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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. You could buy a good time for it in a number of clubs...
  2. The viewer has a tool that will help you decide if it is your connection or something else. You problem is often a connection issue... usually... Press Ctrl-Shift-1 to open the Viewer Statistics Panel. Look for Ping and Packet Loss. Idealing PING is <250ms. Over that and you start to fell the keys and mouse are mushy. Over 500 and you'll see stuff like you are experiencing. Packet Loss should be 0% but <=1% is livable. How much more the viewer/servers will tolerate depends on what is getting lost. If going to a cable and restarting stuff doesn't fit it, troubleshoot the connection to the SL servers. Then complain to your ISP. http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  3. Question (Spanish): I do not know how to place full screen, so I do not have to see the icons of control options A menudo usamos Google Translate para entender lo que ha pedido. Por lo tanto, use oraciones completas, puntuación y buena gramática. También necesitamos saber si usted es Windows o Apple. La ventana del visor se abrirá a pantalla completa si hace clic en el icono del sistema en la esquina superior derecha (Windows). Puede presionar ALT + Espacio para abrir el menú de tamaño de la ventana. Puede presionar la tecla de Windows + [arriba o abajo] para hacer que la ventana se muestre a pantalla completa o ventana. Algunos espectadores tienen una configuración de Tamaño de ventana en Preferencias que intenta anular el sistema. Lo quieres configurar para que puedas usar los controles del sistema operativo. We often use Google Translate to understand what you have asked. So, use full sentences, punctuation, and good grammar. We also need to know if you are Windows or Apple. The viewer window will open to full screen if you click the system icon in the upper right (Windows). You can press ALT+Space to open the window size menu. You can press Windows-Key+[up or down] arrow to make the window full screen or window. Some viewers have a Window size setting in Preferences that tries to override the system. You want it set so you can use the operating system controls.
  4. When you don't tell us which viewer brand you are using, we can't tell you where the control is...
  5. Rolig gave you the basics. Like RL there is more. In SL, like life, there is no free lunch. Also, SL has its share of scams and rip offs. That said... To point you in a direction for a job type we need to know what you want the L$ for. If you are looking to make a RL living then you have little choice but to work as a creative entrepreneur in model making, clothes, animations, programming... or as a land baron providing parcels or homes to residents. There are also businesses that need shops. The first person to take a 6-digit RL income from SL was a land baron. I will point out that Linden Lab is working to bring land cost down. I suspect those changes will create a turmoil in land sales and rentals. If you want L$ to buy things in SL then you have more choices. You can manage a club or group, dance/strip for tips, pimp your avatar for sex or porno films, complete in club contests, find a niche in the fashion industry - model - blog, DJ at clubs... Pay rates in SL are usually RL pennies per hour. There are numerous giveaways in SL. There are letter-chairs, if your first initial matches the letter that comes up on the chair you get the "item" for free. Well, sort of... you are paying with your time spent watching the chair. Shops want to look busy. The World Map shows the number of people in a region and the mini-map shows where in the region people are. So, your avatar being there is an advantage for the shop owner. There are freebie shops. Everything in the shop is free. Most of the stuff is old. But, there is good stuff mixed in. The well known Free Dove is a good example of a shop that gives away decent stuff supplied by designers donating stuff to get their name out there. There are introductory offers for avatars younger than 30-days old. These are often free or very cheap offers. I got my first hair via a 30-day offer. Membership in various 'free to join' groups that gets you free stuff. Here the idea is you get their advertising and are paid for listening in free stuff. Often a gift item is given away in a single color with a different color each week or month until you have the full fat pack. You usually have to go to the shop to pick up the item. IMO less than ideal. Also, there is an annual SL membership that gives you L$300 per week. If you work out the actual cost of the annual membership by subtracting out what is given back, you find Premium membership is way cheap. But, you are literally buying the L$. While there is a cost, Premium Members get a bunch of perks that I enjoy. One being is being able to more easily get into crowded events. Rolig gave the easy quick solution for L$ acquisition, buy them. You can on average buy L$ at the exchange rate of US$1 for L$240 to L$270, depending the exchange rate at the time you buy.
  6. Lindal is trying to get you to give us information so we figure out what isn't working. We know the Linden viewer works with Windows 8.1. We also know that some laptops use HD Graphics and some use a dedicated video chip, like an NVIDIA 780m. If the laptop attempts to save power and fails to detect SL viewer as a graphics intense program the video chip gets turned off. The HD Graphics is part of the Intel CPU. Intel CPUs before 4th gen have insufficient graphics power for SL use. Generally the viewer will provide an error message to that effect. So, we have to know a bunch about your computer to help.
  7. @Tess Falworth There isn't a lot of difference. The reason it became important to me is the way I make outfits. First, I searched for a head that had a look somewhat close to my classic head's. I found one in the GA.EG Jennifer head. I wanted to start from their supplied look. But, wearing their shape screwed my body. But, if I had just needed to modify one shape, it would have been easier to adjust the single shape. But, from the days of Standard Sizes I have shapes for 2 or 3 dozen brands of clothes. To use the clothes that require those shapes with the new head I had a lot of work ahead of me. I tested my idea about editing shapes in their XML file form. It worked. So, once I got my shape right for the Jennifer head I exported that shape and removed everything except the settings for the head. Now I can quickly change my Std Size shapes to use my Jennifer head.
  8. Speaking for the group... you're welcome. Threads often go off the rails. That is life in a forum. Oodles is learning about Klytyna. Don't take it personally. There isn't anything you can actually do until it becomes abusive in some way. Then you can report it.
  9. Shape... Several have described what shape does... sort of. I'll explain it another way. When you right-click the avatar and select Edit Shape the Appearance Editor opens. You can then customize your 'shape'. You can make your avatar taller or shorter, fatter or skinny, long nose short nose... and more. All of those settings use a numeric value. After you have made the look you want you can save The Shape, which writes all those settings into a file which the system sees as a Shape asset. So, when you buy a shape, you are buying an asset that is a list of Appearance settings. As has been pointed out, the skin and shape together form a look. The avatar has bones, in 3D modeling the skeleton is known as an armature. The skin is a mesh. I'll over simplify here and say each vertex in the mesh is related to a bone. Each bone is related to an appearance setting. The bone to setting part is built into the viewer and users cannot change it. But, the mesh skins we make relate each vertex to the bone or bones however we want. No one does it the same. The result is a Slink head shape will not create the same look with a Catwa head. Different designers, different mesh, different bone relationships all mean your nose length setting for Slink will be a different length nose with the Catwa head. Shape and head have to match and while technically shapes are interchangeable with any head they aren't really compatible and won't look as one may expect. I have a JIRA in to make some shapes issues easier to deal with. See The images show the incompatibility between the classic and GA.EG heads and two shapes, one for the classic head and the other made for the GA.EG head.
  10. Most ethnic groups have a similar complaint... I don't see it as discrimination, but a good case could be made for it being discrimination using the MSM and Leftist criteria. But, then most everything is racism these days according to them. There are skin and shape makers that cater to ethnic groups. Not many. And ethnic skins and shapes do come up easily in search. There are 3,000+ skins. But, it isn't so much the skin as it is the facial features that give an Asian look. There are about 3,000 Asian shapes. But, looking at those in the marketplace... I would NOT say the majority of those look Asian. But, I say the same about African looks not looking African. For their look clothes and hair are important factors. When I went looking for Malaysian looks I had to rethink ethnic looks. what does a Malaysian look like? Nobody ever recognizes the look. Either they just don't know or I don't. It is hard to get a specific racial look. We can sort of conform to the general look and coloring. But, no matter what I do with my hair, and heaven forbid I were dreadlocks, people often think I'm of African heritage simply because I am dark. In RL we can see more detail and are sort of more likely to get it right. I think the biggest problem with race in SL is computer rendering and lighting. The light skinned avatars photograph better in the viewers. Since this is a community built world, we build the things we want. Creators create what they want or think will sell... meaning what they think others will want. I suppose there are designers that have racial bias. But, I have yet to see it on display. So, I doubt is is a serious factor. I have a problem with those expecting and/or demanding others do for them. So, don't. If you can't find what you want, ask for help finding it or make it yourself.
  11. You are right, only one shape. The body-only shape is an incomplete shape. When wearing the next shape I am mixing my incomplete shape file in with the previously worn shape. Think about it this way. The viewer (server?) reads each line of the Shape XML file and changes the corresponding setting in the avatar appearance (shape) settings. XML files are written as a list of name and values sets. Example: <param id="507" name="breast_gravity" value="0.000"/> So... if a name-value pair is left out, the system simply does not change the existing setting for that value. By leaving out all the 'head' name-values I can add my incomplete 'body' shape to any shape and NOT change the head values. The viewer just doesn't do anything with those missing settings. I can then save the mix as a new complete shape. It will have the head settings from the previous shape and the body settings I just wore. I can save the mix as a new 'complete' shape. Said another way... I am only wearing one shape. It is just a shape without settings for the head. So, the viewer uses whatever settings were left over from the previously worn shape.
  12. There is a thing with shapes... For many of us a mesh head is a late addition to our appearance. I did mesh feet then mesh feet and hands then mesh feet, hands, and body then finally a full mesh look. So, I had a mesh body shape that I liked.The included shape with the head didn't work for me. OK face but skinny body. My head shape really didn't work for my new head (right most top row). To make changing heads easier I filed a feature request to allow for either different shape exports or better organizing of the XML file. See the JIRA and if you like the idea please click WATCH. BUG-216131 - Improved Shape Export. The shapes included with most mesh heads are Mod-OK. So, they can be exported as XML files, basically a text file with a special writing style. XML is meant to be human and machine readable. I and a few I know have sorted through the XML file and separated the body and head settings into separate files. We import the XML with just the body shape without the head settings. We can then wear the shape included with the head then wear our imported body shape which ONLY changes the body settings. So, I have effectively preserved the factory head settings and added my shape. Way easier than having to edit all my body settings. I then have my shape and only need to tweak the head. Once I have this 'body only' shape I can use it with any head. My hope is the Lindens will improve our Shape Export () so we can more easily edit these files.
  13. OK... that's obviously not going to work. I am a Firestorm fan and think everyone should have the stock viewer and Firestorm installed to allow quick troubleshooting. If you actually prefer the Linden viewer and your current install isn't working, try one of the RC's or Project viewers. HERE. The RC's are in cue to be the next default viewer. The Project viewers are more likely to have problems and in someway are likely incomplete. I also suggest you post a 'What happened?' question in the SL Forum Answers section. Include your system info from HELP->About... If there is a problem, the peeps at Answers will sort it out as to whether it is you and you can fix it or it is the viewer and can be brought to the Linden's attention.
  14. Lindal posted the Linden solution above. It is currently bumped to the top as I write this. So, if you have done the 32-64 bit dance and downloaded a new version of the viewer, you should be good. HOWEVER... if you have tried that, you need to open a viewer that will launch, you don't have to login, and use HELP->ABOUT... to capture your system information and paste it in here. Otherwise, we can't help. All we can do is guess and then you get to try all our bad guesses. Frustrating for both sides.
  15. It is nice that you shared your solution. That is the idea of the forum. You are always welcome to do that, for personal or altruistic reasons. But, your solution is not the end all be all answer for NVIDIA problems. Plus, the 'install latest driver' solution is scattered through these forums as is advice about GeForce Experience. That you were searching for a solution and not finding it in the SL forums suggests you may want to re-think your search strategy. I also think your not being able to find a solution here is part of the reason the suggestion was made for you to have a personal information store of tricks you worked to learn and avoid frustrating searches. Also, the 'newest driver' has on several occasions been the problem and people have had to roll back to a previous version. So, the simple idea to use the latest driver isn't always the solution. It is a good troubleshooting step. And GeForce Experience while generally a plus has its own set of problems. Especially when it installs a new driver that has problems with SL. So, while your effort is appreciated, it is getting critiqued by and suggestions made by people with a broader viewpoint on these issues. LittleMe and Lindal are answering questions and hearing about a wide range of problems and peoples' solutions almost everyday. So, 4k to 10k of posts verses 4 shows the levels of experience.
  16. RAMDisks are fast. The faster your memory, the faster the RAMDisk. For a comparison between Hard disk, SSD, and Ram Disk see: Hardware: Disk Performance Compared (9/2016) The first SSD's had a short life expectancy. The Samsung EVO850 warranty is 10 years with a total expected life cycle of 114 years. The calculated life of it based on writing 2GB/yr is 340+ years. See The life span of an SSD (updated 3/2018). Life is dependent on write cycles. My SL caches are set to 10GB. I am certain I write way more than 2GB per year to my drives. But, my caches are in a RAMDrive or hard disk. I save the SSD for things where I read the same info often or need the best write speed I can get, i.e., recording video.
  17. Yeah, remembering friends names, first and last, and how they are spelled can be a challenge. So, prepare. Have them saved somewhere along with your other account information.
  18. This is one of those cases where it is a matter of just blaming-threatening the deep pockets or seeking justice. Your choice.
  19. There you go being rational... I think that misses the point. If left solely up to the merchant then that is an accurate statement. But, it never is. The customer has a huge say in what the designer does by voting with their L$. Back on topic... My classic and prim appearance used to be in the hundreds of thousands. The classic avatar itself was efficient and low ACI (ARC...). But, the prim and sculpty clothes, hair, shoes... etc. were horrendously render expensive. The classic avatar has seriously annoying appearance problems. So, for years people were asking for an avatar with better mesh layout and uvmap. There was no legacy compatible way to do that. Mesh bodies are the evolving workaround. Mesh bodies, clothes, and accessories are the render cost effective solution. The classic avatar is sort of the base measure for ACI, 1,000. The Lindens defined their ACI calcs from that starting point. My classic head and mesh body, hands, and feet have an ACI of 17k. My recent all mesh avatar has an ACI of 25k. Those numbers seem to indicate a significant increase in render cost. Until one considers a complete outfit. I had to do some looking to find a 'classic avatar' look in my closet (Outfits). I put it together in 2012. Classic body and sculpty shoes/feet have an ACI of 199.6k. My most recent outfit with full mesh body (body, head, hands, and feet) has an ACI of 53.4k. While I may have added 24k to my base avatar cost over the base classic avatar I have reduced my overall cost by something like 150+/- ACI. It is possible to save that 24k and use a classic avatar body. But, the classic body simple does not provide the appearance people want. Since people are paying for 'looks' merchants are going to sell looks. ACI conscious buyers push change. The Lindens are aware and are adding Bakes-On-Mesh to reduce that classic vs mesh body cost and bring them closer together. Along with that change they are working on redoing the LI and ACI calcs to influence designers to do better building of things. The actual pressure comes from the residents as they vote with their L$. I simply will not buy hair, for instance, with an ACI over about 10k when I can buy similar hair with an ACI of 1 to 6k. I have a prim hair that is gorgeous but it has 160k ACI... Since viewers are adding more tools to let us see the LI and ACI problems in the stuff we build I expect designers to do better and LI and ACI to continue dropping. Mesh is best and getting better. Aside... Oh man... you are going to so miss out on [add your preferred noun here]. But, thanks for not biting.
  20. There is the reality of what is on the computer and what you THINK is on the computer. So, look in the icon's properties (right-click the icon then right click the app-icon in the list popup to get to Properties) that you use to open the viewer and see what program it is launching. If you run with Allow RC's enabled this can get a bit confusing. But, this looping is always caused by starting an out of date version of the viewer. The RC's and 32/64 bit versions all use different program install folders. Plus, if I remember correctly, some of the RC's install over the main default viewer when RC's are enabled. My point is look carefully at the icon. Because every case of looping that I have seen or heard of the launch icon is the problem. The viewer's launcher knows what version it is and it checks the server to see what is available. There isn't much of any place for things to go wrong. And if things do go sideways... we'll have about 40k people complaining.
  21. Skin matching is just problematic. You don't say which viewer you are using. You are new so we assume the Linden default viewer. This is a bit easier in Firestorm, but... we work with what we have. Windlight is the environment settings for sky, light, and water. There are settings that make skin matching easier. Since you are likely in the Linden viewer use this tutorial: https://strawberrysingh.com/tutorials/windlight-settings/ You'll want to click World->Environment Editor->Environment settings Enable Customize my environment... Set Fixed sky to CalWL that should give you ideal lighting for skin matching. If the setting is not in your list, follow Strawberry's tutorial to get CalWL or use one of her settings. For specular and normals to do anything you need to have Advanced Lighting Model (ALM) enabled. Preferences->Graphics->(button) Advanced Settings... enable Advanced Lighting Model (in lower right). Even with ALM you may have to be near a prim light or projector to see spec or norm maps produce a visible result. I suggest you not use prim/proj lights. Rely on the Windlight settings to provide the light you need. If you apply the same skin to head and body they should match, PROVIDED the body and head have the same tenting, It may be easiest to clear the body and head tent. Then match color. The exception is as pointed out, the head and body have to have the same shiny settings and spec & norm or omission of the later two.
  22. This is likely caused by your desktop link to the viewer. You have probably been upgraded from 32 to 64 bit. The 32 & 64 viewers install in different directories. Your shortcut link is pointing to the wrong one. So, each time it runs the old version and thinks it needs to update. Look to see if there is a new icon on your desktop. Delete the old one, and use the new one. Unpin any icons you have in your tool bar. Once you have an icon that doesn't loop-install, pin it to the tool bar. As an alternate, delete all the icons for the viewer then reinstall it over the top of the previous install to get a new icon.
  23. You don't. The region owner can request that the region be moved out of the channel. If it is a Linden region, move. Being in an RC does NOT subject one to the first round of testing. The initial testing is in QA. Then a round of testing is done on ADITI. The Alpha, Beta, and project versions test in ADITI. Devs can experiment with the changes during the ADITI testing. When the package arrives on AGNI it is RC quality. A decent percentage of the RC's promote to the live code without change, the goal. The RC channels provide the final load testing. A percentage of changes do have problems under load stress. The alternative is to inflict the pain of progress on the entire grid rather than about 20% of the grid. The RC channels are the cost if improvements to the SL system.
  24. The challenge when both are fitted mesh is they have to be designed to work together. Otherwise, you'll have poke-through problems. The mesh body alpha layers won't help. When you have multiple Applier items on various body layers you can run into alpha layering issues. You'll find blending options in the body's HUD. Changing those settings usually resolves the problem.
  25. Some details are missing... The viewer's Max Bandwidth setting is for the data traveling via UDP protocol. There is no 'resend' or better described as error correction in the UDP the viewer uses. The viewer is designed to compensate for UDP packet loss. You oten see it as 'rubberbanding'. Even with quite a bit of UDP loss the viewer usually recovers. The serious/critical data now travels over HTTP, which has error correction. If the error recovery takes longer than the specified time out and repeatedly fails, the servers drop the connection. At login all sorts of things traveling by HTTP can fail on a poor connection and can result in misbehavior after you seem to have logged in. A third option, place for the problem, is the Internet Service providers that provide wireless service via systems that are basically long range WiFi. Those that provide the higher speeds work in the 5GHz range, which is sensitive to several types of interference including weather. What we are all saying is look at your connection. A good general connection does not mean you have a good connection to the SL servers. Test that connection. Start by looking at your viewer's stats.
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