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I am still doing that 52 weeks of color challenge. This week: Mahogany.

Fun fact: The head scarf is from 2011. I found it while searching for clothes in some shade of mahogany.

52 Weeks of Color - Mahogany

I have never edited a picture so many times... because the fringes was poking through and I did not see it. Worst of all, I saved the image, found a new fault, not less than 4 times!


Edited by Marianne Little
I edited the picture
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I've been making some new shapes...but keep in mind they are fantasy shapes mostly for Fairies, Elves, Mermaids...things like that...so I made the body a bit "fantasy" too as I think a fairy body might look different but that's just my perspective about fairies.   I usually don't dress my fairies in a traditional way...it's more like fairy becomes human and tries to fit in kind of thing....

Snapshot_1623 (2).jpg

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