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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. I've lived on all the coasts of the US as well. I suppose the Gulf coast and the southeast coast are nice because you can actually swim in water. Very few people on the west coast actually swim in the arctic cold waves. coast/shore/beach whatever you use regionally. Oh, still excited for to see the Newbrookes when released. Totally on topic now. Perhaps I'll go shopping for a Vespa scooter or a Segway to prepare for exploring.
  2. Leavenworth is definitely a fun theme town especially in winter. I haven't looked up the one in Georgia. I imagine it is similar except the east coast doesn't really have real mountains... /me runs laughing towards the exit before the 'which US coast is best' folx show up 😄 PS It's the US west coast that's the best
  3. And maybe we (general "we"), as a community, should not complain so much about everything we think is wrong with a theme. Not every theme will appeal to everybody. Not every theme will be exactly what everyone wants. Not every theme will be historically or regionally accurate. Not every theme will have the exact staircase banister that we each envisioned or the exact house size we each want. There are themes I don't like because they are not aesthetically pleasing to me. The Newbrookes and chalets are among them. I am still going to try for a Newbrooke just to see what I can do with it. Maybe I will get a location that changes my mind. Maybe I will do something really creative with the decorating that I like enough to keep it. If not, I'll move on to dreaming about the next theme. Most forumites are not afraid to voice their opinions (good!), but the reaction to the initial Newbrooke release seemed a bit beyond just "negative" and appeared downright rude, nitpicky, and petty. It's okay not to like every theme. We have other choices, and more are coming.
  4. I love reading Vick's articles in The Post. 💗
  5. I'd love to know what you are doing in this photo. Maybe I need more of the background. You appear to be at work (name tag?) A bowling alley? Cosmic bowling with the neon lights? Maybe a skating rink? Oh, and stop touching your face. You'll get sick. /me hands you a fidget spinner.
  6. This is actually one of the reasons I downloaded SL and went inworld to begin with. I wanted my world to be bigger and to have more viewpoints. I am keenly aware that my personal world is very small, but I knew those differences were out there. I live in a very small town and to the people around me, it is very black and white. To round out my existence I needed to hear from people that live very different lives - those that live in cities, those that live with large extended families, those that live alone, and those who have alternative lifestyles different from what I might see on TV or in movies. I don't know that I can point to any one specific thing I learned because the people I have met are so very vast in their views of the world and their experiences. It is a journey I am still on. I do tend to gravitate to those that are open about their real lives, successes, and hardships. I absolutely love to hear the stories of people from other places. I wish I had the means to travel, but I don't. The next best thing is to travel by meeting people inworld. I've mentioned it before, but one of my favorite inworld activities is to pick up strangers at a club and just chat while dancing. I don't care if they have the latest mesh body and head. I want their stories. I want to understand their view of the world. It doesn't always work. Some people prefer their privacy and that is fine, but when I find those gems... the ones who are willing to share a little piece of themselves, I am enthralled. An hour can pass by in minutes. I leave those encounters a better person even if we never exchange friendship requests. I want people to feel seen and heard and I want the same back. I will say that sometimes my biases and the stereotypes in my own head play out as expected, but sometimes I am thrilled to have them squashed.
  7. What do I think of people who don't partake in SLex? The same as I think of people who do. I hope they are enjoying their SecondLife. I wonder what their hobbies are. I wonder where they're from. Do they like snakes? Do they create things? What kind of music do they like? I wonder where they got that cute shoulder pet. Do they have a great sense of humor? Can they carry on deep conversations without taking themselves too seriously? what about insects? Do they let them be or squash them in fear? I wonder what the last book they read was. I don't think I have ever thought to wonder why they don't have SLex and what status/label I should give them or whether I should judge them by their answer to a question I would never ask.
  8. We've all been there. I sure wish there was a way to blacklist a home you have abandoned even if the blacklisting only lasted 24 hours. Keep trying! There will be some good ones in the next few days or weeks.
  9. Decorating a stilt home today. After photo thoughts - I should have worn an old yellow rain slicker and hat, maybe holding a fishing pole, perhaps a fishing net dress and buoys, if I wanted really risqué a few bobbers might be enough. I looked through my inventory and I don't have any heart themed clothing, but to all the guys and their romantic clothing: yes. Just imagining the manly clashing of swords by a few guys in male lingerie. Nice.
  10. If you have some well-placed furniture, landscaping, or hand poses, you can post your sock pic. 😁
  11. I will not be watching this year. I no longer have access to network TV since my local cable company dropped cable. I put an antenna up and get a few channels, but not the one the Super Bowl is on. I am not paying for a streaming service for one game. I used to get together with friends to watch it, but it was more about an excuse to hang out and drink. The best part was everyone bringing a themed dish for the areas the two teams playing were from. I wonder what I would have come up with for Cincinnati and LA. What foods are they famous for? Anyway, no Super Bowl for me this year. I'll quietly root for whichever is the underdog. It's so much sweeter when they win.
  12. I might have to rethink getting the smaller 512. It looks like many of the parcels on lakes and ponds are the 1024s. Decisions decisions decisions. It is fun watching it all come together, though. Thanks for all the photos!
  13. @Ceka Cianci I just had that Hell Yea moment listening to Freedom 🤯
  14. Wow! Thanks for sharing. I've never heard of them.
  15. I like seeing how some forum regular's looks and styles stayed similar through the addition of mesh bodies and heads and some have changed considerably. Fun! There are some people I miss a great deal. I'd love to see them post again.
  16. Since you asked for feedback... I like the wider nose of the old look and the narrower lips of the new look. The eyes and brows are beautiful on both. The new look appears a bit younger if that matters to you. As was mentioned, a more even lighting source would help with comparing the two.
  17. I have no idea what is being planned, but with each new release there is a shuffle of available homes. Supposedly there are a few more themes being planned, so people will eventually abandon and try new themes making older themes more available. People like new shiny things. There are some people who own multiple homes within every single theme. They'll let them go eventually when they want to play GoH again or force the opening of unreleased parcels. Until then they'll just hold on to them. When the Newbrooke theme is released, you will have more choice.
  18. Sometimes it takes time for inspiration to take hold. What a fun decorating style! I can't wait to see more rooms.
  19. I've seen people bend over backwards to help people who aren't native English speakers. They'll go to online translators themselves to try and figure out what people are saying. I've seen them excuse/ignore rude comments in the beginning knowing that there are cultural differences and not every thought translates correctly. I don't usually see people instantly attacking new-to-the-forums people. After reading several posts from a person and having a pattern of rude behavior become obvious, it doesn't matter what your native language is. There is definite push back. You can only get away with making excuses for your behavior for so long before it becomes obvious to most others that your actions are purposeful. Maybe you meant to post this in one of the many "I need a sugar daddy" threads. 😄
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