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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Last weekend I took an alt in for a helicopter tour and sky diving. Yes, I hit the target on the ground. No, it was not in the middle.
  2. It's possible it was a stick of dynamite or a firework. It exploded after I touched it
  3. I'm not. It is. I will continue to point out that some people can talk in the forums in the people section about what their doms make them do in private while others are told that it's inappropriate. I will point out that we all have different sensibilities. Also, I don't post here on any other account. Cinn is my main and my only forum poster mosty because Zerrine would mouth off and be kicked out for telling people exactly what she thinks. Cinn at least tries to be tactful and not insult people. I have not reported anyone in this thread. I am not opposed to reporting; I just haven't seen anything that rises to a reportable offense. There is no rule about posting or reporting hypocrisy. Carry on with it.
  4. Peeve: Double standards like when avatar 1 tells avatar 2 that what they posted is inappropriate for the People Forum and should be posted in the adult section when that exact same excuse was used by avatar 2 against another avatar when they didn't want to see their words and considered them inappropriate. If I remember right the excuse was "because I told that person before I didn't want to see or read about their personal SL sex life, and I refuse to use the ignore tool or report, so you have to stop." It's no fun to be told what to do by authority and even less fun to be told what to do by those without the authority, isn't it? It makes us defensive and angry. It was suggested at the time to just ignore that poster and let them post as they please or to report the post and let the mods decide. Perhaps the line "suck it up" should have been used. I don't want this thread locked because some people went off the rails with their attacks against others. So, hopefully the thread will just get cleaned up and not locked.
  5. I think people should like what they want and decorate whenever they feel like it. I personally don't like to decorate in SL more than 2 or 3 weeks before a holiday and then take the decorations down within a week. Belliserria has rules about when decorations can be set up and when they should come down to stay within theme, so you could move there if you want holiday decorations restricted. It won't help SL stores that put out holiday themed decor and clothes, but at least your home won't be surrounded by moaning ghosts or blinking holiday lights for months on end. I won't be sporting any Halloween costumes in the photo threads here until mid-October, but I won't tell others that I don't want to see it. If someone likes Halloween all year, they should celebrate it. PS there were a lot of "here's what Halloween is like in my real-life location" posts, so I guess it is okay to share that now?
  6. No. That's like getting excited about a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie. Mmmmmmmm gooey, melty chocolate. Then you take a bite and the disappointment of a grainy, coarse oatmeal raisin hits your tongue. Peeve: Fake, sneaky cookies and the inconsiderate people who put them out to share.
  7. That was nice of you. I like helping noobs. I think of myself as a noob even after all my years inworld. There are so many things I haven't figured out, yet. Then a real noob asks a question and I feel like an SL genius 😄 I haven't spent time lately in any new resident areas. I should visit them more often.
  8. Thanks @Maximus Mole You are quite the adventurerererererer. I had to lace up my hiking boots and explore off trail and then everything self-destructed. Yeah, got my first card! ETA: Was I supposed to leave a hint? It all happened so fast. There I was walking through the forest and I spotted something in the grass. I walked a bit closer and (against my better judgement) touched it. I swear it changed color and a countdown started. I back-pedaled as fast as my flailing arms and legs would take me. There was an explosion and some words in French. I don't speak French. The item I saw disappeared. That's all I remember... I heard some words in my head... It was such a forlorn sound, it almost brought tears to my eyes. Bad touch! BAD TOUCH! STRANGER DANGER! You won't get me to talk - initiating self-destruct! Five Seconds... Four Seconds... Three Seconds... Two Seconds... One Second... Zero! I'm done for! Goodbye, cruel world!!! And then: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!11!!!eleventy-one! I admit that I wanted to touch it again, but it was gone.
  9. This is worth $5L. It may need to be graffiti'd on @Madelaine McMasterswall.
  10. 1 of my 5 accounts has never had a working feed. Ever. I even contacted support to be told they see it just fine. No one else can and I guess I didn't care enough to follow up with "Nuh uh... it's not there!"
  11. Oh, there's a direct link to the feeds right on your dashboard.
  12. I check the feed a couple times a week because I have friends that are active there (not here). Mostly it works, but there are times that photos won't load or "loves" won't stick. I keep up with several bloggers' new articles there, as well. I tend to stay away from the trending tab since it's still mostly pron pics.
  13. If you open your settings, you can search for "typing" to find out where in all those settings the typing animation is. Unchecked that box.
  14. Every boater in SL must post in this thread. When I am out and about in a boat (which can be for hours at a time) I never see anyone... Ever. I know sailors are a vocal bunch, but I don't think your numbers are what you think they are. People want roads, too, or air space for flying. Everyone wants infrastructure for their pet hobbies and seems to feel entitled to demand it. There is no harm in asking a couple times for what you want, but SL is for a very wide variety of activities. Improvements take time and our builders have constraints to create under. If you want something built just for you and 20 friends, get together and make it happen. Our free and paid memberships offer a lot of good areas to explore by water, land, and air. More areas are added and things get improved all the time. It's okay to move on to other areas that aren't the coast of Sansara, but there is a new connecting area to use right now. Have fun. Now back to SSP. My dream houseboat is in a region that is not yet named. My foot is tapping in anticipation of a release I will probably not even be home for, but I check every single evening when I get home from work anyway. Time to lose that red border!!!! /me tries to crack a whip, but is so clumsy she ends up smacking herself instead... dang it....
  15. I miss Lillie's shows... The cow dances were a highlight for me.
  16. Great, now I've got a catchy song in my head that I can't post here due to language concerns. Thanks, it will be floating around in my head all day. Looking good, Reilly ❤️
  17. If you need a hug, @Seicher Rae, I actually give them out liberally. I just don't accept them gracefully. or maybe you would prefer the super-secret, exclusive forum handshake that is only used by the forum elites??? I am not one of them, but I recorded it years ago and have been practicing it.
  18. *makes a mental note that hugs from Love could be awkward. None of that quick pat on the back and then jumping away like the hug is a rattle snake. Nooooo, they may even expect chest to chest contact to last an uncomfortable 5 to 10 seconds* *shudders, then pulls herself together* /me shoves down the panic, holds her breath, turns to Love, and opens her arms to offer a hug. After considering chickening out and turning it into an ear scratch, she waits to see if anyone takes her up on the hug offering.
  19. This is nice and all, but don't touch me. I may be channeling Maddy here, but hugging and hand holding? Just no. I don't cuddle. I'll wish everyone well from over here in this dark corner with my lips peeled back and snapping my teeth at the air. Just take this 4-liter bucket of ice cream and these spoons and eat until you all feel better. Oh, and I found some Magic Shell to put on top... and this cherry. You will all have to fight over the cherry. I only have one. I checked my inventory and it's not copy - only transfer. /me re-reads what he wrote about a cherry, decides too many people have dirty minds, and takes her cherry back. She rechecks her inventory and finds a box of old, hard, shriveled up raisins and tosses that into an ice cream bowl instead. Enjoy.
  20. I was one who did not transition well to the new forum software years ago. I disappeared for a couple years when many of the people I interacted with disappeared. Unpopular opinion: In a way I miss the chaos of the wild west the same as I miss the absolute chaos of busy infohubs inworld. This was the first forum I ever posted in and my passion for anti-censorship was much stronger back then. There was cruelty that escalated as time went by and everyone upped their games. I do understand that it needed to be reined in. I learned a LOT, though. I learned that I dang well better figure out how to post logically and not emotionally and that I needed be able to back up my opinions. There were a few master-baiters and many people fell into their traps over and over again. Cruelty does not mean their words weren't an art form, but many good people were run right out of the forums. I learned. There are many good personalities that I miss dearly and many of them have already been listed, but I miss some of the troublemakers and pot stirrers, as well. Drama isn't all bad and occasionally it can be fun. Some of the worst troublemakers were kind and supportive inworld and in other forum-like venues. That doesn't excuse the meanness they showed here, but firmed my belief that their forum personas were partly characters and role-playing. The jury's still out on the new forum guidelines. /me puts on her rose-colored glasses and slowly wanders back inworld to be a mermaid for the day.
  21. This is lovely! I hope you post more pics
  22. Old friends who don't care if you show up in a Lil Bo Peep outfit because you were taking a funny photo when they IM'd. The best friends are come-as-you-are friends.
  23. *laughs awkwardly* I tried, but this was painful to read.
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