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Isabella Vanilla

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Everything posted by Isabella Vanilla

  1. What part of "I don't care about your opinion" don't you understand? Maybe she didn't know, but next time she was more polite. Merry Christmas *****
  2. Because there is plenty of it, they should remove the limit on home abandonment for 24 hours. And it is not necessary.
  3. Hello Merry Christmas! Could someone tell me how many opportunities you have to leave homes in every 24 hours?
  4. It is what I think because they are occupying a house that someone else could enjoy it. It is not obligatory to furnish it and live it but it is selfishness.
  5. I have two houses one houseboat & another traditional fully decorated. The houseboat I use to take friends and the traditional house to be alone and quiet. I think there is nothing wrong with it. Bad is my neighbors who have their houses totally abandoned empty that if it is selfishness.
  6. What emotion tomorrow is my birthday RL on May 15 that was the best gift a houseboat 😍
  7. I do not understand you said recently that they are available in the near future. Now here it says it will take a lot of time. So?
  8. I spend exactly the same thing just pay for a boat house. LL is not the one to give us any guarantee they do not understand our situation. I have been very disappointed with this situation. But I will stay with the traditional house so I observe at all times if they expand the new areas.
  9. There is a trick to getting a traditional house. But you can not have any land for it to work. You must refresh the page again and again until you automatically get one or the other. I did it about 5 thousand times and out of those 5 thousand I got a maximum of 6 traditional houses, but I did not choose them because I wanted the house boat. But I gave up and I will stay with the traditional in what enlarge the continent. Luck
  10. Exactly why I do not have any home for when there is a boat house available only select it and that's it. Not having to leave and then select.
  11. my same situation They do not warn that there are no available houses nor do they say how long there will be houses available. I think it's very irresponsible on behalf of LL. Right now I do not have any house or boat house, nor the traditional one for abandoning it. I'm on the street lol.
  12. A list would be a great help both for us and for them. But they do not want to do anything, they do not say anything in particular. They only say in the future and it is not known whether they speak for months or years.
  13. If at least they put us on the list and we separated the houses we want, it is good to continue paying because they would be guaranteeing what we want. It is just for those who pay only for that option.
  14. I know but honestly if I had known that there were no boat houses available and that they were not going to guarantee me one, I would not have paid for it was the only thing I wanted.
  15. It would be fair that LL put us on the list for the boat houses since that is what we are paying for. If I do not have a boat house, I cancel the account because I only pay for a boat house.
  16. I do not want to occupy land because if there is a boat house available, I can not change it in 24 hours. Better I stay without enjoying my premium account in what house boat available.
  17. Exactly. They are supposed to have enough capacity to give us what they offer us. Because if he had known that there were no houses available, he would not have paid the premium. I feel like they cheated me.
  18. If we choose a traditional house, when the houseboat is available, can we change it quickly or do we have to wait 24 hours? because if we have to wait 24 hours in the exchange we will lose the opportunity to change the house because they end quickly. So it is not recommended to stay with the traditional house in what is expected by new houses.
  19. The boat houses that you abandon are not available? How long will there be boat houses available? Will it take days or months? I only paid the premium for a boat house and they did not give it to me, I am very disappointed.
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