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Eva Nova

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  1. Is it possible to block a certain shop(s) from coming up in MP 'newest first' results? There are two shops in particular, that I won't name, that regurgitate the same listings every few days to stay in the top few pages. It frustrates me as a shopper, it must really frustrate people trying to sell their own stuff. I can only find an option to add a shop to favorites, I am trying to do the opposite. 🙂
  2. Hi, I will be releasing a Traditional on the hillside at Glibson overlooking the Fairgrounds at 11am PDT 🙂
  3. I really need to get more beauty sleep 😄
  4. There was a time when it seemed most the hairs were like this for a while, now it is really hard to find any. I did a search for you too and went through dozens of pages of slightly older hairs. The only one I found that was similar is Exile's Stone Cold Seduction. I took a demo to show you and this is how it looks on me, though, I do not have your attributes! Grab yours here if you want to try it 🙂 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Exile-Stone-Cold-Seduction-Demo/12789354
  5. What I do not understand is, if a sim owner is so insistent of keeping you out of their virtual land that they pay for, why are you so relentlessly trying to get in? Just go somewhere else.
  6. As with all things fashionable, what once was and discarded becomes the thing to have again. So many tattoo layers and system layer clothing I discarded from 2008 to this carnation, only to find it is once again the best thing since slices bread, lol.
  7. Kalush Orchestra. They won Eurovision for the Ukraine last year. UK came second so we're hosting their party this year at our house. This short and catchy little number has a cameo by Arnold Schwarzenegger and was filmed where the hot rod chase took place in the movie Grease 🙂
  8. I remember my first avatar in SL was in January 2008. I had no idea what I was doing. I found myself in a cafe at an infohub and sat down. My avi went into 'away' mode and then logged me out. I didn't log in again for two months lol. I'm glad I did though.
  9. Playing with a new mesh head. I'll let you decide which was the 'before' and which was the 'after' 😄
  10. I used to love The Weather Channel for surfing and ski-ing or just sunbathing, there was always someone to chat with. Am I remembering a place called Serenity Falls correctly? There were rentals there but it was mostly mountains with a huge waterfall and lots of quiet places to sit. Very tranquil and pretty.
  11. It wasn't for me immediately, it had somehow corrupted my HUD. I took a re-delivery and the replacement is trouble-free.
  12. Hello, I am having an issue with not being able to mute or turn off sounds on my HUDs since today's release and one of them (Tiny Empires) is making a noise every few seconds. This is Second Life Server 2022-12-06.577088 This is happening to many other people who play this game as the group is full of people asking about it. Are the techies aware of the issue? For now I am just muting sounds in SL. Thank you. Edit: There has just been an announcement on the status page, thank you I'll watch that x
  13. I have two Premium accounts with homes. I was absolutely desperate for a 1024 Newbrooke near Linden water and kept landing the same properties every day so for a change tried a chalet and got the most incredibly lovely spot. So I did the game of homes in my other one, again for a 1024 Newbrooke near water, same was happening with the same being offered up each day so I chose a Traditional and got an amazing plot with her too. When the pound starts to recover against the dollar and I can up my pocket money again I will probably go Premium on another alt and be Newbrooke hunting again 😄
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