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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. I meant I played a few rounds of the drawing game. I was in on my alt Polly and didn't stay long, but there were a few people still there when I arrived.
  2. I was late as well, but I got in a few pictures on the chalkboard.
  3. I vote for cartoon characters so I can put up The Scotsman from Samurai Jack or Merida from Brave.
  4. I took the Buzzfeed quiz too. Turns out I'm actually Scooter. It makes sense. So, Scooter, the guy behind the scenes it is. I'll have to find a pic later
  5. The feed has had issues with consistently posting photos on and off for years. I doubt they will ever appear, but sometimes a few will show up if you look directly at the snapshots page. You can get to yours by adding /snapshots to the end of your feed address. For example, here is mine: https://my.secondlife.com/cinnamon.mistwood/snapshots I hope your pictures show up there, but mine are usually lost forever. I tend to save photos directly to my computer if I think they are important. Now if you are talking about a regular profile picture, I am not sure why it wouldn't be working. Your profile picture on the web feeds may not match your inworld profile picture. One of the charms of SL.
  6. @EmmaAsht0n I just looked. It is called Daytona. I have no idea how old it is, but I just picked it up a week ago. I like AD curls. @Leora Greenwood thanks for adding the SLurl
  7. Yes, it is Analog Dog. Either I or @Leora Greenwoodwill get back with the exact name after one of us logs in.
  8. I have done this exact thing several times in response to unwanted sexual advances. I, also, love to ramble on about nonsense to new neighbors after I take a seat in chairs in their houses. It's never threatening or sexual in nature (and never if they are with someone,) just a 'welcome to the neighborhood' and a general chat "at" them about whatever I find in the area, their profiles, the decorating. I can type fast enough that they can barely get a word in. I like to leave Tolstoy-long ramblings in the IMs of AFK avatars as well. The ramblings are friendly enough that it is usually well received. That is the extent of my griefing and trolling in SL.
  9. Well, the topic of "make us laugh" was fun while it lasted. I suppose this post will become a "debate" as well that turns into a political post, that turns into judging others, that turns into personal attacks. How dare we have a post just for fun when I have points to make.
  10. @Persephone Emeraldstopped by to say hi (wearing the cutest jeans, I might add). The bartender only had eyes for her.
  11. Hanging out at The Forum Cartel sorting inventory, playing with old animations, and waiting to see if anyone stops by.
  12. MWUAHAHAHAHAHA On fire at The Forum Cartel
  13. @Silent Mistwalker I hope you don't get that post too wrong. I've read the book several times at different ages of my life. I loved Jonathon's rebel attitude and breaking the tedium of life when I read it as a teen and pushing the limits. As an adult reading it, I enjoyed entertaining the idea of learning lessons in this life that you then build on and carry over into your next level of existence. It is a wonderful story, but a cold reading to a 10-year-old may not get you the deep, meaningful reaction an adult might get from it.
  14. My mom thought it would be super fun to read that story to my brother and me when we were 10 or so. Needless to say, we did not understand it at all much to my hippie mom's horror. We laughed at how dumb that seagull was to continually smash into to ocean at a high rate of speed over and over again or fly like a maniac through the morning breakfast flock. You understand it differently as an adult, but I will never forget the first time it was read to me.
  15. I really dislike motivational posters. A lot. Someone who doesn't know me or my story oversimplifies life into a seagull over the ocean photo and a "soar to new heights with a positive attitude" message. The demotivational posters are much more accurate.
  16. They really make sure that you really want this head 😄
  17. I don't have time to look, but I am sure I'm a member of the Snufaluagus family. Either Mrs. Snufalfuagus or Alice Snufalufagus...
  18. Oh! Excuse me. I didn't realize this room was occupied. Pardon the interruption. /me back slowly out and softly closes the door behind me. I love the reflection in the window
  19. This is a 6-year-old thread. You might want to make your own new post to get new information. Letting people know which viewer you are using may help as well. What is Gshade? A posing program?
  20. I visited @Nando Yip's studio today. Thank you for keeping it public. I may have, however, sent your entire parcel into another dimension or maybe I conjured a hellbeast or something. I just can't resist touching things I have no business touching. Oops. I think this old pose I found broke my wrist...
  21. I visited today. The sorting hat may need some maintenance. It sorted me into Slytherin, but I am just about the least ambitious person there is. I availed myself on the hookah pipe. Thanks for that. It just added to my chill. After a bit of a puff (or two) I headed outside to contemplate the universe and munch on a carrot. Thanks for sharing. (Dinkie sized stuff is still usable. I jumped on the bed, too.)
  22. I had fun visiting the studio today. A quick drink at the bar, but I had to serve myself because I couldn't get the bartender's attention. "Hey, Bartender!" I loved the underwater landscaping and the studio in the sky.
  23. Let us know how you fixed it. Someone else may have the same problem
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