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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Some impressive doors are made using materials. A single prim door can use a diffuse texture, specular and normal maps to replicate what used to require multiple prims.
  2. If you want to use a Debit Card then you'll have to setup a PayPal account.
  3. This Avatar 2.0 thing is a years long discussion. You are right. They could rebuild the avatar. The reason they did not change the system avatar and instead went the Bento/Mesh route is the Linden aversion to breaking legacy content (system avatar). The built in Ruth/Roth is never going to change as the needed changes would break a huge amount of legacy content.
  4. Is Second Life a Game? Many say no. But, actually it is an inventory game… Are you winning or losing? Like other games there are variations in play… king of the mountain, capture the flag, last man standing… and others. So, with inventory; most stuff, least stuff, best organized, fastest find in an unorganized inventory, most items in a single folder (sucker play)… and WAY more. I’ve tried a number of ways of categorizing my inventory. I still have trouble finding stuff. After 10 years I’ve started tossing stuff I don’t use. I found out old stuff I use least. So, it occurred to me to add a year in the folder names. Also, there is stuff I REALLY like. I’ve started including a rating in the subfolder names. So, a dress I really like may be in Dresses->Sexy->2018 and its folder is named 01 with least liked 09 – [whatever description]. Things rated 5 to 9 are candidates for the trash. I mean… WHY did I buy that? What was I thinking?
  5. From this thread we get a good idea of how things in SL change. The Bakes On Mesh is going to be an interesting addition. Many think it will take us back to a classic/system style of dress. Many are counting on being able to wear old system clothes on their new mesh body. There is the idea mesh bodies will change. The onion skin bodies we use now will change from 4+/- layers to 1 or 2 layers. Appliers will vanish. I doubt many of these things. For instance my GA.EG mesh head has a makeup HUD I love. I never had this kind of control with my classic head. I'm really not willing to give it up. Take eyeshadow. With classic I could add it. With mesh I can set the transparency, glow, bright, shiny, and add color... I'm not going back to limited classic style makeup.
  6. Visit Santa Monica or the Venice Beach area on a Saturday night... or a Pride celebration in San Francisco streets... I've seen several SL 'Adult' regions that prohibit the things you'll see RL in San Francisco events. I tend to think in RL people dress more conservatively than we do in SL. But, there are RL places and times where SL matches RL...
  7. “Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.” ― George Carlin HOWEVER... a good comeback is really satisfying... https://nomajesty.com/arguing-idiots-basic-debating-cheat-sheet/ Often even more satisfying is realizing that you can leave them stuck in a position or opinion that will lead to frustration or reveal their stupidity to others...
  8. You need to learn to check Grid Status. THey announced earlier this week that they would be doing Profile Maintenance today... and they are. https://secondlife-status.statuspage.io/
  9. Once you are below 4km the math isn't a problem. Above 4096m the binary nature of precision being used forces least significant digits to be dropped. You can dig into the math used to run SL in the wiki. DRIFT... as I said above, drift is something that happens over time. It is more like an hour hand moving. It also happens when regions restart. It sounds like you are describing prims snapping to slightly different positions. But, how much are they moving? The position of things in-world is a combination of viewer and server information. During editing the viewer updates the server on where things are. The server updates others on where you have moved things during editing and updates your viewer on where things are. This allows us to do cooperative building as part of a team in real time. I have never needed to know the precise timing of those updates. But, I have seen prims move around during editing when the server and viewer get out of sync. I tend to see it most often when adjusting prim attachments to the avatar in a busy region. The server-viewer communication on movement is via the UDP protocol. Packets can be lost. Servers get busy and can get behind on updates. Thus we have the infamous rubberbanding. Things get out of sync and then some clicks force an update or during editing the delays used to reduce network traffic time out and server position updates overriding the viewer. So, check the server and connection performance using the Viewer Statistics panel. (Ctrl-Shift-1 toggle) Make sure your Max Bandwidth in Preferences is no more than 1,500. If it is at 1,500 reduce it by 500 and try again. Then to 500 and try again. Watch packet loss. 1% loss is high. Ping times greater than 250ms can be a problem. The Packet Loss numbers given in the Stats panel are a running average. So, the 0.0% is less and less precise the longer you are on. Time pushes it lower. Also, the login process distorts the number pushing it higher. But, a display of 0.0% should mean you are OK. Try a region like BlueSteel Sandbox 1. OR any deserted region. Which viewer are you using? It may help us figure out what is up if you provide your viewer-computer specs. Help->About... Also, the rated speed of your connection.
  10. The Lindens are amazingly pro-freedom toward users and content creators. They do however place limits in places to allow them to control the system. Sort like US highways. You can go wherever you want. How fast you can go is controlled. They will not break existing content except in extreme cases. There is no reason to eliminate Teleport-Hammers and put those people out of business. But, there was cause to eliminate the load on already stressed servers. They did that by nerfing the hammers. The result is Alyona's hammer that bangs on the door once every 5 seconds, which in computer terms is slow. I can only find 2011 teleport throttle numbers and I doubt they are correct. It was the 2017 (or may be 2016) Fantasy Faire where the hammer problem effect was detected as a problem. So, I am not sure what the current limit is. Those with a hammer can find it by reducing the time between retries until they get an error. Then back the setting off a bit and you have the fastest hammer possible. Once you get the error stop the hammer. Adjust your retry frequency. Wait 2 or 3 minutes for the throttle to relax. If you hit the system again while you are throttled, the penalty time is increased. So, if you rush setting the hammer you can get a cascade of ever lengthening penalty throttling... well to some max. There is the matter of whether or not you are considerate of others and what that says about you.
  11. A poor connection is not going to pull FPS down. It isn't going to help. But, you have something local choking performance. So, get HWMonitor (free) and check your temperatures and CPU and GPU loads. You should be around 25 to 50% on both. For NVIDIA use with Second Life see this article: http://blog.nalates.net/2016/06/05/nvidia-settings-2016/ Also, http://blog.nalates.net/2011/11/30/how-to-get-a-faster-second-life/ Also, http://blog.nalates.net/2010/12/17/graphics-tweaking-for-second-life/ These are old but most of the information is still pertinent. I have a 1060 GTX and i5-6600k OC @ 4.1GHz. One notch below Ultra with Shadows, Sun/Moon+Proj enabled and I get between 20 FPS in crowds and 120 FPS in skyboxes... So, something is up with your 'system/NVIDIA' settings. PS: A poor connection can slow downloads and keep the computer tied up decompressing texture files. But, eventually they all get downloaded and your viewer stops decompressing. So, if connection is slowing this process you should FPS coming up after 10 minutes, more or less. Open the texture console to see when your viewer is done with textures Ctrl-Shift-3 (toggle). Other debugging consoles that may help http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Develop_menu
  12. Use Ctrl-Shift-1 to open the Viewer Statistics panel. Look at PING, Lost Packets, Time Dilation, and Server FPS. Ping and Lost Packets are indicators of how the connection is working. Ping should be 250ms or less. You can live with <=500ms but it will suck. Ping consistently over that and you'll start getting disconnected. A couple of seconds of high ping is annoying but the system will tolerate it. Packet Loss should be <1%. Even at 1% you'll experience problems. Often at login you'll see higher packet loss. Don't be too concerned. The serious issues are when when post-login loss is high. Time and Server FPS are indicators of how the region server is performing. Time should be 1. Within the range 0.80 to 1.00 is tolerable. Server FPS below 40 is an indication the region is overloaded. These two numbers spike and dip. That is common and not a problem. But, seconds of less than optimal indicates a problem. To locate the problem follow the steps at http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ Even with a good general Internet connection your connection to the SL servers may have problems.
  13. Your setting changes may make a difference, but probably not. Since others also do not see the avatar it is more likely a problem at the computer controlling that avatar or with the region server. Your settings are fine for machinima. Trying to edit in DoF in post is impractical. Plus you machine seems more than capable. Unless you are seeing some jitter, your machine is not the likely cause of the avatar not rendering. I assume they have rehearsals. Observe during the rehearsal to see if the same problem is present and if it is the same avatar. If it is always the same avatar, have them check their connection to the SL servers. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ I would also make sure my cache is preloaded. See all the dancers in all the outfits before the show. If the last rehearsal is the day before, you should be good. But, the cache in the viewers is flaky and the Lindens are currently collecting data to analyze what they can do to improve it. That project will probably start this year. But, no ETA on completion. Arrangement of audience and performers into separate regions is an option.
  14. If you are wanting someone to script it for you, ask in the JOBS section of the forum.
  15. Getting into events is tricky. I love having Premium when I try to get in. But, occasionally I still can't get in. The solutions vary. Choose when to shop. Peak use in SL is 2-3PM SLT/PT, Minimum use is 2-3AM SLT. So, depending on where you live it can be easier or harder to get in because of the time-of-day-factor. There are what we call 'dialers' and some viewers have them built in. These are 'devices' that you give a destination and they try to teleport you there until they succeed. They are available in the marketplace. The problem is the load they put on a busy region server. The Lindens realized the problem and made some changes in how the servers handle the request to enter a full region. They are now more efficient in their checking. At the same time, the Lindens also nerfed the dialers. Once they make more than (I forget how many) requests per minute the system rejects their requests for a time, which varies depending on the device's persistence. So, these things can be counterproductive now. Cam-Shopping ... Some events now have adjacent regions, which the event manager sets as the landing point or advertises as the cam-shopping location. If they are the landing point people arrive there and walk/fly into the main event region. If the main event area is full they are stuck in the staging area. You can then spend your time trying to walk in and bouncing back or cam-in and shop. Once you are in an event, you'll notice some people just stand around. To beat the lag they cam-shop. It would be more considerate if they stayed outside the region and cam'd in. But, many events are in a single isolated region and that is not possible. I use a SpaceNavigator. At large events, it makes cam-shopping way nicer than walking through the event. Others fly through the event never touching the ground. They do this so they can avoid the 'physics' lag incurred by walking.
  16. This is a bit of an old thread. There are recent threads about this problem. The fixes that have been working are to reset the scripts and get a new copy of the HUD. Resetting... right-click the HUD and edit. In the main top menu select BUILD->Scripts->Reset while the HUD is selected. WARNING: This will permanently kill some appliers. You may have to get a 'Redelivery' of the item. I tend to keep the boxes things come in, so I unpack a new copy. I trash the broken HUD and use a new copy.
  17. Visit the Server-Scripting meetings on Tuesdays @ 12 noon in Denby, Agni. Also, visit the Beta-Server meeting Thursday @ 1PM in Morris, ADITI. The URL's are correct and respond from browser requests. They fail from scripts inside SL.
  18. Thanks for corrections. Marine is doing something with a newer version Extreme that complies with Linden rules. Experimental.
  19. RLV depends on an ability for in-world scripts to control the viewer. The Linden viewer does not allow that. A number of third party viewers do. Control of the viewer may prevent teleporting or force teleporting, add clothes or remove them, trap the avatar - no move, force animations on the avatar... block the user from doing things, chat, blank the screen (blindfold), teleporting, etc. Basically, the things you do with the viewer can be done by scripts controlled by others. The Stargate system in SL has an RLV component. If you have RLV enabled in the viewer and a relay enabled, you dial and walk through the gate. Poof away you go no extra clicking. You'll find some viewers support RLV and some RLVa. Most users will never notice a difference between the two. So, it is mostly a non-issue. But, some toys depends on a specific feature of RLV/RLVa and require one or the other specifically. I have not seen such a toy... but I hear... All the viewers that support RLV allow it to be enabled or disabled. I hear rumors of an Extreme version that does not allow it to be disabled. Haven't seen it. Generally, you can log off and switch to a non-RLV viewer to reset your RLV permissions. In addition to enabling the feature in the viewer one needs to use a "RELAY". Relays are generally a HUD or an avatar attachment. There are free relays and attachments as necklaces, rings, bracelets, etc. These too can be enabled or disabled. If you wear a mesh body, your RLV is going to require some setup to be fun. With a classic body the setup is minimal.
  20. Now I know why I don't see many donkeys in SL. · General thoughts on the matter...most of the clothes in SL nowadays are very short/open/sexy/*****ty... it's a general trend. Certainly could seem that way. However, try visiting some of the big brand shops and counting the number of casual, conservative, sexy (not necessarily revealing), and hooker wear. Deciding which is which reveals your preference, bias, and prejudices. But, I think you’ll find the hooker wear is in the minority in most major brand stores. · Also, most female avatars (male sometimes also, but less) are dressed...well, not as they would dress in RL. The question for it - what's your reasons? Most avatars do not look like people do in RL. Even our Santa Claus avatars look like a body builder champion. So, why would one expect dress to mirror RL? There is a flaunt it if you got it mentality in SL. So, the 24-year-old hard body is somewhat the standard. Plus, various communities’ idea of beauty is on display. Latino, Asian, Indian, Black… all have an idea of what is beautiful. So, the degree of sexy varies based on culture. What one considers acceptable street wear others consider overly suggestive ***** wear. I wear short skirts and skimpy tops often. I’ve got legs and gorgeous skin. I like showing off. · Is it the limited choice in the stores, personal preference, your partner likes u dressed like that? There is no limited choice in SL. Not even for guys. It takes some time to find those creating for males. But, they are here and there is quite a bit of choice. · Another question - do u expect to attract opposite sex and any romantic/sexual inworld interaction by wearing very little? I do. I’ve even asked other gorgeous women if they have been hit on in the club we are in and how often. It is a form of validation and/or measure of how well I’ve done making my avatar. But in the end, I dress to please myself. · Do u sometimes get offended by men hitting on you too explicitly when u dressed like that? Offended… more often it is exasperated. There are some REALLY HORRIBLE pickup lines in use in SL. (Big groan) Come up with a good line or just say ‘Hi’ and start a casual honest conversation. Don't make me work too hard to get picked up. Guys, carry your end of the conversation. But, I’ve heard some of the bad lines in RL too. SL is a realm of extremes and that is true in pickup lines too. If I am really not in the mood, it is possible for a guy to be too direct. I’m not offended in such cases. But, I may not be as gracious saying no as I would normally be. Otherwise, I tend to be a little flattered and try to avoid crushing their ego. I mean, who knows, they may end up buying me shoes...
  21. Now I know why I don't see many donkeys in SL.
  22. For all those antique post collectors... The basic fix is to change to the Ruth/Roth avatar. Top menu Developer-(Ctrl-Alt-Q)->Avatar->Character Tests->Test [Female/Male]. Then put your previous outfit on item by item. You'll find the problem item or force a reload of it, which clears the problem too.
  23. It is a fascinating house and has a way cute dragon and nice fish. I suppose the dragon has to eat something... Being No-Mod makes it impractical for general use. They did make setup easy.
  24. Without knowing which home you have a definitive answer isn't possible. In general, changing the house does not affect the things you have rezz'd. Rez a chair or bed then change the house and the chair-bed will still be where you rez'd them. If there are physics conflicts-collisions, things may move around or have problems. If the new house has different rooms and walls in different places, the chair and/or bed is likely to be in an inconvenient place. You'll know when you try it.
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