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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. There is also a difference between privacy and security. I do almost nothing to protect my privacy, but I take at least some steps towards account security.
  2. In order to believe in any of this I'd have to live in some sort of alternate reality of conspiracies theories that some would choose to believe because it makes them feel better to villainize others. I prefer the real world. I don't need to make stuff up or exaggerate things so far that my ideas get lost in the misdirection or misinformation. This part of the forum is for social discussion. If you want "just the facts ma'am" and zero discussion, try the Technology section, Scripts, or Land (I've seen attacks from you to others in Land, too though), or anywhere else but the People Forum. People disagreeing with you is not some kind of trolling, but your accusations are. They are personal to the individual you direct them at and have nothing to do with the topic being discussed.
  3. I work with dangerous animals and have the scars and injuries to prove it. Currently rehabbing from a rotator cuff injury giving me lots of time to annoy forumites.
  4. I just added this to my playlist. Thanks for sharing ❤️
  5. Hey, would you like to meet for a dance and chat inworld sometime? I would love to just talk and find out for myself if you are playing a character or if you actually believe the stuff you post. I have no friend group to introduce you to. I don't personally know any DJs and I'm not a sugar mama. You couldn't use me to climb a social ladder or to gain influence. I cannot give you credibility. I am just offering you a chance to meet someone who might value you just for being you? No commitments, no expectations, just friendship. What kind of music do you like? What times are you usually inworld? I will send you a calling card and if you want a friendship not based on what you can gain socially, you can send me an IM.
  6. I've been to an alt party before and discovered how terrible I am at guessing who other people might be.
  7. My alts are all different and I'll log in with whichever one I'm feeling each day Cinnamon is my main. She is all real life me. She has friends and socializes. She's open and honest and comfortable being herself. When I'm not feeling open to socialize or I'm anxious, I use: Zerrine Is mischievous and outgoing. She pulls pranks and teases people for fun. She is the most likely of my alts to pick up strangers. Cora is quiet, shy, pretty innocent and a bit naive. She won't be found in adult areas. She explores alone mostly in fantasy areas. She rarely talks to anyone. Polly is an intellectual. She goes in when Cinn doesn't want to be bothered with IMs from friends. She goes to science lectures mostly. Mike is a male alt I made. I don't use him for anything. Poor guy rarely sees the light of day. I am so uncomfortable driving his avatar, that i just log him in to see if I can dress up a guy and make it look passable. They aren't friends, but different parts of the whole.
  8. Don't take it to personally. She's accused us all of having moles in our pockets and getting special treatment. Welcome to the club.
  9. That's what I tried, but the link was for the whole thread not the post I wanted. Maybe because I'm currently on my phone not my laptop?
  10. I'm not sure that worked. How do you quote 1 post from a different thread?
  11. On the subject of data the lab collects, this was posted in an unrelated thread Okay, since I can't fix this, here is the pic I wanted to share from that thread. Some data the Lab collects:
  12. I am much more likely to answer a random IM in a less crowded environment. Why? In a crowded club I see a random IM as a fishing expedition. I figure the same exact IM was sent to every other female -appearing avatar in hopes of one bite. It is nothing personal for me as an individual, but a casting of a wide net. In a region with only a few avatars, that exact same IM is for me.
  13. Can I use this photo in another post about privacy and safety? I will credit you.
  14. Imagine how total invisibility inworld could be misused. If no one can see you, then no one can hold you responsible for what you do. Griefing, harassment, sitting in a corner of your home completely unseen. You could do anything to anyone and no one would even know another avatar is in the same region. There have been times I wanted to log in without dealing with interruptions. I've used the away and busy messages, but sometimes I don't even want to deal with that. My alts don't have friends (except Zerrine who is open about being my alt and has a couple crossover friends,) so when I want complete alone time I use one of them. It's not perfect, but the idea of invisible avatars seems a little unsafe.
  15. There are so many spots you'll miss if you exclusively use teleporting to get around. The Trick-or-treat event helped people find some unique locations even though many people just TPd from place to place. It might be fun to have some sort of geo-caching event with clues and tasks to complete to get more people out walking, driving, or boating. Not a race, but a finish at your own pace type game. I love it when people pass by my home. It doesn't happen nearly often enough. I want to sit on my front porch with a pitcher of lemonade and invite someone walking or boating by to come and sit with me. I was hoping that that what the stilts would be since they are so open, but everyone turns off the ability to see them sitting on their decks and there weren't as many boats as I'd hoped.
  16. My favorite way to spend a day. Aaahhhhhhhhhh ❤️
  17. /me sets down her vodka shot and eyeballs the 8 empty shot glasses... Ummm... Did you put me in charge of money?
  18. So you only want to be friends with people you can use to enter other groups?
  19. Just out of curiosity, why would you trust this person less? Nice full mesh body and clothes and no PIOF. What about that scenario is untrustworthy? I don't understand the hatred of alts. They can't all be bad. If they are, where are you going to see this high a percentage of subterfuge from them? I'm comfortable saying that 98% of the people I meet inworld are pretty good people/characters. It is actually rare for me to meet a troll or liar or adulterer or whatever negative personality people keep finding. Where do people go that this is now normal for them? I go to clubs, live music venues, infohubs/safehubs, and group outings in all kinds of regions from General to Adult. I just don't see the numbers that you all seem to find. I meet so few "bad" people. I can't say I've never met a disturbed individual, but it is the exception. I can't just be lucky for nearly 12 years. I've never found a person in my home uninvited even on mainland. I do not have people raging at me for perceived slights. As far as I know I've never had a dance partner that was anything but forthcoming as far as I know even when asked about their partner info. No one has ever threatened to kill me or make me pay. I just don't see what the rest of you see so often that it colors your view of something so thoroughly that any possible alt can only be here for evil reasons. How do other people react to my avatar? Usually with pleasant conversation if I'm up for it.
  20. I am a huge mixer of both lives. I even use my real life first name in here. (Don't laugh. I have hippie parents.) My profile states my time zone and country, so people know approximately where I live, but if asked, I give out the state I live in, as well. I have a real life picture, because I don't care if someone sees it. Besides, you might as well know I am probably older than you, but I don't expect anyone to believe me. Not my problem if someone does or doesn't. I have met several people inworld that now share my real life. Inworld I do not expect most kinds of privacy. I would expect a private IM is not hijacked by anyone other than the intended recipient. If I take my avatar away from an area where I am alone to an area with other avatars, I expect I will be seen and cammed. If I chose a public adult romance region, I would expect to be seen being romantic and to see others in turn. I know the lab has access to my TPs, movements, chats logs, account, and history. Basic steps I take for a small amount of safety: I turned of automatic streaming of music and media and turn it on manually when needed for music or lecture venues. I don't use any streaming media at all on any of my parcels. I don't click random links from others. I know the tools available to me to prevent most harrassment - blocking/muting, derender, movelock, sitting to prevent orbiting and such. If I don't want to be seen, I leave populated areas. There are soooooo many absolutely empty open regions to visit. If the lab is collecting data for some reason, I guess that's not a big deal either, but they have been pretty consistent with telling us what data they collect. If some bad actor is trying to collect data from my avatar inworld, I don't think I would know it was happening. I change my password often and I don't share it except for with a trusted family member who, if I suddenly die, has permission to log in and drop my accounts to basic, remove payment info, and tell people I am gone from the earth. It will probably be something like, "Cinnamon was eaten by a shark when she was cleaning the tank yesterday. She went out smiling and hugging the shark. She has recycled her energy back into the universe." I do not use any kind of security anywhere. No orbs or ban lines. I've never banned anyone from my land. (I would. I just have never needed to.). You can see and chat with avatars on my parcels. All my parcels have free rez with 5 minute auto return and no object entry. My doors are unlocked. I choose not to see mine or others lookats. I just assume others look at me as often as I cam around areas and enjoy avatar watching myself. I will read your profile and hope you take the time to at least glance at mine before shooting me an IM with "hi" I spend most of my time alone by choice lately, but I do occasionally feel like being social and will go to clubs or dance venues and pick up random folks. Watch out - social Cinnamon can be a whirlwind of hyperactivity and chatter. I am just not that worried about my security inworld. I feel safe enough to return regularly. Fear of getting hacked has never really entered my mind enough to impact the time I spend inworld or what I choose to do when I'm there. Perhaps ignorance is bliss in my case. I don't pursue privacy, so there is zero social cost.
  21. Still not my drama. She can take it up with her partner, not me. The idea that someone is so screaming mad that even their avatar is bursting blood vessels and having a stroke is kinda funny. I am probably the least fun person to argue with in SL. Watch me NOT get mad or defensive as I walk slowly away to find someone sane to interact with.
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