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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. I just watched the Wheel of Time series, so now I want to know more and just started the first book.
  2. I only play Second Life, but I have been really enjoying Beat Saber on my kids VR set up.
  3. Weapons scare me. So do violent extremists who often own them.
  4. I also have a soft spot for classic avatars. Sometimes the people behind them are the most interesting folks.
  5. There are a few who post here. I like seeing realistic men as well. Nice looking avatar ❤️
  6. There is nothing you can do to the couch to make it better quality. That was on the creator of the couch. Furniture shopping can be a whole process. I go directly to each store with my personal LOD setting of 2 and look at a rezzed version for myself. If the couch falls apart when I walk farther away, I don't buy it. Many people don't walk around with their personal LOD setting on 4, so your couch will most likely scramble for others viewing it. If you were only asking to increase your personal view, the do what @SarahKB7 Koskinen suggested and see if your couch sticks around.
  7. I am rural. I have a pretty dumb and old Samsung TV. I bought a little indoor antenna with 250 mile range and put it in my window (no other monthly fees.) It only has to face in the general direction of the closest large city. I get 3 network channels and 12 weird and random ones. I find I actually like the channel Comet because it shows old B movie flicks. Badly dubbed Godzilla for the win! The antenna works on my new much smarter Samsng TV as well and set itself up by itself when I plugged in the USB.
  8. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say because it's a SecondLife forum for sharing pics of your avatar and those are pictures of her avatar. She's such a rebel for staying on topic like that. Did you have a photo to share?
  9. My photos don't have deep meaning. They are just vanity shots that I enjoy taking.
  10. When left to our own devices to interpret some of theses photos, I'm not surprised to find we each see something different. We aren't even given a title or a clue. Of course, I am more than happy to have my own interpretation of what I see, but I also want to know the photographer's intent. What did they want us to see? Where is my eye drawn? What does that expression on the avatars face mean? What am I failing to see? It took me an embarrassingly long time to even notice that the shadow at the front of @Scylla Rhiadra last photo was a person. My eye only saw the lit up avatar looking down. I didn't see a diner or a second person. When I did recognize the shadow in the foreground as a person, it changed the photo entirely, of course. Whatever you're in trouble for, Scylla, just apologize and move on. Getting lectured sucks. BUT, I suspect (fear?) that @Madelaine McMasters interpretation is truth 😛
  11. I believe you got your answers here: Did you try some of it? How did it go?
  12. In the US it is very commonplace and natural. I have no idea what percentage of people own guns, but it is high and the people that own them generally have more than one. You never know on any given trip to the grocery store who might have one in their pocket or purse. They are so common that you need to just assume that everyone in the store or on public transit or walking in the park is armed. I know that is not the case anywhere else and most people find it quite shocking. I am very uncomfortable being in public that last few years. The big city nearest to me had record breaking deaths from gun violence last year. Someone died every day from gunshots. I regularly hear on the news that another street fight happened and hundreds of shell casings were recovered. People get killed when stray bullets go through their walls while they sleep. You are right to be shocked and scared. I live here and I am. I feel like if a gun is the only tool you have, then you will use it to solve every issue. My small town is no different. Most people are armed. Sometimes it is open carry and you can see the weapon other times the guns are concealed.
  13. He read me pretty quickly and found a way to deal with all my weird issues inworld with cartoons and roleplay. We took our relationship to real life a decade ago and skipped my issues altogether. He has not been in SL but has been a constant presence in my life the whole time. The man has the patience of a saint.
  14. Cinnamon Mistwood forms devil horns with her fingers and starts headbanging. With her hair flying in all directions, she sings loudly and off-key along with:
  15. @Frigga Freidman somehow, I have missed this store (Nomad). Since I am leaning toward industrial/Post apoc for the new theme, I had a lot of fun checking it out today. Thanks for sharing.
  16. You can pull the animations from your AO from the content tab in the edit menu. You need to have modify rights. If you do not also have copy rights you'll be taking the animation out of the original AO completely. When the animations are in your inventory open the built-in Firestorm AO and drag them into the appropriate section - stand, fly, walk, hover, turn left and others.
  17. This looks so inviting! Is your home in a city or is that a backdrop?
  18. This is a really nice mature skin. Would you mind sharing where you got it?
  19. Whoooooooo! My SL partner of 10 years logged in for the first time in 5 years. My amazing Dutchman ❤️ He had updated his look with one of the mesh head gifts and was no longer 8ft tall, but I still recognized him. Maybe I can convince him to take me dancing in the future.
  20. Just turn it off. In Firestorm preferences: red arrow - I don't want to see your crosshairs/lookats green arrow - I don't want you to see mine
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