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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. I dug deep into the inventory for this SL meme re-creation. So, please, enjoy the full bright, no mod items I bought 10 years ago. My cute little prim sheep with no eyes makes me very happy. I knew I had a Bo Peep outfit from a Halloween party. I just didn't need the blood layer gloves or the bloody daggers for this recreation. No, I don't know what my right hand is doing and that is supposed to be a scared look from the head HUD.
  2. What are you trying to bring back, Orwar? *Locks the doors, shutters the windows, and looks for an improvised weapon*
  3. I have been very quiet and mostly, but not entirely, avoiding the GD and limiting my time in these forums while I wean myself off and look for other options to learn from and socialize with people around the world. It is why I first signed up and logged in a dozen years ago. If I only wanted to chat with people in my own time zone, I would do it in real life. While I am looking for other options, this is a posting strategy that I can support. It is useful forum advice. Until then, I'll mostly look at pictures of avatars and watch posts in the land forum while mourning my personal loss of a worldwide view.
  4. This was really fun to watch. Talk about a fun virtual world! I want to go into U! The ban hammer is impressive, too.
  5. This isn't nearly as fun as King Kong banging things with a stick
  6. /me sits and pokes at the fire as she slowly accepts the fact that some of the color has been lost from her SL. The only people she will have the chance to interact with socially will be the people that log in at the same time she does - mostly just her own time zone. She sets out marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers because they won't need refrigeration and can stay out for hours for the next person to show up after she's long gone.
  7. I don't have many on my block list. At least twice a year, I unblock everybody and start over.
  8. I do spend a lot of time in the Land Forum. The restructuring there is really nice. There is the occasional uprising that happens, but nothing like in GD. Mostly posts stay on topic, but, yes, personal attacks happen there, too - mostly centered around security orbs, land barons, and people with multiple accounts. The occasional name and shame pops up when new users jump in to complain about their neighbors or landlords.
  9. I admit to some resentment. I don't like my power being taken away. I don't like the idea that I can no longer confront those who attack and belittle others without fear of taking heat myself. The bitterness may or may not last. It depends entirely on how silenced I feel and how many veiled and subtle attacks I see going by. Again, I am not reporting ideas I don't agree with. I am only reporting attacks against people. I will no longer "ignore" people who use thinly veiled attacks or constant dog whistles to get a rise out of individuals or groups. They are allowed to post whatever tripe they want. I am allowed only a report button as a tool. Also, I am not a mob. I am an individual making choices on my own about other individuals and their individual posts. I am on topic discussing how I use the reporting feature in the SecondLife forums.
  10. When I clear media in the "about land" box, I have to also check or uncheck another box on that tab. If I don' t check or uncheck a box, the media does not clear.
  11. It's okay to be judgy. I am. My power to challenge the people doing the insulting and attacking was taken away and given to authority. They will now get to choose the fate of people and their words. It will mean more (not less) work for the moderators (sorry about that.) I don't have another option that won't get me in trouble. My options are now limited. I will use the tools I have.
  12. My use of the report feature has changed since the new guidelines took effect. I am reporting every blatant personal attack. Instead of ignoring the attack for myself personally, I will just report and let the mods decide. I have not gone back to see if the posts are still there or not, but out of 4 reports yesterday, 3 people have not posted yet today. I will continue to report only personal attacks. People can criticize ideas all they want and I won't report it. I will continue to use the reporting tool now.
  13. What if it's the muppets doing the censoring. There was a much funnier censored muppets image, but I don't want to get my first disciplinary action.
  14. A few people have been trying to get things going again. We are a varied and far apart group of people. Finding times to meet is difficult.
  15. I've been a member for years, but all the different time zones mean it is difficult to gather at the same time for discussion and debate. My computer isn't portable, but my phone is. We're right back to having to converse in real time which doesn't really work.
  16. Maybe, but where will you find this many people, from different time zones and different areas of the world all inworld in the same place? You won't. The forums are a unique gathering place of experiences, thoughts and ideas.
  17. Dudebros in my neck of the woods are a bit different. They're still in their 20's and they're still full of themselves with unfounded confidence. To connect this to SL: Now you see why the connection I have to others in the forums are important and why I want the free and open exchange of ideas is important to me.
  18. I suppose I am a little worried about this. The forums are a community for me. I prefer to communicate through posts here than in real-time inworld. I get to have conversations with people in other time zones who I would never run across otherwise. The views are more diverse. This is not available anywhere inworld. I can, also, take the forums with me on my phone. My computer and internet connection don't fit in my pocket. If they are scoured clean of everything fun and thought provoking, it would be a shame and a loss of connection for me. If everyone bails in a few weeks, someone shoot me a message on where you went as an alternative. I will never see most of you inworld. I'd even try discord. /me re-reads. Yup, related to SL (and RL)
  19. My male alt is finally aged enough to be out of his 20's. I found a skin with the aging lines already on it because I couldn't find add on wrinkles that didn't look angry. A bit of body and facial hair added a few more years. I also took away his t-shirts... for now. He'll be back in his play-clothes soon enough. I didn't feel like taking all the time I knew I would need to find the tattoos I wanted for him. Maybe another day.
  20. I have un-ignored several people because I am curious how this will play out. I am encouraged by the restructuring in the Land Forum. It looks nice, easier to navigate, and clearer where posts should go. The people forum didn't really get restructured except Missing Connections. I'm not worried just yet but will take a wait and see approach to the new set up. I'll be one of the first to Hhmmph-out if there is nothing to talk about except complaining about SL. Maybe we're all supposed to run away to Discord. I've never used it.
  21. I like the reorganization in the land forum. I'm sure I'll find other subforums that make more sense, as well. My guess is it was just time to make content easier to find now that they have a good idea of how forumites use this part of SL.... in SL. It may also help those poor souls who have to moderate us keep things peaceful and flowing... in SL. I'm not too worried about the changes at this time. So far, it's positive.
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