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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. While sandboxes will eventually return your items, IMO it is rude to leave behind stuff on purpose -- totally different if you miss things while cleaning up.
  2. I'm going with "You're HOT" That is why it is pointing to the fire extinguisher.
  3. Maybe some real light pale corals. That often isn't as stark as something with more pink or red in it.
  4. Yeah that one is an odd word, though I don't even remember the last time I heard it. I'm sure I have similar words, but currently drawing a blank.
  5. I feel much better about my 70-75k inventory after reading the size some people have. Last I checked, at least half of that is old stuff that still needs to be gone through - and likely purged; much of it is pre-mesh.
  6. It could be as Lillith alluded too, your graphics card might be a bit underpowered for what you are asking it to do. There is a utility - called CPUID, I believe - a little freebie thing - that you can download and keep running while you are in SL. Keep an eye on it to see if maybe you are overheating just before crashing.
  7. I totally forgot about the stores around Cosmopolitan. And yeah, there are some other events with stores around them. Probably a good idea to use the Seraphimsl link above to pop around to the various event locations just to note which ones also have large shopping areas. Also, there is the sim where Entice is - totally cannot think of the sim name right now - but it is pretty much just stores with a big park/something in the middle. In thinking about it, I know there are a few others like that, that are not event places, but just sims with usually a large anchor store and then other stores (more like an outdoor mall - not all attached stores).
  8. Similar to the scuba diving that you mentioned, get yourself a mermaid outfit and go exploring under the sea. (my suggestions to get thread back on track after 'hunt' hijacking).
  9. Those must have been for stores that I decided I wasn't interested in the prize because I sure don't remember any of that. Speaking of which (further hijacking thread to discuss hunts), I love it when they give me a website with pictures of the items. Then I can totally skip the ones with really cheap icky prizes.
  10. From what you posted above, it is set to 94m, which is pretty small. You could drop it, but I'm not sure that will help any. Have you ever been able to enable the adv. lighting with this computer? What resolution are you taking pictures at? If it is rather large, you could try some smaller resolution settings and see if that helps. In any case, I'm sure someone that knows more about Macs will wander by soon.
  11. The reason has nothing to do with greed and everything to do with money laundering.
  12. To be honest, IMO the hunts are fun and depending on the number of participants you'll end up with at least a few nice gifts, but many hunt prizes are misc trinkets that I tend to trash. How many St. Pat's day mugs or t-shirts or skimpy outfits do I really need - especially when the quality of some of those outfits are mediocre, at best. Granted, you can get really nice stuff from hunts, but typically it will be from hunts that have more than 20-30 stores and also from stores that don't tend to participate in every single hunt out there. And yes, there are exceptions to everything that I just said -- and I am an avid hunter.
  13. I'm guessing that you installed a new viewer (alchemy) and it wants to take control of SLURLS. There is a way to reset this in Windows, but I don't remember how off the top of my head. Firestorm has an app called SLURL Proxy that you can download and install to specify what app any SLURLs should go to. I find the app easier to deal with since I have multiple viewers installed. You can find out about the app and download it from here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/slurl_proxy After you install the app, start it and just drag the Firestorm link into the app. One more note - If you install or re-install another viewer other than the one you you told SLURL Proxy to use, you might have to open SLURL Proxy and re-specify your default viewer to use.
  14. Yes, that makes sense. So, while any new downloads of the viewer might or might not be questionable, if you can log on with an existing download (that has not been updated since last fall), then that would imply that LL did not ban the viewer (since that version would likely not be lying to LL about who/what it is) - correct?
  15. Per Diana above, the viewer was removed from the TPV list by a Linden last fall. Also according to above, the creator has now been banned from SL (confirmed by the fact that the user's profile is no longer available). However, the creator being banned does not specifically imply that there are issues with the viewer. Even though it is not on the TPV list, if it can connect, then LL has not banned the viewer itself and thus it should be safe to use.
  16. As Syn said, just make sure only you, the owner, has the "Liabilities" assignment. This means that only the owner would pay for any 'search' feature and only the owner gets any money paid to the group. For actually selling the land, you can sell it when it is group owned. The sales amount will go to the group and within a 24-hour period it will then be disbursed evenly to those in the group with 'Liabilities' assigned to them (hence why you make sure only you have that). If you want to actually take the land back to individual ownership at any time, you have to do it carefully to avoid extra tier charges. First you remove enough Tier donation from the group to cover the exact size of the land -- groups are allowed to be negative in tier for short periods. Then you set the land for sale, directly to you, for L$0 and you buy it. Then you set it for sale to anyone for whatever amount you want. Note that if you are using the full amount of the 10% bonus that the group gets, pulling out enough tier to sell it to yourself could result in the group not having enough even after you sell the plot to yourself. This is why it is sometimes better to just leave the land in the group and sell it straight from there.
  17. *gasp* Not that I actually participate in any adult activities these days anyway. You have to remember that the US can sometimes get wonky in how they interpret stuff. If some trafficker is forcing girls to do online sex and part of that online sex is in SL (yeah, not very likely, but....), then who knows how the interpretations of the law could play out. Basically, I never trust lawyers. They will always find a way to screw over the common person. And our Congress is mostly just a bunch of lawyers that wanted more power.
  18. This is definitely possible. I think the makeups I was messing with were mostly from early and mid last year. Since I don't have a mesh head yet, I have a folder that I toss all of my mesh head makeup in to - the stuff I get as gifts at events or from groups. It was that batch of stuff that I was pulling things from. I'll find something from the last couple of months and try that. Since the head didn't immediately deform using my normal shape, it is already close to the 'me' that I know. I'm going to play with shape setting tonight and see what I can come up with. If it will at least take newer Omega makeups (not that I use much) and if the shape will become mostly 'me', then it will work for me as an initial plunge into the mesh head world. For now, I don't care about the lack of facial animations in it.
  19. Per Cesartje above, the creator did this same sort of MP promo with the guy head she released a while back.
  20. I never did get into a Gatcha phase - thank goodness. Shopping centers were nice for finding little niche stores here and there. I hate most events. I skim the stores that will be there and often only get interested if there is someone new. Truth be told, many of the events these days I only visit if there are gifts to be had. One of the things that I liked so much about the Finders Keepers hunt recently was that there were a lot of stores that are not part of the 'almost every hunt' scene and quite a few of those were new to me.
  21. Eeek - Mine works perfectly. When I went to it after Grumpity's post, it defaulted to today and showed links for other options as well as the normal date range ability.
  22. Did you have any issues with applying lipstick? I'm playing with the head and using some Omega appliers, but all of the face makeup is only outlining the lips, rather than fully coloring them. I was a bit amazed that using my current shape, the head did not end up massively distorted, which is what I gather happens with a lot of the heads if you don't use a shape specific to the head.
  23. Even with mesh body w/ system head, some skins work better without the neck fix. The neck fix makes my seem look worse.
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