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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Since it is pretty much all Events these days, you can check out the events and the designers at the events via this website: http://seraphimsl.com/ That will give you an idea of which events you might be interested in personally visiting.
  2. It is a burger made from kale - I'd be having digesting problems to.
  3. The MP is the same store owner as the inworld shop. The MP one specifically says "Promo". I just verified that the MP version I bought matches the store contents completely, including being copyable. The MP listing says it is No Copy, No Mod, No Transfer, but it is copy.
  4. FYI - You can buy the head on the MP for L$99, but what appears to be the exact same head inworld sells for L$500.
  5. In reading the text of the bill, it is hard to say how LL will react, especially given how other online sites have already reacted. While many have predicted the doom of SL over the years, I think if all virtual sex was eliminated and banned here, SL would truly be on death's door. The amount of adult activity in SL is staggering compared to non adult activity.
  6. While more of a pain, you can override the date range at the top of the page to only be a single day.
  7. Wow. I wonder if they mean "full mesh" or if a system head is still allowed. Not that I'd want to go to such a place anyway, but curiosity....
  8. I have spent the last 2 freakin days installing and uninstalling the same f***n piece of software (as prerequisite to another install), specifying different options each time, only to find out today that the reason it does not work is because the documentation is not detailed enough and I was supposed to be installing a different piece of software as my prerequisite.
  9. Yeah - just don't click on that link. I just upgraded an alt to Premium and once I finished the buy, I simply went back to my Account Summary or logged out.
  10. I know not enough about mesh heads to answer that. You'll have to wait on someone more knowledgeable
  11. Yeah, after looking at the picture and reading all the comments, I'm plunging down the L$99 - it just isn't enough money to fret over.
  12. I was under the impression that the Neck Fix was only for the join of a system head to a mesh body. I think I remember reading here in the forums that folks were told to turn that off for mesh body to mesh head.
  13. I posted this in your previous ADVERTISING thread. You are not allowed to advertise in the forums - at least not in this section Community Guidelines Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service.
  14. Note that if you have not ever bought L$ inworld, you will have a "waiting period". This is because it takes a financial transaction -- buying L$, buying something on the MP, paying for Premium -- to start your financial clock. During the first 30 days of that clock you are very limited in how much L$ you can buy - and it probably won't be enough to buy a piece of land.
  15. You don't need to mess with the Linden home at all. Either pull up the map, check the box for showing land for sale -- you'll see yellow areas with $ on them. Clicking the $ will tell you the size and price. Sometimes it is easier to start with viewing the map and then start TPing to locations and see how things look. You can also use the inworld land search, but some folks don't like it and it doesn't show everything. There are also auctions where you can buy mainland.
  16. I never even remember to check for mine. Many, many years ago I used to check regularly. Primarily because back then they could be a few days late and sometimes accounts actually got missed. Haven't seen those issues in forever though. I'd likely never notice now if I didn't get it - or my alts either, for that matter.
  17. Hmm, yep, sounds like something I'm better off skipping - at least this version of it
  18. Hmm, I don't currently have a mesh head, so this concept is foreign to me. For my body, I just let the Outfits function create a link to the body within each Outfit folder. I think only once did I actually make a copy of the body with the leggins applier on it and the alpha cuts for the sweater I was wearing. It made going back to the outfit easier, but since I seldom ever wear the same thing twice anyway, I decided it was more hassle that it was worth. I guess I could see the 'copy' need if I were to change makeup often, since anything 'applied' is not actually saved via a link to the object -- unlike me currently having tattoo layer makeup. Besides makeup, are there other appliers to heads that might get changed out a lot? Personally, I'm not wild about no-copy just because I can't have a backup in my inventory. If an issue comes up, I actually would have to go to the store for a redelivery. Or worse yet, is it 'transfer'? That would even eliminate a redelivery option.
  19. For 99L I might give it a try even without a HUD demo
  20. You can view the Experiences that you've given permission to (and revoke them) -- under Avatar/Me, I think, in the menu.
  21. I don't see all of the discussions as controversy, adversarial, judgmental, or anything like that. I see them as simply discussions. I am also not intending to sound harsh when I suggest that there might be something within you that is causing you to immediately see these discussions as some sort of personal attack. Sometimes our own issues cause us to see things a certain way and we have to very actively choose to read things with a more open mind. Maybe just try to read things from the point of view that they are really just discussions to either help you or give the other person insight into things.
  22. Yes, if you don't override it. However, new people have been know to pull up the map and put in the info that they see and clear the elevation field because whatever they saw only had 2 numbers. We had a couple of questions here about why the map wouldn't work because of that.
  23. Is it a DEBIT card or a PREPAID credit card? If it is, it doesn't matter what you used to be able to do. By re-adding your payment method, it must follow the 'current rules'.
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