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What are some of your pet peeves?

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Public criticism, even if it is a very well thought out constructive criticism, can be a hard pill to swallow. That's why I tend to drop notecards rather than contribute to the embarrassment of the creator. For some, embarrassing can be putting it mildly. Should they be embarrassed? Probably not. They're human. It's going to be embarrassing to have your mistakes that you may not have seen pointed out to you in front of the whole world. People who are 'artistically inclined' tend to be more sensitive than most. Not saying anyone should be walking on eggs with them, just treat them a little more kindly.

Expecting imperfect humans to be perfect seems a bit of a conundrum to me.

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33 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Public criticism, even if it is a very well thought out constructive criticism, can be a hard pill to swallow. That's why I tend to drop notecards rather than contribute to the embarrassment of the creator. For some, embarrassing can be putting it mildly. Should they be embarrassed? Probably not. They're human. It's going to be embarrassing to have your mistakes that you may not have seen pointed out to you in front of the whole world. People who are 'artistically inclined' tend to be more sensitive than most. Not saying anyone should be walking on eggs with them, just treat them a little more kindly.

Expecting imperfect humans to be perfect seems a bit of a conundrum to me.

But also expecting them to make items properly is what we want. That is what reviews are for, to post constructive feedback. It's just like Yelp reviews, and Rotten Tomatoes. People review something, and give their honest feedback. We are not trying to embarrass them, just trying to tell them how to improve themselves. You can't expect a person to improve, unless you let them know what they need to improve. I am sorry, insensitive or not. There is a thing called customer service, and people will have criticism and reviews. Which must be handled professionally. Not having their 1000s of minions attacking you, cause they are literally kissing ass of the creator. So not really giving her or him any feedback, so they think that they can improve. It's not called expecting imperfect humans to be perfect, its called expecting a bit of better quality from the creator. Trust me, it annoys me to all hell when they build something and the textures are off, and the rigging is off. Especially when they have been around for a while and been doing it for a while, you kinda expect them to know by now how to do certain things. The biggest difference here, is I expect quality not perfection. I am not telling to go back to the drawing board, and redo it from scratch. I am expecting them to fix their mistakes to give me and many other customers quality items. I don't pay 250L for crap textures or rigging. I pay 250L, expecting a degree of quality.

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On 7/20/2019 at 9:21 AM, kali Wylder said:

I get really tired of people complaining about gachas.  I personally hate them but they don't bother me because I stay away from them. If you don't like them, ignore them. Forget they exist.  Don't look at them.  You know if you go anywhere near them they will suck you in, that is how they are designed. So don't play.  Don't engage.  I think every possible peeve about gachas has already been expressed multiple times in this thread. Let it go!

I think of those as "loot boxes" like used in some other games.

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19 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

But also expecting them to make items properly is what we want. That is what reviews are for, to post constructive feedback.

I respectfully disagree. I believe the reviews are there for other shoppers to get a general picture of the quality and usefulness of a product and whether it will fill the shopper's intended purpose. When I write a review, I *always* write it for the shopper, not the creator, so I am sure to choose my words and phrases carefully and put as much detail (positive or negative) into my descriptions so the reader will have a very *clear* picture of what the product is and does (and doesn't't do in the case of gadgets, etc.).

When I do want to give any feedback to the creators, I contact the creator directly, especially if it's something that could lead to a "negative" statement in my review.

Reviews that are directed at the creator are entirely useless to me. Reviews that simply say "I love this, thanks!" Are entirely useless to me. I always try to include lots of detail, both negative (if any) and positive and I always start with my negatives and then go onto the positives ("This is still great/good/worthwhile in spite of ..." And so on. I also try to choose the right words and phrases that gives the proper impression of how weighty to me the negative or positive aspect is.

A good review will answer for the reader: Is it quality in build? ...quality in function? Will it do what I want it to do (in the case of tools or gadgets)? Is it worth the price for what you get? For most things a demo is an absolute prerequisite for me. Thus, I write my reviews for the hoards who always ignore the demo and jump straight to the purchase page. 

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Sadly, few people write reviews that offer the sort of helpful information that you are describing. I generally ignore product reviews in SL and RL for that reason.  They tend to be written either by people who have a poorly-honed axe to grind or people who offer nothing but empty praise.  The balanced, detailed middle ground is rare.  "This ugly dress didn't fit" doesn't tell me whether the dress is poorly made or the writer has a peculiar shape and lousy taste.  "The cute lines of this sofa work really well in my living room!" leaves me wondering what "cute" means in this context, exactly how the sofa works in the writer's living room, and why I should care.  It's hard to find useful reviews that tell me things (positive or negative) that I can't find out by examining a product myself.

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26 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

Sadly, few people write reviews that offer the sort of helpful information that you are describing. I generally ignore product reviews in SL and RL for that reason.  They tend to be written either by people who have a poorly-honed axe to grind or people who offer nothing but empty praise.  The balanced, detailed middle ground is rare.  "This ugly dress didn't fit" doesn't tell me whether the dress is poorly made or the writer has a peculiar shape and lousy taste.  "The cute lines of this sofa work really well in my living room!" leaves me wondering what "cute" means in this context, exactly how the sofa works in the writer's living room, and why I should care.  It's hard to find useful reviews that tell me things (positive or negative) that I can't find out by examining a product myself.

If I were to write a review. This is how mine would go. I truly love your products, the current product I just bought looks great. However, there are some minor discrepancies in it. Then I would explain what each problem was. Than add some other nice things, and then end it with my name.

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Weird squiggly letters that I can't read.  Honestly, it doesn't get my blood boiling but I tend to avoid such people only because I have no idea how to communicate with them.  My assumption is that some different social cohort than my own deals with them more fluidly than I do.

Sapiosexual:  Yeah, I have an astronomically high IQ and I'm big into romance.  That word in your profile is a guarantee that I'll give you  a pass even for casual chat.  I often wonder if other high IQ people laugh at that the way I do.  I see it as the tool of people who themselves are not that bright trying to be snooty about it.  I do get a lot of good jokes out of it though so there is that.

Profiles wrapped in barbed wire:  Yeah, I get it that someone, somewhere, did you wrong.  Grow up.  Move on.  Try to see what mistakes YOU made to get you in that situation.  Blaming the entire world around you for your own choices is not a good look.  Bonus points if you have 30 profile picks whining about the behavior of others and you are surprised when someone thinks that's off-putting.

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On 7/26/2019 at 7:22 PM, halebore Aeon said:

I love when people try to give some constructive feedback, and you see some of the reviews are honest and actually give them good feedback and suggestions on how to fix the errors they noticed. Then that person is getting attacked, as apparently nowadays, one must kiss a creators buttocks. If not, the rain of a thousand angry die hard fans will rain upon thee.


Not exactly the same situation, but, like with ppl posting their houseboat/traditional home creations, I tend to be nothing but positive. Once, and only once, I timidly said I might have done things a bit differently, and I already regretted it. :( Not that ppl jumped on me, but more like me realizing that's not nice. People are simply very sensitive about their creations, and the slightest critique can already cause pain. As it would for me (even though there are decidedly ppl much, much better at decorating than I am). Stil, creativity is something from deep within, even god-like, after a fashion, in that the feeling of having created something of beauty is an almost euphoric experience, really.  So, critique on our creations, even the slightest, tends to fault us on our innermost level, if that makes sense.

Different for builders on MP, of course. Since you pay them money for their product, I deem it fair to say when the product turns out to be of poor quuality.

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On 7/27/2019 at 11:41 AM, Damian Mills said:

Weird squiggly letters that I can't read.  Honestly, it doesn't get my blood boiling but I tend to avoid such people only because I have no idea how to communicate with them.  My assumption is that some different social cohort than my own deals with them more fluidly than I do.


It's bad when running a club an try to welcome someone with the squiggly letters and getting it wrong and having your head chopped off.

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2 hours ago, CoffeeDujour said:

People who complain about weird squiggly letters is right up there with those who decry drama ... If you don't like them, don't use them.

Job done.

It does get annoying, when you are trying to figure out their name. Yet it's so cryptic, because of ascii characters. So you wind up using their username, and they flip at you. But you go, I can't read your name. If you had actually made it more legible, I would have stated your name right.

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10 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

It does get annoying, when you are trying to figure out their name. Yet it's so cryptic, because of ascii characters. So you wind up using their username, and they flip at you. But you go, I can't read your name. If you had actually made it more legible, I would have stated your name right.

If Display Name is unreadable I just don't even bother trying. One solution is to use their real name. For example, if I were using one of those gibberish titles, you could call me "/me points to formerly known as Alyona Su." As quick as I like to think I am, I'm not so sure I could come up with a snarky come-back for that. :)

Edited by Alyona Su
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12 hours ago, CoffeeDujour said:

People who complain about weird squiggly letters is right up there with those who decry drama ... If you don't like them, don't use them.

Job done.

While I agree; if you use illegible squiggly letters for your display name and someone decides to ignore them and use your account name instead, I don't think it's justifiable to get annoyed at that. If you want people to use your chosen name, make it readable, or deal with the consequences.

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3 hours ago, AyelaNewLife said:

While I agree; if you use illegible squiggly letters for your display name and someone decides to ignore them and use your account name instead, I don't think it's justifiable to get annoyed at that. If you want people to use your chosen name, make it readable, or deal with the consequences.

Thank you, there have been a few times. Where someone has been offended that I had not used their chosen name. Like what do you want me to do? I can't read your damn name. So I will use your username instead. If you use Ascii characters, and no one can't read it. Then it's your fault.

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21 hours ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

It's bad when running a club an try to welcome someone with the squiggly letters and getting it wrong and having your head chopped off.

Have it all the time even with normal letters! I visit a club, tip a DJ or something, and they thank you in voice but pronounce it all English! "Thank you Zettah!"

Off with their heads!

On a more serious note, those weird letters are sometimes hard to read, but I don't mind misspelling names, even normal names I tend to misread/spell. And once a misspelled name is stuck in my head, it will not ever correct itself there and I will keep reading/typing it wrong till the end of days. If you ask me to write the names of 10+ years friends, I probably misspell a few.

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2 minutes ago, Zeta Vandyke said:

Have it all the time even with normal letters! I visit a club, tip a DJ or something, and they thank you in voice but pronounce it all English! "Thank you Zettah!"

Off with their heads!

On a more serious note, those weird letters are sometimes hard to read, but I don't mind misspelling names, even normal names I tend to misread/spell. And once a misspelled name is stuck in my head, it will not ever correct itself there and I will keep reading/typing it wrong till the end of days. If you ask me to write the names of 10+ years friends, I probably misspell a few.

Wouldn't it be pronounced like Zay Ta? Kinda like what you see in the Greek alphabet. But I do agree, I don't mind misspelling them. But when they are too hard to decipher, I wind up using their username.

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11 minutes ago, halebore Aeon said:

Wouldn't it be pronounced like Zay Ta? Kinda like what you see in the Greek alphabet. But I do agree, I don't mind misspelling them. But when they are too hard to decipher, I wind up using their username.

To be completely honest,  I don't have a clue on how it originally is pronounced, because that would probably be ancient Greek :)

How I pronounce it myself as being my SL name, its more or less like this but with a thick Dutch accent

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1 minute ago, Zeta Vandyke said:

To be completely honest,  I don't have a clue on how it originally is pronounced, because that would probably be ancient Greek :)

How I pronounce it myself as being my SL name, its more or less like this but with a thick Dutch accent

I actually got it right. Noice. Well you never have to worry about me, mispronouncing your name.

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Okay, I don't know if this bothers anyone else. But when an event says an original mesh event, or even if it's just a regular event in general and it's themed. You find a plethora of skins, make up, and tattoos. And most of these items are either out of theme, or the fact that it's just make up. How in the heck, is these people getting in. And the owners of the event, not looking over the items before giving them the go ahead? If you applied as a creator, than your item should be inspected when it's done. To A see if it fits theme, and B is actually really good, and worthy of said event.

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23 hours ago, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

It's bad when running a club an try to welcome someone with the squiggly letters and getting it wrong and having your head chopped off.

When I need to greet someone who uses funny fonts, I just open their profile and copy it verbatim and paste it with my greeting.  It's not worth it to me to be peeved over someone else's affectation, I just let it slide.  Life is short.

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2 hours ago, halebore Aeon said:

Okay, I don't know if this bothers anyone else. But when an event says an original mesh event, or even if it's just a regular event in general and it's themed. You find a plethora of skins, make up, and tattoos. And most of these items are either out of theme, or the fact that it's just make up. How in the heck, is these people getting in. And the owners of the event, not looking over the items before giving them the go ahead? If you applied as a creator, than your item should be inspected when it's done. To A see if it fits theme, and B is actually really good, and worthy of said event.

At least the neon sign craze is dying down.

I’ll take your peeve and raise it: a lot of the clothing that is being sold at these events now are either templates or gotten from turbosquid

There’s been a couple of times I distinctly remember being at an event and two different creators had the same mesh with minor differences. It was pretty clear that it was the same mesh though.

The pool of creators that actually create mesh from start to finish is shrinking. The event creators have to fill those booths somehow.

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This has been a recent and new one for me, but people who use personal drama to try and get you fired from your SL job. I was recently accused of hacking, which I did not do all because I some how ended up as an owner of his personal friends and family group. I was reported for it, clearly LL knew I didn't do it, or I wouldn't still have my account now would I? Nothing doing this person...we'll call him Richard, Richard blew it all out of proportion and went to the club where me and my mother works, me as a hostess and her as a manager, and tried to get us fired, telling them that we had terrorized him, hacked him, etc.


It takes a special sort of low to use personal drama as a means if getting me and the people I care for fired

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