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"Voice Verified"

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Langauge is fluid, if a fixation on so called perfect grammer is what you feel everyone should do then i can only assume you have not tried to read a 15 year olds, also differing cultures express in differing ways. I have no interset in grammer police, if we followed your rule there wouulld be no English at all.

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Tari Landar wrote:

Bigotry knows absolutely no boundaries. It is not a "US" thing, a "European" thing...or, really any "thing" that can be associated to, or with, one location in the world.

I can say, however,t hat when you meet others with bigotry, your experience(s) with them are more likely to be far less pleasant than you either intend, or desire. You can't blame some folks' bigotry, rudeness, whatever else have you, on their geographic location. You can't blame it on culturual differences, either. We're all, ok mostly, adults. We know right from wrong, we know when we're being rude, and we can have a pretty darn good idea of how things are going to be taken when we say/type them. Of course, some folks are bound to react in ways we didn't anticipate, but that is an exception, not a rule.

To say that "all people fom(insert whatever location)" are, or act a certain way, is bigotry, rude, presumptious and likely giving yourself far more credit than you deserve. Now I don't personally judge folks on their spelling, or grammar. I am well versed in teaching, as well as conversing with, people with varying language skills(which includes languages spoken as well as the capability of working with/around learning difficulties) that stretch across the globe. In other words, I understand language barriers, quite well. That said, regardless of grammar, or spelling, some folks' communication skills are seriously lacking in nearly every single post they make. They'll likely see this as an attack, as I have watched them post here since they joined and am well aware of their common reactions to people. It's not an attack, it's an observation, but it's not a pleasant observation. Some come across rude, constantly, which I suppose is perfectly acceptable if that is how they intend to come across. But, you can't be surprised when they're met with the same kind of responses. It is more likely that the reason they run into so many "rude US people"(and whatever else you want to call us) is due to the fact that they, themselves, are extremely rude to nearly everyone they encounter.

A superiority complex isn't going to get most very far in life, but it will make most of the encounters they have with other people bad experiences. It will make them somehow believe that others are wrong, they are right, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Were all human(ok, there's at least a martian or two, and some other beings as well, I'm sure) here...we're all flawed, we all make mistakes, we're all wrong now and again, and most importantly...we ALL judge. It would be impossible to go an entire lifetime never judging another person. Insisting that you don't merely suggests that you do it on a far more regular basis than the average human.

I often skip over posts that some folks make, primarily because they act like a jerk and can't even hold a nice conversation without getting all...well, jerk-like, even on topics that are really just intended for fun. I find it absolutely no suprise that some have the opinions of "US people" that they do, because they're the more likely cause of it. You reap what you sow in life. Criticism isn't always a bad thing, even when we don't like it, but being over critical of everyone, and everything, won't get you far in life either. Maybe some folks should start reading some of their posts as someone else, and not the person that wrote them. They might understand why they get the responses they do, so very often.

I get crap all the time for making long winded posts that no one wants to read. Does it bug me? Eh, occasionally, but more so in the manner that it makes me question the intelligence of the person trying to insult me(because more than a few sentences seem to confuddle them, completely) than it does "omg someone doesn't like me, or my opinions". Psh. Why would I care if they did or did not? The reason I don't care, is because I don't have a superiority complex, and I have no qualms admitting that I am as flawed as the next person...merely in different ways.



I really do dislike "posting and running" but I really did need to go.

Thank you for this very well written post.  

There are other posts in this thread I could respond to, especially one that seems to be a (very misinformed) jab at me, but personally I don't see any point in doing so.  

While on occasion I can be very to the point ( I seem to have pissed of Oz L on at least one occasion) I do generally temper my words.  As Pam said, "I don't know the context but I have been reading your posts for a few years now and never seen you post anything rude or aggressive."  That does not mean that if something smells of excrement that I am not capable of getting out a can of air freshner.  I certainly can and have done that.  And will continue to do so.  :)

Where's Jumpman Lane when we need him.  ;)

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  • 1 year later...

Old post, but here's my two cents' worth.

Simplest thing to do is ignore club owners who 'demand' voice chat. They're mostly insecure nitwits with either marital or loner issues - or teens living in their mother's basement with a pathetically desperate need to feel 'powerful' and dominate and control others (passive aggressives, mostly) 

Yes, this IS Second Life and you ARE supposed to be whomever and whatever you want, so anyone violating such a fundamentally simple fact of virtual reality, really needs to ask themselves why they rank amongst all the other losers and loners.

Also, the mere fact that they're 'demanding' voice chat (in my personal experience as a female) is to find out your sex so they can (ultimately) chat you up and have pixel sex while the wife/gf is asleep. The number of sleazy married men pulling stunts like that makes me want to puke in their face.

Ignore, ignore, ignore is the best advice I can give.


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40 minutes ago, RavenWildheart said:

Old post, but here's my two cents' worth.

Ignore, ignore, ignore is the best advice I can give.


your point of view is as valid as theirs ... YOUR world YOUR imagination ... but you can't demand from others to have the same imagination as you in THEIR venue, their land, their rules.

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21 minutes ago, Arduenn Schwartzman said:

Whenever I derp around in SL as a female avatar, I always make sure I have 'Voice- and Cam-Verified' in my Profile, so no one bugs me about it. Great succes.

A friend of mine has this in their profile...

"Real World Biography 

Cat in real life. Cam and voice verified, I'm really a cat. I put a picture in this tab and stated i'm cam and voice verified so it's frickin true!

I don't care if you're a cat or a human, doesn't matter to me. If this matters to you move on, it's ok."


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I'm ambivalent about voice verification. I don't do it but I'm not upset by those who do, or request it. I've been mistaken for a male in RL, until I speak. I end up conflicted between enjoying their confusion and feeling self conscious about my boyish figure. Fortunately the conflict resolves quickly. Confusing people is what I do.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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17 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

I can't help it but whenever I see "voice verified!" in a profile, I assume self-esteem issues.
I mean, I know what gender I have, I don't need to win anyones approval of that by proving it.


There is (or was, havn't checked recently) a Femdom place that not only charged 250 L$ to join, but if you wanted a 'Domme' tag, you had to be voice verified, by an official 3 member committee, and that required booking in advance and paying an exam fee, apparently simply speaking in a female voice wasn't enough...

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1 minute ago, Klytyna said:

There is (or was, havn't checked recently) a Femdom place that not only charged 250 L$ to join, but if you wanted a 'Domme' tag, you had to be voice verified, by an official 3 member committee, and that required booking in advance and paying an exam fee, apparently simply speaking in a female voice wasn't enough...

We call this: Greed.

Also, it costs 100L to open a group and create a tag for yourself, that's what I'd do in that case, and casually stroll around with it. Alternatively I'd just go, and never return. Which would be their loss, not mine.

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2 minutes ago, Sukubia Scarmon said:

We call this: Greed.

Also, it costs 100L to open a group and create a tag for yourself, that's what I'd do in that case, and casually stroll around with it. Alternatively I'd just go, and never return. Which would be their loss, not mine.

I went there exactly once with a former Mistress, she paid for me to join, because you not only needed to pay to be a Domme there, but to accompany a domme on a leash, eventually I just left the group, sick of the pretentious waffle spammed over group chat every damn day.

Theoretically the join fees helped pay for the two sims they ran, but yeah the voice verification was just pure greed, especially as more dommes would bring in more subs paying 250 a pop to support the place. 


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I have no idea why people post "voice verified" in their profile ... It is so ambiguous. I assume its because people are naive enough to believe anything they read in a profile at face value. xD

I can understand why some adult club owners might require some basic voice verification (even though it can be undermined). If you look back even just a few years ago—the practice was not necessarily in the norm for many adult clubs. Today it is far more common and even more common if you're seeking employment with an escort club. Some will go as far as saying "this is a voice only club" and while it may not be the popular choice for many. They have a right to do that—It is their club ...

With that being said. How people use the platform varies from person to person. Its' nice that its still an option and while some like interacting by voice—there are still a ton of us who prefer an SL experience that is voice free and it isn't because we have something to hide..


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I have been on sl almost 10 years, and it is mainly the last 6 months i have people asking me to voice verify myself (not great when my voice chat thing doesn't always work) but never had it in the past. 

People shouldn't be so hett up about what sex someone is in rl. It's meant to be an escapism. I have come across a lot of guys that play as girls, and it doesn't really bother me, as a lot of RPing games have guys playing as girls cos they have a better choice of clothes/customisation.

Someone wanted me to chat with them on voice, the minute we met, but my voice thing was greyed out, so they removed me as a friend and that was that, i was like really! Rude.



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There is one club in SL that demands you use Skype to verify that you are who you say you are, I won't mention the name but it has been around for years and years, I was interested in hosting there but when I got the application it said, if I couldn not use Skype voice to be interviewed then don't bother to fill out the application. So, I didn't fill it out. I agree with MadDog, I alone, decide when and where and who I voice with. smh

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What's next? Scanning your goddamn ID and social security number to email them, just to make sure?

Also, it has been mentioned before: nothing can be verified 100%.  Voice? You could get another person to talk for you. No biggy. Cam? Once again, you could get another person to pose for you. I mean, you could even hire an actor for a real life meeting. Unlikely? Yes, for sure. But not impossible. 

@Misty Selentiak Their loss. Propably just wanted to get in your pants anyways.

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On 2017. 04. 05. at 8:06 AM, RavenWildheart said:

Old post, but here's my two cents' worth.

Simplest thing to do is ignore club owners who 'demand' voice chat. They're mostly insecure nitwits with either marital or loner issues - or teens living in their mother's basement with a pathetically desperate need to feel 'powerful' and dominate and control others (passive aggressives, mostly) 

Yes, this IS Second Life and you ARE supposed to be whomever and whatever you want, so anyone violating such a fundamentally simple fact of virtual reality, really needs to ask themselves why they rank amongst all the other losers and loners.

Also, the mere fact that they're 'demanding' voice chat (in my personal experience as a female) is to find out your sex so they can (ultimately) chat you up and have pixel sex while the wife/gf is asleep. The number of sleazy married men pulling stunts like that makes me want to puke in their face.

Ignore, ignore, ignore is the best advice I can give.

No offence but what ultimately matters for Linden Lab is if said landlords are breaking any actual SL guidelines, not imaginary rules people decided

You dont have a godly right to get their job nor do they have a godly right demanding that you verify your voice, i dont see the problem here



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