam Mode said:

I've run into a bee "alarm" they followed me across the region. I advised region owner who had store with home rentals, she had them removed.  I think they are harassment , it goes on and on with them following. I filed an abuse report on them also, it is like griefing

It was just nasty. Not one bit funny. If being alone is that important move your hive to a skybox.

I wonder though. Compared to a banline or ejection security script, I'd think something like the bees could be less disruptive (although I've never actually encountered them) inasmuch as they don't separate the vehicle from its operator, and shouldn't be as disorienting to a pedestrian as an llEjectFromLand or (god forbid) an llTeleportAgentHome.

It's not 100% clear what specifically will be forbidden after the Linden-approved security scripts are available. I'm pretty sure anything that calls either of those two functions wouldn't be allowed, but that leaves a lot of room for possible scripted "nudges" that might be less disruptive of immersion than whatever the approved scripts will do.

If, however, some folks perceive bees as harassment, I'm not sure what would be a safe sort of "nudge"... probably best not to get too creative.


As some may guess, I'm absolutely thrilled by this development -- it's convinced me to keep my little houseboat when I really hadn't planned to. And now I'm thinking: this really could drain a lot of folks from Mainland, all because of this approach to banlines and orbs.


One thing about the implementation of the Linden security scripts: It's almost certainly the case that a central script on each region will call llGetAgentList(), and the per-parcel scripts merely register the volume (or volumes) they want to secure. That will be massively more efficient than letting each of the parcels run their own script (or scripts), each calling llGetAgentList separately. So script efficiency is another nice benefit of this approach.

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4 minutes ago, Gryphon Ronas said:

Maybe some of these community minded people who have been talking about having 3, 4, or more homes claimed will show their community spirit by giving up the extras so more people can participate, and get extra houses on their alts later on when things are more established.  After all - it's all about the community, not the individual, right?

I already did that with two extra lots that I had earlier before when I learned the lots were all gone. Quite a few people that I know did the same thing as well. And probably quite a few more will do the same in the next few hours.

You see, some of us actually do care about the community. Quite a few, actually. ;)

It's not just all about ban lines and the likes. 

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1 hour ago, Jaylinbridges said:

Well Helicopters are used for sightseeing - every city has pilots and businesses that will fly you over new housing developments, or movie star homes, for a price.  And I am sure they hover when they see something interesting.  The don't hover at 10 m in your back yard though, if that's what you mean by annoying.  If you do see a black helicopter with lights hovering over your house, flush the drugs down the toilet quickly, it's a raid !

I took a short tour of the continent in my helio (a tiny open frame design) and stayed at 105 meters elevation so I could still see the new areas, and avoid the ban lines.  I probably annoyed someone for 30 secs, but that's the life of pilots.  You can't fly anywhere on this densely built continent without passing over someone's land.  And to make it clear, people flying, running and walking outside are ok, but attached to a vehicle are not?


I "flew" in my wearable whatnext helicopter yesterday. It may have been me gone afk while I handled a phone call or answered a question in the citizens group I formed for the new continent. 

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5 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

I wonder though. Compared to a banline or ejection security script, I'd think something like the bees could be less disruptive (although I've never actually encountered them) inasmuch as they don't separate the vehicle from its operator, and shouldn't be as disorienting to a pedestrian as an llEjectFromLand or (god forbid) an llTeleportAgentHome.


The bees I ran into came out of hive and stuck to my avatar for probably 15 minutes until I left region, having crossed parcels etc. A ban line , I  hate them, is a wall. Ejection- you go home or outside parcel-- how can having your avatar accosted and buzzed at not be pretty upsetting. It is an attack. And to keep attacking when the parcel is left, that's why I AR'd .

People in RL  die from bee stings.It is disruptive and scary.

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Just now, Cam Mode said:

The bees I ran into came out of hive and stuck to my avatar for probably 15 minutes until I left region, having crossed parcels etc. A ban line , I  hate them, is a wall. Ejection- you go home or outside parcel-- how can having your avatar accosted and buzzed at not be pretty upsetting. It is an attack. And to keep attacking when the parcel is left, that's why I AR'd .

People in RL  die from bee stings.It is disruptive and scary.

Yeah, sounds much worse than I'd imagined, and very different from the "nudge" I had in mind. Kinda strange that they could stick to the avatar outside the parcel, unless everywhere else had object-entry enabled and a generous auto-return (or none at all).

Again, though, I find eject/teleport really disorienting and a total loss of immersion. If banlines were a wall, such that vehicles with their occupants would just bounce off them, they'd be less disruptive, but instead they're very disruptive to vehicle users.

Anyway, we're spared all this in the new continent -- and I promise not to script any bee-like "nudges"!

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14 minutes ago, Cam Mode said:

The bees I ran into came out of hive and stuck to my avatar for probably 15 minutes until I left region, having crossed parcels etc. A ban line , I  hate them, is a wall. Ejection- you go home or outside parcel-- how can having your avatar accosted and buzzed at not be pretty upsetting. It is an attack. And to keep attacking when the parcel is left, that's why I AR'd .

People in RL  die from bee stings.It is disruptive and scary.

Thanks for sharing that, it is a bummer for sure, but I don't want to cause that sort of harassment to people.


7 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

Again, though, I find eject/teleport really disorienting and a total loss of immersion. If banlines were a wall, such that vehicles with their occupants would just bounce off them, they'd be less disruptive, but instead they're very disruptive to vehicle users.

Anyway, we're spared all this in the new continent -- and I promise not to script any bee-like "nudges"!

That is how I feel too, I thought the bees would be a better alternative for when I want privacy - and they would be more entertaining as well.  If they are going to cross out of my parcel or cause disruption to vehicle owners I'm not going to place it in my yard either.

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THANK YOU for banning ban lines and restricting security orbs in the new Linden Home community.  I am looking forward to exploring, whether on foot, by road or by air, and while I have no intention of peeping into people's private business, I want to be able to enjoy the beauty of this new location without getting slapped in the face by ban lines or booted by an orb along the way.

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1 hour ago, ZoeyTuesday said:

Arbor I take it that banlines will still be allowed on the mainland. They just removed them from linden homes. Does this include the old linden homes? And how about some rez areas? Also how about eliminating orbs ability to tp people home? Just let them eject from parcel.

I can't see them putting in a ban line restriction on existing Mainland anytime soon.  Existing mainland specifically says there is no covenant, whereas the Linden Homes specifically come with a covenant.  As to the old Linden Homes, since those are slated to go away sometime after the full build out of the new homes is complete, I truly doubt they will change the covenant there.


1 hour ago, Jaylinbridges said:

I'd say this new continent, only about 1/2 finished, is a success.  Look at the green dots at 1230 SLT today:


When the entire continent is finished there should be at least twice the available homes and houseboats.


Based on the amount of space between the new continent and the continent to the south of it, combined with a previous comment from Patch about "4000 regions for new Linden Homes", I'd say the new continent is far less than 1/2 finished and will be expanding greatly.

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6 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

There are actually people in SL for things other than social stuff.  Many come here simply for the building / creative aspect.  Granted, the majority of those likely won't want a Linden Home in a "community" setup.  Though if those folks want a Linden home simply because it gives them a home without having to buy land and pay tier, they will also probably be the ones that will just put up a skybox and live there.



The stuff about ban  lines and security orbs will in no way prevent you from rezzing and building on your own land.

It wasn't that Kat Linden had to come and fix the settings , when they stopped us from having ban lines, it messed up building and rezing, all fixed now 


Not all viewers have the ability to turn off the viewing of ban lines.



If you haven't found this yet, it is option 6 via the house changer buoy thingy.



That still doesn't solve the issue of them being ugly and causing issues for ground level stuff.




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Great ^ ^, I have a question I have not yet agreed to the new houses because I do not want a traditional house but the boat house, but I still do not figure in my selection of homes linden, is because they have not activated the option of boat houses?, Or Is there a problem? Thanks ^^.

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7 hours ago, BobbieEarhart said:

I see one small problem with Constantine offering security orbs through the Linden Homes Content Creation Packs. I have a houseboat and I think I've read the New Linden Homes wiki on Content creation Packs but my houseboat controller does not have that option. " You may receive the Content Creation Pack by clicking on the appropriate menu option in your House Controller. " Going to check again.

The content creation pack isn't in the interior house controller (where you choose colours and doors/windows), it's in the exterior one where you pick the style of house. In the case of the houseboats, that's the orange life-belt parked outside your boat. For the traditional houses, it's in the mailbox.

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Just now, P4coquita said:

Great ^ ^, I have a question I have not yet agreed to the new houses because I do not want a traditional house but the boat house, but I still do not figure in my selection of homes linden, is because they have not activated the option of boat houses?, Or Is there a problem? Thanks ^^.

The problem is that they were very popular and have all now been taken. They were all claimed in just a few hours.

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1 minute ago, Matty Luminos said:

The problem is that they were very popular and have all now been taken. They were all claimed in just a few hours. 

It is what I thought with my friend, but I had doubts and preferred to ask. But will they put more boat houses? :c
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1 minute ago, P4coquita said:
It is what I thought with my friend, but I had doubts and preferred to ask. But will they put more boat houses? :c

Yes, there will certainly be more. Fairly soon, I expect. I'll be surprised if it's more than a week, given how much demand there is for them.

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3 minutes ago, Matty Luminos said:

Yes, there will certainly be more. Fairly soon, I expect. I'll be surprised if it's more than a week, given how much demand there is for them. 

If I guessed that we would opt for the boat house, when I tried to get it and saw that it didn 't appear it was like ohh my and there are no more boat houses: c, I was excited to move, but there will be another to be aware, so thnx :3.
Btw, I don
't even have the option of obtaining the traditional house, I guess they are setting up new houses so everything is better ^^.
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10 minutes ago, Matty Luminos said:

The problem is that they were very popular and have all now been taken. They were all claimed in just a few hours.

I don't seem to get the new homes at all as an option if I go to Linden homes off my profile. To see the new homes and options I have to go to them through the blog post, which for some reason isn't even in the list, just in the banner of recent blog posts.

Odd but for those saying they can't see the new homes try looking for them from here:


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6 minutes ago, Aethelwine said:

I don't seem to get the new homes at all as an option if I go to Linden homes off my profile. To see the new homes and options I have to go to them through the blog post, which for some reason isn't even in the list, just in the banner of recent blog posts.

Odd but for those saying they can't see the new homes try looking for them from here: 


Even entering through the link, I do not see any option, neither of traditional houses or of house boats.
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