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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Not everything is listed in Search - many parcels are not.
  2. Is your "Home" set to ground level? That will override the landing point for you.
  3. There have been chat lag issues in SL for at least all of the 11 years that I've been here and probably before that. It has always seemed pretty random to me and definitely hits groups with a huge number of members as well as smaller ones. I'm not sure that I've been a part of any group that actually uses chat and has not experienced chat issues at least once.
  4. She used to hang out out The Forum Cartel hangout way back when. I've got a friend named Drivin Sideways.
  5. I wouldn't think it would be so easy for folks to get away with 'empty box' scams then. So either the people complaining on the forums are not subsequently Flagging the items when we tell them to or LL is ignoring such. It shouldn't be that difficult for LL to confirm if a listing is actually delivery said product or not after it has been flagged.
  6. When the name change option comes about, the process of picking a new name will include picking any first name you want to go with their selection of last names. You don't have to keep your current first name, as long as the full name is unique. So you will be able to get rid of the number.
  7. We have the same silliness in the US. You only have to be 16 or 17 in some states to consent to sex, but you have to be 18 to see strippers or any sort of porn (and 21 to drink alcohol legally). Go figure.
  8. Per this website you only have to be 15 years 9 months old to get a provisional license https://www.gov.uk/apply-first-provisional-driving-licence
  9. I'm pretty sure you will find that this has more to do with how the mesh is created - the detail and qualilty level - than specifically your computer. Even on a great computer, pieces of items will start disappearing at varying distances. For pictures, you can minimize this by turning up your LOD setting -- but leaving it turned up is not recommended for overall performance. Otherwise, all you can do is zoom in closer.
  10. From the viewpoint of Forum threads, one change I would like to see is that a person must have verified payment info before being allowed to set up an MP store. Or at the minimum, give some sort of "Verified" label to store owners that do have payment info. Too many new folks just don't know that they can look up a merchant's profile to see if they have payment info and they don't know what other things to look for. I cannot see much of a downside to that and it will definitely stop the scammers that set up short term throw away accounts.
  11. Also note, like many things in SL that have to do with lag and avatar complexity/rendering, it isn't an absolute. Not ALL sculpts are worse than mesh - just most. And it is entirely possibly that other things an avatar has attached could be causing much worse lag issues that a few sculpt items. Review the items you have attached that are sculpt and you can use the MP to start researching mesh alternatives to see if they are truly better.
  12. This morning I'm thinking of chocolate caramel eggs and how I don't have anymore, which makes me sad.
  13. Sometimes when you relog the item will simply return to its original location in your inventory, though sometimes it takes a full day for items to come back. If you know a portion of the actual name, you can enter than in the top of the inventory bar to search for it.
  14. They've said that it will be just like before -- users will get a drop-down list of available last names to pick from (or they can keep Resident). They'll then need to come up with a first name that will produce a unique full name. From the way they worded their info on new users, I can't quite figure out if they'll charge new users for a last name or not (and totally would not be surprised if they do charge for that). If they don't charge the newbies, then I agree with you that they definitely should let anyone with Resident as their last name get one free name change in order to get a real last name.
  15. Saw this today. Thought of the folks that shout in the forums and cracked up
  16. Pose Fair starts tomorrow and runs the entire month of April - though I don't have a location on it. Here is a blog post about it: https://strawberrysingh.com/2018/03/31/pose-fair-april-2018/
  17. Actually a Kimono is a traditional Japanese garment that some wear all the time and some only for special occasions. However, in this case the OP meant Kemono, which is a type of anime body.
  18. This would be key, along with not allowing anyone except the OP to post in a given thread. However, I am not sure that such ability exists within this forum software to automate that. If not, it would be one hell of a dump of new workload on the mods - at least until people get disciplined enough to start following the rules. Overall, I am not opposed to the concept, but folks have raised some good points about possible negative fallout from such.
  19. That has the word 'workout' in it, thus it cannot be an upside to anything.
  20. Say what? What makes you think that any state should pay for SL? I'm thinking you maybe don't understand how the US and the states within actually work. I am totally assuming that you really are joking or being sarcastic here.
  21. I never understood why camming is considered to be bad by some. I still have to look everywhere, around everything, behind everything, under everything. The vast majority of places do not have a hunt item right out in easy view anyway. Even if you walk the entire store, you still have to constantly stop and cam around the area/room that you are standing in. Then move to the next area, rinse, repeat. Thus it is still camming. Why is that any better than me simply picking a location roughly in the middle of the store and camming the whole place from there? I still see everything in the store when I cam, regardless of where I do the camming from.
  22. /me makes a note to be sure and not miss the LBD stop on that hunt
  23. No, just put the HUD on and it knows where you left off - it will ask to TP you there. The problem is that the HUD sometimes gets confused - maybe telling it to skip a place adds to that, maybe it was the amount of traffic sometimes at places. At one point, I did place-A, then I went to place-B and decided to skip it, going on to complete place-C. It then said it was taking to me place-D but instead took me back to place-A that I had already done. It immediately recognized that I had already found the egg and place-A so then wanted to TP me to place-B again. After getting to place-B and told to skip it again, it then said it wanted to TP to place-D, but took me back to place-A again. Vicious circle. I detattached/reattached HUD, TPd Home, and Reset scripts in the HUD - all no help. Someone in the hunt group suggested a relog, so I did that. When I came back online and reattached the HUD, there was no mention of place-D (the one it kept trying to take me to but never did) and instead it then TPd me to somewhere totally new. I made a note of that place-D to see if it happens to actually ever take me there later. It acted up once more - wanting to TP me to the next location before I found the second egg that it told me was at the current location. That time, I simply ignored the TP request until I found the egg. Maybe later today things will be better because people will have spread out more since the starting day. I would still prefer a web page with links. Primarily because then I could at least make sure I hit any stores that I truly wanted first and then randomly hit any others that I might be midly interested in. The number of stops on this one, combined with the short amount of time, pretty much guarantees that anyone with any sort of RL is going to have difficulty getting through it.
  24. Not sure how you'd implement anything like that as a 'forum feature'. However, we are all able to post in this thread: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/400198-helpful-forum-hints/
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