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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. This one passed by on an am radio station I tuned to. I laughed, so I'm sharing
  2. I have a 19 year old dachshund. Ancient. She is stubborn. She toddles around the house perfectly content in her slow decline. But, she is stubborn. I took her to work with me for her 6 month senior lab work. She refused to urinate. She is just that stubborn. After 8 hours she still refused to go... so flip her on her back for a cysto. Dang stubborn old lady! Well, this time being peeved at her stubbornness worked out. I found a very small mammary mass that I never would have seen if she hadn't been so stubborn. I removed it yesterday. Yup, malignant. Sometimes a peeve is a blessing. She's still a stubborn and crotchety old lady.
  3. I have one hopper. I spent hours exploring all the Belliserian themes yesterday. I thought if I found something I really really wanted, I would pay for the premium plus and claim it. I didn't find anything that I wanted. I checked around all the inland lakes, all the shores, all the west coasts (because I like sunsets), all the cliffside homes, anything that looked like it might have privacy or an interesting plot to decorate. Nothing. Then I explored the mainland to see if there were any parcels within my price range that would be something I would be interested in to use up the included tier in PP. Again, I found nothing I wanted. Is there an easier way of finding an unoccupied Linden Home than just randomly flying around checking "about land" to see if it's available? There were several times I was checking on the map to see if homes were labeled LH, just to get there and it was owned and is named something that didn't show up when clicking around on the map. Anyway, maybe I am just too picky, but I couldn't find anything that wasn't already owned that I wanted. I'll go back to random Hopping and Hoping (H&H) in the GoH with my regular premium membership.
  4. I wonder how much land impact those older houses use. Might have to put it on mainland.
  5. Putting back this nice oceanside Vic in Forsyte. Nice view, great privacy. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Forsyte/56/20/0
  6. That might be a good deal for some large land holding accounts. I'll stick with my few regular premium accounts, though. There is really nothing in the new package that would benefit me personally. I am still looking forward to seeing those spread sheets. 😁
  7. Completely appropriate fishing apparel, in my opinion.
  8. You may get different answers from people based on how long they have been in SL. Oldbies will see different changes than someone who has 5 years in world. I am not sure if people are actually less sociable, but I do think friend groups have gotten smaller and harder to get in to. Sandboxes are no longer the place to go to meet people. Large club chat seems to be mostly gestures in local and chatting happens in IMs. Smaller get togethers still seem to be chatty. Some groups are very chatty. I am not reaching out nearly as much as I did a decade ago. I used to love chaotic infohubs, but they are empty today. I spend more time on my own than I used to, but I enjoy doing my own thing. Besides, there is no stress or anxiety to hold up a conversation on my own.
  9. Are you wearing a physics layer? They give jiggly-bits a life of their own.
  10. This is a little off topic, but, yes, those middle of the night questions that pop up when you need to sleep are the bane of a good night's sleep 😄
  11. I just got the redelivery of the head - now the ears are fixed, and makeup is in the correct place. I picked this up for an alt. It is decently mature with the right hair and makeup. I might keep it. This alt only has one EvoX skin though. It is a standard pretty look, but I'll customize it more over time.
  12. Peeve: I have the hardest time getting a mesh head to have a pleasant, neutral expression. They all frown and have RBF. I also can't seem to use sliders to get a normal looking mouth/lips. When I finally think I have acceptable lips, I notice they no longer cover the teeth. Ugh 🙄 Anyone remember the angry invisible pony rider avatars that were popular several years ago? That face never went away.
  13. I have a couple weeks left on my hopper and I caught a Victorian in Forsyte that has been bounced through several owners in the last month. As usual, I wanted to something I hadn't tried before and a little different than the theme. I decided on a 70's theme so I could practice my texturing and use some furniture I had picked up a while ago. I ran out of ideas, but I got a living room, kitchen, and a bedroom finished. I made the landscaping unkempt and overgrown. I'll keep at it until this alt runs out of time, but here's what I have so far. Still need a dining set and maybe a bathroom. Finding all the burnt orange and avocado green textures was kinda fun. If anyone is interested in an oceanside Vic in the next couple weeks, let me know
  14. That is so frilly, sweet, and girly that I may have gone into a diabetic shock. I hate it, but every so often, I like to try decorating in a style that is very unlike me. I'll buy it and see what I can do with it 😀
  15. Happy Rez Day!!! I would also like to know what tradional way rez days are celebrated. 🥳
  16. You moles must be really digging in those heels and moving fast down the coast. Moles are famously industrious little buggers, but it's okay to kick up those diggers and enjoy your handiwork and the sweet smell of virtual salt air. (For a moment anyway.)
  17. When I have 2 very different avatars, I will make a copy of my shape + body and use a different one for each. If I use different copies, I don't have to worry about deformers or skin colors having errors when changing. Just save each outfit with a different body and skin.
  18. That sounds really frustrating. If no one chimes in here, try asking your question in the Answers section of the forum. The Technical sub-section might be a good one to try. I hope you get this solved soon.
  19. *Looks you in the eye* Clearly the color labeled 89 is a bit bluer of a purple color than the 88 purple color.
  20. Nothing complicated for me. I'll take a nice, cold dark beer or Irish cream on ice. Although, a friend made me a really good Georgia Peach last year... /me sets out the lawn chairs and starts a fire in the fire pit. 🔥 Then sits back enjoying the crackle and pop of the fire and the friendly chatter of everyone with their favorite drinks.
  21. All my parcels are open to anyone who wants to visit. In my 12 years here, I can't remember ever having a visitor when I was there. I have no idea if anyone visited while I was logged out. I don't have security of any kind, don't lock my doors, or use people/traffic counters. I leave build on with a 5-minute auto return. People can run scripts as well. I only recently turned off the ability of others to see people on my parcel. I only did because I realized that one of the furniture pieces I set out was Adult and I figured if anyone did stop by to use the furniture, they wouldn't want the neighbors to see them. (or maybe they would. I don't know) I realize, however, that other people have different experiences than I have. They may be sensitive or just private or have control issues. They may have had people invade their spaces in negative ways. That land is under their control and if they want others to stay out, then I have to deal with getting sent home or rushing my way back off the parcel if I accidentally stray. I do not expect people to live their SecondLife like I do. P.S. The only time I KNEW someone had been on my land was after I set out a dozen or more slaughtered goats and cows after my new neighbor set up a breeding facility right next to me. I slaughtered a new cow, sheep, or goat for each cow they had put out. It was a complete scene with aliens and probing and everything. I even put out a giant jesus statue holding a sign reading "eat a dick." Meh, it was mainland. No one really cared much, but I did receive one very flustered sounding IM from the neighbor on the other side. I put up a privacy wall on that side. I'd had that same parcel for years and each neighbor was worse than the last. I might have been a little upset at having my peace interrupted by constant mooing.
  22. It's already available. Bruising, small cuts, discolorations where the indentations are, and rope marks.
  23. I logged in a female alt today and her ears were missing. She uses a mesh head with the ears attached (not a separate item but included with the head.) I had to unpack a new head. A couple weeks ago, I logged on my male alt and his shape was gone. The one I had edited. It was missing from all outfits and from inventory. Nothing was left but missing links. It wasn't in the trash or anywhere. I had to unpack the mesh head box and re-edit a new shape. (I promptly made many copies of the edited shape and placed them in random folders in my inventory.) One more thing: I was told by a person younger than me that putting a period at the end of a sentence in a text is considered rude and makes the person receiving the text think I am angry about something. Well, tough luck, buddy. I'm using my punctuation. I don't care how you take it. Period. Period. Period. Okay, I probably won't use a period if texting someone younger than me. I get it. Things change ugh................................................................................
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