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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. For $72 / year, you can become premium and get 1024 sqm of tier. Then you could buy a 1024 spot, use half of it for your home and the other half for a small shop. So you are out the $72 up front plus the purchase price of the land. As long as you are good with interior land, not on a waterway or road, you should be able to get something for a reasonable price. LL will even toss L$300 per week your way. If you want to save part or all of that, you could cash some out at the end of your year to offset your yearly premium renewal fee.
  2. They probably should make a blog post or something. The comment was in that inworld meeting that someone posted the link to - in this thread of one of the others talking about the name change stuff.
  3. I will say that as a shopper, this problem is the biggest one that keeps me from doing hardly any MP shopping.
  4. Yes, but you are creating an entirely new look. I would be replacing and attempting to recreating an existing look - a much harder process with the mesh heads.
  5. I go back and forth on this. As to it breaking things that are coded on names, LL is already advising developers to update their scripts to use UUID. If the original scripter isn't around anymore, then as someone else mentioned somewhere, their scripts are possibly using some of the older more costly functions anyway. As to the person hiding who they were, that isn't really any different than someone creating a whole new account or bringing in an older alt. In this 'rename' case, there is a possibility that you can not only search an old name forward, but maybe search a new name backwards. As I said, I go back and forth on it. I have mixed feelings.
  6. As long as the person is traceable via UUID and as long as you can search on any previous name and get the current one, I don't see any issues with changing names often - if the person is willing to pay the money.
  7. It was mentioned in the meeting that scripted objects should all change to use UUID and not avatar names. It was also mentioned that if you know a previous name you will be able to search it and get the current name.
  8. Buy and sell orders do not have to be filled in full. If you request a buy of L$200,000 and currently there is only someone willing to sell L$100,000 for the price you requested, then your order will be partially filled and the rest will wait. I've had buy orders end up filling in 5 or 6 batches before.
  9. This is true. In order to request a downgrade, you must abandon any LL home, sell any mainland, and take back any tier donations to groups. The 'tier' part is basically the one benefit you lose as soon as you start the downgrade process. This is also why many will advise folks not to do that until a few days before your Premium is due to bill again. However, reversing the downgrade usually only requires a support ticket and a few days of waiting.
  10. The other thing you can do is hit enter a few times then type your credits. Then reposition your cursor up in the blank lines you entered and click the little plus sign to add the picture. It will put the picture wherever your cursor is at that moment.
  11. Set up any sort of valid payment info -- credit card or verified PayPal. Use the payment method to buy L$ or buy Premium membership -- this starts your financial clock. After 30 days you will then be able to sell L$, which will give your account a US$ credit. That credit can sit on your account and be used for any payments - buying L$, paying tier, paying for Premium memberships.
  12. I think she meant "coming from all of a sudden to the forums". And it was also likely said at least partly in jest.
  13. Rather sure of yourself for someone that is about 3 months old. If you really are that new, I'll give you an SL viewer fact: You can see things in your viewer that are not the same as what other people see and vice versa. That is an SL glitch, not a specific product glitch, and it has happened off and on for SL's entire life.
  14. While you can pay for the membership with a US$ credit balance, you must still have a payment method on file and it must be valid. The reason for this is that you will not be able to sell L$ until your financial timeclock has hit 30 days. It takes payment info and then using said payment info in some way (either to buy L$ or to buy premium membership) to start that financial clock.
  15. And this is why I'm still not even considering a mesh head. I just really do not feel like dealint with all of the issues.
  16. 1) Ваш возраст в мире - это количество дней с момента создания вашей учетной записи. Посмотрите на свой профиль, и он скажет вам. 2) Я не совсем понимаю это. Скоро кто-то может помочь. ==== 1) Your age in the world is the number of days since your account was created. Look at your profile and it will tell you. 2) I do not fully understand this one. Someone else may help soon.
  17. My current eyes, though I do have a few different blue ones that I sometimes change to
  18. Ahhh, not the one I was thinking of then. I was thinking of the Madpea one that one of my groups mentioned this morning or last night.
  19. Hmmm, that doesn't really sound like something Tommy or Patch would do, unless they had started getting bombarded with PMs. I had previously searched each of those before and found them.
  20. Interesting - I've been there sometimes to dance, but always went with a partner. However, as with much of my dancing in SL, I don't even actually listen to the music -- speakers turned off. I'm there for the dancing animation while talking with my dance partner. I'm actually not even sure I've ever heard the music there - unlike a few other places that I've danced at.
  21. So the prizes are worth the HUD fee? I'm always sceptical of hunts that charge money, especially given the types of prizes so often seen in hunts.
  22. In RL, somehow I manage to pull it off, even if I don't really "get in to it". I get all sorts of complicates on the interior decorating of every room in the house that we've remodeled, with a few folks asking who I hired. Personally, I think I just get lucky in that the misc things I like just end up going really well together. Yet, for some reason I find the task daunting in SL. Maybe I just need to break it into smaller pieces and not put so much pressure on myself for perfection - I am really bad at the "I have to be perfect" crap. I imagine I can probably fuddle my way throught the inside stuff, once I really put my mind to it. As to the landscaping, I truly suck at even figuring it out. We do not have a huge yard in RL, but we still paid someone to create us a landscape plan, with suggestions on where to put the paths and what sorts of trees & flowers and where to put them. As of yet, we aren't willing to fork out the huge amount of cash to have someone else do it, so we are simply doing it in small stages, working from the blueprint the landscaper gave us. I might pop around the grid, taking pictures of things I like, noting what exactly I like about them, and then actually hire the landscaping part out.
  23. That actually sounds pretty good. I have eaten rabbit before and if cooked right, it is good. I'd have to actually trap them first and I'm not totally sure if that is allowed here in the city. We are not allowed to shoot them, unfortunately.
  24. I need something to take care of the bunnies that are taking over our yard.
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