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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. The choices of floor, wall, trim, and outside are made from the house controller. There is a small box to click inside the front door on the wall. Click that and a menu will pop up. Choose the button labeled "redecorate" and your options will be there. The houseboat itself is not modifiable except through that menu.
  2. @Nika Talajon hearing those cats, I get the feeling they're in heat not distress. I have a pair outside my bedroom window singing 24/7
  3. I am very much enjoying reading this playful side of you. I need to get inworld and check out these traps! Hipster traps πŸ˜„πŸ˜€πŸ˜„I hope that beer is a microbrew
  4. Report your post and ask for it to be moved or edit the title and topic to something that fits the subforum (just wing it πŸ€—), then go make your real post in the correct place.
  5. I am pleasantly surprised by the Newbrooks. Not enough to find a forever home there, but the regions are quite nice. I absolutely love the option of a small house and large yayard.i don't care who has a party themed bowling house or Cafe. I also don’t really care who has extra land and prims for public interest projects. I have owned and enjoyed all the themes and only AR'd a handful of atrocious items over the years. For now I am happy to do my own projects and let others do theirs.
  6. I got started on my very first roll of the dice. It is an interesting location on a hill. I might have the highest location Newbrooke and can see over the houses behind me clear to the water. The view is pretty amazing. I had to stare at it for a while to decide which theme I was going to decorate in. Who would like a location like that? It didn't fit the post-apoc or industrial ideas I thought I would go with. I decided to focus on the height of the parcel. A conspiracy theorist/X-Files/SETI idea was sinking in. We are not alone! I'm not done, yet, since I am not happy with the kitchen and bedroom. I'll focus on those over the next few weeks. I bet the search for extraterrestrial life will take less time than me being picky and indecisive with furniture and decor. So far, the Moles and Lindens have not removed my rooftop antennas and my search for alien life continues. (If they do remove my scientific apparatus, I will add it to the government conspiracy to keep the masses uninformed and keep us from the truth.) πŸ˜„ I have this rocket lamp. It fits the theme, but, well, ummm.... It is distracting and I can't stop staring at it. I mean, I like it, but... *cough* nevermind. Maybe it's just me. The search for intelligent life continues.
  7. I finally got inworld to see what I caught while I was at work. I might actually keep my first roll. I like the ambient sounds. They are interesting. You get the usual songbirds chittering, but you also get dogs barking, cats meowing, cars (and the occasional horn), planes and bicycles going by. The longer I listen the more things I hear and there is always something making noise. It adds to the feeling of being in a busy place. Nice work! I guess if you don't like the constant buzzing of a busy, bustling city, you can choose the silence of the trads.
  8. Posting from my phone is not working ETA: Thank you, moderators, for fixing my post πŸ’‹
  9. Whooooo! I'm at work so my enthusiasm is curtailed a bit, but I've got something on my one alt. I ccan't wait to get home and see it. Anyone want to take a pic for me? http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Atkins Depot/104/116/2
  10. I guess I don't know how this will work. Do residents find these communities through random groups to join? Does a resident volunteer some land and time and promise to have greeters there? How will someone interested in a certain community be led to it? What will they find there?
  11. I would love for this to work, but what a dangerous line to walk in some cases. (my time is short, so quick bullet points) SL is you getting to portray who you want regardless of who you are. Some communities will be against this Most SL communities devolve into cliques and power plays over time How might a Religious Communities highlight work? Groups that start out as inclusive tend to end up being exclusive as time goes by Should the lab highlight some communities as "Community Group and Allies?" so people feel they can join in and learn more? I want something like this to work out so people can find communities to belong to that they have things in common with, but I kind of have a feeling of doom. I'll keep an open mind for the time being. When the Gen X/hippie/atheist/feminist group is highlighted, I'll be there with bells on. I don't want to see any Baby Boomers or GenZs in there (unless they are allies) πŸ˜„
  12. That is a lovely view! Nice catch
  13. Males don't have quite as many options as females, so seeing some that look similar is not uncommon. I have a male alt who looks a lot like many others because he has a free gift head and uses the skin, shape and extras that came with it. I did buy him some hair, though. If I spent more time inworld on that account, I would use the shape sliders and buy him a different skin to help him look more unique. Guys are even limited on clothing since not as many creators make guy clothes. Women avatars definitely have an advantage in choice when shopping. You may look a bit like that other avatar, but from what I've seen, you have your own style... and facial hair.
  14. I have a houseboat down there in Coral Bay. Those 9 regions really are pretty and unique. It's a good catch even if you're not going to keep it.
  15. I wish more people used local chat, but I find most people just use IM and speak to one person at a time or use group chats. I will listen to voice chat and have turned it on a handful of times, but I don't prefer real time conversation. Most of my socializing is currently on these forums because of my limited time inworld and time zones. My closest SL friends have access to contact me outside of SL in Whatsapp or Facebook when I remember to check it. Discord would probably be a good option as well, but I've never tried it.
  16. I feel like James Bond is about to arrive via a speedboat and whisk you off on some super-secret spy mission. I am sure your pockets are full of high-tech gadgets. There isn't a dead bad guy hidden in the stilt, is there? This is probably not even close to what you had in mind for this photo, but I enjoyed building the story.
  17. It makes a huge difference in the gambling if you only have one account. Winners are out there, but it can take a long time. A good time to make that gamble is right when the new theme Newbrooke is released. People will let go of some amazing parcels to try for the new one, but it could still take time to find something perfect. When I had just one premium account, I would keep my 5th try of the day so I had a "home" to log into the next day and just kept trying. It took a couple weeks to find something I liked. When I wanted to move, I did the same thing - emptied my current house and started my 5 tries over and over until I had another one I wanted.
  18. I agree with the posters who said "location". The houseboats and stilts were my least favorite due to the lack of privacy landscaping. My houseboat is the LH I've had the longest. It is attached to land on a bay and the houseboats around me are well staggered so there is no one staring in my windows. I have a view of open sailable water to the south, a view of the bay to the west, and land on a third side. I also have been through several stilts of all varieties but was suddenly inspired by a stilt on pier I caught about a month ago that has a wide waterway one side and a void region on another. It is not what I thought I wanted, but inspiration hits at weird times. I like rolling the dice and seeing what's out there, so I always seem to have one account that hops around looking. It means making some tough decisions about letting parcels go, but that is part of the fun. It can take a long time to catch an inspiring parcel. I feel like I "won" GoH with my log home. I caught it on my main account (lucky!) and love the location on a cliff with a view. I would give up all the rest to keep this one.
  19. I was teasing (tryng to lighten the mood.) I lived in NC for several years and the Blue Ridge Mts in autumn cannot be beat. Maybe you have seen Patch! What a fun thought. 😊
  20. I've never bought an entire region, but have you tried using the Edit Terrain tools to lift the land out of the water?
  21. Drums and guitars, yup. I've been on a bit of a blues inspired trip lately. I am sure I've heard this next one during a movie or TV show, but I couldn't remember which one and didn't feel like looking it up. To slow it down a little: I'll go back to screaming rock soon.
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