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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. I know this thread is grandfathered in, but just in case i googled jokes about second life anyway. Slim pickin's.. Or we can necropost Torley's thread from 1,272 days ago. Tempting...
  2. I've been without a TV for nearly 6 weeks. It took 3 weeks to get someone out to my area of the mountain to try to fix it. Then 3 more weeks to have a new one delivered when it wasn't fixable. It'll arrive on Monday. I thought I would miss it more. The local company that was providing cable TV to the mountain decided we weren't worth the cost and dumped us all a year ago, so we only had streaming and satellite anyway. I've watched a few movies on my phone, but that's it for passive entertainment. My much loved radio has gotten a workout, but the quiet of a house in the woods without the constant sound of background television noise has been nice. I still don't want to live in a city or a suburb. /me shuffles out to the deck with my coffee before it gets too hot to chat with the birds and toss catfood to the possum that lives under the house... TV is overrated.
  3. I am glad we have a tool to report. I only use it on the most egregious posts, so very rarely. I am sure the mods can tell if someone is misusing the report feature over and over for trivial matters. It's been said several times, but intent is the key. I love the ignore function as an alternative to reporting and I've only recently (in the last month or two) started using it. Those who constantly post bait get ignored because I don't like watching the aftermath of a setup. I don't hand over power that belongs to me to others if I can help it, so it's difficult to watch people fall for it. I am responsible for what I read, what I post, and for my own emotions. I'm not sure if I've ever posted an IBTL post. Maybe I have, but I'll change it to "well, that escalated quickly" instead. There are many people here that are very good with words. I try to choose mine carefully, but I have to say that I am very glad no one can see the look on my face, the eye roll, or hear the tone of my writing or more of my posts would have been reported and for good reason. The report feature is useful, but even more so are all the other tools we are given to moderate our own forum experience. I don't think AR parties exist in the forums. I think individuals read some posts the same way and report on their own. I would guess that personal attack posts (name calling) are the most common reports that mods have to deal with. "You're stupid." is not the same as "I think your view is based on incorrect information and here's why." The second option is harder and takes time while the first is a knee-jerk reaction. Isn't there a forum tool that limits how many posts a person can make in a short amount of time? That is useful in giving people time to get control again before posting again.
  4. Thanks, Claireschen. I'm not home to login and check. It was located in the unreleased houseboat regions by the chalets. Near a lighthouse.
  5. Well, you make a bathrobe look good, so.... 🔥
  6. I was exploring (and accidentally walked off the edge of a pier) and found these magical crystals far far from Fantasseria. What a fun surprise! There is a portal. I'm going in I ended up smack in the middle of the matching crystals in Mirror Pond. Is this how mermaids travel?
  7. This is a sweet setup in Pididdle. No neighbors! I'm putting it back in the pool
  8. I've never been invited to an AR party. What am I missing out on? I've never been suspended or slapped on the wrist, but I have seen a post or 2 removed quietly. I must not be outspoken enough. I lean left of center for those of you keeping score and planning your parties.
  9. That does sound lovely. The rain must have missed me. Still 90s
  10. I was awake and caught this. It is a well-placed parcel with decent privacy (on a corner and height change in the back blocks that house). It also has a driveway which is interesting. The view is lovely. Putting it back because I am not actually looking for another house at the moment. Just hopping for fun. Here's a pic of the front: LOL - just ignore my alt sunk into the porch. I was cycling through the house styles.
  11. Bring on the grunge look! I prefer it on myself and on guys. In real life, I hate the feel of new clothes. I hit thrift stores and yard sales. I dress the same in SL except those used gacha clothes are still stiff and scratchy 😄
  12. Now, now, Drake, you were not singled out. You chose to enter this thread and read the contents and you chose to post. "these kids" " I dread looking" and "just leave us alone" 😆
  13. I've got sssshhhhhhtufff to work out after my the week I just had. The violence and stress surrounding me this week needs out. I want something that thumps. Someone light a guitar on fire. I need to hear someone wail on a set of drums. I need to scream. What do you all listen too when it all gets to be too much? I need more
  14. RL peeve: some people/some policies I drive 1 1/2 hrs each way 3 days a week to an inner city vet. There have been 700 shootings in this city since the beginning of the year and there are absolutely no mental health resources. It's a great combination. Getting threatened with bodily harm at least weekly is common. Yesterday someone threatened to shove a bag of catfood up my... backside. Pretty mild threat come to think of it. *sigh* I miss my octopus 🐙
  15. Awww, I wish I could make it. Darn work. /me puts away her legwarmers, neon t-shirt, and brushes the hair spray out of her hair
  16. He's active there! We need to pull him back here ❤️ /me stuffs 4 cookies in her mouth and heads back to work
  17. I enjoyed the heck out of that. I've done most of those dances. Where I live in RL there are actual saloons (swinging doors, hay on the floor)and country line dancing on Saturday nights. Yeah, it's definitely backwoods here. Loved the mashup!
  18. No, nothing spicy for me. I like the taste of actual food too much to make my tongue numb and lose all flavor. As far as heat waves go, I also don't like warm weather or sunshine. A perfect day is 55F/13C and overcast. Perfect!
  19. Maybe we should set out breakfast and see if we can lure @Hippie Bowman out of hiding. I'm not sure how i feel about beans and tomatoes for breakfast, but i'm sure someone likes them. /me tosses a log or two on the fire 🔥
  20. I did it! Something completely different (and a tiny bit spicy for me.) It only took 2 days 😄 I had to buy nearly everything since this is such a different look. Gone are the red hair, the curls, and the freckles. I even hollowed the face a little and changed eye color. I found tattoos and jewelry that I liked - no words, crosses, or skulls (no easy feat.) I did find an old bus stop in my inventory that I used as a backdrop because I couldn't find a place I liked. I won't be walking around SL like this, but I did save the outfit. Maybe I will pull it out occasionally just for fun. Bonus: no pesky neck seam in any of the EEP settings I tried.
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