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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Bakes On Mesh (BoM) is still in project status. So, it is likely that you will have problems. I am not aware of Omega making appliers that are BoM compatible. So, I'm not expecting things currently available to work well with existing content. An early test applier was distributed by Omega for experimenting. A number of things have changed since then. I think that testing tool is out of date. But, I haven't checked to see if it has been updated. The same is true for mesh body products. I haven't seen any BoM compatible versions. IF ANY have been released, they are preliminary and may well change and likely have bugs as BoM is in preliminary status.
  2. The Beta Grid password change does lag. Sometimes it hangs. So, try the previous password(s). And as suggested, try and then give it 24 hours. All members/users/residents can get help with account problems. If you haven't logged into the Beta Grid in sometime, you may have to ask support to resync your account. Just file a trouble ticket.
  3. One of the security measures LL uses when recovering an account is asking you to list 10 or your SL friends. Which isn't too hard until you realize you have to spell the names perfectly. Then there is the problem of whether the hacker knows that and will quickly change them. I have written a list of 15 to 20 friends with their names properly spelled, just in case... I personally like the names security question as the information is useless anywhere other than SL. General security questions do present a security risk. I use different answers to the same questions on different sites. So, I have to write that information down. We could just shoot all the bad guys and save ourselves a lot of hassle. I hear we can get a list from Santa...
  4. In psychology the concepts of projection and transference are significant tools in determining why people do what they do. New age religions are big on teaching about projection. They typically call it 'mirroring' or something similar. Their point is to create harmony and reduce judgement, bias, and prejudice by helping people to understand human nature and how the mind works. So, when you come on adamant that you know what others want, it tells us a lot about you. No one can know what another person thinks. Those that feel they can are projecting what they would think in a similar situation or when exhibiting similar behavior. So... it might be wise for you to examine why you are thinking you know these people really want to be s---s, prostitutes, and promiscuous iRL.
  5. @karyperez26 HISTORY... you mean something from the chat logs? Those are text files located on the local computer. Anyone can edit them and write whatever they want. They would never be considered evidence by anyone that knows anything about SL. What other history do you think there is?
  6. If you are using the in-viewer browser to look at the marketplace, you WILL have problems. Use an external browser for the marketplace. Allow cookies. If you are going to the marketplace via a bookmark/favorite, delete it and replace it after you set your maturity rating. Make sure you only have ONE COPY/TAB of the marketplace open. In several cases, the last tab closed wins. And Lindal is right, you have to be logged into the the marketplace. Especially when you change a setting.
  7. Blender has the feature. It is not part of AvaStar. In Edit, select the single vertex and look in the Properties (N toggle) near the top. If the vertex is NOT weighted, this edit tool will NOT appear. You can try deleting that vertex. Then replace it and weight the new one.
  8. Translation: streaming music stopped working, streaming music stopped working, I moved the program, still does not work, still does not work It helps Google Translate if you write complete sentences and use punctuation. I am guessing ' I moved the program' means you installed the program again. When you ask for technical help, include information about the viewer and your computer. You can use the viewer's Help->About... to collect the information. THen paste it in the comment with your question. Problems with streaming music are usually temporary. They are third-party, not from the Second Life servers. A computer restart and/or modem restart often resolves the problem. A quick fix is to turn the stream off, wait a minute, then turn it back on. Sometimes it works. Translation: Он помогает Google Translate, если вы пишете полные предложения и используете пунктуацию. Я предполагаю, что «я переместил программу», значит, вы снова установили программу. Когда вы запрашиваете техническую помощь, укажите информацию о программе просмотра и компьютере. Вы можете использовать «Справка»> «Информация ...» для сбора информации. THen вставьте его в комментарий с вашим вопросом. Проблемы с потоковой музыкой обычно являются временными. Они сторонние, а не серверы Second Life. Перезапуск компьютера и / или перезапуск модема часто устраняет проблему. Быстрое решение состоит в том, чтобы отключить поток, подождать минуту, а затем снова включить его. Иногда это работает.
  9. Sure, viewers will run from any drive in the computer. They still have access to the main Windows registry and other Windows system files.. @BlkCruelt I understand your preference for another brand of viewer. I didn't know Black Dragon was available in RAR. Or I'd forgotten. A quick and shallow search didn't reveal any information on BD in RAR. So, I can't tell if it is intended to run as a stand-alone. @Alyona Su A RAR file and the Windows EXE file are both compressed archive files. If one sets RAR's 'auto-run-on-open' they are outwardly near identical. So, I'm not sure why you think one is less safe than the other. Who uses what doesn't seem like a good reason for making decisions. You are aware that all the known serial killers eat/ate potatoes... I class NiranV as a character. Often annoying, sometimes ridiculous, always creative, but I've never heard of NiranV being a griefer or malicious. I use the BD viewer a couple of times a month.
  10. The SL viewer is dependent on Registry Entries to run correctly. Plus there is a bunch of stuff that lands in the App Data folders. The viewer is scattered through the computer. For security purposes Windows runs the program from and stores data in secure locations. Those places do not exist in a USB drive. You could try installing to a USB drive and putting the caches on the same USB stick. Then try it on another computer. It might work... sort of. But, probably not. And the install would mess up the viewer on the machine you made the install from. The only way I can think of to get a portable install would be to make a bootable USB stick with operating system and boot from the USB then install the viewer in the protable OS..
  11. Plus, there are some European laws that created problems for those making them. US lawmakers were looking at them as a form of gambling or something... a number of games had similar things and were ripping people off...
  12. What you are going to run up against is the blending mode. In PS you can use multiply-blend and get a great tan layer. But, there is no way to get the viewer to render a tattoo layer in multiply-mode. So, translucent tan appliers are about all that is possible. I never think they look all that good. So, I have bought a skin with a 'tan lines' version included. I love the look and no loss of quality. If a skin doesn't have tan lines included... I probably am not going to buy it. It is possible to capture the skin and pull it into PS. There you can add a tan using PS blending and bake it to a new defuse layer, upload, and wear. Some think that is stealing and many do use the capture to steal and resell skins. So, it is a touchy subject and I doubt anyone is going to explain how to capture the skin texture.
  13. Two things can throw off the look of a head; Shape and Skin. With shape we have the problem of the shape included with the head changing our body. There is a fix and depending on how you use avatar shape it can a time killer or saver. You'll have to decide.
  14. This is a long term ongoing issue with the marketplace. The complication is full-perm kits are a common, legitimate product in the marketplace. There is no way for the computers to detect the thefts from the legitimate. So, someone has to report the theft. The nature of people is such that competitors report legitimate products in the hope of knocking the competitor out of the market. The Lab has learned to avoid reports from any but the original author of a product. So, the standard process in SL is to report copied and stolen products to the original designer and let them abuse report or DMCA the villain.
  15. When we see things that make no sense to us, it is a good idea to examine them and look into the history that lead to them. Once we cure our ignorance we understand the why of the senselessness. It may still be senseless, but the why so of its existence will make sense. As Syo wrote, for a number of years the Lab used a commercial third-party age verification service, as did many other web-provided games and services including commercial adult websites. These days the huge majority of sites have given up and just ask. The nature of children is such they will figure out how to get what they are denied. Over the years age verification technology has provided to be only a minor impediment to children. The result has been simply asking for one's age works as well or better than more convoluted processes. I find it interesting you think you can tell one's age by what you see or hear them doing in the Adult Hub regions. There are people in their 20' to 40's, and possibly older that are horribly immature. That throws off our kid-detector senses. We know there are kids slipping through. When we have good evidence we rat them out.
  16. A longer explanation with some illustrations: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/07/24/second-life-camera-position-tips/ You have Firestorm so open the Photo Tools to control most of the visible appearance of the viewer and the environment when making temporary changes. If you are taking snapshots you'll use different settings than for machinima. Also, one set for exploring, one for shopping, and another for roleplaying. When you change the Debug Settings the ESC key will snap you back to your newly set values. HOWEVER, SHIFT-ESC will clear your Debug setting changes. There are keyboard shortcuts for changing the Debug Settings. You likely already use left-click Ctrl and Alt to move your camera and possibly mouse steer. But you can also use Ctrl-mouse-wheel to change the default camera height. Shift-mouse-wheel raises camera position and focus point default values.
  17. I'm with Coffee. Your cache is stuff delivered by the HTTProtocol , which has error correction. So, it is very rare that anything in cache is ever corrupted. However, the viewer gets confused and processes hang from time to time. Whether it was clearing the cache or relogging that did the trick is debatable without knowledge of what actually happened. If you decide it was the clear and you begin clearing cache (requiring a relog) to fix the problem, you'll get to experience an ongoing slow down with each clear. The annoying part is that to some extent it affects other users too. Next time it happens, try logging in with a different brand of viewer. See if you have the same issue. If you are a Firestorm user login with the Linden viewer. Or vica-versa. FS and Linden viewer by default use different caches. It is HIGHLY unlikely both will corrupt the same file. So, if both show the same problem it is something both viewers have in common, the connection and SL servers. If not, retry the original viewer (FS?). See if it still has the same problem. Ideally you log into a different region on this try. If the problem is gone, then it was likely a transient problem in the viewer. If it is still there, it may be an unlikely cache problem and clearing cache would be a reasonable step.
  18. SL is very much like RL. All the things we do in RL to earn money are in SL. That includes theft, fraud, and scams, which is why the Payment Info on File and avatar age are important. Avatars used for theft and fraud usually don't last long. So, they tend to be new and have no payment info. Many places ban new avatars, you can't enter those places until your avatar is old enough. They find it easier than dealing with the 'griefer' avatars. A number of other places are just a bit snobbish. They discriminate against the 'new looking' avatars. It is both a practice of places and people. We have learned the new users can be a pain in the butt requiring effort on our part. Fortunately for you, many users are way helpful and will go out of their way to help you. The point is, you want to shake that 'new look'.
  19. Without more information we are giving you the 'common' fixes. Use Help->About... when asking a tech question. Paste the info with your question/problem. Depending on connection and region lag it can take a few minutes for an avatar to render. Not being on for a time means your cache has likely aged out and is having to reload. This also slows things down. It is always good to have two brands of viewer installed. Firestorm users usually have the Linden viewer installed for troubleshooting. Keeping it installed allows for quick test of whether it is an us or them problem, my computer-viewer ot the Linden servers. What you describe sounds like typical slow rendering avatars. HOWEVER, older versions of the viewer not using the latest protocols can fail to render the avatar correctly. There is what we call the 'hair-in-the-butt' bug. More broadly a problem of things on the avatar rendering in the wrong place. It is a symptom of the viewer and server getting out of sync, which has a wide range of causes. It is often fixed by a relog. Chic has made a good suggestion for what to try.
  20. I am assuming this happens in all the places where you sit. If it is only one place, then that chair's (?) sit position is likely messed up. If you are adjusting your right-click-on-avatar Hover to keep your feet on the ground, that can throw off your sit position. If you use either Hover (shape or click) to keep your feet on the ground you can cause the sit problems. Make sure you are wearing the right 'System Shoes' or shoe for the shoes you are wearing. If your right-click Hover is adjusted by more than a few millimeters then Shape Hover, feet, and shoes are probably off.
  21. There is a workaround... You build one shape file just once. I put in a Feature Request: Shapes – Better Export – BUG-216131 – Improved Shape Export. I put a feature request in to get a better way of exporting shapes. I want to export just my body without the head or just my head without the body. We can edit the current XML shape files the viewers export now. I have edited one to be just my body, no head. I can wear the shape included with a mesh head. Then I can wear my body only shape. The body changes and the head is not affected. I can save the resulting shape and have a combined body and head. I want to be able to export a body or head shape and not have to edit the XML files. Being able to do so would let body and head designers easily make shape for just a body or just a head and stop messing me up. So, please stop by the JIRA and click ‘WATCH’. I think using the head's included shape gives one a better starting place. But I don't want to give up my body shape. Consider... Since I was around for Standard Size (rigged not fitted) mesh, I have a bunch of outfits and clothes that require a tweaked shape for clothes to fit. So, I have shapes for a couple of dozen brands of clothes. Redoing the shape for all those brands was WAY too tedious. So, I hacked on the Shape XML file.
  22. I couldn't find any 2008 images that show my avatar well... they are all too small as was taking pictures of places and very few of me. This is from 2009. I've changed a bit... June 2018
  23. Miss a day or two and there are too many neat posts to respond to. You are getting the hang of it. I do like those peach jeans. "More daring" in SL has a whole other set of levels than iRL. There is a lot of fascinating stuff in the forum. The ANSWERS section has a ton of answers for SL/Viewer problems. There are loads of how-to's on about anything you can do with SL in various parts of the forum. Have you noticed Kim Kardashian using an SL avatar in her perfume 'print' ads? That trivia bit comes from the SL blogosphere. I can't tell if you wanted your ankles bent in the green dress. There are free ankle locks in the marketplace. Slink has an ankle lock built into the body HUD. I assume Maitreya does too. Yeah... that drives me to Photoshop. It is also part of the reason I got a SpaceNavigator (3D mouse). With SN or a joystick you have way better camera control. I think most of the people making machinima use a SN. You did nail it in your later post. I find the SN gives camera positions that reveal really nice pictures. Take a look at how these awesome images are made: Second Life Speed Edits. While the resulting images aren't what this thread is about, the enhanced images are big on Flickr and Youtube. They are awesome. I notice stuff after I've pressed ENTER.... Soooo hate it when that happens. Still a good image and cute avatar & dress. Have you seen the POSER in the Black Dragon viewer? Check out my latest SL News and scroll down to the Black Dragon paragraphs for a video and links. The Lindens are looking at building the POSER feature into the Linden viewer. It is still awkward to use, IMO. But, WAY WAY easier than making an animation and uploading it. Great for small pose tweaks.
  24. As you are finding out, there are a number of viewers compatible with Second Life. There are more than we'll point you to. Most of those we mention are safe. BUT, there are viewers that are for the purpose of theft... your password. The Linden made default viewer is here: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ There are Release Candidate and Project viewers made by the Lindens: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers The list of most third party viewers is here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Firestorm is the most popular viewer. Somewhere between 60% and 80% of SL users are using Firestorm. They also have a Firestorm Support group that is VERY active. Good place for quick answers. They also have classes on the viewer. It has WAY more features than the Linden viewer. So, the classes are helpful. It is a good idea to have to different brands of viewers installed for troubleshooting. Your inventory problem is a common problem that benefits from checking the inventory in different viewers. If one has inventory and the other does not, we know it is a viewer problem and which viewer needs repair. If neither has inventory, the Lab will need to help you.
  25. Some things in SL have to be faked. You may make a barrel and an exploding barrel. Put the exploding barrel inside or make invisible. When it explodes, hide the plain barrel and render the exploding one.That should solve your joint problems.
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