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what happen to SL?


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I starting my first account in 2007 and have played for 11 years. I am kind frustrated these days about the lack of any one reading or looking in the folders when they buy things.

I have known of this issue for years and it's not new I know, but it seems worst then ever these days. I sell a simple mermaid AO and in the box I offer a free single prim meter that has 0 set  outside of  wearing it. It simply awards points for visiting water Sims or being in the SL ocean (active),  I give out a cash prizes at the end of each month last one 10,000L$.

I sell a fair amount of AOs a day meaning I should see many people trying out the free meter included in the box, last month I had 4 people out of 400 buyers in a months time take part of the contest that I gave away 10,000L$ .This month only 5 people are using the HUD keep in mind so far this month 140 people have bought the AO , I can see in my websites database the names and scores of the players on a daily log in.I have a website, have events, a huge free ocean place to visit and yet no one seems to have any intrust in wearing a free,single, no set up object to posibly win some great prizes. I can only figure no one reads the adds or the notecards at all any more and they do not even know what their missing out on.Also the meter  dose not send marketing adds or messages and its a simple star fish prim you wear ...has It come to a point you can not even offer a prize 10,000L$ to get any one to read a notecard after they already spend their money on a  product.So confused these days...

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I confess I don't normally read notecards included with products, because I got tired of all the thank you notes, the copybot warnings, and instructions that are so simple I just don't need to read them. I typically delete them without even looking; however, if the title of the notecard seems out of the usual I'll at least give it a quick look through to see if it's something I actually need to keep. 95% of the time even those get deleted. So, maybe others are like me and tired of the spam we get as notecards in products we buy. 

As a creator, I do include a notecard with information about my products. I hope my customers read them but I don't expect them to. But I include them to cover my own butt. 

Edited by Blush Bravin
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Two possible reasons:

1. The notecard might not be titled obviously enough. If it's simply called something like "READ ME!" then most people - perversely! - won't bother to read it. However, if it's titled something like "Wear the meter for a chance to win L$10k - read me for more info!" then a few more people would be likely to notice it.

2. The following:

16 minutes ago, LogenOne said:

I can see in my websites database the names and scores of the players on a daily log in

While you obviously need some kind of database to keep track of things, a lot of people are mistrustful of something that will be tracking them in any kind of obvious way - which they would understand this needs to do: it will register if they are in SL water, and it keeps track of their names. They might wonder if it's tracking them in any other way, such as the dates and times they log in, or exactly which regions they visit. While many people will happily partake of online activity, completely oblivious to just how pernicious online tracking is these days, many are also wising up to it and becoming cautious as a result.

And, of course, one final reason: sheer bloody laziness. The same reason why I still get people who have bought from me a (clearly-labelled on Marketplace as being "fully enclosed, with NO DOOR") skybox sending me IMs demanding to know where the door is, and subsequently wanting their money back because they hadn't bothered to read the listing. 9_9

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People just don't read. 

I have HUGE signs all over my store  KEEP YOUR CLOTHES ON.  YOU CAN TEST THE FURNITURE WITHOUT GETTING NAKED.  Also the greeter says the same. It doesn't bother me personally but I know (from complaints)  I have lost sales because someone is embarrassed by seeing it.  

I'd go with the suggestions above, change the name of the notecard to make it clear there is a large L$ prize.  

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The OTHER reason why folks may seem to ignore your notecard -- aside from the good ones already given -- is the mistrust of "contests" which unfortunately many times are rigged so that alts win the prize. I am not saying YOU do that, but there are many shady contests out there, some that NEVER give away the prizes, some that way too obviously go to brand new people over and over again (unlikely) etc. 

It will be interesting to see if more people take part with your new system. If not, then there is likely no reason to have the contest and maybe another idea will appear. Congrats on all those sales though!  :D

I have sold OH SO MANY hundreds or even thousands as I don't keep track city surrounds -- withonly a small handful of reviews on the Markeplace after many years (some one star by a competitor so those don't really count as customers in my book LOL).  It's just the way things are. 



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I am on the side of "People are too lazy to read"

Skell's idea is a good one, rename the card "WIN FREE MONEY" or something. Also make sure it's in a few languages. English and Spanish come to mind. German also if you can, as it's also a large community. You should be able to find bilingual people to do the translations in the wanted section of this forum.

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I'd personally modify the AO to have something you click to turn the game tracking on and off -- defaulting to off, so that you are not tracking people unless they opt in.  That way I only have to have one attached item to do the AO and handle the game stuff.  Then you add the game info to the notecard containing the instructions on how to use the AO - which more people are likely to read anyway.  You could also include a separate notecard specific to the game - named in a better way to "maybe" get more people to read it.

Side note - if you modify the AO, then I'd also offer a free update to everyone that already has one, since your goal is to get more people to use the game tracker.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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Myself,If I buy something like a mermaid outfit..It may only be for taking pictures.. I more than likely won't be in it enough to worry about the rest of the things in there..

Same goes for most of the outfits and things I buy..I'm just there for the outfit or the piece that was in the set that I really wanted..Then I'm off to something else..

I think people that were more into full time mermaid or what ever it would be, would more than likely be the ones wearing a hud like that and probably would be in your store group..





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 I can't actually see what's in it for the OP having these contests and keeping track of people, nor is there any proof people aren't reading the notecards.  The website is defunct by the way.

Also, the OP is a no-payment-info account with no purpose other than to run this scheme.  @Dillon Levenque I do believe you're right.

Edited by Garnet Psaltery
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actually I played a lot of games and did some contests

the contest you describe is one I probably would not even bother to try... I do not go near water sims unless sailing... and someone determined to win with a radegast client on a 24/7 online raspberry will always beat me...

maybe they read and can do math...

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For me to read a notecard, it has to be a product I know may have instructions for use that I need to keep.  If something just says READ ME, I'll likely toss it, since most of those in the past few years are just thank yous with an LM.  Actually, except for ones that I need the special instructions for, I'm quite likely to toss all, even if it says I may win 10,000L.  Part of me thinks that sounds a bit like finding out I have 3 million in a Nigerian account.  Sorry.

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10 hours ago, LogenOne said:

I have known of this issue for years and it's not new I know, but it seems worst then ever these days.

Kids these days....am I right? Ya know, back in my day......we read all the NCs and we liked it! :P

"What happened to SL?"  .... was there ever a time when everyone always read the instructions? This just seems like business as usual.

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Nice ad thread...

...it's going to backfire, btw. 

But, has it ever occurred to you, or anyone else responding about "people not reading"(which we all know most don't, this isn't unknown info), that most people don't *want to participate in your little contest, and they shouldn't have to? Many (not all, lol) actually do read those ncs, they probably just have no desire to be part of whatever it is you're trying to do.

Who gets this worked up over people not liking a freebie, or they *themselves not having to shell out money for a contest? It makes no sense at all, lmao.



Edited by Tari Landar
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1 hour ago, Tarani Tempest said:

Kids these days....am I right? Ya know, back in my day......we read all the NCs and we liked it! :P

"What happened to SL?"  .... was there ever a time when everyone always read the instructions? This just seems like business as usual.

The part I hated was in winter time..OMG those winters back then.. Plus everywhere  was always up hill..We didn't get downhills until years later and snow deep as a canyon as far as the eye could see..Only we couldn't see any farther than the note cards we were reading at the time..

They were what kept us from freezing to death..

I think kids started to get real lazy when we got those damn downhills I tell ya.



Edited by Ceka Cianci
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I typically ignore notecards.  There was one in a package a few months back - it had some sort of catchy title, so I read it.  Inside it basically said "Thanks for reading this.  Send me an IM with the word below and your transaction # from your transaction history and I'll send you a free gift."  I thought, "gift is probably meh, but what the hell".  I sent the creator my transaction # and the code word and received back a super cute dress.

So, if the title is catchy enough, I just might read the notecard. 


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Forum titles like "What happened to SL?" usually make me suspicious. And rightly so. It has nothing to do with the actual topic in this thread, which is basically: "Why won't anyone buy my product?" Move it to the Commerce section of the forum and ask merchants if they have any marketing suggestions for you.

Edited by Arduenn Schwartzman
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I don't know, selling 400 AOs for 99L a month and giving away 1/4 of it in a cash price.

I am old and jaded. One single item in store, offering high cash price, complaining no one bother to play and collect the money.... when something sounds too good to be true it usually is.

And notecards is something i never read unless I run into a problem with the product.

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