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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. I actually considered putting him on my ignore list, but there are moments where I get some sort of odd comedy enjoyment out of his delusions of grandeur.
  2. There are bad kids in SL just like that are bad furries, bad noobs, bad mesh folks, bad non-mesh folks, (and maybe babyfurs) etc... By the same token there are good ones in all those categories. Thus in reality none of them deserve to be hated as a group. Vampires, at least Bloodlines, might deserve it because they actually spam folks with their stupid 'can I bite you' message box. AFAIK, the other vampire types don't. I don't care what is on a website or in a database as long as they leave me the F** alone. And, IMO, your avatar doesn't have a soul, so nobody can steal it. Unless you want to RP that, then the vampires will be okay and fit right in with the RP.
  3. Have you tried putting on an entirely new shape? You can pull one from the Library if you don't have any extras in inventory.
  4. The body and hands are not attached to the same point, are they?
  5. If they actually shut down and declared bankruptcy, you'd have a slim chance of even getting your US $ balance.
  6. @Akasha Sternberg - Also, if you need more powers at the hangout - to deal with obnoxious folks or griefers, DJ type abilities for parties, whatever - just contain Maureen (Maureen Boccaccio) and she'll get you assigned to the appropriate role.
  7. You asked about groups, not types (at least in the thread title).
  8. Or just continue to use The Forum Cartel. The group and hangout were never intended to just be US - there are already many people in it from around the world. Anyone is free to use the hangout whenever they want and I'm pretty sure all members can send notices (as long as they aren't advertising notices). If you are already in the group, it means you don't need to use another group slot for a new forum/community group.
  9. They can flag it as a no-fly zone, which will keep most people from flying. However, if you come in already in fly mode, then it doesn't drop you to the ground - it simply keeps you from enabling fly mode when you are not in fly mode. So, for the most part, once I landed then I wouldn't be able to fly again (except that doesn't really work either because Firestorm has a fly-override setting that I always have turned on). In any case, if it is not a RP setting, IMO a no-fly setting is stupid -- I see no purpose for it. In most cases, I comply, but they should at least give me a good 30-60 seconds to fly away from the central landing point and come down to the land.
  10. But admit it - even if you can't get FUULY in to it, you've had fun.
  11. Try pulling a new pair of the Maitreya hands from the original box and see if they deform.
  12. The latest folks to be discriminated against in SL are Flyers. I am now getting booted from many sims because I'm in fly mode when I TP in and I don't land fast enough. Hell, last night I got booted 20 seconds after the TP and the message said that I was banned for 600 minutes - i.e. 10 hours, for not landing fast enough.
  13. Phil hasn't had anyone to have a good argument with in a while, so the Troll has served a useful purpose.
  14. No - it is named SECOND LIFE. Where on this website do you see the word 'game'? http://secondlife.com/ Where in this picture do you see 'game'? Even on LL's own 'About' page, they do not refer to it as a 'game', but instead as a 'virtual world':
  15. I've only ever hated one group of avatars - the clueless noobs that constantly hit up every female they see with nothing more that something along the line of 'ur hawt, wanna [MODERATOR: MASKED PROFANITY REMOVED]
  16. Nah, he just wants to "Win the day" every day - which takes lots of likes/reactions and thus more posts give a better chance of that.
  17. Did you go look up the person I told you to? That lady was actually written about in Business Week and Fortune magazines because of the RL $$$ she made off of 'virtual land'. Delude yourself all you want, but this is much more than a game to many people.
  18. Google Anshe Chung. She is a land baron -- i.e. someone who makes buying/selling/renting land their business -- and she actually makes tons of RL $$$ on it. Try telling her this is all "just for fun".
  19. If it is, it must take a few days, because the parcel I recently sold was never in Search.
  20. I've sold 1/4 sim before without using search. Granted, for 1/4 sim size or more, most of those sales are by land barons and most of them use Search, but not always. Sometimes individuals just need to sell off their land and most of those won't be in Search.
  21. This ^^ Most of the advertised land is land for sale by the land barons. The average resident looking to sell their plot or few plots isn't going to pay the Search fee.
  22. If they do it like they did originally, then there will be a drop-down with a bunch of last names to pick from (all new last names, not any previously used). Every few months, that list will change. You'll be able to browse the list of available last names and try Anna with them to see if it is unique before you actually have to pay for anything. You can browse this website to see a list of all of the last names that have already been used - to get an idea of the various types of names they provided. http://slnamewatch.com/
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