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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Without more information we are giving you the 'common' fixes. Use Help->About... when asking a tech question. Paste the info with your question/problem. Depending on connection and region lag it can take a few minutes for an avatar to render. Not being on for a time means your cache has likely aged out and is having to reload. This also slows things down. It is always good to have two brands of viewer installed. Firestorm users usually have the Linden viewer installed for troubleshooting. Keeping it installed allows for quick test of whether it is an us or them problem, my computer-viewer ot the Linden servers. What you describe sounds like typical slow rendering avatars. HOWEVER, older versions of the viewer not using the latest protocols can fail to render the avatar correctly. There is what we call the 'hair-in-the-butt' bug. More broadly a problem of things on the avatar rendering in the wrong place. It is a symptom of the viewer and server getting out of sync, which has a wide range of causes. It is often fixed by a relog. Chic has made a good suggestion for what to try.
  2. I am assuming this happens in all the places where you sit. If it is only one place, then that chair's (?) sit position is likely messed up. If you are adjusting your right-click-on-avatar Hover to keep your feet on the ground, that can throw off your sit position. If you use either Hover (shape or click) to keep your feet on the ground you can cause the sit problems. Make sure you are wearing the right 'System Shoes' or shoe for the shoes you are wearing. If your right-click Hover is adjusted by more than a few millimeters then Shape Hover, feet, and shoes are probably off.
  3. There is a workaround... You build one shape file just once. I put in a Feature Request: Shapes – Better Export – BUG-216131 – Improved Shape Export. I put a feature request in to get a better way of exporting shapes. I want to export just my body without the head or just my head without the body. We can edit the current XML shape files the viewers export now. I have edited one to be just my body, no head. I can wear the shape included with a mesh head. Then I can wear my body only shape. The body changes and the head is not affected. I can save the resulting shape and have a combined body and head. I want to be able to export a body or head shape and not have to edit the XML files. Being able to do so would let body and head designers easily make shape for just a body or just a head and stop messing me up. So, please stop by the JIRA and click ‘WATCH’. I think using the head's included shape gives one a better starting place. But I don't want to give up my body shape. Consider... Since I was around for Standard Size (rigged not fitted) mesh, I have a bunch of outfits and clothes that require a tweaked shape for clothes to fit. So, I have shapes for a couple of dozen brands of clothes. Redoing the shape for all those brands was WAY too tedious. So, I hacked on the Shape XML file.
  4. I couldn't find any 2008 images that show my avatar well... they are all too small as was taking pictures of places and very few of me. This is from 2009. I've changed a bit... June 2018
  5. Miss a day or two and there are too many neat posts to respond to. You are getting the hang of it. I do like those peach jeans. "More daring" in SL has a whole other set of levels than iRL. There is a lot of fascinating stuff in the forum. The ANSWERS section has a ton of answers for SL/Viewer problems. There are loads of how-to's on about anything you can do with SL in various parts of the forum. Have you noticed Kim Kardashian using an SL avatar in her perfume 'print' ads? That trivia bit comes from the SL blogosphere. I can't tell if you wanted your ankles bent in the green dress. There are free ankle locks in the marketplace. Slink has an ankle lock built into the body HUD. I assume Maitreya does too. Yeah... that drives me to Photoshop. It is also part of the reason I got a SpaceNavigator (3D mouse). With SN or a joystick you have way better camera control. I think most of the people making machinima use a SN. You did nail it in your later post. I find the SN gives camera positions that reveal really nice pictures. Take a look at how these awesome images are made: Second Life Speed Edits. While the resulting images aren't what this thread is about, the enhanced images are big on Flickr and Youtube. They are awesome. I notice stuff after I've pressed ENTER.... Soooo hate it when that happens. Still a good image and cute avatar & dress. Have you seen the POSER in the Black Dragon viewer? Check out my latest SL News and scroll down to the Black Dragon paragraphs for a video and links. The Lindens are looking at building the POSER feature into the Linden viewer. It is still awkward to use, IMO. But, WAY WAY easier than making an animation and uploading it. Great for small pose tweaks.
  6. As you are finding out, there are a number of viewers compatible with Second Life. There are more than we'll point you to. Most of those we mention are safe. BUT, there are viewers that are for the purpose of theft... your password. The Linden made default viewer is here: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ There are Release Candidate and Project viewers made by the Lindens: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers The list of most third party viewers is here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Firestorm is the most popular viewer. Somewhere between 60% and 80% of SL users are using Firestorm. They also have a Firestorm Support group that is VERY active. Good place for quick answers. They also have classes on the viewer. It has WAY more features than the Linden viewer. So, the classes are helpful. It is a good idea to have to different brands of viewers installed for troubleshooting. Your inventory problem is a common problem that benefits from checking the inventory in different viewers. If one has inventory and the other does not, we know it is a viewer problem and which viewer needs repair. If neither has inventory, the Lab will need to help you.
  7. Some things in SL have to be faked. You may make a barrel and an exploding barrel. Put the exploding barrel inside or make invisible. When it explodes, hide the plain barrel and render the exploding one.That should solve your joint problems.
  8. In general... it isn't the eyes where they look now. I once heard they first look at a woman's heart... they can't help it that our breasts are in front of our heart...
  9. Flexi hair is made with prims. The flex is an attribute of the prim. The flex is literally built into the viewer. No script needed. The flex can be set (on/off) or modified (how much flex, wind & gravity effect) by a script by making changes to the prim attributes. The LSL wiki has all the possible controls listed and example scripts. For hair flexi settings are usually made once and so are not normally part of the hair's scripting. Those 'flexi' settings cannot be applied to any Mesh Clothes or Mesh Hair. Mesh can only be set (rigged) to follow the avatar skeleton. We fake other movements like the old page-flipping animations. We do that by making a copy of the item in each position that makes up the animation. Similar to stop motion animation. We flip the pages by making each model visible in sequence as all others are made transparent. So, as others are trying to get across, scripting is not the main tool you need to accomplish your task. HOWEVER... Animesh will likely go grid wide next week (#29). A number of hair makers are thinking about creating animated hair using animesh. So, there would be a script to trigger the animation. There are others that think they can make animated clothes, skirts that flow or move in wind... The wind will have nothing to do with it. The effect will be faked with animation which wind cannot affect.
  10. So... are you looking for a currency exchange or a slave market?
  11. Oooow... ripping on our friends. You likely have and never will have any idea of how much damage you've done to yourself. Alwin was hinting. There will be a day you want help. While Rolig will likely help you, a number of the rest of will remain silent and let you stew. Rolig gave you the information a new (1 post) person would need to start grasping the nature of the Lab and how they do business. We know Rolig, but your response tells us much about you. Your level of intelligence, nature, and attitude toward one helping you. Look into the psychology term 'projection' and its counterpart in new age religion 'mirroring'. Both describe the same a human behavior. Credit cards are used to purchase L$, Linden dollars. Thinking the card transaction fee is where the money is at is foolish. Buying US$100 of L$ gives the Lab US$100 and what a $3 fee? The cost of L$ to the Lab is debatable. But, the cost is all in the effort to make a computerized set of accounting entries. They don't even have to print or ment the currency. It's just a computer entry. How funny that you think the money is in the card fee...
  12. @rikkee54 To give you a framework for chasing down your problem... Consider. Your inventory is a list kept on the SL Servers. The viewer downloads a copy of the list and uses it for the life of the session. Making changes, adding, and deleting things in inventory makes a change in the servers AND the local list. The server side list is never downloaded from the viewer. So, it is difficult and rare to lose inventory. More often apparently lost inventory is a problem downloading you inventory list. When the viewer has a copy of the list the viewer updates/checks the list against the server list. However, some things go wrong and the file gets corrupted, The FS Wiki page is about how to fix that. The list is a list of item names and UUID's (a sort of URL into the asset database). The actual item is in the SL Asset servers. So, the inventory is a small thing even when you tens of thousands of shoes. Continue inventory problems are often an indication of a connection problem. You may have a good general Internet connection, but that does not guarantee a good connection to the SL servers. So, check that specific connection. If the connection is weak and you have everything in one folder you'll have lots of problems and may not even be able to login. Too much stuff in a folder is on the order of 5k items in a folder. But, a weak connection and slow computer may reduce that number.
  13. There are some possibilities. But, we need your computer and viewer specs. Use the viewer's HELP->About... to collect the information. This is often a video memory problem, as in the video card ran out of memory needing to render too many big textures. But, without specs, I can only guess. Hay algunas posibilidades Pero, necesitamos las especificaciones de tu computadora y del espectador. Use la AYUDA del visitante-> Acerca de ... para recopilar la información. Esto a menudo es un problema de memoria de video, ya que en la tarjeta de video se quedó sin memoria y es necesario procesar demasiadas texturas grandes. Pero, sin especificaciones, solo puedo adivinar.
  14. @MelanieMcRoger There is no status page for ADITI. It is the Linden test grid. They are taking regions down, restarting regions, crashing regions, changing which regions are in ADITI, and updating software. So, a 'status' page would be way too much work. The problem you ran into is a common problem when the region you are trying to log into is down. So... next time you are logged in collect some region names to try as alternatives. Morrise, Ahern, Animesh1, Animesh2, Animesh3, Animesh4, ... I've had problem using 'Home' and Last Location when logging into ADITI. So, if I have a problem getting in I avoid them.
  15. It doesn't release if you try to move. Just tried it to be sure I wasn't imagining things. I suppose that is why a constant stream of people that accidentally engaged it show up in the Firestorm Support asking what happened.
  16. Its a bit over a year old. It comes with a 7th Generation Intel Core i7-7700HQ. There are newer CPU's, but this is still a hot CPU. For SL Intel CPU's tend to out perform AMD because the i7's have hyper-threading. AMD counts on multiple cores to make up the difference. For a number of games AMD is often better. But, Intel and AMD leapfrog each other. So, if you are getting a good price... this will work well. Lenovo has a reputation for making excellent computer the last few years.
  17. No one mentioned it. But, the handy tools needed for checking out these types of problems are HWMonitor and GPU-Z. They take their information from the hardware. Makes it easy to diagnose of different problems.
  18. You are not giving us enough information to be able to help you. From what you've told us... with respect, check if it is plugged in...
  19. Lillith is being blunt. I doubt she is 'offended' by anything you said. She is tring to convey her disdain for the lame computer you are looking at. The CPU is rated here: https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=AMD+A6-9220e&id=3198 It is the worst of all those rated. Using the CPU's built in graphics will make it miserable for use with SL. A 32GB storage device is only sufficient for Windows. Adding software will fill the drive. I hope you meant 320GB. The direct answer to your 'will it run SL' SL question... define run... It most likely will. But, it isn't going to be usable. You can take the US$300-$400 to eBay and get a WAY WAY better machine. (Laptops) Jump to $500 and you could get lower end new.
  20. Cache clears are for when you are certain there is a corrupt file, which is VERY rare. Logging off and then coming back on some time later or seconds later is way more likely the fix.
  21. Are you lining everything up along the X,W,Z axis? If you are working at angles, you are going to have round off issues in the X,Y,Z values. While you can build aligned to the grid and avoid shift while building, customers will likely rotate the building. I don't know that it is possible to avoid that type of prim shift. But, these shifts should be small and mostly invisible until you zoom in. How big are the prims? If you are trying to get large prims to fit together, you have to keep the dimensions to even numbers so they will fit together. Otherwise, odd dimensions push you to tweak the locations away from symmetry to get precise fit. Perfection inside a digital world has limits. In general movement of 0.0001 is invisible. Separations between prims of 0.0001 is invisible. However, a shift of 0.001 is very visible. Shifts of 0.01 are huge. Shifts of this magnitude one sees when they make things Physical. So far, the only way I can get prims to shift out of the position I put them in is to have one of the prims set to Physical and then link a non-physical prim, which then becomes physical too. So, if none of this helps, I would need to see it in-world.
  22. I forgot to wear the HUD for items #2 and #3. I got both of those. Put the HUD on to see what would happen. It updated and shows all three.
  23. You are getting lots of generic information. We can be more specific. The viewer is complex and multi-threaded. So, several components have to work together. To understand look through my Hardware articles. Whether you are buying Intel or AMD the important factor is SPEED, not cores. 4 cores are plenty. More cores adds a small improvement. The faster the CPU the better. Generally i5 CPU's are the best buy for the money. Also, if you are not familiar with the 'generations' of CPU's you can be taken advantage of. Intel CPU's come with a designator; i5-6600k the red six is a generation number. 6th and 7th generation chips will work in a couple of specific generations of motherboards. The 8th generation and soon 9th gen CPU's require a newer motherboard. So, the upgrade path for 6 and 7 gen chips is closed. If you multi-task while running SL then more cores may be worth the money, but not for running SL alone. Memory speed is another big factor. Fast memory is better. A fast CPU and slow memory bottlenecks the CPU. You have to look at the motherboard to see what speed memory is the max it can handle. Dedicated video cards are a must. I prefer NVIDIA. They have done a better job of keeping their OpenGL drivers up to date, which SL viewers depend on. It is possible to use twin video cards. But, the second card doesn't do much for SL viewers. You can find people with SLI machine talking about their performance here in the forum. I think spending the money on more and faster memory is smarter. The SSD is great for the cache. I wouldn't waste it on programs' source. RAM Drives are WAY faster than SSD. Look here for a comparison of SSD, Ram, and Mechanical. But, the wrong motherboard can kill video and SSD. New boards have 18 or more PCIe channels. These are data channels. If you fill them up, something has to wait. When you consider that a GTX 1080 video card wants to use 16 PCIe channels, you start to see the problem. There is a lot to consider. You can pay for a gaming machine. But, that won't mean you'll be getting the top of the line components. Most computer sales fudge on the descriptions to give the impression of more hardware for less money. AND... if you get the best machine possible, spend US$4,000 and set the graphics at Ultra and turn the draw distance to 1024, your FPS is going to suck. Go to an event with 20 avatars with high ACI and you're are going to see FPS drop into the 20 FPS range. Confused? It is complicated. But, a mid range computer is a reasonable price and provides reasonable performance for SL.
  24. Voice is provided by a third-party service, Vivox. So, you are making multiple connections when using voice. That connection point is often attacked by griefers. Various other things happen that take voice down. The Lab consistently works on voice. Oz Linden is currently working on an update from Vivox. The RC viewer for that update isn't out yet (7/2).
  25. I assume you meant this comment as the rest are questions, not answers. My understanding is Grumpity is management not an engineer. So, her idea and meaning of 'improve' and Oz Linden's idea of what parts of the avatar can be 'improved' are different. Since Ebbe is prominent in reference... While I covered those in my blog and have links to those in my blog I didn't index those two videos. Inara summarized and clipped parts of the audio. See https://modemworld.me/tag/ebbe-altberg/ But, I don't know of a time-mark index. So, it is hard to go directly to any part of the video where he talks about avatars. If you have a time mark where he says they have a plan to upgrade the classic avatar, I would love to have it. You can seach her posts for Ebbe's comments on the avatar. But, nowhere does he talk about changing Ruth/Roth. The Lab is enhancing the Classic = Ruth/Roth avatars. Bento changed the skeleton. They did that by adding to it. They did not change any of the existing bones, which define Ruth/Roth. Bakes On Mesh will up the texture size usable with the classic avatar. However, the service will still be able to use all the existing skins. So, while this technically is a change to Ruth/Roth unless they change the skin used with them, which is unlikely, there will be no apparent change. The reason we have mesh bodies is the Lab's resistance to changing the mesh layouts and UVMaps of the Ruth/Roth avatar and breaking legacy content. The part we need to change to reduce the popularity of mesh bodies and heads, layout and UV, isn't going to change.
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